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Marching Band


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Call me old-fashioned, but I really like the band playing 'O when the Saints' before the game and getting the crowd going.  Makes a nice change for the team to come out to 'our' song.  They seemed to manage to sort out their timing on Saturday and stopped it sounding like a funeral march

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6 minutes ago, Fitzhugh Fella said:

Think it a great way of waking up the Kingsland and generating some atmosphere. A success so well done to all concerned.

Me too.


On 27/04/2021 at 15:40, suewhistle said:

Yep, he definitely hasn't got the pace for that..

I'm sure I saw complaints when we didn't throw Vestergaard forward and now I'm seeing complaints when we do. Complaining about no plan B and then complaining when we change personnel (whether enforced or not) and change formation. Asking for subs and then moaning about them.  What I see from a lot of posters is the confidence they are right and denigrating others' opinions. This is a sad place at the moment, and not just because we're playing badly. I find the unremitting negativity from some people tiring and I find myself coming on here less and less.


On 04/05/2021 at 10:01, Saint86 said:

I find that I disagree with a fair few parts of this. If we finish around 15/16th then keeping him or sacking him are both guesswork (i.e. more evidence required / could go either way) and not based on a fair review of the evidence surely (imo)? Not unless you think Saints have a right to be top half having played a fair chunk of the winter with circa 12/13 fit "first team quality" players?

You say he's had two poor runs? Yeah that's fair obviously. But he also got Saints to the top of the prem for the first time ever, and over a 38 game stretch had us sitting top 4.... So to term your review as "Slightly negative" is the understatement of the year imo. You've basically ignored anything good he's done 😆!

The fact is that he's had to sell players to buy others, resulting in bugger all net spend, and a series of poor quality legacy players that he can't shift - The baulk of the team are not signings made by him, and those players were in danger of relegation since Puel - long before RH even came along? And under Ralph we've been clear of relegation for the past 2 seasons. I'd also say that his signings have been fairly decent. Che is useful for the money, KWP is a cracking buy, Salisu looks a propsect etc.

Don't get me wrong. If we do finish the season poorly and drop lower in the table, then there is an argument to be made for not keeping him - and i totally get this view from a lot of our fans. I still remain on the "keep ralph" side of the line because i think i take a broader view of his management and can look past the recent run - although if continues with us dropping to only finish a few points above the relegation zone i suspect i'd be on the other side. However, the reality is that to make that decision as it stands, it would be a choice based on a broad emotional unhappiness at Saints' overall quality, paired with a gut feeling that another manger can come in and get more than Ralph - Who himself is better than Puel, Pellegrino, and Hughes? It really would be little more than a gut shot imo.

As it stands, to actually justify sacking him would require people to highly weight the awful run of form/injuries/refereeing decisions we've had this season, whilst simultaneously basically ignoring the very impressive runs we've been on. And i have zero doubt that if we hadn't had the injuries and/or ref decisions we've had this year, we would be a lot higher in the table. Ditto, if we had had greater first team quality squad depth we would be higher in the table - and this is down to the club's finances. None of those things are on this manager. You could perhaps try to make a case on the injury front. But by the time that materialised we had very little prep time between matches and a severely diminished squad. I don't think it is overly reasonable to expect us to have successfully and significantly changed style with everything else going on.

So saying to sack him based on the recent poor run which has been governed by a congested set of fixtures, small squad (compounded by significant ongoing injuries), limited prep time, and awful refereeing "luck"? Its not yet justified for me. And i do think there is a significant argument to be made for the fact that Saints play a high tempo press game, have had a very small squad, and the players just haven't had sufficient rest between games - they must be jaded imo.

If we finish where we are now, it will come down to how twitchy the upper management are? Do they wait and see if the summer break and transfer window can refresh the squad? Or do they think he's had his time and boot him? I would say that given finances and the general uncertainty in football, we are going to keep him unless we really do finish just above the relegation spots. But, at the time of writing i remain happy to keep him and think he'll come good again with another summer. Although what the squad will look like after we lose Ings and Bertrand, possibly vestergard, and after trying to mitigate the covid losses -  well i have no idea!

Ultimately what is the real Hassenhuttle? Is he very run based? Is he the guy who got a fully fit saints playing fantastic football, beat man city in project restart, and had us sitting at the top of the league? (Do some fans view this as just luck?) Or is RH the guy that's barely won any points in 2021 - and is that his fault or is it down to other circumstances? Surely on the balance of fairness, he's carrying more credit than debt even now?


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16 minutes ago, beatlesaint said:

I think it’s great, like the way it starts slow and gets faster as they get to the halfway line.

