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People who has proved themselves to be utter s**thouses over the past few weeks...

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The PL is not coming out of this well - although Ashley is a league of his own. There are players overseas trying to help at elite levels eg Bundesliga and some of the clubs have helped key workers with accommodation eg Chelsea but the PFA should be stepping up to the plate to at least ensure the lower leagues are able to survive, and it really wouldn’t be noticed much in PL players’ wage packets.


now, football journo's and ex-players are closing ranks and saying "how dare anyone criticise us/them"

Gary Neville being very vocal and I guess, completely missing the mood of the nation on this one...


all very weird


Add Wayne Rooney, “I’m in a position where I could give something up. Not every footballer is in the same position. Yet suddenly the whole profession has been put on the spot with a demand for 30 per cent pay cuts across the board. Why are footballers suddenly the scapegoats?'


It's not the whole profession or even all footballers, its the greed of Premier Players who are quite happy to see their lesser paid colleagues loosing pay, when if just one player in each Premier squad went without pay would probably cover most of what the 'ordinary' worker is losing.


The owners of the ExCeL centre in east London are charging the NHS millions of pounds in rent to use it as a temporary hospital for coronavirus patients. The ExCeL, owned by the Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company (Adnec), is charging the health service £2m-£3m a month, according to industry sources.





The owners of the ExCeL centre in east London are charging the NHS millions of pounds in rent to use it as a temporary hospital for coronavirus patients. The ExCeL, owned by the Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company (Adnec), is charging the health service £2m-£3m a month, according to industry sources.





Not anymore, apparently

Kyle walker is still having fun by the looks of it.


Kyle Walker: Manchester City defender faces investigation over lockdown breach https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/52175132


I have looked again at the government's guidelines for workers and it seems that it is ok to work in someone's home provided that nobody has any symptoms. I'm not sure how maintaining a two metre separation would have worked in poor Kyle's case though.



4. Going to work


Work carried out in people’s homes, for example by tradespeople carrying out repairs and maintenance, can continue, provided that the tradesperson is well and has no symptoms. Again, it will be important to ensure that Public Health England guidelines, including maintaining a 2 metre distance from any household occupants, are followed to ensure everyone’s safety.

One of the hookers claims to be studying criminology at Manchester Uni. She says that he asked for 'someone classy'. Looking at the photos, he didn't get what he asked for.


My thoughts exactly. She had a Cro-magnon brow and a chest tattoo.

Whoever the people were who got stopped by police driving from Kent to Cornwall to go surfing.


Coppers stopping loads of people on A30 near Okehampton en route to Cornwall. Both Cornwall and Devon CCs asking locals to report second home visitors. Was a purple haired Cornwall councillor just before the shutdown very vehement on the volumes of visitors before the shutdown - video clip from BBC Spotlight worth a a watch if you can find it


Coppers smugly tweeting that ‘non essential aisles’ were empty in a supermarket.


They have no mandate to dictate what you purchase in a shop. Easter Eggs anyone?



RMT Union chief Steve Hedley doing his best to show himself to be an absolute tw*t.


The gross hypocrisy of those who claim to care for others is being exposed really very effectively.

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