Mole Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 Let's not get carried away. There's been no word from Lifelongsaint, Tommac, Saintlee, Saint David, or Helmperhonda. I think we should take the latest rumours with a pinch of salt.
um pahars Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 think about it logically,lowe and wilde are not stupid.......they are here to protect their money and they hope that they can turn things around and make even more the moment this is not happening and their shares are pretty much worthless,even more so if we are relegated so if crouch wants to inject money to help the situation then they would be stupid not to accept,regardless of their dislike for each other. lowe and wilde might have to bite their lips and admit defeat to allow crouch to help them out but they will do it to preserve their money. for all we know lowe could be looking for a hassle free way out and crouch could be his passport? The problems that would need to be resolved would be: (a) Lowe and/or Wilde accepting they have to take a back seat and hand over the reins in return for any new funds, or (b) Crouch aacepting that his (and others??) money would be spent by those who he has no faith in. or © Wilde and Lowe have to accept Crouch (& others??) on to the board in return for the cash injection. IMHO © would probably be more likely to happen than the other two, but it would still mean alot of humble pie wopuld have to be eaten and i don't think it would take long to all kick off again (particularly as I can't see Crouch being happy with Wotte)!!
fos1 Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 Lordswoodsaint, I dont believe this to be true, Crouch is on record as saying he will put 2million into the club, I am sure he would want Wilde to step aside if Wilde could not match this investment !! so please do not get your hopes up on this. Wilde is running scared and pressure must be put on him to step aside!
krissyboy31 Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 Let's not get carried away. There's been no word from Lifelongsaint, Tommac, Saintlee, Saint David, or Helmperhonda. I think we should take the latest rumours with a pinch of salt. I remember the good old days, when we longed for a football thread to take our minds off all the takeover bollix. Now I'm up for a takeover thread to take my mind off the football bollix.
Saint Baz Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 We played Ujpest FC on Friday & beat them 5-2. (I would mute the music, it is dire!!)
Plumstead_Saint Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 I am sorry but it is people like you that are continually stoking up the argument which is causing offence to other posters why dont you give it rest and if there is harmony on this forum perhaps there could be harmony with the shareholders. , If you left this thread and stopped posting there would be harmony here. Why is it always everyone else that is at fault, never you? Just makes you look foolish again Oh, and stop presuming to speak for other posters all the time!
RobM Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 We played Ujpest FC on Friday & beat them 5-2. (I would mute the music, it is dire!!) Interesting... that gives a huge amount more credibility to the rumours posted previously that we put on a show for a potential investor.
aintforever Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 I know the offer has been there for some time, but I understand it came with pre-conditions, one of which was the removal of Poortvliet, but I just don't think Crouch would be happy to put money in whilst Lowe is in charge on a day to day basis and whilst we persevere with this ridiculous experiment under Wotte. For Crouch to come back, I think Lowe would have to step down from his CEO/Chairman position, something I don't think Lowe would do voluntarily. So unless cracks are starting to appear in Lowe's support (and that includes Wilde saying enough is enough), then I am doubtful. Unless of course an injection of money came as a part of a "share placing", then that might be different, as that may well upset the balance of power and allow those coming to have a much bigger say in decisions. However, overall I feel doubtful that this could happen, but that's not to say that I wouldn't appreciate it. I heard that there was an offer on the table a while ago. My guess is that Lowe and Wilde were not impressed by what was offered so decided to try and save the club themselves - that obviously hasn't worked so are now desperate.
Snopper Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 I wonder if it might be that Leon wants to know how his `initiative` might be viewed before he acts. Testing the waters, perhaps. If so, he seems to have had a generally positive response from most posters on this forum. I hope he`s getting the message he needs to hear. Just guessing, of course.
Snowballs2 Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 When you think of all the sh!t that Crouch has taken from some on here, why would the guy risk putting more money into the club. He has been unfairly treated by the pro Lowe brigade in an effort to portray their "savoiur " in a better light and take the attention away from Lowes many mistakes
Mole Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 Ha Ha, click the ujpest link now, the music is ****ing awesome.
