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Nathan Jones


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3 minutes ago, CB Fry said:

Obviously appalling appointment is obviously appalling.

Should never have been anywhere near the job.

Pure arrogance from the too-clever-by-half club leadership.

In the fanbase, we could all see it, we all knew it from day one.

Terrible mistake. Unfortunately its probably too late to save the season now, bit that doesn't mean he shouldn't go. He should go.

Fuck the fuck off.

Spot on. Anyone with half a brain could see this was a disaster from the word go. 

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2 minutes ago, egg said:

He has to go today. There's zero sign that he can turn this around. 

This is it. Up until this season, whilst there were many bad performance under Ralph, we also had some good ones. 

We haven’t put 45 minutes together of good football under Jones. 

Surely there isn’t a single saints fan who believes Jones is the man for us? Even ducky has gone quiet. 

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We're going to have to beat some big teams if we want to stay up and we can't even beat the smaller ones. Not just "can't beat the smaller teams" but get royally bum loved by them.

No idea, clueless. We're playing players that have previously been loaned out for being shit, a previously 4th choice CM in Diallo that has never showed much competence, a right back we got for pittance that was previously no good for Villa, a GK who has basically been shit all season, an attacker who should be in a two or not playing at all, and a young winger that has no end product. Is it any wonder we are going down. Pathetic.


Jones out. But if not he needs to see our flaws. Get McCarthy or Caballero in. Never play Bednarek or Lyanco. Stop playing Diallo and Moi and have Edozie as an off the bench option. Oh, and stop trying to pretend JWP is an attacking genius. Stick him back in the two with Lavia. 


Our team should be something like:




2 of ABK/DCC/Salisu





With others as squad filler. Do that and we may have a chance IMO.



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After Ralphs last game before World Cup Break I listened to Radio Solent commentators bemoan Wolverhampton Wanders lack of plan, and they slated Wolves for sacking their manager without supposed plan. The talk at the time was IF SAINTS SACK RALPH then hope they have a plan.... Roll on and Ralph gets sacked and we appoint an absolute shocker of manager, listening on the evening of day before the fateful appointment, I listened to Jo Tessem making cross reference to the unheard of who was Paul Sturrock.... Nathan Jones reminds me of a bad bad dream of decline and pessemisim....

Jan Poortveliet

Mark Woote

Manuel Pellegrini

Ian Branfoot

Paul Sturock

If the club cannot smell the roses and the fact we are in deep deep smelly turd then what can they were are bound for the Championship and before it may just be too late, replace this inept no experience out their depth hopeless situation. New manager bounce, we lost the lot, we have gone backwords, facts are simple we are worse than under Ralph. No manager gets world cup break to work and improve players I rest my case.

Edited by richard799
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1 hour ago, AlexLaw76 said:

Not at all, we were one of the worst performing teams out of 92 professional clubs in the country.

Ralph had to go in the summer, Jones' appointment was a complete joke

Agree, Brentford away was just as bad with Ralph at the wheel 

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When they finally ditched Ralph I thought the season could be saved. A new manager would be brought in and had a fairly easy run of results to start with, playing teams in and around us at the time. Never imagined they'd appoint Jones, which was immediately a joke - followed by the infamous mic'd up training session - and that it could go quite so wrong. What were they thinking?

Edited by BotleySaint
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The question SR have to ask themselves is will he keep his job if we get relegated? If the answer is no he needs to go now because we are certainly relegated with him in charge. If the answer is yes they need to have a long hard think about their answer and reconsider it. 

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Glad to see I will be on the right side of history, along with 95% of the fanbase. Any chumps still supporting this wanker should hang their heads in shame. 

A disgusting appointment that sealed our fate. Absolutely diabolical. 

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Look, it ain’t his fault that he’s totally out of his depth but he is so screamingly obviously out of his depth that even the people that didn’t realise he was achingly obviously likely to be so when they appointed him must realise now.

Look at Everton - 1 game in against the league leaders and they grind out a 1 nil after a well marshalled and organised, disciplined  2 banks of 4 performance. I thought - just maybe - when we appointed this hopeless bellend was that he might be able to give us that and build from there. Not a bit of it - there’s no plan, no clue about what we are trying to do or how we are trying to do it, just a random I’ll-picked 11 players each week that leave you wondering ‘wtf’ before kick off and ‘oh well there you go at full time’.

Get him gone, pull him aside on the coach home tonight and tell him, just fucking do it.

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Will he get relegated with Jones in charge? Absolutely yes.

Will the fans accept having Jones in charge for next season in the Championship? No

Therefore its kind of pointless carrying on, although I doubt Ankersen will admit his mistake so soon.

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1 minute ago, maysie said:

what the fuck does he mean?

