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A very interesting piece here on virtue signalling which is an epidemic and highlights why some may turn to it 



Why virtue signaling happens.

Here’s the real problem. Virtue signaling represents a huge gap in human behavior in general. It reveals the epidemic practice of people turning to the outside to fix what’s happening inside. Again for emphasis, nothing you can do on the outside can fix, heal, or change the ingrained, sometimes unconscious patterns happening on the inside.



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The government seem a lot more rattled by the disorder over the last couple of days, announcing various new special police powers.

Seem to recall Starmer and Rayner took the knee to side with the rioters in 2020 


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6 minutes ago, Mixedkebab said:

The government seem a lot more rattled by the disorder over the last couple of days, announcing various new special police powers.

Seem to recall Starmer and Rayner took the knee to side with the rioters in 2020 


Did they side with rioters or the victims of racism ?

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8 minutes ago, Mixedkebab said:

The government seem a lot more rattled by the disorder over the last couple of days, announcing various new special police powers.

Seem to recall Starmer and Rayner took the knee to side with the rioters in 2020 


Yes they did. Police did too. No wading into people just arresting anyone like they did last night 

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1 minute ago, Turkish said:

Yes they did. Police did too. No wading into people just arresting anyone like they did last night 

What was the police response like in Leeds the other day?

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Unfortunately it seems like the case of whoever shouts loudest gets heard. Upset the “community” you know there’s going to be uproar, protests, accusations of racism and disrespectful to Islam, hence a softly softly approach 


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1 minute ago, AlexLaw76 said:

What was the police response like in Leeds the other day?

Turned up in normal police gear and on their toes at the first sign of trouble. Bit different to the robocop riot bods that turned out in Southport and London 

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Posted (edited)
37 minutes ago, Mixedkebab said:

The government seem a lot more rattled by the disorder over the last couple of days, announcing various new special police powers.

Seem to recall Starmer and Rayner took the knee to side with the rioters in 2020 


Remind me who the government were in 2020 and therefore responsible for dealing with civil unrest. Also, how is siding with the movement against racism the same as acting to deal with extreme activists who are intent of confronting the police, destroying property and looting?

You find it funny Delldays? Were you at Whitehall yesterday lobbing flares around by any chance?

Edited by sadoldgit
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2 minutes ago, sadoldgit said:

Remind me who the government were in 2020 and therefore responsible for dealing with civil unrest. Also, how is siding with the movement against racism the same as acting to deal with extreme activists who are intent of confronting the police, destroying property and looting?

Those largely peaceful protests were acts of significant public disorder!

maybe you have not yet see the full news report?

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2 hours ago, badgerx16 said:

Why not go the whole hog and reintroduce a man with a red flag walking in front of every vehicle ? That should bring the casualty rate down to zero.

You used to respond in a measured way. You just sound like Weston now.

2 hours ago, AlexLaw76 said:

Why not cut speed limits to 10, or even 5Mph?

Why not just ban cars?

Why not engage sensibly with the issue? I remember you changing your user name because no one was taking you seriously this is why.

The issue is about appropriate speeds for vehicles in built up areas. As you know they are currently 30 mph but some areas have brought in a 20 mph limit. The discussion is around the 30mph/20mph limits, not lowering them further or banning cars. But then you know that don’t you 🙄


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18 minutes ago, sadoldgit said:

You used to respond in a measured way. You just sound like Weston now.


It's been said before, but sometimes, when everyone else seems to be the problem, in reality the problem is you.

Although I know your narcissistic traits don't allow you the ability for the self reflection to realise this.

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31 minutes ago, sadoldgit said:

Remind me who the government were in 2020 and therefore responsible for dealing with civil unrest. Also, how is siding with the movement against racism the same as acting to deal with extreme activists who are intent of confronting the police, destroying property and looting?

You find it funny Delldays? Were you at Whitehall yesterday lobbing flares around by any chance?

Intent on confronting the police Like these guys? 