Pedro Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 A taxi driver told me Keegan seen at SMS on Friday, how friendly is he with Crouch, Trant, McMenemy??????????
pheonix Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 When Crouch returns he will not want lowe and wilde there! and def not Wotte!!
andybeal Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 Southampton–Újpest FC Nemzetközi felkészülési mérkőzés Southampton, St. Mary’s Stadion, zárt kapuk mögött A kezdőcsapatok: Újpest FC: Kurucz – Dudics, Cutuk, Lipták, Mijadinoski – Bori, Jucemar, Bozsics, Foxi – Rajczi (Simon A., 84.), Kabát (Remili, 46.) Southampton, I. félidő: Forecast – Hatch, Saeijs, Perry, Molyneux – James, Smith, Gillet, McGoldrick – Lallana, Holmes Southampton, II. félidő: Forecast – Imudia, Wotton, Lancashire, Mins – Schneiderlin, Boyle, Pulis, B. Wright-Philips – Sasanowski, Gasmi Az előzetes megállapodás értelmében a Southampton „sorcserét” hajt végre a szünetben. Vezetőedzőnk a mérkőzés alakulásától teszi függővé a változtatásokat. I. félidő: 1. perc: Az Újpest FC kezdte a mérkőzés. 10. perc: Egy jobb oldali beadás után Cutuk röviden fejelte ki a labdát, amelyet Smith azonnal kapura lőtt 16 m-ről, de a labda fölé szállt. 12. perc: Óriási helyzet! Jucemar labdájával Rajczi lépett ki, átemelte a kapus fölött, de a visszafutó Saeijs felszabadított a gólvonal előtt. 25. perc: Hat-hét percnyi – a hat támadó szöglet ellenére is meddő – újpesti fölény után kijöttek a szorításból a hazaiak: egy jobb oldali kontratámadás végén McGoldrick vihette Kuruczra a labdát, és ziccerben a kapu jobb oldalába helyezett. (1-0) 35. perc: A 16-oson belül Lipták ütközött McGoldric-kal, és játékvezető meglepetésre büntetőt ítélt. A „sértett” a balra mozduló Kurucz mellett a kapu jobb sarkába lőtte a labdát. (2-0) 37. perc: Rajczi vezette rá a középhátvédre a labdát, egy csellel becsapta, majd 20-ról lőtt, a labda cm-ekkel suhant el a felső léc fölött. 40. perc: Mijadinoski indítását Kabát vette át a jobbösszekötő helyén, és 15 m-ről a kapu fölé bombázott. 44. perc: Bori ütközött az egyik angol játékossal, és a játékvezető úgy ítélte meg, hogy középpályásunk szándékosan meg is rúgta ellenfelét, ezért piros lapot adott neki. Emberhátrányban folytatjuk. 45. perc: Vége az első félidőnek. A szünetben: A Southampton sort cserélt, nálunk Remili váltotta Kabátot. II. félidő: 46. perc: Az hazai csapat kezdte a második félidőt. 50. perc: Foxi lépett ki a védők közül, a kapussal állt csak szemben, de a hazaiak hálóőre nagy bravúrral mentett a ziccerben. 53. perc: Rajczi vihette rá újra a labdát a középső védőre, majd 16 m-ről váratlanul lőtt, a labda centiméterekkel elkerülte a bal felső sarkot 61. perc: Rajczi rázta le a védőit, már csak a kapussal állt szemben, de Wotton hátulról szabálytalanul fellökte. Büntető! 62. perc: Bozsics nagy erővel a kapu közepébe lőtte a tizenegyest. (2-1) 65. perc: Egy bal oldali beadásra Kurucz lépett ki, és ütközött Sasanowsikval. A játékvezető nem látott szabálytalanságot, és a lepattanót Pulis a hálóba passzolta (3-1) 71. perc: Schneiderlin 25 m-ről lövésre szánta el magát, és a jobb alsó sarokba bombázott. (4-1) 75. perc: Rajczi verekedte magát ziccerhelyzetbe, már csak a kapussal állt szemben, aki elhúzta a lábát. Büntető! A 11-est Rajczi értékesítette. (4-2) 80. perc: A bal oldalon Dudics csapott össze Gasmival a 16-os vonalán, a hazaiak csatára gyorsabban felpattant, megtolta a labdát, és 15 m-ről a bal alsó sarokba helyezett. (5-2) 84. perc: Rajczi helyett Simon A. folytatja. Vége a mérkőzésnek!
Wopper Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 When you think of all the sh!t that Crouch has taken from some on here, why would the guy risk putting more money into the club. He has been unfairly treated by the pro Lowe brigade in an effort to portray their "savoiur " in a better light and take the attention away from Lowes many mistakes I agree. Personally I hope he comes back and brings Lawrie with him.
