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Ralph out Howe In?


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I will put my head on the line here and say that Howe is replacing Ralph at the end of October.

Even if we win the next 3 games it won’t make a difference as the camp is not healthy at the moment and whoever the guys are that make those decisions are now taking action.

Why it’s not being done now I don’t know but the source who has radio links with the club said something is being planned.


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25 minutes ago, Pilchards said:

I will put my head on the line here and say that Howe is replacing Ralph at the end of October.

1) Even if we win the next 3 games it won’t make a difference as the camp is not healthy at the moment and whoever the guys are that make those decisions are now taking action.

Why it’s not being done now I don’t know but the 2) source who has radio links with the club said something is being planned.


1) When has a Premier League manager ever won 3 games and then been sacked?

2) Hearing voices in his head?


3) Why would the club let anyone in the media know they are looking to sack a manager in 3 games time? How is that helpful for their cause?

Edited by Matthew Le God
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It will be a bittersweet end to Ralph's time here if there is even a modicum of truth in these Chinese whispers. He is a decent and likeable chap, has his own ideas of how the game should be played and has had fair success elsewhere with his methods. Surely he must be as frustrated as hell that he has to work with a squad that just cannot meet his demands and expectations.

It's probably a case of the right man for the club but at the wrong time;  the way things are going financially any improvement in his or our fortunes seems extremely unlikely. If he has to leave we will miss his honesty, integrity and unfailing good humour.

Mr Howe is not the answer to any of the questions facing our club right now. He is at best a bottler.

My absence from the terraces this season was precipitated by a personal dispute with the Club. Mr Howe's arrival would be on a par with re-appointing Mark Hughes and confirm the end of my time at St Mary's. If the Club are ready to throw in the towel there is no better way to do it but I have no wish to be a witness to an execution.

Edited by Charlie Wayman
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2 minutes ago, Charlie Wayman said:

1) Mr Howe is not the answer to any of the questions facing our club right now. He is at best a bottler.

2) My absence from the terraces this season was precipitated by a personal dispute with the Club.

3) Mr Howe's arrival would be on a par with re-appointing Mark Hughes and confirm the end of my time at St Mary's. 

1) What has he done to warrant being called a 'bottler'?

2) What was your dispute with the club?

3) Why is Howe comparable to Hughes?

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If we do well in the next few games Ralph is safe - I can't see us desperate to sack him (otherwise we would have already done so).

If we do terribly, (ie no wins in ten) then its untenable and he will just have to go.

Howe feels like an incredibly likely candidate but to be honest if we are sacking Ralph soon because he's started badly and recruiting Howe I think we're relegated. I don't see Eddie as the man to get us out of the shit. I think that if that is the chain of events then it feels to me that this really is the year we go down.

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1 hour ago, Pilchards said:

I will put my head on the line here and say that Howe is replacing Ralph at the end of October.

Even if we win the next 3 games it won’t make a difference as the camp is not healthy at the moment and whoever the guys are that make those decisions are now taking action.

Why it’s not being done now I don’t know but the source who has radio links with the club said something is being planned.


I don't believe this to be true at all - I don't see any player in our squad to be the ones kicking up a fuss now that Ings and Bertrand have left.

JWP/Romeu certainly wouldn't and they are our starting no. 6s

The only player who I think would potentially kick up a fuss if I had to pick is Redmond, but he plays quite often so wouldn't be him.

Close thread or move to the RH thread please.

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25 minutes ago, CB Fry said:

If we do well in the next few games Ralph is safe - I can't see us desperate to sack him (otherwise we would have already done so).

If we do terribly, (ie no wins in ten) then its untenable and he will just have to go.

Howe feels like an incredibly likely candidate but to be honest if we are sacking Ralph soon because he's started badly and recruiting Howe I think we're relegated. I don't see Eddie as the man to get us out of the shit. I think that if that is the chain of events then it feels to me that this really is the year we go down.

Probably more the fact that over the last 38 league games we've only managed 8 wins, 34 points, only beaten one top half team (Liverpool) and seen one of the worst runs of form in the clubs entire history. The bad start is a continuation of an appalling run of form from last year which extenuating circumstances or not still falls under Ralphs responsibility. You'd like to think he'd be given the next few games to try and get something as it has admittedly been a tough start fixture wise but it's a results business and he's not been getting them for a long time now. I don't know if Howe would be the answer but then i'm not convinced Ralph isn't the main problem at the moment either and that almost anyone else could give us an uptick in form.

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Howe! Fucking hell some of you need to get a grip. There are better options than Howe if we were to get rid.

32 minutes ago, Sidney Fudpucker the 3rd said:

Any remaining respect I had for Ralph has gone out of the window. Yes, he's started, Broja, which is good, but who does he play him with... fucking, Nathan Redmond. 

What a bellend. 

Redmond has been one of better players last few games. Not saying much but still...

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1 hour ago, Sidney Fudpucker the 3rd said:

Any remaining respect I had for Ralph has gone out of the window. Yes, he's started, Broja, which is good, but who does he play him with... fucking, Nathan Redmond. 

What a bellend. 

And today's result shows why he is the manager and you are posting on a fans' forum.