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1 hour ago, sadoldgit said:


The issue is about appropriate speeds for vehicles in built up areas. As you know they are currently 30 mph but some areas have brought in a 20 mph limit. The discussion is around the 30mph/20mph limits, not lowering them further or banning cars. But then you know that don’t you 🙄


Fucking hell, I bet your a barrel of laughs down the ale house. Even the Muslim barmaid needs a snifter when she sees you walk in. 

We all know the type. 


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Posted (edited)
33 minutes ago, Lord Duckhunter said:

Fucking hell, I bet your a barrel of laughs down the ale house. Even the Muslim barmaid needs a snifter when she sees you walk in. 

We all know the type. 


I remember you being deeply disrespectful about Ray Wilkins when he passed away because of  drink driving. Later you accused my parish council of “spoiling people’s fun” by running a traffic speed survey in the village one weekend.

So, endangering lives by drink driving is very bad. Endangering lives by speeding down narrow roads through a small village is “fun.”

A bet you are a barrel of laughs down at the Farage Arms, regailing stories to your buddies about the people diving into hedges as you tear through the local villages.

We all know the type.

Edited by sadoldgit
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5 minutes ago, sadoldgit said:

I remember you being deeply disrespectful about Ray Wilkins when he passed away because of  drink driving. Later you accused my parish council of “spoiling people’s fun” by running a traffic speed survey in the village one weekend.

So, endangering lives by drink driving is very bad. Endangering lives by speeding down narrow roads through a small village is “fun.”

A bet you are a barrel of laughs down at the Farage Arms, regailing stories to your buddies about the people diving into hedges as you tear through the local villages.

We all know the type.

 No comment on the BLM video which you at the time describe as “largely peaceful”

whilst that video Clearly shows them behaving the way your “right wing” did attacking police 

what a surprise you’ve gone quiet you double standards bellend bottle job 

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2 hours ago, sadoldgit said:

You used to respond in a measured way. You just sound like Weston now.

Every bloody thread has you posting doom and gloom or predicatble lines of argument. Not every poster that disagrees with you is doing so because they are 'piling on', we are allowed to disagree with you, and possibly poke a little satirical response - a treatment that is not exclusively reserved for you.

Lighten up a bit.


As for the 20 mph limit, most roads that need them can't realistically be travelled much faster anyway, as they are residential streets with lines of parked cars or other restrictions. 20mph as a blanket limit, "Twenty's plenty", is not a global answer to anything. Traffic calming in appropriate places is far more effective. ( After all, in Wales the enforcement limit is generally 26mph, so what is the point or reducing the limit from 30 ? ).

Lancashire County Council have tried to introduce a county wide 20mph policy, barring major trunk routes, and failed miserably. It might slightly reduce RTAs involving pedestrians, but it increases congestion and pollution, dramatically adds to journey times, and makes cycling and horse riding more dangerous because vehicles take 50% longer to pass them at 20 compared to 30, let alone cyclists going faster than motorised vehicles - speed limits don't apply for cyclists on public roads, I can quite easily maintain 24mph on my bike, so traffic travelling at 20 is actually getting in my way.

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18 hours ago, aintforever said:

We all know the answer to that. Well all except our resident fuck-wits.

Lazy as fuck, their tone about vandalism and violence against the police during those riots was chalk and cheese to this week. 
And the subject of the riots this week was a bunch of little British girls as opposed to a criminal from the USA 

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Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, badgerx16 said:

Every bloody thread has you posting doom and gloom or predicatble lines of argument. Not every poster that disagrees with you is doing so because they are 'piling on', we are allowed to disagree with you, and possibly poke a little satirical response - a treatment that is not exclusively reserved for you.

Lighten up a bit.


As for the 20 mph limit, most roads that need them can't realistically be travelled much faster anyway, as they are residential streets with lines of parked cars or other restrictions. 20mph as a blanket limit, "Twenty's plenty", is not a global answer to anything. Traffic calming in appropriate places is far more effective. ( After all, in Wales the enforcement limit is generally 26mph, so what is the point or reducing the limit from 30 ? ).