Charlie Wayman Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 I am certain that Crouch would have been called in by Wilde to ask him to facilitate the return of Big Mac as Football Chief whilst Lowe concentrates on the business. ONe suspects that Wilde is at hear t a fan and has watched the dismal sage of Portvliet in exactly the same way as the rest of us. If as we do, he attributes Poortvliet's appointment and methods as being entirely a whim of Lowe than as far as Wilde is concerned his faith in Lowe as a football guru will be finished for good and he'll want as much distance as possible between the dressing room and Lowe. Big Mac is probably as far as Wilde can see for now so politically must be the best short-term, no cost option, provided Big Mac will swallow his Big Mac Ego and come back. Compromises all round is a good old British solution to a crises when the unthinkable becomes suddenly the most acceptable option in focus. Ah! politics!
mikec Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 From their website it looks like Újpest also played Wolves on Tuesday. I imagine they are just playing a few friendlies during their mid-season break before their league resumes. I don't think we should read too much into this.
Snowballs2 Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 The problems that would need to be resolved would be: (a) Lowe and/or Wilde accepting they have to take a back seat and hand over the reins in return for any new funds, or (b) Crouch aacepting that his (and others??) money would be spent by those who he has no faith in. or © Wilde and Lowe have to accept Crouch (& others??) on to the board in return for the cash injection. IMHO © would probably be more likely to happen than the other two, but it would still mean alot of humble pie wopuld have to be eaten and i don't think it would take long to all kick off again (particularly as I can't see Crouch being happy with Wotte)!! No Steve I think that with option "C" you are wide of the mark. I cannot see new money coming in from Crouch without specific guarantees regarding Wilde and Lowe. He has already risked a great deal of money, and unless he is a philanthropist , cannot see him throwing good money after bad. In my humble opinion he would need to have a watertight agreement from the others that would stand up in a court of law, he knows how devious the others are. In addition it would mean that Lowe and Wildes shares would benefit from new money.
Block 5 Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 From their website it looks like Újpest also played Wolves on Tuesday. I imagine they are just playing a few friendlies during their mid-season break before their league resumes. I don't think we should read too much into this. Why didn't the OS make any mention of this game? We beat someone 5-2 FFS. You'd think that the OS would be making a big deal of the fact that we won a game AND scored 5 goals in the process. Even if it is against Borat Utd. I smell fish.
wild-saint Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 Why didn't the OS make any mention of this game? We beat someone 5-2 FFS. You'd think that the OS would be making a big deal of the fact that we won a game AND scored 5 goals in the process. Even if it is against Borat Utd. I smell fish. And the fact that it was played at SMS and not the training ground. Also if there is a change in leadership this coming week and lowe is ousted from control i will be pleased to see the 25k fans returning. Or will it be the same old 14k?
Mr Saints Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 If Crouch is coming back (with or without investment), why was Wotte given the job permanently. Crouch would surely prefer a British manager with experience in this league. If he is on is way back, I would of thought they would stress Wotte is in temp charge so Crouch can start looking at decent replacements, as we all know they are available.
John B Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 (edited) If you left this thread and stopped posting there would be harmony here. Why is it always everyone else that is at fault, never you? Just makes you look foolish again Oh, and stop presuming to speak for other posters all the time! Obviously you do not understand my point of view at all and disagree with all I say but that is the point of a forum I am only speaking for myself and like you my conclusions maybe wrong. I just think it would be better to calm down and try to get Lowe Crouch and Wilde work together without raking up the past. In all these situations there has to be some give and take However I do get fed up with the same posting based on heresay being spouted all the time that all. Perhaps I am foolish to you but I just want SFC to be successful something it has not been for five or six years and if it is divided it wont be for some time. Of course things might change if Lowe and Wilde went but that is only likely if their shares were bought however surely the priority should be to get the finances stable first so if Crouch has money I would have thought it should be used in investing in the club are not buying shares which would go into Lowe and Wilde's bank accounts. Especially as there is a risk the share would be worthless if we got into Administration. After the club is stable we can then get rid of Lowe and Wilde if their shares are bought Edited 25 January, 2009 by John B
stuey Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 If Crouch is coming back (with or without investment), why was Wotte given the job permanently. Crouch would surely prefer a British manager with experience in this league. If he is on is way back, I would of thought they would stress Wotte is in temp charge so Crouch can start looking at decent replacements, as we all know they are available. Its only SSN who have said he's permanent. No statement to that effect from the club yet....
