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I have a contact in China let me get back to you on that.


Here s the answer, its in french can’t be bothered to translate:


Bonsoir Steve,

Merci pour ton message, je n’ai aucune info relative à Southampton néanmoins je vais essayer de t’aider à y voir plus clair.


Pour répondre à tes questions:

Pourquoi le rachat du club?

À mon sens, il a dû être fortement encouragé par le gouvernement ( comme tous les investisseurs - j’y vois certaines similitudes avec l’espanyol Barcelona). Il y a bien entendu plusieurs réponses mais à mon sens, la principale est de se faire bien voir auprès du gouvernement et s’attirer les bonnes graces du Parti communiste chinois. En effet, en 2014, le président Xi a émis le souhait de développer le foot en chine et que le pays devienne un acteur majeur de ce sport avec comme point d’orgue être champion du monde en 2050. Pour cela, il n’a pas hésité à pousser les grosses entreprises locales et autres fortunes à investir. Initialement, les grosses fortunes investissaient à l’étranger ( la date d’achat du club corrobore) pour montrer qu’ils suivaient les recommendations du parti et aussi, pour s’assurer un investissement hors de Chine au cas où...

En partant de ce postulat, le but est principalement politique et personnel. L’investisseur veut se montrer et ainsi bénéficier d’un réseau au sein du parti. Concrètement le foot n’est pas son hobby et l’investisseur n’a pas d’intérêt hormis montrer la montée la puissance financière des fortunes chinoises.


Une autre raison peut aussi être financière: acheter un club de BPL avec un excellent centre de formation, profiter des revenus exponentiels des droits TV puis revendre pour faire une plus value.


Concernant le sponsor:

Sur ce point, il faut regarder qui est l’actionnaire de cette marque.

Cette société, comme beaucoup en chine sur ce créneau, peut s’avérer être une coquille vide. Cela me rappelle le partenariat en la réal Sociedad et Qbao : cela c’était mal terminé et le club avait mis un terme à la relation commerciale. Dans un autre style tu as Desport, qui est le propriétaire de la licence PSG.

Pour beaucoup de ces sociétés être associés à des clubs européens est simplement une façon de se valoriser et rien de plus.


Enfin pour parler de l’arrivée potentielle de jack ma. Il faut savoir qu’il est déjà dans le foot en temps qu’investisseur minoritaire du club du Guangzhou Evergrande. Ce club est le bras armé du gouvernement chinois et donc il n’est pas anodin que Ma ( Qui s’en tape royalement du foot) soit investisseur.

Chaque investissement à l’étranger est validé et approuvé par le parti, rien n’est fait ni laissé au hasard.


Ma conclusion est qu’il ne faut rien attendre de ce président et qu’à mon sens, il n’a aucun plan pour le club. La plupart des projets chinois liés au foot ( local et international) sont vides de sens et court termiste.


J’espère que ça va t’aider un peu, je suis désolé, je n’ai rien concernant southampton.

Si besoin n’hésite pas, surtout si mes réponses ne sont pas assez claires.

Here s the answer, its in french can’t be bothered to translate:


Bonsoir Steve,

Merci pour ton message, je n’ai aucune info relative à Southampton néanmoins je vais essayer de t’aider à y voir plus clair.


Pour répondre à tes questions:

Pourquoi le rachat du club?

À mon sens, il a dû être fortement encouragé par le gouvernement ( comme tous les investisseurs - j’y vois certaines similitudes avec l’espanyol Barcelona). Il y a bien entendu plusieurs réponses mais à mon sens, la principale est de se faire bien voir auprès du gouvernement et s’attirer les bonnes graces du Parti communiste chinois. En effet, en 2014, le président Xi a émis le souhait de développer le foot en chine et que le pays devienne un acteur majeur de ce sport avec comme point d’orgue être champion du monde en 2050. Pour cela, il n’a pas hésité à pousser les grosses entreprises locales et autres fortunes à investir. Initialement, les grosses fortunes investissaient à l’étranger ( la date d’achat du club corrobore) pour montrer qu’ils suivaient les recommendations du parti et aussi, pour s’assurer un investissement hors de Chine au cas où...

