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4 hours ago, Jonnyboy said:

So the more non-white people you know the less racist you are? Sounds like "leftwaffle" to me. 

I'd say the more non white people you have relationships with, the greater the chance you have of understanding their perspectives and opinions on matters including things like race. What's hilarious is soggy lecturing others on racism and what the correct behaviour is when he has very little daily interaction with anyone who isn't white apart from his barber. 

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6 hours ago, hypochondriac said:

I'd say the more non white people you have relationships with, the greater the chance you have of understanding their perspectives and opinions on matters including things like race. What's hilarious is soggy lecturing others on racism and what the correct behaviour is when he has very little daily interaction with anyone who isn't white apart from his barber. 

Yep, social interaction usually leads to social education.

Barber, daily? Every month max I suspect. That just leaves the barmaid, and between here and the UI, I doubt there's much time for the pub. 

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13 hours ago, hypochondriac said:

I'd say the more non white people you have relationships with, the greater the chance you have of understanding their perspectives and opinions on matters including things like race. What's hilarious is soggy lecturing others on racism and what the correct behaviour is when he has very little daily interaction with anyone who isn't white apart from his barber. 

What a strange thing to say. Little wonder you are joined to the hip to Turkish. So none of our opinions are worthwhile unless we have direct experience of them? Probably explains your peculiar thought processes (still pretending to be liberal?). 
I’ll ignore your facile comment about my barber but here’s one for you - I am pretty sure that most of us have had no direct contact with anyone who spent time in a concentration camp in WW2. According to your strange logic our perspectives and opinions are not worth much. It doesn’t matter that we may have read many first hand accounts on the subject, may have seen many newsreels etc. Our thoughts and opinions are pretty much worthless because we weren’t best buddies with the inmates.  I have never given birth (due to the lack of a cervix) but I am prepared to believe that it is a very painful experience due to listening to other people’s experiences. I don’t have to be best buds with a black person to understand that racial abuse happens and what it means to those it happens to. Anyone with empathy can take that on board. You and your buddy seem to struggle with the concept. Mind you, you both appear to struggle with most stuff that normal people can grasp.

By the way, it wasn’t that long ago that you were trying to tell us that racial abuse in football wasn’t such a big deal anymore. Still think that is the case?

Edited by sadoldgit
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1 hour ago, sadoldgit said:

What a strange thing to say. Little wonder you are joined to the hip to Turkish. So none of our opinions are worthwhile unless we have direct experience of them? Probably explains your peculiar thought processes (still pretending to be liberal?). 
I’ll ignore your facile comment about my barber but here’s one for you - I am pretty sure that most of us have had no direct contact with anyone who spent time in a concentration camp in WW2. According to your strange logic our perspectives and opinions are not worth much. It doesn’t matter that we may have read many first hand accounts on the subject, may have seen many newsreels etc. Our thoughts and opinions are pretty much worthless because we weren’t best buddies with the inmates.  I have never given birth (due to the lack of a cervix) but I am prepared to believe that it is a very painful experience due to listening to other people’s experiences. I don’t have to be best buds with a black person to understand that racial abuse happens and what it means to those it happens to. Anyone with empathy can take that on board. You and your buddy seem to struggle with the concept. Mind you, you both appear to struggle with most stuff that normal people can grasp.

By the way, it wasn’t that long ago that you were trying to tell us that racial abuse in football wasn’t such a big deal anymore. Still think that is the case?

yet again you prove yourself to be a middle class white person telling everyone what they should be thinking from their leafy white town.

Surely to have a valid opinion you need direct experience. Otherwise it’s an opinion based on heresay, what you read and watch or in your case confirmation bias. In any cases you preach it’s not sharing your opinion, you’re far more pious than that. Given your only exposure to non white people is someone who cuts your hair and pulls your pints this pious postering is laughable 

I hope you keep reminding your barmaid how terrible her life must be given what an awful amount of racism she has to suffer. How lucky she is to work in a town full of white middle class people who completely get her struggle. 