hughieslastminutegoal Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 could this finally mean that all 3 will be singing from the same hymn sheet? For us to move forward this must happen. Just a thought, but wouldn't Crouch's rumoured £5m be enough to buy out Wilde and Lowe? So maybe they would't need to co-operate thereafter? Though I doubt Lowe would sell his shares without a similar deal for his mates.
krissyboy31 Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 Just a thought, but wouldn't Crouch's rumoured £5m be enough to buy out Wilde and Lowe? So maybe they would't need to co-operate thereafter? Though I doubt Lowe would sell his shares without a similar deal for his mates. Yes, but that would just be money going straight into their back pockets, instead of financing team strengthening or paying off some of the overdraft.
derry Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 The Echo says the press conference is to introduce Wotte to the media.
John B Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 Its only SSN who have said he's permanent. No statement to that effect from the club yet.... I know being Manager/Head Coach at SFC is only a temporary job anyway but from what I have seen on the OS site is as permanent as JP was
dubai_phil Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 Just a thought, but wouldn't Crouch's rumoured £5m be enough to buy out Wilde and Lowe? So maybe they would't need to co-operate thereafter? Though I doubt Lowe would sell his shares without a similar deal for his mates. Yes it would BUT unfortunately the shares being owned by those gents means that the money goes to THEM, which still leaves THE CLUB without any cash. This is not as easy as it always first looks
John B Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 Yes it would BUT unfortunately the shares being owned by those gents means that the money goes to THEM, which still leaves THE CLUB without any cash. This is not as easy as it always first looks Thats why we should try and get all three working together. Surely that is not too difficult even Ian Paisley talks civily to Gerry Adams these days
BARCELONASAINT Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 I think everyone should calm down and not get their hopes up too much that we are about to see some massive change at SMS, i really can't see it happening. Unless LOWE has lost complete support from the board and all his loyal allies i cannot see him stepping down.
Snowballs2 Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 I'm still in shock that we won at home. Its all part of Lowes Baldrick masterplan, you see when all the supporters have deserted SMS, the team start wining in front of no spectators, Lowe will claim credit that HIS Dutch dream has worked.
docker-p Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 Thats why we should try and get all three working together. Surely that is not too difficult even Ian Paisley talks civily to Gerry Adams these days Yeah, but that was just a simple matter of four-hundred years of sectarian violence. This is Southampton FC we're talking about FFS !!!
hughieslastminutegoal Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 Obviously you do not understand my point of view at all and disagree with all I say but that is the point of a forum I am only speaking for myself and like you my conclusions maybe wrong. I just think it would be better to calm down and try to get Lowe Crouch and Wilde work together without raking up the past. In all these situations there has to be some give and take However I do get fed up with the same posting based on heresay being spouted all the time that all. Perhaps I am foolish to you but I just want SFC to be successful something it has not been for five or six years and if it is divided it wont be for some time. Of course things might change if Lowe and Wilde went but that is only likely if their shares were bought however surely the priority should be to get the finances stable first so if Crouch has money I would have thought it should be used in investing in the club are not buying shares. Especially as there is a risk the share would be worthless if we got into Administration. After the club is stable we can then get rid of Lowe and Wilde if their shares are bought Sounds to me as if your main concern is the value of shares. Presumably you have some. Buy why on earth would Crouch pour money into the club to support it, to keep up the value of the Lowe cabal's shares? Would you use your money in that way? Crouch is a fan, Wilde thinks he's a fan, Lowe was just someone who had spare cash and thought he could make a mint out of Stoneham but was frustrated there and now finds his investment has come utterly unstuck. Crouch must know the other two HAVE TO and WILL to go before he chucks any more of his money at the problem that is SFC. And he also knows that the club needs a lot more investment after that, in which case his holding would be diluted. So Crouch would be taking a big risk by investing more money in Saints, and would only do it A) if he were feeling philanthropic, not caring about the money at all or B) if he knew there was a deal in the offing that can't possibly get off the ground until after Lowe has gone (and that potential investors do not want to be seen making a deal with Lowe).
