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Chelsea 3-1 Saints - Match Thread


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Lukaku will have seen how Jiminez was able to power through our defence, he'll fancy a bit of that. 

Decent record against them recently so you never know.  Livramento to get man of the match. 

First "easy" away trip for travelling fans, 3000 allocation,  Saturday 3pm in London, decent. 

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3 0 Chelsea, redmond to start again and play crap. kwp at left back and constantly cutting inside creating nothing. Lots of passing backwards and sideways killing any momentum of a possible counter attack. God I love this club right now.

Edited by Streaky
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1 hour ago, Sideways Jim said:

........... Mccarthy 

KWP Bednarek Salisu Perraud 

............... Romeu 

Livramento JWP Diallo Djenepo 

.......... Armstrong 

Hopefully helps us gain a point 🤞🏻


Shame Broja cant play in this one

Like that team....won't be the way Ralph sees it though.   Surely he has to put Redmond on the bench; not give Long any game time and consider the KWP/Tino right side formation.  Definitely the game for the three CMs to start, and I'd like to see a big lift in performance from our Captain.

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2 hours ago, Sideways Jim said:

........... Mccarthy 

KWP Bednarek Salisu Perraud 

............... Romeu 

Livramento JWP Diallo Djenepo 

.......... Armstrong 

Hopefully helps us gain a point 🤞🏻


Shame Broja cant play in this one

Given the injuries to Stephens and Stu Armstrong, this is the team I would probably go with as well. However, like you, I doubt Ralph will agree. Got a feeling the only changes from Wolves will be Perraud vice KWP and Djenepo vice Redmond (or possibly Moi).

Would love for Ralph to keep his record against Chelsea going, but not expecting it.

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I'm looking forward to this game, not least because the review of the last game seems to be endless and it's making me depressed.

This is the first away game I'm going to for quite some time.  I've been given a Chelsea season ticket and will be going with a Chelsea-supporting work colleague and friend after a hearty lunch.  So it's going to be a strange experience trying to keep a lid on my emotions, especially if we score (yes I know, not much chance of that).  Perhaps a 0-0 is best for me personally, although I would happily trade abuse and threats of physical violence (and possibly even a slap) for 3 points.

 As for the team, Id have the same as Wolves except Perraud in for Moi and so we can finally see the Tino?KWP combo.

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10 hours ago, austsaint said:

Like that team....won't be the way Ralph sees it though.   Surely he has to put Redmond on the bench; not give Long any game time and consider the KWP/Tino right side formation.  Definitely the game for the three CMs to start, and I'd like to see a big lift in performance from our Captain.

We managed to get a very deserved point from Man City playing KWP at left back and with the usual 4-2-2-2, so I would be surprised to see Ralph make significant changes to that. Our overall performance against Wolves wasn't bad, we were just toothless up front and a poor mistake led to a goal on the break. It will be a different game on Saturday and closer to Man City than Wolves, so I'd keep KWP rather than Perraud as he is a good defender and better at keeping possession. 

I'm a fan of playing Tino further forward, butt he is still only 18 and finding his way in the Premiership; give him a few more games at RB before playing him as Right mid.   I don't think Chelsea away is a good game to experiment, I'd hate to destroy confidence in a different position if we get wacked which could well happen if we concede early.  There will be plenty of opportunities as the season progresses. 


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He'll pick Redmond again, who will be tripe. He won't make changes until too late. There will be no pace or intensity to our game, and Lukaku will breeze through and score a couple. McCarthy will gift them one. Actually, he'll probably start 'Longy' in goal because he's done so well in training there. Ralph will wear a stupid waistcoat and the club will bang on about how unlucky we are even though he's clearly lost the dressing room and people are finally finding out that he's the emperor's new clothes with no plan B and very little plan A

Saints will win 4-3


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33 minutes ago, WALK DMC said:

We managed to get a very deserved point from Man City playing KWP at left back and with the usual 4-2-2-2, so I would be surprised to see Ralph make significant changes to that. Our overall performance against Wolves wasn't bad, we were just toothless up front and a poor mistake led to a goal on the break. It will be a different game on Saturday and closer to Man City than Wolves, so I'd keep KWP rather than Perraud as he is a good defender and better at keeping possession. 

I'm a fan of playing Tino further forward, butt he is still only 18 and finding his way in the Premiership; give him a few more games at RB before playing him as Right mid.   I don't think Chelsea away is a good game to experiment, I'd hate to destroy confidence in a different position if we get wacked which could well happen if we concede early.  There will be plenty of opportunities as the season progresses. 


Yes, you make a good point about the risk of shifting Tino further forward against a slick outfit like Chelsea, although such is his skill and poise I think he will handle the change well.    My call for the KWP/Tino right side pairing is based more on thinking that KWP is one of the best RBs in the Country!    I agree, he was good at LB against Man City....I'd rather he was in the team and out of his best position than on the bench - but I also have a degree of quiet confidence about Perraud.     There is already some evidence that Livramento handles a wide attacking role well - I don't think Ralph is going to make the shift any time soon....but I think he should.    You talk about a toothless front pair, which on face value is right - yet part of the problem on Sunday was the lacklustre supply from Redmond, Moi, JWP and Romeu.    KWP in his best position and Livramento further forward might improve things for Armstrong and Adams.

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1 hour ago, WALK DMC said:

We managed to get a very deserved point from Man City playing KWP at left back and with the usual 4-2-2-2, so I would be surprised to see Ralph make significant changes to that. Our overall performance against Wolves wasn't bad, we were just toothless up front and a poor mistake led to a goal on the break. It will be a different game on Saturday and closer to Man City than Wolves, so I'd keep KWP rather than Perraud as he is a good defender and better at keeping possession. 

