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30 minutes ago, DT said:

'Our running stats, our aggression stats are up', says our Nath in the latest presser. What a dick.



28 minutes ago, Lee On Solent Saint said:

Aggression stats? What the fuck does that mean? More fouls and bookings?

Not defending him generally, performance or post match interview but there was nothing wrong with this comment. 

He was being asked about team spirit etc, training ground fights. He wasn't making deluded comments that everything is OK because of this, it came across that he can't criticise players for attitude and work rate. 

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Just watched the press conference. One issue is when he's asked how he we will look to counter Wolves specifically. He just says by being front footed, aggressive and potent. That's basically the same answer he gives every week so then not really anythibg unique about our preparations this week to counter wolves. He does come across like he's a very basic tactician without a Premier league level knowledge of tactics. 

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7 minutes ago, West end Saints said:


Not defending him generally, performance or post match interview but there was nothing wrong with this comment. 

He was being asked about team spirit etc, training ground fights. He wasn't making deluded comments that everything is OK because of this, it came across that he can't criticise players for attitude and work rate. 

Still doesn't really explain what being aggressive means. 

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1 minute ago, Lee On Solent Saint said:

Still doesn't really explain what being aggressive means. 

I think it's really unfair to criticise him for this. Aggression stats are definitely much higher now than at any other point this year. Particularly amongst the fans and we may be seeing record levels of aggression at 5pm on Saturday. 

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I'm be fascinated to know what Ankerson sees behind the scenes to give him confidence that he has the required tactical knowledge and skill level for a job in the Premier league. If he's doing it in training he certainly can't seem to articulate in a press conference or anywhere else. 

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1 minute ago, hypochondriac said:

I'm be fascinated to know what Ankerson sees behind the scenes to give him confidence that he has the required tactical knowledge and skill level for a job in the Premier league. If he's doing it in training he certainly can't seem to articulate in a press conference or anywhere else. 

I think it’s a monkeys and typewriters thing. Aim is to win the champions league with Jones within the next millennium. Long game to allow for evolution. 

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Like many here, I have just watched his latest press conference.

This man is weird. Just ignoring the utter bullshit that is coming out of his mouth. 

But just look at the character traits. The body language ! The facial ticks, the looks from side to side,the expressions, the latent anger,the bloody winey sound of his voice !

I'm no psychiatrist but I have worked and served under many blokes who were real leaders of men. None of them looked or sounded like this utterly strange little man.

He is a fraud . Like many here I have an utter hatred of this man now. A little unfair but that's how it is. He put himself in this position and he now has to take the flack.


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2 minutes ago, LeBizzier69 said:

I may well be on my own here, but feel for the guy a bit having seen the presser. Which is weird because i've disliked him intensely after every shambolic performance and comment he's made otherwise.

That's because your feelings from the last game have subsided. See how sorry for him you feel at 5pm on Saturday. 

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"Thou shalt not steal"....Take note Nathan, because as far as I can see you are stealing a fucking living at MY football club. I was here a long time before you and hopefully I'll be here a long time after you've gone. So do us all a favour (and judging from your peculiar behaviour - do yourself a favour) and fuck off now.

It's ironic that a man purportedly so religious can wind up and anger so many SAINTS!!!!  Think about it and do the decent thing.

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I really wouldn’t be surprised if we are trying to find a replacement in the background. There is no logic to continuing to back this guy. So unprofessional and appears unable to clearly express a vision, style of play or anything with any substance, it seems.

His comments back to ‘being the best in Europe on certain stats’ is apparently ‘everything, everything positive’. I’m pretty sure he also said in response to the fans not being sure if he’s the right man that he wasn’t sure himself?! 

This is not the calibre of person I want representing my club and I’m sure the new owners can’t disagree. They simply must be waiting to pull the trigger when they’ve sorted an adequate replacement. Don’t take too long Rasmus, the tiny window of hope is closing fast!