Lancashire County Council have tried to introduce a county wide 20mph policy, barring major trunk routes, and failed miserably. It might slightly reduce RTAs involving pedestrians, but it increases congestion and pollution, dramatically adds to journey times, and makes cycling and horse riding more dangerous because vehicles take 50% longer to pass them at 20 compared to 30, let alone cyclists going faster than motorised vehicles - speed limits don't apply for cyclists on public roads, I can quite easily maintain 24mph on my bike, so traffic travelling at 20 is actually getting in my way.

If you read my post again I didn’t say I agreed with the 20mph limit as has been implemented in Wales. My point is that it must be difficult to raise the limit back to 30mph when there is clear evidence that the lower limit saves lives.

We don’t have any 20mph limit areas around here but you are lucky if you can drive any faster around schools during term time and in the town centre during the day.

I don’t see a problem with a lower limit or effective traffic calming measures around schools during term time or in areas with heavy pedestrian use though. You mention bikes, those along with electric cars can be a serious problem in built up areas as you can’t hear them coming. It might be an inconvenience for those wanting to get from A to B as quickly as possible, but the safety of pedestrians is also a consideration is it not?

We did come across a 20mph zone in Cornwall a few weeks back which was odd as it was in the outskirts of the town, there was no school in the road, it was a wide, residential road with houses on one side and a wooded area on the other. We used it frequently as we had rented a property nearby and not once did it seem as if a 20mph limit made sense.

There is another issue in that it can be hard to drive a modern car for any distance at low speeds. The argument is that the original 30 mph speed limit was introduced when there were far fewer cars on the roads and they weren’t as powerful. My old Triumph Herald would feel like it took an age to get up to 30/40mph whereas cars now are there before you know it.

It seems perfectly reasonable to have a discussion/review about national speed limits given the data we now have from the implementation of a lower limit in Wales.

As for the pile on comments. You might have a different view if you had been the subject to them over the years. As others have noted, the same people will find a reason for a dig no matter what I post. It is the same people, time and again. Yes, everyone is allowed to have a view, everyone is allowed to satirical, but when it becomes a daily sport for some it not only becomes tiresome for everybody, it is basic bullying. There are a couple of posters who do call these people out, but in the absence of any meaningful interventions from the mod, do you just expect me to swallow it? You don’t . Why should I?

If my posts are such a problem for some, perhaps just ignore them?

Edited by sadoldgit
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SOG; without quoting your entire post, some points in response;


I have no objection to 20mph where appropriate, such as schools during term time, but the Welsh approach is far too heavy handed.


I know from experience how some posters detect blood in the water and swarm like sharks, but I don't let the issue persist in bothering me. Sometimes grown men feel the need to revert to school playground behaviours, historically this would have been between 14:00 and 18:00 on Saturday afternoons, but the anonymity afforded by the Internet has extended their playtime. They are anonymous keyboard warriors, many miles away, and even if I did bump into them at a match we wouldn't identify as our forum IDs, so wouldn't know any better.


Yes,  cyclists have to be aware of pedestrians and ride appropriately, that it the Law. However, pedestrians also have a duty of care, both to themselves and others, and should demonstrate a degree of road sense, in particular crossing at the indicated and provided points on the road. I ride according to the road conditions, and never on the pavement, which is illegal, so hopefully present no threat to sensible pedestrians. I have as much right to be doing 24mph on my bike as a car has of doing 30, the problem is people randomly crossing the road who are either oblivious to cyclists at all, or fail to realise that we don't all poodle along at the speed of granny out on her old Raleigh shopper.

I agree about electric cars, their lack of noise is as much a danger to cyclists as to foot traffic, as you are much less aware of what is approaching behind you. Hearing is very important to your situational awareness when riding.

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Posted (edited)
25 minutes ago, AlexLaw76 said:


Have you read the article?

(Perhaps they were demonstrating how their American counterparts restrained George Floyd?)


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2 hours ago, sadoldgit said:

If you read my post again I didn’t say I agreed with the 20mph limit as has been implemented in Wales. My point is that it must be difficult to raise the limit back to 30mph when there is clear evidence that the lower limit saves lives.

