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Mike Dean is at it again!


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All I'm seeing this today is the football world mourning Souceks red card, in the very last minute in a game it had no bearing on. Where the hell is our outrage? He is responsible for another historic defeat, never is that a 9 without Deans incompetence. And in the game previous to that he altered the outcome entirely. Where is the statement from the governing body, where is the apology, where is the accountability?

Perhaps VAR should check the validity of his death threats today.......................

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3 minutes ago, LiberalCommunist said:

All I'm seeing this today is the football world mourning Souceks red card, in the very last minute in a game it had no bearing on. Where the hell is our outrage? He is responsible for another historic defeat, never is that a 9 without Deans incompetence. And in the game previous to that he altered the outcome entirely. Where is the statement from the governing body, where is the apology, where is the accountability?

Perhaps VAR should check the validity of his death threats today.......................

TBH the Leicester 9-0 was as a result of his actions as well.

This is why I'm surprised they have overturned the latest Dean balls up because it brings his competence even more into question. Of course the death threats will make any action against him go away I'm sure.....


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death threats etc have no place in society and those making them need dealing with. However that said the FA should bloody be looking at the last 2 games these incompetent officials have been in charge off and their ludicrous decisions made that have brought so much outrage. The FA need to be strong here and take action against Mike Dean and his side kick.

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Those who don't have any love for the game of football fail to see how those of us that do, get so flaming angry and worked up over officials like Mason & Dean . Death threats are taking things too far, there is no need for that but it is high time the FA made themselves useful and took action against these 'professional' referees. . Any official can make a wrong decision but I have a feeling that these 2 have their favourites in the Premier League and are happy to bend the rules accordingly. Red cards can be rescinded but many decisions have to stand. When the refs and VAR still get things wrong after a lengthy look at the incident it can have a big impact on teams who have unfairly lost points and is also wrong for teams who profit from points they ought not to have had. Those officials who consistently do it must be scrutinsed and kicked out if necessary. Question is, will the FA have the balls?

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From The Times this morning


The expert view
Peter Walton Former Premier League Referee
I understand why Lee Mason suggested Mike Dean review footage of the Soucek incident because there is clearly contact but I don’t think they reached the right decision in the end.

I suspect they studied the point of contact but did not factor in the context enough — when you watch the incident as whole, it looks accidental. Also, VAR was brought in to deal with clear, obvious errors — as a rule of thumb, if it takes as long as it did for Mason and Dean to reach a decision, it is best to stick to the referee’s original call because it cannot be that clear. Of course there is now a chance Dean will have a second red card in a week overturned on appeal. The league use psychologists to help officials at times like this, and they will be telling Dean that he should not see any reversal of his decision as a personal slight. I had a red card overturned during my career, and the player involved — Frank Lampard — still reminds me about it now. But you have to have the strength of character to move on, and Mike is a very strong character. The league will be sensible and I would be surprised to see Dean given a West Ham match for a couple of months, although these calls can never be influenced by clubs.

As for VAR, I think the wider lesson is that officials should not actively go looking for decisions to change. Just keep it for the blatant injustice that could end up spoiling a game.


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6 minutes ago, Whitey Grandad said:

From The Times this morning


The expert view
Peter Walton Former Premier League Referee
I understand why Lee Mason suggested Mike Dean review footage of the Soucek incident because there is clearly contact but I don’t think they reached the right decision in the end.

I suspect they studied the point of contact but did not factor in the context enough — when you watch the incident as whole, it looks accidental. Also, VAR was brought in to deal with clear, obvious errors — as a rule of thumb, if it takes as long as it did for Mason and Dean to reach a decision, it is best to stick to the referee’s original call because it cannot be that clear. Of course there is now a chance Dean will have a second red card in a week overturned on appeal. The league use psychologists to help officials at times like this, and they will be telling Dean that he should not see any reversal of his decision as a personal slight. I had a red card overturned during my career, and the player involved — Frank Lampard — still reminds me about it now. But you have to have the strength of character to move on, and Mike is a very strong character. The league will be sensible and I would be surprised to see Dean given a West Ham match for a couple of months, although these calls can never be influenced by clubs.

As for VAR, I think the wider lesson is that officials should not actively go looking for decisions to change. Just keep it for the blatant injustice that could end up spoiling a game.


They wont need to demote him, He's going to run out of teams to ref.

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19 minutes ago, Wade Garrett said:

Pure deflection from Mike Dean.

Don’t believe a word of it.

yeah, exactly. Would imagine he is not on FB or Twitter, so where is he getting these death threats from? 

