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Medical emergencies


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3rd game in as many days suspended due to apparent medical emergencies in the stands. Why does the game need to stop? It is a disproportionate response. And no, it is not disrespectful, nor callous to carry on. Suspending play only serves to focus the crowd's attention on the casualty and compromise their dignity and confidentiality still further.

With 10s of thousands of attendees at games, medical emergencies and events such as epileptic fits are simply going to be very common. 

If fans cotton on that a "collapse" now apparently mandates interrupting a game, and so potentially allow a losing team to regroup for 15-20  minutes in the dressing room, and simultaneously wreck the momentum of the term in the ascendancy, then you can bet some clown will fake it. 

Edited by adrian lord
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41 minutes ago, JustinSFC said:


But, covid probably has something to do with it.


It has  - but perhaps not in the way I think you mean.

Covid - the governmental and societal response to it - has led to the fetishisation of health and the NHS, elevating it to a pseudo religion, and spawning a mawkish, voyeuristic health fascism which apparently now seems to require the match to be stopped every time a person gets taken ill in the stands. 

Edited by adrian lord
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41 minutes ago, JustinSFC said:

I'm double jabbed.

But, covid probably has something to do with it.

And/or vaccine.

It's happening too often.

Nothing to do with the vaccine and you shouldn’t go around making wild accusations. For all we know the people who have been taken ill might all be unvaccinated.

Last night’s incident happened about ten seats to our left. We are in block 32 and for the duration of the stoppage there were several medical staff treating the subject just above the top of the access stairs. During this time the stairs were not usable and I suspect that this was part of the reason for the delay.

As a result of Covid the safety rules on stadium operations have been tightened up and I expect that this is the reason. There have always been  medical emergencies at most large gatherings but times have changed.

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1 minute ago, Whitey Grandad said:

Nothing to do with the vaccine and you shouldn’t go around making wild accusations. For all we know the people who have been taken ill might all be unvaccinated.

Last night’s incident happened about ten seats to our left. We are in block 32 and for the duration of the stoppage there were several medical staff treating the subject just above the top of the access stairs. During this time the stairs were not usable and I suspect that this was part of the reason for the delay.

As a result of Covid the safety rules on stadium operations have been tightened up and I expect that this is the reason. There have always been  medical emergencies at most large gatherings but times have changed.

yet you are certain of what it isn't?

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12 minutes ago, JRM said:

Seems to happen regularly at the moment, something not quite right, whatever caused it they had help very quickly from stewards / paramedics. 

Hope the person carried out is ok. 


5 minutes ago, Saint Garrett said:

Not sure if it’s happening more, or whether they’ve just decided to assist these days. Club have the best medical facilities available so might as well assist. Could be the difference between alive/dead. 
Hopefully they’re ok. 

Yes, I should have added that myself.

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If someone has a cardiac arrest in the stands then, outside of a hospital, its one of the best places to have a cardiac arrest as there are a tonne of medics with defibs and the like.

If these medics need to stop focusing on the game to treat the fan then the game cant continue for player safety reasons. I imagine this is the main reason games stops.

50 minutes ago, adrian lord said:

It has  - but perhaps not in the way I think you mean.

Covid - the governmental and societal response to it - has led to the fetishisation of health and the NHS, elevating it to a pseudo religion, and spawning a mawkish, voyeuristic health fascism which apparently now seems to require the match to be stopped every time a person gets taken ill in the stands. 

This is a bonkers response. "Voyeristic health facism" what does that even mean?

People have gained more respect for the NHS as they have saved countless lives at great effort and personal risk to themselves. I wouldn't call that fetishisation.

Edited by TWar
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9 minutes ago, AlexLaw76 said:

yet you are certain of what it isn't?

Are you saying if you aren't sure what something is you can't rule anything out? That's not true.

For example, I don't know who will start in goal for us this weekend with McCarthys errors recently but I can safely say it won't be the pope.

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Just now, TWar said:

Are you saying if you aren't sure what something is you can't rule anything out? That's not true.

For example, I don't know who will start in goal for us this weekend with McCarthys errors recently but I can safely say it won't be the pope.

great point, well made

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1 minute ago, TWar said:

Are you saying if you aren't sure what something is you can't rule anything out? That's not true.

For example, I don't know who will start in goal for us this weekend with McCarthys errors recently but I can safely say it won't be the pope.

Because these medical emergencies have been happening from time immemorial. It’s only the changed circumstances that make you aware of them and it’s your suspicion of vaccines that makes you blame them for it.

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I think someone made a good point above that if the majority of the stadium's doctors and paramedics are assisting a supporter in the stands, this means they can not respond to a player if a serious injury was to happen on the pitch. I think the right thing to do is to stop the game if someones life is at risk, there could be a specialist doctor in the stands as a supporter and they wouldn't be able to assist unless they knew about it (as was seen at the Newcastle game earlier this season). As to the reason why this is happening more often, who knows? Might be a coincidence that its happening during these times, or could be something as simple as the majority of people being a lot less active over the past couple of years due to lockdowns and not being able to leave the house as much etc.