SoccerMom Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 Yeah, but that was just a simple matter of four-hundred years of sectarian violence. This is Southampton FC we're talking about FFS !!! :smt005:smt005:smt005
um pahars Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 I think everyone should calm down and not get their hopes up too much that we are about to see some massive change at SMS, i really can't see it happening. Unless LOWE has lost complete support from the board and all his loyal allies i cannot see him stepping down. Haven't your ears been burning?????? People have been trying to get hold of you to see what you know about Kim Van Der Waals, our mysterious Dutchman who seems to have his finger in every pie. Is he the one you spoke to at the airport months before Jan & Wotte were appointed?
derry Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 (edited) Yeah, but that was just a simple matter of four-hundred years of sectarian violence. This is Southampton FC we're talking about FFS !!! Seem to remember the Dutch were involved there too. Look how long that lasted. Edited 25 January, 2009 by derry
John B Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 Sounds to me as if your main concern is the value of shares. Presumably you have some. Buy why on earth would Crouch pour money into the club to support it, to keep up the value of the Lowe cabal's shares? Would you use your money in that way? Crouch is a fan, Wilde thinks he's a fan, Lowe was just someone who had spare cash and thought he could make a mint out of Stoneham but was frustrated there and now finds his investment has come utterly unstuck. Crouch must know the other two HAVE TO and WILL to go before he chucks any more of his money at the problem that is SFC. And he also knows that the club needs a lot more investment after that, in which case his holding would be diluted. So Crouch would be taking a big risk by investing more money in Saints, and would only do it A) if he were feeling philanthropic, not caring about the money at all or B) if he knew there was a deal in the offing that can't possibly get off the ground until after Lowe has gone (and that potential investors do not want to be seen making a deal with Lowe). No I have no shares. Yes and I agree with you I can not see Crouch buying Lowe or Wildes Shares. But I could see him loaning money to avoid administration. 1 To safeguard his SFC Shares - I dont know how much they are worth. 2 Because like you and me he is a fan He also may know someinvestment is on the horizon. So all three need to work together
derry Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 No I have no shares. Yes and I agree with you I can not see Crouch buying Lowe or Wildes Shares. But I could see him loaning money to avoid administration. 1 To safeguard his SFC Shares - I dont know how much they are worth. 2 Because like you and me he is a fan Wilde's shares are the key to the kingdom. Whoever has them rules SLH.
Weston Saint Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 I have refrained from posting until I knew more. Nothing has changed. Crouch is not coming back. There is no deal on the table. I am unaware there were any "investors" at the stadium on Friday. Take it or leave it! I have no more to say other than what a sorry state of affairs we continue to find ourselves.
um pahars Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 No Steve I think that with option "C" you are wide of the mark. I cannot see new money coming in from Crouch without specific guarantees regarding Wilde and Lowe. He has already risked a great deal of money, and unless he is a philanthropist , cannot see him throwing good money after bad. In my humble opinion he would need to have a watertight agreement from the others that would stand up in a court of law, he knows how devious the others are. In addition it would mean that Lowe and Wildes shares would benefit from new money. I think they're all wide of the mark, just that © seemed the most plausible out of all three!!!!!!! I have put some feelers out regarding this story and from all the returns so far I am afraid to say there is nothing doing with this story.
John B Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 Wilde's shares are the key to the kingdom. Whoever has them rules SLH. That is so but not so if we go into administration
Saint Fan CaM Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 Wonderful if true and I would like Leon to have some involvement too, but I am very very skeptical...:cool:
INFLUENCED.COM Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 Irrespective of source(within reason obviously) if we are about to receive a cash injection to stave off administration I am pleased, if Crouch has in some way facilitated the injection then it is only right and proper he has a say on how it is spent, if that means a return to the board, the board not the chair, then fair enough, his view point added in the mix could be a good thing
INFLUENCED.COM Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 I have refrained from posting until I knew more. Nothing has changed. Crouch is not coming back. There is no deal on the table. I am unaware there were any "investors" at the stadium on Friday. bolllocks read this after I posted, hey ho, As you were !
derry Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 I have refrained from posting until I knew more. Nothing has changed. Crouch is not coming back. There is no deal on the table. I am unaware there were any "investors" at the stadium on Friday. Take it or leave it! I have no more to say other than what a sorry state of affairs we continue to find ourselves. I wonder though Ron, what he is doing if anything behind the scenes, to be ready in the event of circumstances getting out of control.
Thedelldays Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 But why would Crouch come in and save the club for the benefit of Lowe and Wilde. There's certainly no love lost there. Lowe and Wilde are down at the moment, and in business if a rival is down you kick them, not help them up. Lowe certainly would if the boot was on the other foot. becasue crouch is a fan perhaps.
benjii Posted 25 January, 2009 Posted 25 January, 2009 I am sorry but it is people like you that are continually stoking up the argument which is causing offence to other posters why dont you give it rest and if there is harmony on this forum perhaps there could be harmony with the shareholders. ,
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