En partant de ce postulat, le but est principalement politique et personnel. L’investisseur veut se montrer et ainsi bénéficier d’un réseau au sein du parti. Concrètement le foot n’est pas son hobby et l’investisseur n’a pas d’intérêt hormis montrer la montée la puissance financière des fortunes chinoises.


Une autre raison peut aussi être financière: acheter un club de BPL avec un excellent centre de formation, profiter des revenus exponentiels des droits TV puis revendre pour faire une plus value.


Concernant le sponsor:

Sur ce point, il faut regarder qui est l’actionnaire de cette marque.

Cette société, comme beaucoup en chine sur ce créneau, peut s’avérer être une coquille vide. Cela me rappelle le partenariat en la réal Sociedad et Qbao : cela c’était mal terminé et le club avait mis un terme à la relation commerciale. Dans un autre style tu as Desport, qui est le propriétaire de la licence PSG.

Pour beaucoup de ces sociétés être associés à des clubs européens est simplement une façon de se valoriser et rien de plus.


Enfin pour parler de l’arrivée potentielle de jack ma. Il faut savoir qu’il est déjà dans le foot en temps qu’investisseur minoritaire du club du Guangzhou Evergrande. Ce club est le bras armé du gouvernement chinois et donc il n’est pas anodin que Ma ( Qui s’en tape royalement du foot) soit investisseur.

Chaque investissement à l’étranger est validé et approuvé par le parti, rien n’est fait ni laissé au hasard.


Ma conclusion est qu’il ne faut rien attendre de ce président et qu’à mon sens, il n’a aucun plan pour le club. La plupart des projets chinois liés au foot ( local et international) sont vides de sens et court termiste.


J’espère que ça va t’aider un peu, je suis désolé, je n’ai rien concernant southampton.

Si besoin n’hésite pas, surtout si mes réponses ne sont pas assez claires.


What does this mean then? Short summary please :)

What does this mean then? Short summary please :)


I can’t imagine anyone will go to the trouble of translating as it is total fabricated nonsense.


Don’t get your hopes up for anyone decent coming in, at the price Gao would want we’re not an attractive investment for anyone. It will take significant investment to get any real return. In all likelihood, we’ll end up with another dodgy owner, just like Gao.

I can’t imagine anyone will go to the trouble of translating as it is total fabricated nonsense.


Don’t get your hopes up for anyone decent coming in, at the price Gao would want we’re not an attractive investment for anyone. It will take significant investment to get any real return. In all likelihood, we’ll end up with another dodgy owner, just like Gao.


I only posted a link earlier from a Twitter page saying about a possible rumour to that Chinese billionaire.

Posted (edited)
What does this mean then? Short summary please :)


Basically he’s not heard anything about Jack Ma/Southampton -and he would be very surprised if he was interested in the club. At any rate, most Chinese investments related to football -whether domestically or overseas- are irrational and short-termist (of which Goa is living proof).

Edited by shurlock
Basically he’s not heard anything about Jack Ma -and he would be very surprised if he was interested in the club. At any rate, most Chinese investments related to football are irrational and short-termist (of which Goa is living proof).


Thanks for the translation :)

I can’t imagine anyone will go to the trouble of translating as it is total fabricated nonsense.




Good evening Steve,

Thank you for your message, I have no info related to Southampton nevertheless I will try to help you see more clearly.


To answer your questions:

Why buy the club?

In my opinion, it must have been strongly encouraged by the government (like all investors - I see some similarities with Spanish Barcelona). There are of course several answers, but in my opinion, the main one is to make yourself visible to the government and attract the good graces of the Chinese Communist Party. Indeed, in 2014, President Xi expressed the wish to develop soccer in China and for the country to become a major player in this sport with the high point of being world champion in 2050. For this, he did not not hesitated to push big local companies and other fortunes to invest. Initially, the big fortunes invested abroad (the date of purchase of the club corroborates) to show that they followed the recommendations of the party and also, to secure an investment outside China in case ..