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2 minutes ago, tunit said:

I think someone made a good point above that if the majority of the stadium's doctors and paramedics are assisting a supporter in the stands, this means they can not respond to a player if a serious injury was to happen on the pitch. I think the right thing to do is to stop the game if someones life is at risk, there could be a specialist doctor in the stands as a supporter and they wouldn't be able to assist unless they knew about it (as was seen at the Newcastle game earlier this season). As to the reason why this is happening more often, who knows? Might be a coincidence that its happening during these times, or could be something as simple as the majority of people being a lot less active over the past couple of years due to lockdowns and not being able to leave the house as much etc.

Good point here. Like on a plane.

And yeah sedentary lifestyles for the past couple of years don't help, coupled with higher amounts of drinking (statistically), and lower immunity to common colds and flus which can put strain on already weakened organs.

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4 minutes ago, JustinSFC said:

Fuck this forum.

Bunch of melts.

See you later Duckers. 

Hate when forums don't lean into unsubstantiated rumours that could dissuade vaccine uptake, therefore endangering tens of thousands of people. 

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5 minutes ago, JustinSFC said:

Fuck this forum.

Bunch of melts.

See you later Duckers. 

He's got a very valid point though. On what evidence do you base your suggestion of it 'probably' being Covid or vaccine related?

It really doesn't help anyone by saying such things if you're just speculating. If too many people do that it creates a false narrative in the public consciousness. 

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Talking about this at the game last night and one theory was that could be potentially worth £millions.... Last game of the season, you need to know what other teams are doing.... repeat of last night and you've given your team an extremely valuable 10-15 minutes when other games have already finished 🤔🤔

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3 minutes ago, manina-pub said:

Talking about this at the game last night and one theory was that could be potentially worth £millions.... Last game of the season, you need to know what other teams are doing.... repeat of last night and you've given your team an extremely valuable 10-15 minutes when other games have already finished 🤔🤔

Surely if a game was that important, the teams involved would just play as well as they could regardless. The situation you've described makes very little (no) sense.

Are you suggesting a mole in the crowd could pretend to have a heart attack and get hooked up to a defibrillator,  just to postpone the game for a few minutes?

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7 minutes ago, manina-pub said:

Talking about this at the game last night and one theory was that could be potentially worth £millions.... Last game of the season, you need to know what other teams are doing.... repeat of last night and you've given your team an extremely valuable 10-15 minutes when other games have already finished 🤔🤔

In order for it to be actually postponed for a 10-15 mins you have to be actually having a heart attack. If you are pretending it will take about 30 seconds for the medics to get to you and a further 30 seconds to tell you to get up and stop being a fool.

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17 minutes ago, TWar said:

In order for it to be actually postponed for a 10-15 mins you have to be actually having a heart attack. If you are pretending it will take about 30 seconds for the medics to get to you and a further 30 seconds to tell you to get up and stop being a fool.

True, shame the refs cant stop some of the play acting that blights the game so much…

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46 minutes ago, TWar said:

Hate when forums don't lean into unsubstantiated rumours that could dissuade vaccine uptake, therefore endangering tens of thousands of people. 

How can I be spreading anti-vax conspiracy when literally the FIRST thing I said was "I'm double jabbed"?

Just fuck off.

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Given how long things were going on over in the Kingsland and, viewed from a distance, the strategy being planned to get the unfortunate person from their position down all the steps - I wondered if they might have taken a tumble and sustained a serious neck injury, which requires possibly even more intensive attention than a coronary issue. 


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3 minutes ago, JustinSFC said:

How can I be spreading anti-vax conspiracy when literally the FIRST thing I said was "I'm double jabbed"?

Just fuck off.

I thought you were taking a break from the forum? I thought it was a good idea considering how angry you are and have been in multiple threads.

Regarding this comment, no one cares how many jabs you personally have, if you spread rumours that vaccines could be linked to cardiac conditions without evidence, and even go as far as to call the link "probable", then that is an issue. No one cares about your personal vaccine status.

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54 minutes ago, TWar said:

Hate when forums don't lean into unsubstantiated rumours that could dissuade vaccine uptake, therefore endangering tens of thousands of people. 

Internet football  forums play a huge part in helping the fight against this deadly virus. I wasn’t going to have my jabs until Turkish & Fry posted about them on Saintsweb. 

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1 minute ago, Lord Duckhunter said:

Internet football  forums play a huge part in helping the fight against this deadly virus. I wasn’t going to have my jabs until Turkish & Fry posted about them on Saintsweb. 

Misinformation is a huge issue. No one source of misinformation is going to cause massive issues but it is a cumulative effect. This forum has a lot of members so it is definitely an issue to spread it on here.

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1 hour ago, TWar said:

In order for it to be actually postponed for a 10-15 mins you have to be actually having a heart attack. If you are pretending it will take about 30 seconds for the medics to get to you and a further 30 seconds to tell you to get up and stop being a fool.

Sounds like an Only Fools and Horses sketch:


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10 minutes ago, once_bitterne said:

Apparently games never used to be stopped for this sort of thing but are now.

