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Hunt to Wigan = Surman to Reading?

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In the summer it seemed (if you believe the papers) that the Surman move only fell through because Hunt was not bought by Boro. If Hunt now goes to Wigan (as rumoured today)I wonder if Reading will reignite their interest in Surman. Both left footed midfielders that can play left back. Almost like for like replacement.

Hunt is very much in the Robbie Savage mould. Surman is too nice and doesn't tackle..


Hunt is slightly headless chicken and Surman has better ability on the ball. The long and short of it if Hunt goes Coppell will want a replacement. Surman is available.

Hunt is slightly headless chicken and Surman has better ability on the ball. The long and short of it if Hunt goes Coppell will want a replacement. Surman is available.


I really don't see what all the fuss is about Hunt, he's got a good engine on him, but if you watch him play, he's actually a bit sh*t.

I really don't see what all the fuss is about Hunt, he's got a good engine on him, but if you watch him play, he's actually a bit sh*t.


agreed. He didn't do squat against us in either game, though his effort and workrate certainly are to be commended. he probably is the sort of player you need in a Premiership squad to allow others the time and space to shine but £5m seems high. Mind you I'd take him over someone like Gary O'Neil who also went for £5m

as i read it signing tabb from coventry was a signal that hunt was going and he'll replace him


good point. I always thought we should have signed Tabb after he tookj us to pieces when we played Brentford twice in the cup a few years back. Bit small but decent player.

good point. I always thought we should have signed Tabb after he tookj us to pieces when we played Brentford twice in the cup a few years back. Bit small but decent player.


TBH I think weve got enough decent but small players.


Isn't Stephen Hunt more famous for doing Peter Cech - so to speak - than actually being a good footballer?


a slightly ugly - dirtly little player - with a big ego!


As for his replacement - that's why they bought Tabb isn't it!


I think we face more danger of losing Surman (and Lallana) if Bullard leaves Fulham!

In the summer it seemed (if you believe the papers) that the Surman move only fell through because Hunt was not bought by Boro. If Hunt now goes to Wigan (as rumoured today)I wonder if Reading will reignite their interest in Surman. Both left footed midfielders that can play left back. Almost like for like replacement.



Surman is on record as saying he doesn't WANT to move, but in this situation

we need every pound, and if Reading want him ....then he'll be going for sure.


FEE: £2 mill.........or 3 ?? or, something with a loan player involved ?

Surman is on record as saying he doesn't WANT to move, but in this situation

we need every pound, and if Reading want him ....then he'll be going for sure.


FEE: £2 mill.........or 3 ?? or, something with a loan player involved ?


Surely if Surman and Lallana were worth £2m + they would be helping us win some games.



But they are not so god knows how much they are worth

Isn't Stephen Hunt more famous for doing Peter Cech - so to speak - than actually being a good footballer?


a slightly ugly - dirtly little player - with a big ego!


As for his replacement - that's why they bought Tabb isn't it!


I think we face more danger of losing Surman (and Lallana) if Bullard leaves Fulham!


Hull have just agreed a fee of £5m with Fulham.



An average one in very poor form at that.


Because he's got himself involved in things that no young footballer(or young man) should be involved with at 22. He should be working on his game and his career and nothing else.

Surely if Surman and Lallana were worth £2m + they would be helping us win some games.



But they are not so god knows how much they are worth



Well John B,

I don't disagree with you, but I meant that its the sum I thought we might get.......not necessarily how much they are worth.

There are lots of deals going through for ridiculous amounts and I can'r see how they can be " worth " £10 £15 or £20 million - but clubs still pay it.

I don't think anyone is worth £50 million .......or even £100 million, but at least someone has been considering it recently.

If I were a business man I'd ask - how can I recoup £10 or £20 miiion -unless I re-sell them for a higher fee ? The £15 million Spurs paid for Bent last season was a typical example....unrecoverable investment the guy is kass !