We don’t have any 20mph limit areas around here but you are lucky if you can drive any faster around schools during term time and in the town centre during the day.

I don’t see a problem with a lower limit or effective traffic calming measures around schools during term time or in areas with heavy pedestrian use though. You mention bikes, those along with electric cars can be a serious problem in built up areas as you can’t hear them coming. It might be an inconvenience for those wanting to get from A to B as quickly as possible, but the safety of pedestrians is also a consideration is it not?

We did come across a 20mph zone in Cornwall a few weeks back which was odd as it was in the outskirts of the town, there was no school in the road, it was a wide, residential road with houses on one side and a wooded area on the other. We used it frequently as we had rented a property nearby and not once did it seem as if a 20mph limit made sense.

There is another issue in that it can be hard to drive a modern car for any distance at low speeds. The argument is that the original 30 mph speed limit was introduced when there were far fewer cars on the roads and they weren’t as powerful. My old Triumph Herald would feel like it took an age to get up to 30/40mph whereas cars now are there before you know it.

It seems perfectly reasonable to have a discussion/review about national speed limits given the data we now have from the implementation of a lower limit in Wales.

As for the pile on comments. You might have a different view if you had been the subject to them over the years. As others have noted, the same people will find a reason for a dig no matter what I post. It is the same people, time and again. Yes, everyone is allowed to have a view, everyone is allowed to satirical, but when it becomes a daily sport for some it not only becomes tiresome for everybody, it is basic bullying. There are a couple of posters who do call these people out, but in the absence of any meaningful interventions from the mod, do you just expect me to swallow it? You don’t . Why should I?

If my posts are such a problem for some, perhaps just ignore them?

What a load of old pony…..


Reading that is 15 mins of my life I won’t get back…,

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2 hours ago, sadoldgit said:

The narrative being used by the rioters now seems to be shifting to an alleged two tier policing system. This (very long) article is written by a former police office in regard to that allegation. Worth a read for the open minded.


As the most narrow minded hypocrite on here that rules you out 

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1 hour ago, badgerx16 said:

How did it take 15 minutes for you to read it ?


1 hour ago, hypochondriac said:

Had a break midway through to walk the snapdragon. 


53 minutes ago, Weston Super Saint said:

Boss came in and shouted?

It was so boring I kept nodding off. Luckily I get a 15 minute tea break….

Edited by Lord Duckhunter
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16 hours ago, AlexLaw76 said:


Your point? Police not in riot gear, no missiles being thrown, looks like a peaceful legitimate demonstration as opposed to a bunch of mindless thugs wearing balaclavas intent on violence and destruction of public and private property.

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Just woke up to the news that 3 police officers were taken to hospital. I don’t see what the fuss is all about, 3? And the BBC call it “serious and sustained levels of violence".

27 and it’s “largely peaceful”, no wonder people don’t trust the establishment.




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19 minutes ago, Lord Duckhunter said:

Just woke up to the news that 3 police officers were taken to hospital. I don’t see what the fuss is all about, 3? And the BBC call it “serious and sustained levels of violence".

27 and it’s “largely peaceful”, no wonder people don’t trust the establishment.




"I am deeply saddened and depressed that a minority of protesters became violent towards officers in central London yesterday evening," she said.

"This led to 14 officers being injured, in addition to 13 hurt in earlier protests this week" Cressida Dick.

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51 minutes ago, Fan The Flames said:

Why does the police taking the knee upset people? Serious question.

For the same reasons they get upset at footballers, or anybody else, indicating their opposition towards racism.

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When the victims’ parents have begged the EDL/BNP to stop the violence, looting and damage to other citizens property and community assets, for the far right to continue last night what, 200 miles away, is astonishingly callous and ignorant. And yes, they are the far right doing it. If it was the Anti Nazi League, BLM or Momentum doing it, it would be just as appalling. But it isn’t, despite the pathetic whataboutery. 

Torching a CAB in one of the most deprived parts of the country - that’s really helping white, and all types of working class people isn’t it lads? 

