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Romeu and Grealish incident


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Much better than players walking off the pitch with their arms around each other after they’ve been a dick all game. You see it in most Sky matches, which they promote as big rivalries. United and Liverpool, Arsenal and Tottenham, their players are all mates, whereas the end of Derby and Forest at the weekend, you can see the rivalry is still there and still matters.

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5 hours ago, Pilchards said:

Loved reading the back page of the tabloids.

Grealish ‘He was winding me up from the beginning by pinching and twisting my skin.’

Ha ha Good on you Oriol and I hope you could sleep Saturday evening after she waited for you in the tunnel.


Well that's given me a good laugh, 'pinching and twisting my skin'.  😂 Perhaps he should take up netball instead. He's another one who thinks he's a legend because Pep was daft enough to cough up £100m on him. Good for Romeu that he didn't react to a jessy with a hairband.

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39 minutes ago, OldNick said:

did you notice Perraud subtly kick KDB as the ball went for a corner lol

I missed that. Even though many think that we are a team of Son in Laws, we are also expert exponents of the dark arts, whilst refs buy simulation like its a penny sale. Our angelic choirboy persona masks it superbly from the eyes of the ref.  

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9 minutes ago, Pilchards said:

I actually became jealous when Stoke became the bully boys.

They used to kick Arsenal off the park.

Maybe that’s Ralph’s new vision.


I won't mind if it is Ralph's new vision. I want teams to feel intimidated by us rather than us roll over when the going gets tough. The prima donnas need putting in their place.

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3 hours ago, OldNick said:

did you notice Perraud subtly kick KDB as the ball went for a corner lol

Yep. Commented on it in the match thread. Thought it was an artistic and subtle piece of shittiness.

Edited by Suhari
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After we threashed Villa, 6 -1 at the end of 2014 / 2015 I stayed behind for the lap of appreciation. As I passed the players entrance on my way home , the Villa players were slinking onto their coach. They had just put up an abject performance and didn't want any adulation - all apart from Tumbledown Jack who was happily signing autographs and lapping up the attention.  For some reason I saw red at the idiot being hero worshipped after his team had just lost 6-1 and shouted at him that he was a disgrace, should be ashamed at his performance and shouldn't be signing. 

I am a big bloke and suppose that I can seem intimidating. For a split second everyone stopped and Grealish looked as if he was about to burst into tears. He stopped signing and went onto the coach.

He may be many, many times richer than me and can play football at a level light years away from my ability but I know that I have more of a backbone than him. 😀

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1 hour ago, ozzmeister said:

Isn't the term s**thousery? Something I think we are very good at, I think there was an article in The Athletic some time back on how JWP is an expert at this dark art.

Yep, JWP scuffed the penalty spot for England when we played Iceland away, who went on to miss from the spot.

Though we are no way near as bad as other teams who have mastered the art of "winning" penalties, or wasting time, or harassing the referee.

It frustrated me so much hearing that McCarthy was injured against Brighton and didn't stay on the ground to try and halt some momentum. 

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3 hours ago, Pilchards said:

I actually became jealous when Stoke became the bully boys.

They used to kick Arsenal off the park.

Maybe that’s Ralph’s new vision.



3 hours ago, Sarnia Cherie said:

I won't mind if it is Ralph's new vision. I want teams to feel intimidated by us rather than us roll over when the going gets tough. The prima donnas need putting in their place.

Let's be honest about this, those of us of a certain age would just love a return to the glory days of 'The Alehouse' wouldn't we ?

Amuses me to read of Grealish having a hissy fit because Romeu said something to him, or "pinched him". Wonder how he and the assortment of other Alice Bands in professional football would cope with the prospect of  the Alehouse of McGrath, Gabriel, Hollywood, Paine, Fisher, and O'Neill lining up to 'greet him'. Can imagine a few calling injuries, and Grealish bringing a letter from his mum asking to be excused from football on Saturday for some reason.

Edited by Badger
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On one of the streams a couple of games ago, Higginbotham I think it was mentioned that in every game he has seen this season we have a player down "injured" between the 60th and 70th minute and we use that time for a breather, to take on fluids and to focus. He reckoned it happened too frequently to be real and was clearly a tactic. Worth keeping an eye on. 

Edited by hypochondriac
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56 minutes ago, nta786 said:

Yep, JWP scuffed the penalty spot for England when we played Iceland away, who went on to miss from the spot.

Though we are no way near as bad as other teams who have mastered the art of "winning" penalties, or wasting time, or harassing the referee.

It frustrated me so much hearing that McCarthy was injured against Brighton and didn't stay on the ground to try and halt some momentum. 