I personally wouldn't worry about death threats from footfall fans, it's not right of course, but me, I'd just shrug em off and say 'as if...' 

We're not dealing with Tony Soprano here, we're talking about some fucked off WH fans, they're hardly going to drive up the M6 and 'off' him are they 😀 

Edited by Noodles34
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Of course the is no place for death threats, but he has now screwed up in the last three games he has officiated, with some very dubious decisions and his conduct needs to be seriously investigated. The "handball" against Villa, Romeu's "no foul" on the Villa keeper, the whole Man U debacle (no complaints over the first sending off), but the so called "offside" for Che's goal, the Bednarek sending off when it shouldn't even have been a penalty, and then the West Ham v Fulham game and Soucek's (spelling?) sending off in the last minute.....when WHU's next opponent is......Man U.

I'm sort of pleased he "cocked up" in that game as well, just so it doesn't look like we are the only "victims" of his actions and therefore whingeing. I'm tempted to call it incompetence, but I honestly believe there is more to it than this. After the Villa game I posted a thing on here about possible corruption in the game concerning referees and the week in / week out dubious decision we see in various games. I didn't name any names!!! I stand by this. I hope I am wrong but part of me thinks that one day, I'll be saying "I told you so!"

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1 hour ago, Noodles34 said:

yeah, exactly. Would imagine he is not on FB or Twitter, so where is he getting these death threats from? 

I personally wouldn't worry about death threats from footfall fans, it's not right of course, but me, I'd just shrug em off and say 'as if...' 

We're not dealing with Tony Soprano here, we're talking about some fucked off WH fans, they're hardly going to drive up the M6 and 'off' him are they 😀 

Never considered popping anyone off myself, but if I were considering it I doubt I would announce my intentions via soshall meejya. As someone said, deflection, turn yourself into the victim. 

Edited by Toussaint
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The bloke needs taking out of the firing line immediately. He's proved himself inept to the point that people are questioning his integrity and threats have apparently been made. It should have happened after the Utd game but the West Ham game surely has to be the last straw. 


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I guess the normal reaction to all of this would be to say poor Mike Dean, death threats are awful shouldn’t happen to anyone blah blah blah however the man is an arrogant little cock weasel, who has shown in the overturning of the last two red cards is no longer up to the task of being a referee when he even has the luxury of pitch side video replays but still makes the wrong decision. 

Fuck him, hopefully off the back of these threats (if they’re even real) he decides being a ref is no longer worth the aggro, and he retires doing the footballing world a favour.

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58 minutes ago, bpsaint said:

I guess the normal reaction to all of this would be to say poor Mike Dean, death threats are awful shouldn’t happen to anyone blah blah blah however the man is an arrogant little cock weasel, who has shown in the overturning of the last two red cards is no longer up to the task of being a referee when he even has the luxury of pitch side video replays but still makes the wrong decision. 

Fuck him, hopefully off the back of these threats (if they’re even real) he decides being a ref is no longer worth the aggro, and he retires doing the footballing world a favour.

Yeah, step down and give someone younger a chance.

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Giving it the large one and parading around the pitch like the whole game of football is about him has somewhat come back to bite the first class cockwomble! ..he’s even made the weekends game he was supposed to be officiating in all about him .. but it’s ok to do the cup game tho 😅laughable!! 

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While death threats over a football match are the work of nutters, if the Villa and United games prove to be a catalyst for the end of his career, and I hope they do, I would feel some good has come from the suffering.

I've always been curious about the patterns of yellow cards that Mike Dean gives out....he let's one team get away with stuff, but throws yellows at the other team like a gambler's dream.

No consistency, making it very difficult to predict...I suspect you'd get long odds on things like six bookings for one side and none for the other.

Strange things happen around this man.

Let's get him out of the game and try to rebuild trust in officials.



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Mike Riley needs to look in the mirror himself - the bloke was a arrogant self centered egotist when he was on the whistle.

There was friction after our Villa game with Dean then the not too insignificant events at the back end of the game at Old Trafford, he should have been taken of the roster after Jans red was rescinded. But nope let’s wheel him out again Saints must have been going “eh” Fulham and West Ham behind closed doors probably also went “hmmm”. Unless Riley himself is keeping the field clear of any “upstarts” with an eye on his throne. Dean is one of the refs allegedly on £200k per year, think he is 50 so heading towards the end anyway - but that’s a bit of hole in the wedge to have the tap turned off on.