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1 hour ago, sadoldgit said:

What a strange thing to say. Little wonder you are joined to the hip to Turkish. So none of our opinions are worthwhile unless we have direct experience of them? Probably explains your peculiar thought processes (still pretending to be liberal?). 
I’ll ignore your facile comment about my barber but here’s one for you - I am pretty sure that most of us have had no direct contact with anyone who spent time in a concentration camp in WW2. According to your strange logic our perspectives and opinions are not worth much. It doesn’t matter that we may have read many first hand accounts on the subject, may have seen many newsreels etc. Our thoughts and opinions are pretty much worthless because we weren’t best buddies with the inmates.  I have never given birth (due to the lack of a cervix) but I am prepared to believe that it is a very painful experience due to listening to other people’s experiences. I don’t have to be best buds with a black person to understand that racial abuse happens and what it means to those it happens to. Anyone with empathy can take that on board. You and your buddy seem to struggle with the concept. Mind you, you both appear to struggle with most stuff that normal people can grasp.

By the way, it wasn’t that long ago that you were trying to tell us that racial abuse in football wasn’t such a big deal anymore. Still think that is the case?

Thought you had me on ignore? I never said that you can have no understanding, I said that people who interact with other ethnicities more frequently are much more likely to have a grasp of their experiences and understand their thinking. Using your analogy, I'd give more credance to someone's views on concentration camps if they regularly interviewed or spoke to concentration camp survivors. You seem to be saying that you'd give equal weight to someone who wanted to lecture people about concentration camp conditions because they'd watched a YouTube video and got their shoes shined once a year from someone whose uncles cousin visited Auchwitz on a school trip. 

I've repeated my views on racism in football ad nauseum so no need to repeat it again. You know what the answer is. 

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3 hours ago, hypochondriac said:

Thought you had me on ignore? I never said that you can have no understanding, I said that people who interact with other ethnicities more frequently are much more likely to have a grasp of their experiences and understand their thinking. Using your analogy, I'd give more credance to someone's views on concentration camps if they regularly interviewed or spoke to concentration camp survivors. You seem to be saying that you'd give equal weight to someone who wanted to lecture people about concentration camp conditions because they'd watched a YouTube video and got their shoes shined once a year from someone whose uncles cousin visited Auchwitz on a school trip. 

I've repeated my views on racism in football ad nauseum so no need to repeat it again. You know what the answer is. 

Do you think misogynists are not married or wouldn’t have female offspring?

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3 hours ago, Turkish said:

yet again you prove yourself to be a middle class white person telling everyone what they should be thinking from their leafy white town.

Surely to have a valid opinion you need direct experience. Otherwise it’s an opinion based on heresay, what you read and watch or in your case confirmation bias. In any cases you preach it’s not sharing your opinion, you’re far more pious than that. Given your only exposure to non white people is someone who cuts your hair and pulls your pints this pious postering is laughable 

I hope you keep reminding your barmaid how terrible her life must be given what an awful amount of racism she has to suffer. How lucky she is to work in a town full of white middle class people who completely get her struggle. 

Couldn’t help but think of you 35 seconds in



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38 minutes ago, whelk said:

Do you think misogynists are not married or wouldn’t have female offspring?

No. I never said that either did I but I'd wager that those who have a real hatred of women are more likely not to have had any daughters. Undoubtedly having a young daughter gives you a greater appreciation of their perspective on things. That doesn't mean that everyone who has daughters isn't a woman hater or that those with a lot of experience of Black people can't be racist. 

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On 07/10/2021 at 18:34, whelk said:

Couldn’t help but think of you 35 seconds in



Brilliant! Some people take ignorance to a whole new level, still, at least they give us plenty of material to laugh at. Good to know that an opinion on various subjects is only valid dependent on your postcode and how many black, Asian, Muslim, Jewish, gay, trans etc people you hang out with. 😂

I remember telling my kids that they should read 1984 and Animal Farm as Orwell had captured the nature of the abuse of power in the 20th c brilliantly but have now had to tell them to ignore my recommendation as, not actually knowing a published author who lived through the totalitarian regimes of the mid 20th century, my opinion of his work was not valid.