As for Surman.......he must be worth at least £2-3 million or so ..with a

25% sell on clause, or a bonus if/when they get promotion.

Don't let's sack Rupert Lowe until he's done that deal, it's his style.

(The sell-on clause for Crouchie gave us a bit extra didn't it ?)


As much as I like Surman i'd rather see a proper ball winner alongside Schneiderlin. If Schneiderlin could actually tackle and got stuck in a bit the partnership would be perfect but at the moment they're too similar and i'd rather he played alongside Gillett.


Don't think Gillett is great either tbh, just he has something about him which Schneiderlin and Surman lack.


Wouldn't be the worst move if we sold him for 2m~ and spent a bit of it on a loan/signing of a midfielder with a bit of experience.


Would be sad to see a local lad go though.

Would gladly take 1m plus Pearce.


Surman isn't great IMO and we have better left wingers, and he's proved he's no central midfielder. Rather Morgan with Wotton or Gillett to be honest.


Are you sure?

... that's Morgan-stepover-and-Hollywood-ball-Spiderman,

Paul-old-slow-and-not-very-good-Wotton, and

Simon-duracell(for the first 6 or 8 games till his batteries went flat)-but-not-very-good-Gillett ...

are you really sure all three of these are 'better' players than Surman?

No, didn't think so either.


Grant you none of those four could hold a candle to Matt Oakley, a player we have never replaced.


Tabb is excellent, saw him in both those Brentford games and he is/was consistently good for Cov ... the sort of goal scoring, goal -creating, hard-running, hard-working midfielder we have struggled to find for a long time.

Would gladly take 1m plus Pearce.


Surman isn't great IMO and we have better left wingers, and he's proved he's no central midfielder. Rather Morgan with Wotton or Gillett to be honest.


the same injured Schneiderlin who has made 5 tackles all season, the same Gillett that has yet to learn to control a ball and the same Wotton that couldn't out run my gran?


Surman is by no means the complete player but I'd gladly lose all three of those and keep him.

the same injured Schneiderlin who has made 5 tackles all season, the same Gillett that has yet to learn to control a ball and the same Wotton that couldn't out run my gran?


Surman is by no means the complete player but I'd gladly lose all three of those and keep him.


Spot on. Schneiderlin maybe a nice footballer but does nothing to influence the game or take charge of the midfield and goes missing more often than not. His partnership with Surman doesn't work, but the trouble is their's nobody else to come in. Gillett's a liability, Wotton hit & miss, Gobern's out of his depth at the moment.

Surman will prove to be a class player in the PL one day. We will miss him big style if he goes.


that is how I see it as well. The lad has the first touch and ability to play in tight areas, he has a trick as well (how many nut megs over the last few years). What he needs is UNIT next to him that wins balls, can pass and is mobile. Obviously hard to find but a must IMO. Pele would be an option or someone like him. I could see promise in Gobern to be honest and in years to come perhaps he will grasp the nettle.


Grant you none of those four could hold a candle to Matt Oakley, a player we have never replaced.


Hold a candle for non-tackling and sideways passing I'm assuming??


We seem to have a recent history of lilly-livered midfielders don't we


Bring back CMFG!!

Are you sure?

... that's Morgan-stepover-and-Hollywood-ball-Spiderman,

Paul-old-slow-and-not-very-good-Wotton, and

Simon-duracell(for the first 6 or 8 games till his batteries went flat)-but-not-very-good-Gillett ...

are you really sure all three of these are 'better' players than Surman?

No, didn't think so either.


Grant you none of those four could hold a candle to Matt Oakley, a player we have never replaced.


Tabb is excellent, saw him in both those Brentford games and he is/was consistently good for Cov ... the sort of goal scoring, goal -creating, hard-running, hard-working midfielder we have struggled to find for a long time.



Won't get lost on details in your piece..... sandwich saint,

.......but I agree with you about OAKLEY. The manager of the day..(who was that BTW ?) decided that he wasn't 100% after his long lay-off and only offered him a one-year contract, and so he went. Don't blame him either.


