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The JustinSFC Experience (split)


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32 minutes ago, CB Fry said:

There is a universe where Liverpool paid their record fee at the time for Mane, which the universe we are in right now.

As others have said there is rarely a "bidding war" these days, especially when a player has settled on a club.

I have no memory press reports of lots of clubs in for him, i think mainly because, as Mane has said himself, he chose Liverpool and wanted to go there.

Honestly, 2016 for gawds sake. Lets say we got another five million for Mane ten transfer windows ago.

What exactly would have happened differently than we are experiencing now?

I tell you one thing, we probably wouldn't have got all the add ons from Man U and Arsenal l because they ain't won shit. So incredibly likely the "£40m" or whatever newspaper headline fee you desperately wanted to see from them probably wouldn't have matched what Liverpool have had to actually pay us in this universe.

Blah blah blah

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