Of course the weird bit in the Beeb piece “he will still officiate the Brighton Leicester cup game” - you are still the ref and if you have numbskulls making threats why not just take yourself out of the spotlight.


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I’ve never really understood why refs are VAR one week, ref the next. Linos, don’t ref at top level as it’s considered a specialised skill, why isn’t VAR. At the moment it stinks as a clique. Refs want to back each other up. I think we need an elite band of VAR officials, taken from ex referees. Clatenburg, Webb, Poll, people like that. They’ve just lost their legs, but know the rules, know the game & have been top officials in their time. They would have enough separation from the officials and wouldn’t have an unhealthy relationship with their mates. 

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VAR.....its still someone else's opinion,not necessarily the official whos call it was in the first place ..............that's what make these decisions even worse. The penalty that he gave at old trafford that was overturned by var shouldn't ,the sending off bednarek shouldn't  yet var didn't seem to rule that out as-well , plus i think to this day that he was given the nod that Arsenal had a similar out come so please follow suit. Var is not making it any easier to watch the game now because you have to wait for someone in a studio miles away from the game to deduce that there is something wrong. Linesmen don't flag early enough now, so what if a player gets injured after the play is halted for offside like it was before all this stupidity?

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Death rights are not right whatever, at the end of the day its just football, he's made mistakes but he's not endangered anyones life or anything, basically just made multi-millionaires lose a game of football so those people need to get perspective.

But questions have to be asked really of the FA here that is has allowed this position to happen, he's consistently been making glaring errors, at the very least they should have been taking him out of the spotlight for a while. 

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Just doing his job. I keep hearing this. But he's not just doing his job, he's doing it in such a dreadful manner that the football is lost & his performance is the main talking point. He is so dreadful, that outraged people on forums are going bat-shit. Then a couple days later, another game with the same mistakes, more people are getting angry and posting profanities in his direction. Then another game, and another cluster of mistakes. We watch his wrong decisions get over-turned by the governing body with no statement on the impact of the decisions. No contingency on the future. And no apology to the trampled clubs he has affected on this match day. 

Then some mug with too much time and beer goes on the window to the world twitter and acts hard while sitting in their underpants and suddenly all the mistakes in the build up are lost, all the lack of accountability gone in a haze. We must all support this guy, just doing his job, his life is under threat. 

This is just the new age of burying news, become a victim. No matter how awful you are at your job, no matter how many mistakes you make, everyone just jumps to the defence and the point is lost.

Richard Masters should have come out with a statement a week ago, explaining the over turned decisions & the plan going forward. Then this would not have become another debate about censoring social media. Oh well, carry on, same next week. 

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Let's make it quite clear- anyone who has sent him or his family a death threat should receive a lifetime ban from the game. The guy is corrupt, and egoist and I sincerely hope I never see him ref again at any level. He is a burden for other referees and him and Mason are going to bring everyone down with them if they continue. I want an inquisition on how he was allowed to continue refereeing in the matches that followed his howlers against Villa. Fuck i want an inquisition on how he has been allowed to referee for years when he has fucked over so many sides when playing a big boy. That should happen regardless of the threats. 

But if there have been death threats, and to be honest I wouldn't be surprised if there had been, then that is not okay. Nobody should feel unsafe because of football. Even a complete cunt like Dean. 

Edited by sydney_saint
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16 hours ago, John Boy Saint said:

Dean is one of the refs allegedly on £200k per year

you are still the ref and if you have numbskulls making threats why not just take yourself out of the spotlight.


As well as ego, Dean is also driven by greed.

"Mike Dean has been suspended after officials were told of his involvement in a betting website."

Referee suspended over betting site | Football | The Guardian

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2 hours ago, Lighthouse said:

And I’d be astonished if he was on anywhere near £200k back then either. Even today it’s nothing compared to a top lawyer, banker or medical consultant.

My knowledge of this is well out of date but back in my day it was something like £90k for which the FA had first call on their time. On top of that we’re match fees which were considerable. One referee told us about one particular referee who had been ‘rested’ for a few games that he had effectively been ‘fined’ a lot of money.

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I am currently watching the rugby between  England and Italy. The TMO (rugby equivalent of VAR ref) is doing a good job with decisions being explained. The only issue is that the TMO is a woman and she is pregnant !!! Whatever next. 

I bet that Duckie's blood pressure would go through the roof if a pregnant "chick" ever  became the VAR ref for a Saints match. 😁😁😁


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14 minutes ago, Tamesaint said:

I am currently watching the rugby between  England and Italy. The TMO (rugby equivalent of VAR ref) is doing a good job with decisions being explained. The only issue is that the TMO is a woman and she is pregnant !!! Whatever next. 