I see that the club's official loon Le Tissier is alluding to it being linked to the nasty vaccine.

The club need to distance themselves from him, it's embarrassing.

EDIT: Can't find him specifically alluding to this on twitter, is it somewhere else? I could just be missing it amongst the streams and streams of antivaxxer bollocks he posts.

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1 hour ago, manina-pub said:

Talking about this at the game last night and one theory was that could be potentially worth £millions.... Last game of the season, you need to know what other teams are doing.... repeat of last night and you've given your team an extremely valuable 10-15 minutes when other games have already finished 🤔🤔

Far Eastern betting syndicates come to mind.

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54 minutes ago, John Boy Saint said:

Given how long things were going on over in the Kingsland and, viewed from a distance, the strategy being planned to get the unfortunate person from their position down all the steps - I wondered if they might have taken a tumble and sustained a serious neck injury, which requires possibly even more intensive attention than a coronary issue. 


They did well to get the unfortunate person manoeuvred down and around the stairs but it’s a valid point about access. 

of co Rose it’s not until the patient has been assessed that we know how serious their condition is.

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24 minutes ago, TWar said:

The club need to distance themselves from him, it's embarrassing.

EDIT: Can't find him specifically alluding to this on twitter, is it somewhere else? I could just be missing it amongst the streams and streams of antivaxxer bollocks he posts.

He's been banging on about the authorities needing to look into footballers collapsing as he thinks it's due to the vaccine and then posted that his thoughts were with the two people at the matches who collapsed yesterday which was immediately jumped up by his acolyte followers as being vaccine related so it's not difficult to work out what he's doing.

He's like a pound shop Icke.

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First of all, is the supporter ok?

Secondly, as stated above isn’t it great that there are people out there willing to help if they see someone suffering regardless of whether they’re a player or fan.

The past couple of years has put everyone on a sense of edge permanently when it comes to health.
This itself is probably why there is more coverage of people having medical emergencies in recent times.

The power of social media has come even further in the past couple of years, some would say that’s good, some not so much. I hate social media for example and have a family member who believes everything she reads on the internet when it comes to COVID, that’s not healthy.

With regards to the vaccine and whether it is safe; I trust the staff of the NHS and those that have been working hard to find a vaccine to such a horrible virus.

They don’t just find a virus overnight, it takes months, if not years of preparation and research. There would’ve been contingencies for a pandemic such as COVID prior to it happening. You can ask any medical professional that.

I’m double jabbed, and several months ago had my family test positive, one of which was serious and fortunately they pulled through.

Since then another was positive and had little to no symptoms.

I would sooner take my chances being vaccinated by medical professionals with years of experience; than Dave who’s been scrolling through Twitter on the loo during his lunch break.


Get vaccinated.

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1 hour ago, once_bitterne said:

Apparently games never used to be stopped for this sort of thing but are now.

I see that the club's official loon Le Tissier is alluding to it being linked to the nasty vaccine.

Rickie Lambert is at it now too, if you have a look at his Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CW-gvUQo01t/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

What a shame :(

Edited by St Louis
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Hope the supporter is ok and agree matches should be halted.

My friend had an epileptic fit vs Man Utd during Koeman's spell in charge. The match carried on while he was treated in the Itchen North and Graziano Pelle scored - I think a Man Utd fan had already been ejected from home end, so tensions were high and celebrations above average for a goal that turned out to be a consolation. It was extremely uncomfortable to say the least. 

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The hypocrisy of it all is possibly the worst thing about it. For months Tiss has been all about government control, coercion, misinformation, fear etc. etc. Then one day the Bangladeshi government apparently (I haven't seen this verified, personally) reports zero Covid deaths with a low vaccination uptake and BOOM - This government is 100% trustworthy, their statistics, reporting and medical records are totally accurate and I completely trust everything they say.


Telling people they need to wake up whilst exhibiting the absolute antithesis of critical thinking. Wonderful.

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8 minutes ago, Lighthouse said:

The hypocrisy of it all is possibly the worst thing about it. For months Tiss has been all about government control, coercion, misinformation, fear etc. etc. Then one day the Bangladeshi government apparently (I haven't seen this verified, personally) reports zero Covid deaths with a low vaccination uptake and BOOM - This government is 100% trustworthy, their statistics, reporting and medical records are totally accurate and I completely trust everything they say.


Telling people they need to wake up whilst exhibiting the absolute antithesis of critical thinking. Wonderful.

These people don't want healthy scepticism of commonly held views, they want to be needlessly contrarian because people knowing more than them on any given topic, even one the person has been studying for decades, makes them feel inferior.

The age of the expert is over, to paraphrase some tory. The age of the guy who reckons things is here. If you ever even conclusively disproved them they'd just pivot some something equally stupid and dangerous like climate scepticism.

Edited by TWar
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2 hours ago, Lord Duckhunter said:

Internet football  forums play a huge part in helping the fight against this deadly virus. I wasn’t going to have my jabs until Turkish & Fry posted about them on Saintsweb. 

Always wanted to be a social media influencer, i have achieved that goal :proud:

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