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Much has (rightly) been said about Jones's failure to use the World Cup break to assess the squad properly, but this failure is really even worse. Rasmus allegedly approached him in the Summer. If Jones thought there was a possibility that he might end up here, his first "Big League" appointment, wouldn't he have watched us closely since then? I know I would. And a lot of our weaknesses were glaringly obvious throughout the last months of Ralph's reign - Bednarek was playing worse than he had ever played with us (two games, benched, loaned out), Theo was a nonentity, Elyounoussi chugged around without doing much, Djenepo was his usual fart in a thunderstorm self, and Diallo was what he's always been - a player with no discernible strengths.

And, to top it all off, we experimented with a Back 5, which went down like a fart in church with both the players and the fans, and was quickly ditched.

I can only imagine that Jones's towering ego convinced him that, through sheer force of personality, he could turn the same pig's ear into a silk purse.

But, as much as it sticks in my craw, I wish him well because my love for Saints is far stronger than my dislike for his abrasive personality and my strong scepticism that he's capable of putting things right.

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5 minutes ago, goodymatt said:

I really wouldn’t be surprised if we are trying to find a replacement in the background. There is no logic to continuing to back this guy. So unprofessional and appears unable to clearly express a vision, style of play or anything with any substance, it seems.

His comments back to ‘being the best in Europe on certain stats’ is apparently ‘everything, everything positive’. I’m pretty sure he also said in response to the fans not being sure if he’s the right man that he wasn’t sure himself?! 

This is not the calibre of person I want representing my club and I’m sure the new owners can’t disagree. They simply must be waiting to pull the trigger when they’ve sorted an adequate replacement. Don’t take too long Rasmus, the tiny window of hope is closing fast!


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11 minutes ago, goodymatt said:

I really wouldn’t be surprised if we are trying to find a replacement in the background. There is no logic to continuing to back this guy. So unprofessional and appears unable to clearly express a vision, style of play or anything with any substance, it seems.

His comments back to ‘being the best in Europe on certain stats’ is apparently ‘everything, everything positive’. I’m pretty sure he also said in response to the fans not being sure if he’s the right man that he wasn’t sure himself?! 

This is not the calibre of person I want representing my club and I’m sure the new owners can’t disagree. They simply must be waiting to pull the trigger when they’ve sorted an adequate replacement. Don’t take too long Rasmus, the tiny window of hope is closing fast!

Christ I hope so.

Can you imagine if they aren’t. 
Semmens looked proper disheartened at the forum when the questions about Jones came in.

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47 minutes ago, saintjimbo83 said:

With all due respect, I couldn’t care less that you’re a religious man or not, it’s clearly not helping your ability as a manager. I don’t want to hear it, you’re an embarrassment.

I don’t mention I’m an atheist every 5 minutes.

get out our club you utter tool 

Wasn't that in reply to a direct question from Blackmore asking how Jones had coped with the criticism over the past week, Blackmore even mentioned faith in his question 

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3 minutes ago, JRM said:

Wasn't that in reply to a direct question from Blackmore asking how Jones had coped with the criticism over the past week, Blackmore even mentioned faith in his question 

Yep, it was. 

I think people should stop using his faith to bash him, personally. Think it’s out of order. 

Many of the best sportstars and coaches are religious. It has no bearing on his ability to manage. It’s a bit embarrassing to use it as a stick to beat him with. 

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I think I'm a reasonably intelligent person. I am generally mild mannered and some would even say I'm an "ageing peace loving hippy". I wouldn't argue with them. So can someone on here please explain to me why, whenever I hear Jones speak, I get the urge to punch him (or anything nearby).

Right, gotta go, I'm currently sticking pins in my Voodoo Doll.

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Just now, The Kraken said:

I’ve been trying to watch this press conference on the OS but I only get blue spinning wheel of death on my laptop and iPad.

Save yourself the pain and don’t bother would be my advice. 

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6 minutes ago, Osvaldorama said:

Yep, it was. 

I think people should stop using his faith to bash him, personally. Think it’s out of order. 

Many of the best sportstars and coaches are religious. It has no bearing on his ability to manage. It’s a bit embarrassing to use it as a stick to beat him with. 

Agree with this. There are plenty of legitimate reasons for criticising the job he is doing. That's not one of them.

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5 minutes ago, croydonsaint said:

Has todays press conference been taken off the Southampton website … can’t see it anywhere does any one have a link? 