I bet that Duckie's blood pressure would go through the roof if a pregnant "chick" ever  became the VAR ref for a Saints match. 😁😁😁


I watch a lot of rugby, the officials seem better trained, better educated and have an encyclopaedic knowledge of the rules. 

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2 minutes ago, Toussaint said:

I watch a lot of rugby, the officials seem better trained, better educated and have an encyclopaedic knowledge of the rules. 

Ultimately this is all it comes down to and is the issue in football. 

VAR is just a video reply, it’s the idiots controlling it and the idiots implementing the rules that are the issue (look at the Leicester goal today. By the letter of the law, onside, but clearly gained more of an advantage than ings or Adams did). 

I see people use cricket as an example of how VAR should work, but today, the 3rd umpire made 1 (arguably 2) terrible mistakes. It wasn’t the footage, it was his lack of competence. 

Until Mike Riley is gone from being head of PGMOL, things will never improve. Im not a fan of the call for ex players to be refs (another job for the boys and nothing to suggest they’ll be any better - you can see that from their punditry), but I do think they should have involvement in training and VAR room to add context to a situation. 

you can’t have it both ways and if you want complete consistency, then the rules need to be black and white. Personally, I think this is ruining the game and interpretation and opinion is part of the game I’d hate to lose. 

keep VAR, but only use it for the howler. Remove the lines, remove 25 reply’s, 2 or reply’s at a maximum if you can’t decide from there, go with infield decision. Some will go for you, some against, but at the end of the day, that’s football...

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1 hour ago, SKD said:

Ultimately this is all it comes down to and is the issue in football. 

VAR is just a video reply, it’s the idiots controlling 

I see people use cricket as an example of how VAR should work, but today, the 3rd umpire made 1 (arguably 2) terrible mistakes. It wasn’t the footage, it was his lack of competence. 

Although it was 3rd umpire they are only aloud to look at what on field umpire asks for, the confusion stemmed from the umpire not understanding what Joe Root asked for, hence when they looked at further footage the review was given back

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10 minutes ago, danjosaint said:

Although it was 3rd umpire they are only aloud to look at what on field umpire asks for, the confusion stemmed from the umpire not understanding what Joe Root asked for, hence when they looked at further footage the review was given back

Hang on, I’m not sure that’s right. They asked for a catch, which it was. They didn’t review all footage to make said decision. Root clarified what was asked for, whilst the review was on going. Also, if that was the case, why did they review the LBW, which it clearly wasn’t. 

happy to be proven wrong, but I don’t think you’re right on this one. 

Anyhow, it’s India, so reeks of corruption. 

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Lol I agree,  he asked for the catch, but umpire only asked for it in 1st phase before ball came back out from pads,  so 3rd umpire only checked for the 1st nick which obviously it wasn't, the on field umpire then didn't know what Root meant, luckily thanks to Ali and review given back it didn't cost anything

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2 hours ago, Tamesaint said:

I am currently watching the rugby between  England and Italy. The TMO (rugby equivalent of VAR ref) is doing a good job with decisions being explained. The only issue is that the TMO is a woman and she is pregnant !!! Whatever next. 

I bet that Duckie's blood pressure would go through the roof if a pregnant "chick" ever  became the VAR ref for a Saints match. 😁😁😁


Fuck me, my snap dragon can’t even work the tv remote. 

Provided they understand the rules and can stay awake for 90 mins I don’t see why a pregnant bird can’t be VAR. There’s no physicality involved and a lack of football ability shouldn’t come into it. Some birds would be quite good at it, although  it would probably be Karen Carney or Alex Scott as they   turn up every fucking where. 



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4 hours ago, Tamesaint said:

I am currently watching the rugby between  England and Italy. The TMO (rugby equivalent of VAR ref) is doing a good job with decisions being explained. The only issue is that the TMO is a woman and she is pregnant !!! Whatever next. 

I bet that Duckie's blood pressure would go through the roof if a pregnant "chick" ever  became the VAR ref for a Saints match. 😁😁😁


The foetus would be a better var ref than Mike Dean and Lee Mason. Just need to install a monitor in the womb.

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16 minutes ago, Paulwantsapint81 said:


Howard Webb, Mark Clattenberg, Graham Poll all had faults but got the big games 

All 3 should be VAR’s now. Linos don’t referee top flight games because it’s a different skill set. Referees should referee & ex referees should VAR, it takes away the clique and will lead to independent thought. 

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