Starting from this premise, the goal is mainly political and personal. The investor wants to show himself and thus benefit from a network within the party. Concretely football is not his hobby and the investor has no interest except to show the rise in financial power of Chinese fortunes.


Another reason can also be financial: buy a GLP club with an excellent training center, take advantage of the exponential income from TV rights and then resell to make a capital gain.


Regarding the sponsor:

On this point, we must look at who is the shareholder of this brand.

This company, like many in China in this niche, can turn out to be an empty shell. It reminds me of the partnership in the real Sociedad and Qbao: that was badly finished and the club had ended the commercial relationship. In another style you have Desport, who is the owner of the PSG license.

For many of these companies, being associated with European clubs is simply a way of promoting themselves and nothing more.


Finally to talk about the potential arrival of jack ma. You should know that he is already in football as a minority investor in the Guangzhou Evergrande club. This club is the armed wing of the Chinese government and therefore it is not insignificant that Ma (Who really cares about football) is an investor.

Each investment abroad is validated and approved by the party, nothing is done or left to chance.


My conclusion is that nothing should be expected from this president and that, in my opinion, he has no plan for the club. Most Chinese football-related projects (local and international) are meaningless and short-term.


I hope it will help you a little, I'm sorry, I have nothing about Southampton.

If need not hesitate, especially if my answers are not clear enough.


I love how an attention seeking fan twitter account posts something to get interest and followers to their account and so many people take it as gospel.

I love how an attention seeking fan twitter account posts something to get interest and followers to their account and so many people take it as gospel.


To be fair, it doesn't look like anybody, on here anyway, has taken it seriously.


What is all this talk about Reed Bull? Is there any evidence at all that Red Bull want to buy an english club?


Any 'Saints fan' who is happy about a corporate take over of our club and see it remained RB Southampton is not a real Saints fan, and should fook off and support Liverpool with all the the other plastic fans.


What is all this talk about Reed Bull? Is there any evidence at all that Red Bull want to buy an english club?


Any 'Saints fan' who is happy about a corporate take over of our club and see it remained RB Southampton is not a real Saints fan, and should fook off and support Liverpool with all the the other plastic fans.



The FA wouldn't allow a name change like that. They stopped Hull City changing to Hull Tigers.

I love how an attention seeking fan twitter account posts something to get interest and followers to their account and so many people take it as gospel. [/ QUOTE]


Who has done that? :?


Just look on twitter


Red Bull is probably the best outcome we could hope for IMO.


An Abramovich style rich investor is not going to happen I don't think because of FFP restricts that too much now, they can't invest as much, so the club would have to grow organically, and Newcastle would be a better option surely for that with their much bigger fanbase and stadium.


How long has Newcastle been on sale for? Can see us having a similar issue and in the meantime expect very little investment going on.


This has Sunderland written all over it I reckon. Another season or two of just surviving relegation, still for sale, Ralph leaves, we go down, no investment in the championship, another relegation etc.



This has Sunderland written all over it I reckon. Another season or two of just surviving relegation, still for sale, Ralph leaves, we go down, no investment in the championship, another relegation etc.


Why stop there? we'll probably go into administration and be deducted 30 points which will guarantee non-league status in a few years. And then, just when we think things can't get any worse a massive sink hole will open up and swallow the stadium.

Red Bull is probably the best outcome we could hope for IMO.


An Abramovich style rich investor is not going to happen I don't think because of FFP restricts that too much now, they can't invest as much, so the club would have to grow organically, and Newcastle would be a better option surely for that with their much bigger fanbase and stadium.


How long has Newcastle been on sale for? Can see us having a similar issue and in the meantime expect very little investment going on.


This has Sunderland written all over it I reckon. Another season or two of just surviving relegation, still for sale, Ralph leaves, we go down, no investment in the championship, another relegation etc.