Here’s a link.  But as I said above, it won’t play for me.


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Returning to when he first came in, it was mentioned that he was approached for the gig back in the summer before the season started and Jones himself said no, as he didn't feel HE was ready for the job.

They obviously badgered him to take it after all the analysis the club had spent on him - you can only guess he thought why not take, it the worst that can happen is "I'll get sacked and my contract paid up".  The "brains trust" that made the decision to pursue him must be tossing and turning at night wondering why their fool proof recruitment algorithm appears to have a glitch 

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7 minutes ago, The Kraken said:

Was it only valid for the duration of the interview, being that it was a 'live' link?

The press conference is still showing on the Clubs Twitter page for those who haven't seen it.

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26 minutes ago, Osvaldorama said:

Yep, it was. 

I think people should stop using his faith to bash him, personally. Think it’s out of order. 

Many of the best sportstars and coaches are religious. It has no bearing on his ability to manage. It’s a bit embarrassing to use it as a stick to beat him with. 

Atheists use "God willing" etc. It's just a phrase. Obviously he probably means it deeper than others.

The using his faith against him is ridiculous. It wouldn't be so bad but you know that if Jones was a Muslim, nobody would dare use that to attack him because the public reaction would be very different.

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30 minutes ago, Osvaldorama said:

Yep, it was. 

I think people should stop using his faith to bash him, personally. Think it’s out of order. 

Many of the best sportstars and coaches are religious. It has no bearing on his ability to manage. It’s a bit embarrassing to use it as a stick to beat him with. 

I don’t agree. I live and work in London and general football fans that I know  have mentioned that he constantly talks about it and it’s sounds cringeworthy . I don’t know any top flight managers that constantly talk about their faith. It isn’t relevant and getting tiresome, along with all his other rubbish he spouts. 

Jones Out!

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1 hour ago, Francis1947 said:

Like many here, I have just watched his latest press conference.

This man is weird. Just ignoring the utter bullshit that is coming out of his mouth. 

But just look at the character traits. The body language ! The facial ticks, the looks from side to side,the expressions, the latent anger,the bloody winey sound of his voice !

I'm no psychiatrist but I have worked and served under many blokes who were real leaders of men. None of them looked or sounded like this utterly strange little man.

He is a fraud . Like many here I have an utter hatred of this man now. A little unfair but that's how it is. He put himself in this position and he now has to take the flack.


Sounds like you need to go for a walk and take some deep breaths of fresh air Francis, so much hate and anger isn't good for you. 

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1 hour ago, hypochondriac said:

Just watched the press conference. One issue is when he's asked how he we will look to counter Wolves specifically. He just says by being front footed, aggressive and potent. That's basically the same answer he gives every week so then not really anythibg unique about our preparations this week to counter wolves. He does come across like he's a very basic tactician without a Premier league level knowledge of tactics. 

Not that I wish to defend him, but I'd say it'd be ill advised to divulge his game-plan and specific tactics prior to the match, no?

We'd rightly be slating him if he'd pointed out a bunch of flaws in the typical Wolves formations, and thus informing the opposition of how he's going to set us up to exploit it...


In reality though, nothing in the previous games seems to suggest that he's ever come up with useful tactics for specific teams, so he couldn't spill the non-existent beans if he tried.

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Just watched it. Not as much of a car crash as I was expecting at all. He’s clearly trying his best to keep a lid on his emotions, he almost let it go 2 or 3 times then reined himself in.

His lack of specifics is the troubling thing for me. He keeps repeating ‘be aggressive, be front footed’ but it’s the same nonsense he’s been trotting out for weeks that has only seen us get worse. He skated around his ‘I’ve compromised’ statement to try and massively downplay it. And the question about ‘which stats’ at the end had him flummoxed, he knew he’s been caught out talking bollocks with that one.

Im not inspired that this will herald a new dawn. Though, somehow, I can see us getting 3 points out of this game so that we continue limping along.

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  • AlexLaw76 changed the title to Nathan Jones - Sacked (Official)!
  • Lighthouse changed the title to Nathan Jones

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