Sounds like he’s trying to save any shred of a reputation he’s got left for a new job. 

“wasn’t me guv’ I didn’t chose those players and make them play like utter shit” 

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And the cherry on top of our situation is the manager I wanted in to organise our defence, Dyche,  has been taken by our immediate rivals and has already got a win on the board. Against Arsenal. So sacking Jones now is even too late for that to happen.

God knows who we bring in but I'd take anyone now. Caretaker until the season ends. I wonder what that Jesus Christ is up to these days, we could use a miracle.

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Jones: "I've listened to people and it's been to my detriment - I've compromised too much. What you've seen today, that's not the way my teams play." #saintsfc @paulbelvers


what a pathetic little man. Get rid. 

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Just now, Bewildered said:

Thought he was taking responsibility? Nope it's someone else's fault. 



He obviously wanted to play five at the back again and was overruled. Maybe Caleta Car pointed out it’s madness and therefore got demoted to the B team. Bad politics this early in his tenure is just awful. Best to realise our error and appoint a proper manager. 

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14 minutes ago, Sidney Fudpucker the 3rd said:

As posted in another thread. I told you he was a clueless prick and I shall take great joy in reminding everybody of that fact every time we concede. 😂

I think most people didn't want you believe what you were saying about him at the time and hoped it was just excessive hyperbole, hence the pushback you got.

However, I sincerely believe you are owed a humble apology by a good many posters because everything you said has been vindicated.

The guy is a clueless, arrogant prick with no fucking idea what he is doing, and I don't think I can even bring myself to watch any more games while he's still in charge. It's too depressing.

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32 minutes ago, Saint86 said:

This is nonsense and actually quite offensive to a great many people I'd have thought. Little different to coming on here and typing out low level racial abuse.

I wholeheartedly agree that abuse on religious terms is abhorrent.

Same goes for NJ too. He’s not a Christian. He uses that hook to give himself personality. Equally abhorrent.

Actually said he was a born again Christian. A blatant lie & deserves all shite that the universe can throw at him.

An utter charlatan… & I’ve not even mention the football yet 😂

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1 minute ago, DT said:

Jones: "I've listened to people and it's been to my detriment - I've compromised too much. What you've seen today, that's not the way my teams play." #saintsfc @paulbelvers


what a pathetic little man. Get rid. 

Selles is getting fired on Monday then. Reminds me of the old management joke.


A new CEO was hired to take over a struggling company. The CEO who was stepping down met with him privately and presented him with three numbered envelopes. “Open these if you run into serious trouble,” he said.

Well, three months later sales and profits were still way down and the new CEO was catching a lot of heat. He began to panic but then he remembered the envelopes. He went to his drawer and took out the first envelope. The message read, “Blame your predecessor.” The new CEO called a press conference and explained that the previous CEO had left him with a real mess and it was taking a bit longer to clean it up than expected, but everything was on the right track. Satisfied with his comments, the press – and Wall Street – responded positively.

Another quarter went by and the company continued to struggle. Having learned from his previous experience, the CEO quickly opened the second envelope. The message read, “Reorganize.” So he fired key people, consolidated divisions and cut costs everywhere he could. This he did and Wall Street, and the press, applauded his efforts.

Three months passed and the company was still short on sales and profits. The CEO would have to figure out how to get through another tough earnings call. The CEO went to his office, closed the door and opened the third envelope. The message said, “Prepare three envelopes.”

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4 minutes ago, DT said:

Jones: "I've listened to people and it's been to my detriment - I've compromised too much. What you've seen today, that's not the way my teams play." #saintsfc @paulbelvers


what a pathetic little man. Get rid. 

I have to say I fucking detest him. 

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Just now, DT said:

Jones: "I've listened to people and it's been to my detriment - I've compromised too much. What you've seen today, that's not the way my teams play." #saintsfc @paulbelvers


what a pathetic little man. Get rid. 

Extraordinary. Washing his hands of responsibility, while simultaneously admitting he's too weak to lead.

"I've listened to people". What a quote. Should be the final word on his managerial spell here, but it won't be.



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Jones: “Now I will live and die by my philosophy. The same things have been happening for a year, not scoring enough goals and not defending the box good enough.” #saintsfc @AlfieHouseEcho



oh great

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He’s simply the wrong man and needs to go now. 
His football is wrong, his attitude is wrong. All totally incompatible with SFC. 

We need to wield the axe now, but unfortunately whomever we get in next will always be a downgrade on who we might have got in pre-WC. 

So sad to see the state of the club now, perhaps more so than even the Branfoot days 😞

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  • Lighthouse changed the title to Nathan Jones
  • AlexLaw76 changed the title to Nathan Jones - Sacked (Official)!

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