I thought similar about Lyanco at Wolves, he hurts himself making a clearance and waves at the ref clutching his neck but stood up, the game plays on and Traore scores by being in the exact position Lyanco should be, but by then he has gone down. If he drops like a sack when the ball leaves his head the game is stopped and Wolves don't score. We still would have lost 2-1 but stopping them on the counter attack at that point might have helped!

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2 minutes ago, hypochondriac said:

On one of the streams a couple of games ago, Higginbotham I think it was mentioned that in every game he has seen this season we have a player down "injured" between the 60th and 70th minute and we use that time for a breather, to take on fluids and to focus. He reckoned it happened too frequently to be real and was clearly. Worth keeping an eye on. 

I've been watching this ever since I read the article (about three months ago).  it is definitely a thing.  When the ball goes out of play for the first time after 60 minutes someone sits down, gets medical attention and at least half of the test of the team trot over to Ralph for extra coaching and a drink.  Last Saturday it took until 63 minutes (as Man City just keep the ball alive so well) and it was Stuey who did it.

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8 minutes ago, hypochondriac said:

On one of the streams a couple of games ago, Higginbotham I think it was mentioned that in every game he has seen this season we have a player down "injured" between the 60th and 70th minute and we use that time for a breather, to take on fluids and to focus. He reckoned it happened too frequently to be real and was clearly. Worth keeping an eye on. 

Yeah I saw that and had seen it mentioned previously as well. Then right on cue in the Man City game I think it was Stu who went down in around the 62nd minute when there seemed little wrong, but allowed him and others a breather and to take on fluids.

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12 minutes ago, hypochondriac said:

On one of the streams a couple of games ago, Higginbotham I think it was mentioned that in every game he has seen this season we have a player down "injured" between the 60th and 70th minute and we use that time for a breather, to take on fluids and to focus. He reckoned it happened too frequently to be real and was clearly a tactic. Worth keeping an eye on. 

I pointed that out on the match thread - think it was SA that went down and everyone else went to see RH and have a drink. About 61 mins from memory

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1 hour ago, Badger said:


Let's be honest about this, those of us of a certain age would just love a return to the glory days of 'The Alehouse' wouldn't we ?

Amuses me to read of Grealish having a hissy fit because Romeu said something to him, or "pinched him". Wonder how he and the assortment of other Alice Bands in professional football would cope with the prospect of  the Alehouse of McGrath, Gabriel, Hollywood, Paine, Fisher, and O'Neill lining up to 'greet him'. Can imagine a few calling injuries, and Grealish bringing a letter from his mum asking to be excused from football on Saturday for some reason.

Grealish vs Norman Hunter.............

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Well should be pointed out how excellent we were in the summer re-start last year, which IIRC included set drinks breaks at certain times, so maybe we noticed that and decided to try to instigate something that would achieve a similar impact. Plus if it is a thing, it obviously recognises that we struggle to maintain leads and tempos late game so are trying things to help with that.

The long VAR stoppages also helped I think, though obviously they also went our way, but allowed us to regroup a bit and take some momentum out of city. 

Personally I am not a great fan of shithousery, at the end of the day it is just a game and would prefer sporting behaviour (a somewhat idealistic hope I recognise), however it is a contact sport and the way some players go down and throw themselves about I don't mind some subtle winding up and a bit of roughing up of these sort of players to see if they are up for the battle. 

Plus we need to do what we can to bridge the finances gap, so if that means a bit of shithousery to certain mentally weaker players to get them off their game then I think that is probably smart. I think we have done it multiple times in the past to nullify Zaha, he seems pretty easy to wind up and put of his game. 

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22 minutes ago, tajjuk said:

Well should be pointed out how excellent we were in the summer re-start last year, which IIRC included set drinks breaks at certain times, so maybe we noticed that and decided to try to instigate something that would achieve a similar impact. Plus if it is a thing, it obviously recognises that we struggle to maintain leads and tempos late game so are trying things to help with that.

The long VAR stoppages also helped I think, though obviously they also went our way, but allowed us to regroup a bit and take some momentum out of city. 

Personally I am not a great fan of shithousery, at the end of the day it is just a game and would prefer sporting behaviour (a somewhat idealistic hope I recognise), however it is a contact sport and the way some players go down and throw themselves about I don't mind some subtle winding up and a bit of roughing up of these sort of players to see if they are up for the battle. 

Plus we need to do what we can to bridge the finances gap, so if that means a bit of shithousery to certain mentally weaker players to get them off their game then I think that is probably smart. I think we have done it multiple times in the past to nullify Zaha, he seems pretty easy to wind up and put of his game. 