Makes me think of the James Bond New Orleans funeral clips too 🤣

'Who's funeral is this?' 'Yours...'  🙂

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5 hours ago, kwsaint said:

Call me old-fashioned, but I really like the band playing 'O when the Saints' before the game and getting the crowd going.  Makes a nice change for the team to come out to 'our' song.  They seemed to manage to sort out their timing on Saturday and stopped it sounding like a funeral march

Your thoughts?

I think it's brilliant - perhaps I'm old fashioned too.  Brings back fond memories of the the Dell and does invoke Live and Let Die funeral scene (as has been said).  I love the way it builds tempo as it moves down the Kingsland.  And it is bloody loud - I'm guessing it's mic'd up to the PA

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Great bit of film. Thank you MLG for sharing - What not may be apparent to those who haven't been able to get to a game for a while, is the band are actually all mic'd up as they are marching, which means it plays out over the stadium sound system - and it is bloody loud - and (I think) very impressive. The best "intro" we've had for many a year I reckon. Cheers again.

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3 hours ago, niceandfriendly said:

Well that is bloody brilliant. Thanks for posting MLT.

For someone who has been locked out of the UK since covid and hasn't been to a game in over 2 years because of it, that almost brought a tear to my eye. Maybe it actually did.

Me too I love this club and that will never change.

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2 hours ago, The Left Back said:

I think it's brilliant - perhaps I'm old fashioned too.  Brings back fond memories of the the Dell ...

Absolutely. Since moving to SMS we've never really got close to the Dell's intimidating atmosphere. If it helps to do that pre-match, fantastic.

I still have dents in the back of my head from being hit with pennies aimed at the Albion Band's target. I think that's why everyone was so quick to let us kids move down to the front. 🤣

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3 hours ago, VectisSaint said:

Next thing you know we will be getting the Police Dog Display team at half-time (maybe next time we play the Skates at home, could be a long time).

Providing it's not Ken Bailey going round the ground with his flag, and 'thumbs up' and 'thumbs down' routine.

Half expected the thread to be about The Albion Band though.

Edited by Badger
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On the subject of in-ground entertainment, does anybody remember sometime in the late 80s or early 90s there was a falconry display on the pitch at HT and during a high speed dive / swoop one of the birds flew straight into the clear perspex of the dugouts and knocked itself out cold?

Or did I imagine that?

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10 hours ago, beatlesaint said:

I think it’s great, like the way it starts slow and gets faster as they get to the halfway line.

Makes me think of the James Bond New Orleans funeral clips too 🤣

Exactly what’s on my going up the chimney playlist. 😇

Thought Saturdays rendition was spot on and the majority were I getting into it. 
Weirdly the players were mithering a while ago that us fans weren’t firing them up before kick off and the answer has been right under Saints noses for years. 

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12 hours ago, Sheaf Saint said:

On the subject of in-ground entertainment, does anybody remember sometime in the late 80s or early 90s there was a falconry display on the pitch at HT and during a high speed dive / swoop one of the birds flew straight into the clear perspex of the dugouts and knocked itself out cold?

Or did I imagine that?

Always remember a parachute display team & one of the team landed in the Dell car Park :)

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It’s a No brainer!!! It’s great! If not a band every time Even if a version of oh when the saints, best version is Louis Armstrong, just play it loud just before kick off!! It’s OUR song, most clubs play THEIR tune just before the match, keep it !!!!!!!!

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7 minutes ago, JCBSaint said:

It’s a No brainer!!! It’s great! If not a band every time Even if a version of oh when the saints, best version is Louis Armstrong, just play it loud just before kick off!! It’s OUR song, most clubs play THEIR tune just before the match, keep it !!!!!!!!

Its a no brainer that someone didn't think about it before, especially as Saints Brass have played outside the stadium for quite a while now - and they do get quite an audience, especially when tootling out a popular tune.

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I think it would be neat if the band would further celebrate the club's history by personalizing their shirts to our icons of the past.

Over here, the hockey teams honour their former greats by retiring their jersey numbers in a formal ceremony. It's (rightly) considered a huge honour. I'm not suggesting that - just adding another unique touch to what could become a long-lasting tradition.

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1 hour ago, CanadaSaint said:

I think it would be neat if the band would further celebrate the club's history by personalizing their shirts to our icons of the past.

Over here, the hockey teams honour their former greats by retiring their jersey numbers in a formal ceremony. It's (rightly) considered a huge honour. I'm not suggesting that - just adding another unique touch to what could become a long-lasting tradition.

if the club paid for the shirts, I bet they would wear them…although the band member wearing MLT will need to stand 2m away from everyone so it respects his anti-vax stance 

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