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1 hour ago, Sidney Fudpucker the 3rd said:

Any remaining respect I had for Ralph has gone out of the window. Yes, he's started, Broja, which is good, but who does he play him with... fucking, Nathan Redmond. 

What a bellend. 

Redmond fully justified selection today. A candidate for man of the match.

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2 hours ago, Sidney Fudpucker the 3rd said:

Any remaining respect I had for Ralph has gone out of the window. Yes, he's started, Broja, which is good, but who does he play him with... fucking, Nathan Redmond. 

What a bellend. 

Redmond was good today and set up the goal. You are ridiculous.

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2 hours ago, Sidney Fudpucker the 3rd said:

Any remaining respect I had for Ralph has gone out of the window. Yes, he's started, Broja, which is good, but who does he play him with... fucking, Nathan Redmond. 

What a bellend. 

While we're on the subject of bellends....  wouldn't it perhaps be better to wait and see sometimes?

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10 hours ago, Pilchards said:

I will put my head on the line here and say that Howe is replacing Ralph at the end of October.

Even if we win the next 3 games it won’t make a difference as the camp is not healthy at the moment and whoever the guys are that make those decisions are now taking action.

Why it’s not being done now I don’t know but the source who has radio links with the club said something is being planned.


I see this post has gone down well. Fair play for sticking your neck out all the same.

I remember in early 2018 Fitzhugh Fella posting a very odd rumour of Mark Hughes being on standby while Les Reed sat on the fence re Pellegrino, and you can imagine the reaction on here. I never found the original post but I specifically remember mention of him being on retainer, possibly as of January that year. It was a fair number of weeks before the axe actually fell and he was proved correct.

Where I think things are different with our incumbent is that there are signs that we are better than our recent form on paper. Personally I am going to judge him on today and the next four games as to whether I feel he should be replaced, and I have assumed so far that the club felt the same. Two wins from four and he will be safe for the season, although I think the threshold might be as low as four points - keeping heads above water.

It's been noticed that Howe has been in attendance at all our home games, and also well known that he would prefer to stay in the south so as long as we stay near the relegation zone, it follows that there will be talk of him joining us. I suspect that's all there is to it, but you never know.

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52 minutes ago, Pamplemousse said:

I would seriously question anyone's footballing knowledge if they think Eddie Howe would be better than Ralph


Luckily the people running the club are switched on and it won't happen.

I can 100% promise you, that the club have previously spoken and put feelers out to Howe. 

Howe has also been at every home game this season. 

I can’t comment on Pilchards post, but i wouldn’t be surprised (and I’ve previously said I think Howe will be our manager before the end of the year). Of course should Ralph leave the club, we may get interest from another candidate who we prefer to Howe but I know talks have taken place back in the summer. 

So in short, the decision makers at the club are either not switched on, or more switched on than you. 

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9 hours ago, adriansfc said:

Just one of many managers to get a promotion


To be fair he took Bournemouth from -10 at the bottom of League 2 to the Prem in six seasons. I don’t think we should sack Ralph but if it happens Howe should definitely be considered. Bournemouth were always going to go down at some point regardless of who their manager was.

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8 hours ago, Ted Bates Statue said:

I see this post has gone down well. Fair play for sticking your neck out all the same.

I remember in early 2018 Fitzhugh Fella posting a very odd rumour of Mark Hughes being on standby while Les Reed sat on the fence re Pellegrino, and you can imagine the reaction on here. I never found the original post but I specifically remember mention of him being on retainer, possibly as of January that year. It was a fair number of weeks before the axe actually fell and he was proved correct.


Where was it "proved correct" that we were paying unemployed Mark Hughes a retainer from January 2018, within days of him being sacked by Stoke, some two-three months ahead of him taking over from Pellegrino. I've never heard this, so would be interested to see this detail. It would basically mean we were paying Hughes a retainer at exactly the same time we were giving Pellegrino £20m to sign Carillo at the end of the same month. Feels unlikely.


I think the specific point of this thread is not that Howe might be in the frame. This has been a rumour for a long time, and everyone recognises that there is a "fit" there. The originator of this thread is not the first person to make this connection. If we sack Ralph and employ Howe it will be the least surprising news in football, after Steve Bruce being sacked. There is absolutely no revelation there, zero insider knowledge.


The point of this thread is that we are going to sack Ralph this month, even if he wins three in a row. Whatever he does he is sacked by Halloween. That is what the claim is here. We beat Burnley and Watford and then he's sacked, with us on 13 points from 10 games.

Edited by CB Fry
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One match with three points a season doesn’t make. Unfortunately Ralph’s form is pretty dreadful and I wouldn’t be surprised if he went - I’d also not shed many a tear. As for Howe? I don’t think he’d be a bad fit, what you could call a square peg in a square hole - something Ralph has never mastered.

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18 hours ago, Sidney Fudpucker the 3rd said:

Any remaining respect I had for Ralph has gone out of the window. Yes, he's started, Broja, which is good, but who does he play him with... fucking, Nathan Redmond. 

What a bellend. 

Good morning Sydney. 

Stop hiding and admit you are wrong and more akin to being what you called Ralph 

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