I don't think we will be quite like Sunderland, because their incompetent owner actually wrote off the majority of his loans to the club to let the takeover go through a couple of years ago.


Gao hasn't loaned us any money, so he cant even do that.

I love how an attention seeking fan twitter account posts something to get interest and followers to their account and so many people take it as gospel.


Easy to be cynical mate but smoke usually signifies something warming up. Unattributed rumours are often leaks for political gain.

Why stop there? we'll probably go into administration and be deducted 30 points which will guarantee non-league status in a few years. And then, just when we think things can't get any worse a massive sink hole will open up and swallow the stadium.


Having a good day cloggy?

What is all this talk about Reed Bull? Is there any evidence at all that Red Bull want to buy an english club?


Any 'Saints fan' who is happy about a corporate take over of our club and see it remained RB Southampton is not a real Saints fan, and should fook off and support Liverpool with all the the other plastic fans.



TBH mate, I really don't care as long as I get to watch the team I grew up supporting playing decent football and competing. I'm sorry* if that makes me not a real fan in your eyes.


It's not like we haven't changed our name or our badge before.


* - I'm not sorry at all. I don't give a toss what you think really.


Disappointed in Sunak.


If he is a true Southampton supporter he could have announced something in the Budget to aid the purchase of Premiership teams in Hampshire.

I want Richard Chorley as chairman.
Ironically lifelong Man Utd supporter and in Rupert Lowes time bizzarely self appointed spokesman for Saints Fans.

Gotta be seriously deluded to think anyone is going to fork out £250m for the club at the moment. Be lucky to find someone to pay £100m in today’s economical climate. We’re stuck with Chairman Goa for the foreseeable I think.

Scouted and identified by the team Cortese put in place.


Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk


Yep, Mane and Tadic definitely were, 100%


I believe Pelle was a Koeman choice... and not a bad one at that.

Gotta be seriously deluded to think anyone is going to fork out £250m for the club at the moment. Be lucky to find someone to pay £100m in today’s economical climate. We’re stuck with Chairman Goa for the foreseeable I think.


The club gets £100m from the PL tv money and merit payments

Gotta be seriously deluded to think anyone is going to fork out £250m for the club at the moment. Be lucky to find someone to pay £100m in today’s economical climate. We’re stuck with Chairman Goa for the foreseeable I think.



TBH mate, I really don't care as long as I get to watch the team I grew up supporting playing decent football and competing. I'm sorry* if that makes me not a real fan in your eyes.


It's not like we haven't changed our name or our badge before.


* - I'm not sorry at all. I don't give a toss what you think really.


Yep, this too. Although frankly what comes after Gao might not be ideal either, at least RB would have the calibre to pass FAPP without KL begging the PL on their behalf. Most of the league is in some mixed hands so RB would look quite sound by comparison. Doubt if it will happen tbh but would be far better than Gao. Gao is at best on a par with Lowe and Askham and even that’s being harsh on Rupert probably.

Playing devil's advocate... we did better after he left than whilst he was here. Tadic, Pelle, Mane, van Dijk, Koeman etc all signed after Cortese left the club.


Yeah, but surely you must realise he set the Bedrock. The scouting network back then, the coaching staff, the backroom staff, their attention to detail was phenomenal. They even bloody took their own hypo-allergenic mattresses to away games. It was nice having a club that was funded and was run by people with competency and ambition. It was only brief but it was wonderful while it lasted.

The biggest fallacy is that we haven't spent money. We've spent a fortune.


:lol: :lol: :lol: Yeah, we put United & Villa to shame these past few seasons. :?


Incidentally, In what parallel universe was this, the upside-down?


That said, I'd love an owner with more money than sense rather than one with more sense than money.