I have had to consign my views on the slave trade to the bin as I am not best buddies with any slaves. And so it goes on…

Over the years I have been frequently attacked and often abused by the usual suspects, many of whom will respond within seconds of me posting. Usually I am pulled up for stating the obvious, but for whatever reason, these things upset the gang. From memory the subjects have covered; normal peaceful Muslims not be responsible for the actions of terrorists, there still being a problem with racism in this country, not all migrants are terrorists, in many areas there is still no parity between men and women’s pay, that the likes of far right activists Katie Hopkins and Tommy Robinson are abhorrent human beings and should be called out for what they are, that women who are incapacitated through alcohol or drugs cannot legally consent to sex (not my opinion, this is law), oh and on one memorable occasion there was even a row about whether Hitler and many of the Nazi party were actually Christians! I am sure there are many more subjects that I have forgotten but they all have one thing in common, they all get those with far right sensibilities hot under the collar. They keep finding new ways to play down anything they don’t agree with. Recently it is labelling people “woke” in a pejorative sense. In this very thread my opinions, we are told, don’t count for anything because of where I live and who I befriend. Right out of the Katie Hopkins/Tommy Robinson hand book for attacking liberal scumbags like me. I am tempted to mention the new drama on BBC1, Ridley Road, just to see how they manage to pick that apart whilst still keeping their, non partisan credentials in tact.

As we have seen in the debate about the taking of the knee and what that means, it doesn’t take much for these guys to put themselves. Why anyone should have a problem with someone else making a stand against racism is highly questionable. Trying to undermine the Labour Party conference with silly jibes about cervix’s when the only people making it a big issue were those trying to deflect the grief being aimed at the Tory government. The trouble is guys, your cover has been blown, as has Johnson’s. The more you come up with childish and pathetic responses to things that most reasonable and rational people see as problems within our society, the more you will show yourselves up. Still, you will always have each other for company.


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1 minute ago, sadoldgit said:

Brilliant! Some people take ignorance to a whole new level, still, at least they give us plenty of material to laugh at. Good to know that an opinion on various subjects is only valid dependent on your postcode and how many black, Islamic, Jewish, gay, trans etc people you hang out with. 😂

I remember telling my kids that they should read 1984 and Animal Farm as Orwell had captured the nature of the abuse of power in the 20th c brilliantly but have now had to tell them to ignore my recommendation as, not actually knowing a published author, my opinion of his work was not valid.

You sure do pal, you're recent claims that one of your best friends is half Jewish was frigging hilarious, keep 'em coming.

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Well, well, well. The new feature to see who reacted to your posts is very revealing. It seems a certain poster "likes" pretty much every post where someone posts something against me and i never knew it was possible to react to a post made by someone you have ignore, very revealing indeed........

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2 hours ago, Turkish said:

Well, well, well. The new feature to see who reacted to your posts is very revealing. It seems a certain poster "likes" pretty much every post where someone posts something against me and i never knew it was possible to react to a post made by someone you have ignore, very revealing indeed........

Well now isn't this a fascinating new feature. It seems that Mr "has me on ignore" soggy has reacted to a number of my posts too. How curious! It's almost like it was total bollocks all along... 

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2 hours ago, Turkish said:

Well, well, well. The new feature to see who reacted to your posts is very revealing. It seems a certain poster "likes" pretty much every post where someone posts something against me and i never knew it was possible to react to a post made by someone you have ignore, very revealing indeed........


15 minutes ago, hypochondriac said:

Well now isn't this a fascinating new feature. It seems that Mr "has me on ignore" soggy has reacted to a number of my posts too. How curious! It's almost like it was total bollocks all along... 

Ooh, that is an interesting feature. Amazing how many lurkers react but don't post. 

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Just now, egg said:


Ooh, that is an interesting feature. Amazing how many lurkers react but don't post. 

Incredibly interesting. Looking at a few other threads and just as I suspected, one side of the argument has a large range of diverse voices signalling they agree and the other side its the same group of about five posters signalling their scorn. I think we can guess which side that is! 