I'm a fan of playing Tino further forward, butt he is still only 18 and finding his way in the Premiership; give him a few more games at RB before playing him as Right mid.   I don't think Chelsea away is a good game to experiment, I'd hate to destroy confidence in a different position if we get wacked which could well happen if we concede early.  There will be plenty of opportunities as the season progresses. 


Good post with some very valid points.

Yes, I too expect Ralph will stick with the 4-2-2-2. I also don't think he will try Tino at RM any time soon. And agree that Chelsea away isn't the best place to experiment. You are correct that KWP had a good match at LB against City, and this game will be similar in that we won't be attacking much so no need to worry about his crossing with his left foot. So maybe he is the better option. There are arguments for both him and Perraud as starters to my mind.

As ever, the biggest question marks are over the AMs. I think it would be handy to start JWP, Romeu and Diallo, but that would require something other than the 4-2-2-2. So likely to be Moi and Redmond again.

One other question though, should we stick with AA up front? (Adams/Armstrong) or should he give TT a chance to show what they can do? (Theo/Tella). Ralph pulled a stunt like that by starting Obafemi and Adams in our Boxing Day win up there season before last, so maybe not too crazy a thought? (Think it should be AA though.)

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52 minutes ago, Minsk said:

One other question though, should we stick with AA up front? (Adams/Armstrong) or should he give TT a chance to show what they can do? (Theo/Tella). Ralph pulled a stunt like that by starting Obafemi and Adams in our Boxing Day win up there season before last, so maybe not too crazy a thought? (Think it should be AA though.)

An interesting point. Putting Tella and/or Theo up front would certainly add pace and would act as a surprise to Chelsea (although their team is strong enough to adapt 🙂   ). 

I like Armstrong and thought that he made some good runs on Sunday but wasn't spotted by our wingers or midfielders. I'd personally keep him in, but maybe partner him with someone like Tella. The issue is that Tella doesn't hold the ball up as well as Adams, so you add pace but lose possession and Che's clever through balls which I think Armstrong may yet thrive on. 

Still think that we have a chance of a point as long as we have a team close to the Man City game, so any changes from that should be minimal. 

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There’s every chance this will be an utter spanking with Stephens and S Armstrong out. The optimist in me is trying to convince myself that a draw might be achievable and the wacko nutcase in me says lucky 0-1 breakaway goal in the 92nd minute.😵💫🤣 If you need me I’ll be behind the sofa! LOL

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8 hours ago, WALK DMC said:

We managed to get a very deserved point from Man City playing KWP at left back and with the usual 4-2-2-2, so I would be surprised to see Ralph make significant changes to that. Our overall performance against Wolves wasn't bad, we were just toothless up front and a poor mistake led to a goal on the break. It will be a different game on Saturday and closer to Man City than Wolves, so I'd keep KWP rather than Perraud as he is a good defender and better at keeping possession. 

I'm a fan of playing Tino further forward, butt he is still only 18 and finding his way in the Premiership; give him a few more games at RB before playing him as Right mid.   I don't think Chelsea away is a good game to experiment, I'd hate to destroy confidence in a different position if we get wacked which could well happen if we concede early.  There will be plenty of opportunities as the season progresses. 


We weren't toothless up front we were clueless in midfield.

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4222 starting with:


Livramento Salisu Bednarek Perraud

Romeu JWP

Elyounoussi Djenepo

Armstrong Adams

and then at half time or if we nick a goal convert to a 352 by taking Djenepo off for Diallo and Perraud off for KWP and going


Romeu Bednarek Salisu

Livramento Elyounoussi Diallo JWP KWP

Armstrong Adams

With Ely and JWP playing as 8's.

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For those predicting that we'll score, where do you think the goals will come from?

From what I've seen our only hope are penalties or a close range free kick. Anything else looks beyond us at the moment.

We seem to have far too many players who are incapable of making quick decisions: It starts at the back with McCarthy and bednarek and permeates through most of the team with Redmond and Armstrong ensuring we miss out on any chances in the final third. For the entirety of 2021 we have been so slow to build chances which means we give the opposition time to organise and regroup and once the opposition are settled defensively we are completely incapable of creating chances as we have no creativity.

Having said all that saints never cease to give me a glimmer of (false) hope when I think things can't get any worse so we'll probably win 1-0 via a jwp free kick ;)

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  • Lighthouse changed the title to Chelsea vs Saints - Saturday 3pm

At least there's no chance of RH picking his preferred line up of                              



Redmond     Redmond    Redmond     Redmond

                     Redmond    Redmond

Redmond                                               Redmond

                    Redmond   Redmond

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2 hours ago, Wurzel said:

At least there's no chance of RH picking his preferred line up of                              



Redmond     Redmond    Redmond     Redmond

                     Redmond    Redmond

Redmond                                               Redmond

                    Redmond   Redmond

Wot, no Redmond on the bench.... ????


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4 minutes ago, Whitey Grandad said:

But at full risk of passing it on to others. These are very expensive assets who are making themselves unavailable for work.

interestingly viral load carried by vaccinated is the same as those who haven't been vaxxed (Source BMJ). So if you display less / no symptoms when vaxxed are you more likely to spread it as you may not get tested with light symptoms particularly now we are moving into season flu / cold season? 

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1 minute ago, wild-saint said:

interestingly viral load carried by vaccinated is the same as those who haven't been vaxxed (Source BMJ). So if you display less / no symptoms when vaxxed are you more likely to spread it as you may not get tested with light symptoms particularly now we are moving into season flu / cold season? 

FFS! Absolute insanity.  Having a vaccine significantly reduces the amount of time the body takes to "get rid" of the virus, therefore, obviously reducing the rate at which a vaccinated person can spread it.  This isn't even science, it's having the logic of a fucking 3 year old.

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