Yeah, starting a Premier League season with one recognised left back and loaning in another inadequate CB (Danso) in a last minute panic. A CB not good enough to displace the low quality CBs in situ (to be fair to Stephens and Bednarek, they’ve made the most of their ability and worked very hard), then offering your manager money to strengthen the clearly p*ss weak defence in January, then going back on your word after a few good results while discarding 2 more defenders (when we were already short in defence) in the winter while only bringing in one short term loan who apparently is no better than the defender whom was a large part of our greatest ever defeat (and the worst defender in years to put on a Saints shirt), Valery, whom lost us the match on Saturday...that is proper ground breaking chairmanship. That is backing your manager up and supporting his campaign and letting him do his thing and giving him the tools for the job.


Yep, seemingly breaking assurances to your manager and going fully back on your word & taking the most outrageously risky gamble with our club’s premier league status is genius. The man has more sense than yuan!! I wish he’d stop being so sensible.

I hope he never goes crazy and delirious & signs some good quality players!! What a w*nker he’d be if he did that. What a w*nker he’d be if he even fed his children. We’ve got a genius, sensible, proper Fagan father figure. Let’s go spit roast a pig to celebrate!! (please don’t go for the obvious joke, please!!) :rolleyes:

His job was made a lot easier by us being in the lower leagues especially league 1 where we were a big fish with a fair amount of money. No chance of saints buying two of the leagues top scorers in one season (Lambert and Barnard) while we in the PL even if we had the money we don't have the kudos as a club at this level to do that. In the end the best thing Nic nak did was buy league ones top scorer for a league record fee.


What a strange view on history you have. :mcinnes:

:lol: :lol: :lol: Yeah, we put United & Villa to shame these past few seasons. :?


Incidentally, In what parallel universe was this, the upside-down?




Yeah, starting a Premier League season with one recognised left back and loaning in another inadequate CB (Danso) in a last minute panic. A CB not good enough to displace the low quality CBs in situ (to be fair to Stephens and Bednarek, they’ve made the most of their ability and worked very hard), then offering your manager money to strengthen the clearly p*ss weak defence in January, then going back on your word after a few good results while discarding 2 more defenders (when we were already short in defence) in the winter while only bringing in one short term loan who apparently is no better than the defender whom was a large part of our greatest ever defeat (and the worst defender in years to put on a Saints shirt), Valery, whom lost us the match on Saturday...that is proper ground breaking chairmanship. That is backing your manager up and supporting his campaign and letting him do his thing and giving him the tools for the job.


Yep, seemingly breaking assurances to your manager and going fully back on your word & taking the most outrageously risky gamble with our club’s premier league status is genius. The man has more sense than yuan!! I wish he’d stop being so sensible.

I hope he never goes crazy and delirious & signs some good quality players!! What a w*nker he’d be if he did that. What a w*nker he’d be if he even fed his children. We’ve got a genius, sensible, proper Fagan father figure. Let’s go spit roast a pig to celebrate!! (please don’t go for the obvious joke, please!!) :rolleyes:


Blimey Gordon, that's selective quoting, and completely misses the context. I said:


"The biggest fallacy is that we haven't spent money. We've spent a fortune. My issue is with muppets who've been in charge and overseen the signing of complete shiite at inflated prices and on ridiculous contracts. I think most sensible people can see that.

That said, I'd love an owner with more money than sense rather than one with more sense than money."


We have spent money. All that we have earned, and more from sales. Read the accounts. That's the facts.


We have signed crap players on expensesive contracts. Reed etc were responsible for that. They're facts too.


I said nothing about our squad so feck knows what you're little rant is in response to. But I agree, our squad is ****e, it needs surgery. Can we afford it? No.


And yep, Gao does have more sense than money. We all know he's potless, and only a an ego driven billionaire sheikh or similar would throw tens of million (that they'll never see again) at a footy club. So yep, to reach the next level, we need a load of cash that we cant self generate from an owner with more cash than sense. Do I want us to get one and get rid of Gao? Of course. Will we? No.


Grab yourself a glass of reality mate and take a sip.

NC had oodles of cash to play with in a lower league, and spent pretty much whatever he wanted to. The latter part is what cost him his job. He was able to bring in players too good for our level, hence we achieved what we did. Essentially, we were the PSG of league 1.