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24 minutes ago, hypochondriac said:

Well now isn't this a fascinating new feature. It seems that Mr "has me on ignore" soggy has reacted to a number of my posts too. How curious! It's almost like it was total bollocks all along... 

Yeah I can really work on my hit list now and send flowers to my friends

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56 minutes ago, hypochondriac said:

Incredibly interesting. Looking at a few other threads and just as I suspected, one side of the argument has a large range of diverse voices signalling they agree and the other side its the same group of about five posters signalling their scorn. I think we can guess which side that is! 

It’s certainly exposed a few bullshitters and those with agendas. Also some rather unhealthy obsessions. A certain poster has liked pretty much every post against me or someone disagreeing with me, very strange behaviour.

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1 hour ago, hypochondriac said:

Incredibly interesting. Looking at a few other threads and just as I suspected, one side of the argument has a large range of diverse voices signalling they agree and the other side its the same group of about five posters signalling their scorn. I think we can guess which side that is! 

Most of them are the same poster....

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Just now, whelk said:

Yeah I can really work on my hit list now and send flowers to my friends

No problem really with those who are open about their views. Pretending to have someone on ignore though and then in reality reading and reacting to loads of their posts is absolutely pathetic. 

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36 minutes ago, hypochondriac said:

No problem really with those who are open about their views. Pretending to have someone on ignore though and then in reality reading and reacting to loads of their posts is absolutely pathetic. 

Turkish Likes this post.

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2 hours ago, hypochondriac said:

Well now isn't this a fascinating new feature. It seems that Mr "has me on ignore" soggy has reacted to a number of my posts too. How curious! It's almost like it was total bollocks all along... 

Probably the only thing more tragic than a grown man in his 60s or so ignoring someone on a football forum is a grown man in his 60s or so lying about ignoring someone on a football forum.

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5 minutes ago, AlexLaw76 said:

On a different note. Superman now bats from the pavillion end 

Jon Kent, son of Clark Kent and Lois Lane, is a thoroughly modern superhero. He fights climate change and school shootings, and uses his superpowers to stop the deportation of illegal immigrants. Now, in the latest issue of ‘Superman: Son of Kal-El’, he comes out as bisexual, with the comic’s pages depicting a kiss between the Man of Steel and Jay Nakamura, a reporter.

It's a start. 

All we need now is for his to be disabled and mixed race before we can say real progress has been made

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1 hour ago, Turkish said:

What about grown men making "jokes" about shagging other grown mens dead parents?

I consider that as you losing the argument, again. 

Why don't you bore us some more with who has and hasn't got you on ignore, Soggys muslim barber, your black best friend and various tales of woke madness.

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21 minutes ago, Fan The Flames said:

I consider that as you losing the argument, again. 

Why don't you bore us some more with who has and hasn't got you on ignore, Soggys muslim barber, your black best friend and various tales of woke madness.

I didn't realise i was in an argument. Funny how you denied saying it but every time it gets mentioned you know exactly what i'm referring to and bite about it. Too bad you dont even have the balls to admit it.

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11 hours ago, Lighthouse said:

I've been able to see this the whole time, I never realised you guys couldn't. Watching the sexual tension of Turkish and SOG fighting like alley cats, then 'love' each others posts afterwards, has been entertaining me the whole way through COVID.

This feature has always been there for me as well.  What’s more interesting is that two of the most prolific posters on here seem to have discovered it at exactly the same time…

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1 hour ago, Barsiem said:

This feature has always been there for me as well.  What’s more interesting is that two of the most prolific posters on here seem to have discovered it at exactly the same time…

It was for me ages ago then it disappeared coming back on yesterday. Like i said. very revealing. 

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7 hours ago, Barsiem said:

This feature has always been there for me as well.  What’s more interesting is that two of the most prolific posters on here seem to have discovered it at exactly the same time…

It was only available to me yesterday as well...I assume Lighthouse could see as he's a mod...very odd if some users could and some couldn't. 

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