That semed to creep into the game when the number of 'continental players' started appearing in the country. I don't remember seeing much of that forty years ago.

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1 hour ago, Whitey Grandad said:

That semed to creep into the game when the number of 'continental players' started appearing in the country. I don't remember seeing much of that forty years ago.

You are right. The Italians and many South Americans used to be masters of the dark arts. Remember Alf Ramsey calling the Argentinian’s “animals” in 1966. Diving and other shithousery entered our game when we started to see more foreign imports. Before that teams here just used to kick lumps out of each other but get up, brush themselves down and get on with the game .

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As funny as all this is, if the refs and the subjective var monitors get wind of this, they will be trying to get him. 

Its no fluke the OR has accumulated the most yellows without receiving a red in Premier League history. His self discipline really is exceptional. You can be damn sure one of the over zealous, needs attention refs will want to scrap that record, and stick their name on it. I want this to blow away quickly.

A diaper change and warm bottle for Jack should help that along. 

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2 hours ago, hypochondriac said:

On one of the streams a couple of games ago, Higginbotham I think it was mentioned that in every game he has seen this season we have a player down "injured" between the 60th and 70th minute and we use that time for a breather, to take on fluids and to focus. He reckoned it happened too frequently to be real and was clearly a tactic. Worth keeping an eye on. 

We definitely do this - It’s often Tella, this weekend it was Stu. I think Djenepo has done it in the past (although he’s always injured, so maybe just coincidence). So assume it’s one of the wingers/10’s given the instruction each game.

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4 hours ago, Pilchards said:

I bet his wife took him one side and told him what a Cnut he was.

The wife probably enjoys all the trappings and wealth associated with being with him. Wealth accrued due to contributions from mugs like us.

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Not sure how relevant this is to the thread but my 12 year old grandson plays at the highest level of water polo in his age group in South Africa !

He once came out of the water with great weals and scratches on his back and said to his (very fit, very young and very tasty female coach) "this is out of order, what can I do about it" ?

Her response was " grab them by the balls and squeeze very tight" !  Strangely the problem seems to have been solved !

I'm guessing that Ralph went to the same sort of school as she did 😇

Edited by eurosaint
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It's a shame really, Grealish is one of those rare maverick type of players with all the talent in the world, but it seems his first thought on the ball is to fall over and get a free kick, and start the totting-up system against his opponents until one or more get a card. In interviews he seems a genuinely nice lad, although that's hardly an indication. 100M was far too much money, he will never be Messi or Ronaldo, and he's struggling to fit into City's style of play, they bought the wrong player, maybe to stop others from doing so. I'm not happy about the amount of cheating that goes on now, diving, shirt pulls, rugby tackles in the penalty area every corner, feigned injuries, bullying the ref, now we can add pinching, name calling and probably funny looks, together with the VAR lottery and the now enormous financial disparity between the top 6 and the rest. You can never go back but I'd like to see some of the shithousery stamped out, or at least a return of the old leather ball with the laces in it that weighed about the same as a bag of sand when wet?

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1 minute ago, kyle04 said:

... or at least a return of the old leather ball with the laces in it that weighed about the same as a bag of sand when wet?

And led to dementia decades later if you headed it frequently because it jarred your brain 

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1 hour ago, eurosaint said:

Not sure how relevant this is to the thread but my 12 year old grandson plays at the highest level of water polo in his age group in South Africa !

He once came out of the water with great weals and scratches on his back and said to his (very fit, very young and very tasty female coach) "this is out of order, what can I do about it" ?

Her response was " grab them by the balls and squeeze very tight" !  Strangely the problem seems to have been solved !

I'm guessing that Ralph went to the same sort of school as she did 😇

Despite being played in water - Water Polo is well known as a very dirty sport even at the very highest level - "goes with the territory" 

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44 minutes ago, manji said:

Terry Hurlock hacking Gordon Strachan throwing him against the advertising hoardings and saying " welcome to England you ginger c**t” .

Psycho was a proper shithouse full back ..love to have that level back in our Game .. Romeu and maybe perraud wot I saw vs city ..we are too nice otherwise!

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58 minutes ago, kyle04 said:

You can never go back but I'd like to see some of the shithousery stamped out, or at least a return of the old leather ball with the laces in it that weighed about the same as a bag of sand when wet?

My dad played Isthmian League football just after the war and he wouldn’t head a wet leather ball.

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8 minutes ago, Mr Saints said:

Romeu is our best player in my opinion. He’s gone up another level in the last 12 months, immense again on Saturday.

I agree. So, so important to us. 

JWP wouldn’t be half the player if he is, if he was next to diallo (not a dig at him, btw) instead of Romeu. 

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