Re asset stripping, just look at the accounts, please. We spend what we have, there's nothing being stripped out. I get that he's not sinking money into the club, but let's not go the other way and accuse him of stripping money out.


Like you, I hope that we get an owner willing to throw money at us without expecting it back, but people willing to do that are few and far between.


Your opinions are fookin’ mental


You criticise the people responsible for our greatest success in decades (& and the good fortune following their departure from the excellent ideology & spirit they put in place before Cash Converters put the pin in the balloon & undid all the good work & the strategies (& FUNDS) put in place and you then defend the worst owner we’ve had possibly since Askham & Lowe. Possibly the worst we’ve ever had. There is no point even reasoning against that mindset. Mentali :?


You must surely be paid to defend and argue for the board as no cogent, coherent, lucid, real Saints fan in the real world (and not the upside down) would hold such a crackers opinion, unless they’d just escaped from a padded bus or done too much acid in the 60s!!


To surmise, in your view:


Cortese and Markus - They were useless or lucky or don’t deserve merit. They just bought success.


Gao - spent absolutely f**k all & nearly got us relegated while partying & swinging his d*ck in China and neglecting the club he’s showing off back home. Third time lucky relegation were it not for a man manager motivating the players out of their skin. Led the manager and the club and fans along with all sorts of propaganda & false promises and delivered the club absolutely nothing and now trying to sell the club he asset stripped to oblivion after sending them backwards for 40 million more than he paid for us. That guy is a legend!!! :mcinnes:

Your opinions are fookin’ mental


You criticise the people responsible for our greatest success in decades (& and the good fortune following their departure from the excellent ideology & spirit they put in place before Cash Converters put the pin in the balloon & undid all the good work & the strategies (& FUNDS) put in place and you then defend the worst owner we’ve had possibly since Askham & Lowe. Possibly the worst we’ve ever had. There is no point even reasoning against that mindset. Mentali :?


You must surely be paid to defend and argue for the board as no cogent, coherent, lucid, real Saints fan in the real world (and not the upside down) would hold such a crackers opinion, unless they’d just escaped from a padded bus or done too much acid in the 60s!!


To surmise, in your view:


Cortese and Markus - They were useless or lucky or don’t deserve merit. They just bought success.


Gao - spent absolutely f**k all & nearly got us relegated while partying & swinging his d*ck in China and neglecting the club he’s showing off back home. Third time lucky relegation were it not for a man manager motivating the players out of their skin. Led the manager and the club and fans along with all sorts of propaganda & false promises and delivered the club absolutely nothing and now trying to sell the club he asset stripped to oblivion after sending them backwards for 40 million more than he paid for us. That guy is a legend!!! :mcinnes:


You're on your own planet mate and read things that aren't written.


Try to separate Gao and the club. The club has spent all its money. That's completely different to Gao throwing money in. What he does back home doesn't interest me.


This comes back to the fundamental point - the only thing Gao has done that fans don't like is not throwing money into the club. That's another fact.


Alas there are those like you with a complete inability to see facts. Instead you accuse Gao of "asset stripping". I interpret that to mean selling assets for his own gain. I've seen nothing in the accounts to suggest that's the case but if you know better, show us how he's stripped away the assets. If on the other hand you mean he's sold players, of course he has, we've got an inflated squad and need to restructure. That's not asset stripping and any fan with sense knows that we need to cull plenty of crap rather than loaning all over the place.


Nobody has ever described Gao as a legend or even a success. Bless ya.


As for Markus, I've never said a bad word. He was a legend. NC spent Markus money and did well for us. Sure, he was wasteful re Staplewood and did things in his own way, but he gets all the credit for overseeing our resurgence.


Take a deep breath along with that sip of reality.

The club gets £100m from the PL tv money and merit payments


Not if the club is no longer in the PL which is the apparent eventual destination unless the current mess is sorted out.