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5 minutes ago, Gloucester Saint said:

When the victims’ parents have begged the EDL/BNP to stop the violence, looting and damage to other citizens property and community assets, for the far right to continue last night what, 200 miles away, is astonishingly callous and ignorant. And yes, they are the far right doing it. If it was the Anti Nazi League, BLM or Momentum doing it, it would be just as appalling. But it isn’t, despite the pathetic whataboutery. 

Torching a CAB in one of the most deprived parts of the country - that’s really helping white, and all types of working class people isn’t it lads? 

It's the new campaign slogan, forget "Stop the boats" it's now "Looters against immigration".

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1 hour ago, Fan The Flames said:

Why does the police taking the knee upset people? Serious question.

Personally I would say it’s because it’s the type of thing a cliched right on teenager or Student Grant would believe is the thing to be seen doing, as they are mindlessly parroting and obsessed with Americans due to media overload of anything that goes on there.

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57 minutes ago, Lord Duckhunter said:

Far right 😂😂😂😂


it’s the new “reds under the bed” for the 21st century…



One person’s perspective. And yes, it shows a significant minority of people can switch ideologies quickly based on exposure to cultural issues. The 2019 election showed that the TU movement of the 1970s and 80s was culturally conservative. James Callaghan was. But the crowds are chanting for Robinson, and it ain’t Derek. Tommy is as far right as Griffin and Tyndall were. 

People are fed up with lack of access to GPs, key services, lack of pay rises, cost of items every day. 99% of this site will be. But the overwhelming majority aren’t smashing up town centres, community facilities, looting shops, and ignoring the pleas of the Southport victims’ families in response based on deliberate racist misinformation.

It’s not much different to the riots around the country of the early 00s where a paediatrician’s got vandalised in Paulsgrove as part of tabloid hysteria about a nonce around every corner after the Soham, Whiting and other cases.

Red Army - used up my 3 posts - so responding here. If the ANL were looting and rioting, they’d be called lefties. And understandably so. When it happens during G20 summits, it’s unwashed anarchists. The rioters are being described as far right amongst all mainstream media outlets all around the globe https://edition.cnn.com/2024/08/01/uk/southport-attack-disinformation-far-right-riots-intl-gbr/index.html

The police forces are describing known ‘faces’ popping up who the football intelligence officers track where they are on England travel club bans and domestic match bans.

As for Reeves comments in 2016, she’s on the pulse then. But it’s about a sensible debate about what immigration we need, where domestic skills can improved to reduce need for lower skilled migration and the flow of illegal immigration we don’t want or need. But having an obsession with numbers doesn’t help and Reform’s net zero is bonkers with an ageing population. 

Duck - immigration, especially illegal immigration, needs dealing with urgently. And we know a key driver behind the referendum result was concern about immigration. But these riots are do with misinformation by far right sources because a UK citizen is black and extremists really want it to be a Muslim to prove a point. Public disorder also tends to ferment after crimes against younger kids, understandable in some ways because they’re innocent and it hits us all hard. I hate what’s happened and the lad should never see freedom again. The priority ought to be supporting the families of the Southport victims not the far right hijacking it against the families express wishes. 

Edited by Gloucester Saint
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24 minutes ago, Lord Duckhunter said:

Far right 😂😂😂😂


it’s the new “reds under the bed” for the 21st century…



Only these moronic racist thugs are not under the bed are they? They are visiting a town near you soon, looting, attacking the police and anyone who looks different, targeting mosques.

They are also fuelled by the bloke you call “Nige.” 

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1 minute ago, sadoldgit said:

Only these moronic racist thugs are not under the bed are they? They are visiting a town near you soon, looting, attacking the police and anyone who looks different, targeting mosques.

They are also fuelled by the bloke you call “Nige.” 

Are you on about the free Palestine protester, by chance?

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3 minutes ago, sadoldgit said:

Only these moronic racist thugs are not under the bed are they? They are visiting a town near you soon, looting, attacking the police and anyone who looks different, targeting mosques.

They are also fuelled by the bloke you call “Nige.” 

Starmer can’t say they weren’t warned. “Far right” politicians have been warning for years, if you don’t control immigration riots will result.  





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