Though hardly world class, I thought he was the sort of dependable type we needed in midfield. Maybe lacked the versatility of Nick Holmes, or the ****y aggression of Steve Williams - but he was good enough at the time.


BUT my lasting memory of OAKLEY will be the continuous criticism he got from some fans who really didn't want to like him. I'm sure that had he been a fans favourite, he might have stayed and then he would have fared better.

Instead we got Prutton, who - when he wasn't injured - was serving out suspensions (though 10 weeks was a bit much IMO and helped relegate us).


Good to see SURMAN on a short suspension, (WHAT ! ..not because we'll lose him for ONE game,) but the fact that he's got enough yellow cards to show the fans that he's playing hard, in the thick of it, and got the refs. attention, as well as the guys he "stopped ". All our best midfielders didn't have " suspension-free " careers, either.

Huxford, Walker, Gabriel, O'Neil, Case, Mazza - but they did their job.

Posted (edited)
the same injured Schneiderlin who has made 5 tackles all season, the same Gillett that has yet to learn to control a ball and the same Wotton that couldn't out run my gran?


Surman is by no means the complete player but I'd gladly lose all three of those and keep him.



Absolutely right, Chez.

The problem is that players like Surman, are on the way up and haven't really

" impressed " everyone enough yet. In 1-2 years he'll be closer to his peak, but it still won't get him in the World Cup squad (!) - unless he's with a top Prem. side, by then.


Fans are quick to judge on a bad game or an indifferent season..what a good job we didn't listen to those who wanted to get rid of Kelvin Davis !!!

When we look back at a whole career it's easier to judge, but on a month to month basis there are some fans who would sack the whole team three times a season. As for GILLETT......He looks tough in the tackle, despite his lack of height and muscle. (Hope we don't get managers in the future who look at the lad and say he's to short for the team.)

...not to make the criticism of Lawrie Mac too personal, (because I respect him) but he must have been sad he let little guys like Kevin Phillips and Dennis Wise off the hook when one considers their later careers - because we never got anyone else with their qualities - except maybe Ballie, but that was at the tail-end of his career.


GILLETT has potential, (IMHO) and we need to keep him AND Surman.

You can afford players like Schneiderlin to bring a bit of classy midfield play to a good side, at present we are struggling too much...and just now he's TOO young. I'm sure he'll have a great future - if we'd had him in the post Cup Final side, when changes were being made he's have shon like a star.

Edited by david in sweden
Surman will prove to be a class player in the PL one day. We will miss him big style if he goes.


Why do people think this? There is a huge gap between the Championship and the Premiership, and Surman hasn't even shone in the Championsh*t. How often does Surman really take the game by the scruff of the neck and really influence things for us? Pretty much never. Last season he was one of our worst players and deservedly got dropped by Pearson.


Second most overrated Saints player ever behind Prutton.

Having a go at the other players doesn't make Surman better. I'm aware the others have limitations, but having seen them all, I think Surman is the worst in the centre. We did pre-season with Schneiderlin/Gillett as the combination, and played our best football with the set up. It changed because Gillett got injured and then lost form. But I'd give it another chance if we can't sign another midfielder.


I agreed and suggested that a month or so ago and felt Gilletts `hussle' was essential to the side defensively, but after the United game and one or two recent sub appearances I'm not sure I can back Gillett anymore. His first touch is so hit amd miss and in the middle it has to be spot on otherwise you lose posession in a dangerous area and leave the whole side exposed. Unless his touch improves then all you have is a busy short midfielder. At this level you have to have one or two strings to your bow not just a decent engine. Controlling the CM area wins you games and needless to say we are weak in that area.
Yeah. Who's Jerome?

you tell me.

Cameron Jerome would be handy from Brum.

Jerome Thomas has just gone back to Charlton I think. I don't think he is what we need.

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