Yeah, but surely you must realise he set the Bedrock. The scouting network back then, the coaching staff, the backroom staff, their attention to detail was phenomenal. They even bloody took their own hypo-allergenic mattresses to away games. It was nice having a club that was funded and was run by people with competency and ambition. It was only brief but it was wonderful while it lasted.


Completely agree with you GM. It could be argued that it was as much the attention to detail that got Cortese the success he/we craved as it was the money. As we know only too well, it’s easy to spend unwisely and end up in a bad place.


This comes back to the fundamental point - the only thing Gao has done that fans don't like is not throwing money into the club. That's another fact.


That's not true. Things I dislike about Goa:


- alleged to have been involved in corruption associated with the execution of a public official


_ only bought the club to get some funds out of China


- arrogant and dismissive attitude demonstrated through complete lack of engagement and absence of any plan or vision


-no understanding of what an English football club should be


- his other businesses have failed


- LD Sports


Having said that, I'd bang Nelly.

That's not true. Things I dislike about Goa:


- alleged to have been involved in corruption associated with the execution of a public official


_ only bought the club to get some funds out of China


- arrogant and dismissive attitude demonstrated through complete lack of engagement and absence of any plan or vision


-no understanding of what an English football club should be


- his other businesses have failed


- LD Sports


Having said that, I'd bang Nelly.


None of that really has anything to do with his performance as our owner.


Wild allegations that he's been involved in corruption, an organised murder, and money laundering are serious. I've no idea what they're all about.


His staying under the radar could be arrogance and a lack of understanding of what English fans expect. Alternatively it could be the sign of a bloke who's not ego driven and would rather stay out of the limelight. Either way, I doubt you'd make the same complaint if he was low key but throwing tens of millions of pounds at the club.


I don't care how his other businesses have done - they're of no relevance to our club.

None of that really has anything to do with his performance as our owner.


Wild allegations that he's been involved in corruption, an organised murder, and money laundering are serious. I've no idea what they're all about.


His staying under the radar could be arrogance and a lack of understanding of what English fans expect. Alternatively it could be the sign of a bloke who's not ego driven and would rather stay out of the limelight. Either way, I doubt you'd make the same complaint if he was low key but throwing tens of millions of pounds at the club.


I don't care how his other businesses have done - they're of no relevance to our club.


Very strange.

None of that really has anything to do with his performance as our owner.


Wild allegations that he's been involved in corruption, an organised murder, and money laundering are serious. I've no idea what they're all about.


Wild allegations? He was blocked by the Premier League because he wasn't deemed to be fit and proper.


His staying under the radar could be arrogance and a lack of understanding of what English fans expect. Alternatively it could be the sign of a bloke who's not ego driven and would rather stay out of the limelight. Either way, I doubt you'd make the same complaint if he was low key but throwing tens of millions of pounds at the club.


I don't care how his other businesses have done - they're of no relevance to our club.


​How is his history in business not relevant to the running of his current business? If I owned a shop, appointed a load of rubbish people to work there and drove it into the ground and then I took over another shop, would the new employees not be concerned based on my actions at the previous shop?

​How is his history in business not relevant to the running of his current business? If I owned a shop, appointed a load of rubbish people to work there and drove it into the ground and then I took over another shop, would the new employees not be concerned based on my actions at the previous shop?

The allegations benjii made are bloody serious. Were they the reasons he initially failed the fit and proper person test? Genuine question.


We ain't a corner shop. I'm only interested in how he runs our club. I repeat, the fundamental issue most people has is that he can't or won't throw tens of millions at the club.

The allegations benjii made are bloody serious. Were they the reasons he initially failed the fit and proper person test? Genuine question.


We ain't a corner shop. I'm only interested in how he runs our club. I repeat, the fundamental issue most people has is that he can't or won't throw tens of millions at the club.


Do you know how hard it is to fail a fit and proper person test?

Do you know how hard it is to fail a fit and proper person test?


No. But did he fail it for the reasons benjii suggested? Didn't he ultimately pass it?

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