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My god it is all mad. At the end of the day would I trust myself or my wife/woman to look after a kid better than me, without hesitation yes. I suggest that goes for most men. Im not saying men cant do it, but IMHO women are wired up better to do so.



When we look up at the stars at night in real time they are not actually there, light speed through space - 9 minutes for the light from the sun to hit the earth - blah blah -more than likely super nova'd or just gone out etc etc - hopefully we all know the drill. But somewhere millions of miles out beyond where the Clangers live is there somewhere like us just staring at us, that has already seen all the events in that article happen to us, or have they just witnessed the moment the bang to make us lit up a dot in the vastness of space...........................Just another half baked thought: So we don't suddenly get done by a Black Hole just before Eastenders on a Tuesday night any time soon?!

Almost half the answers WRONG and you can get an "A"!!!




If what I experienced on holiday in Spain recently is anything to go by think a few of them might well need the help.......


We pulled into a very popular restaurant on the way home from the beach, we were behind a British car, who had decided to just stop and let someone amble out to get in the queue leaving the backside of my car out in the busy road. Anyway we get to park the car, and walking up to the restaurant we are in amongst our fellow countrymen who have decamped from their car. As we walk past a car with DK country identifier on the number plate a lad of about 15-17 asks "DK wheres that" his Mum an intelligent sounding woman says Denmark to which the son asks "Is that in England?"!!!!! The Mum then says no its by Germany and was struggling to explain - alas my mouth was already in first gear - "Its the funny bit sprouting out of the top of Germany into the sea" tumbles from my gob. To which the Mum says "thats exactly what I was trying to say".........................walking on ahead for a few yards Mum says to my back "He really didn't ask that question". I turned round and we both grinned at each other.


They walk amongst us and will be keeping our pensions going.........we hope.

  • 2 weeks later...

A while back I made a comment about the regular violence on the streets of Maidstone to the obvious mirth of the usual suspects on here who prefer to take the **** than deal with the clear problems in our society. At 3am on Sunday morning a mass brawl broke out leaving one man stabbed to death and four others hospitalised. These things happen on a regular basis in towns across the UK and no one bats an eyelid. You can bet your life that if the perpetrator had shouted “god is great” there would be a huge uproar. The ****takers who seem to think Muslims murdering non believers is somehow worse than a local **** sticking a knife into someone should have a long hard look at themselves. And next time you drag up my comment about Maidstone think of those who have lost a loved one through the routine violence carried out on our streets by people of our own backgrounds.

A while back I made a comment about the regular violence on the streets of Maidstone to the obvious mirth of the usual suspects on here who prefer to take the **** than deal with the clear problems in our society. At 3am on Sunday morning a mass brawl broke out leaving one man stabbed to death and four others hospitalised. These things happen on a regular basis in towns across the UK and no one bats an eyelid. You can bet your life that if the perpetrator had shouted “god is great” there would be a huge uproar. The ****takers who seem to think Muslims murdering non believers is somehow worse than a local **** sticking a knife into someone should have a long hard look at themselves. And next time you drag up my comment about Maidstone think of those who have lost a loved one through the routine violence carried out on our streets by people of our own backgrounds.


This is a work of art. A beautifully painted picture of strawmen. You're like the Maidstone Monet.



A while back I made a comment about the regular violence on the streets of Maidstone to the obvious mirth of the usual suspects on here who prefer to take the **** than deal with the clear problems in our society. At 3am on Sunday morning a mass brawl broke out leaving one man stabbed to death and four others hospitalised. These things happen on a regular basis in towns across the UK and no one bats an eyelid. You can bet your life that if the perpetrator had shouted “god is great” there would be a huge uproar. The ****takers who seem to think Muslims murdering non believers is somehow worse than a local **** sticking a knife into someone should have a long hard look at themselves. And next time you drag up my comment about Maidstone think of those who have lost a loved one through the routine violence carried out on our streets by people of our own backgrounds.


You’ve no doubt been waiting for a high profile stabbing to post this. Still I’ll take my chances in Maidstone over Mosul every time.


Really fatuous argument to boot

A while back I made a comment about the regular violence on the streets of Maidstone to the obvious mirth of the usual suspects on here who prefer to take the **** than deal with the clear problems in our society. At 3am on Sunday morning a mass brawl broke out leaving one man stabbed to death and four others hospitalised. These things happen on a regular basis in towns across the UK and no one bats an eyelid. You can bet your life that if the perpetrator had shouted “god is great” there would be a huge uproar. The ****takers who seem to think Muslims murdering non believers is somehow worse than a local **** sticking a knife into someone should have a long hard look at themselves. And next time you drag up my comment about Maidstone think of those who have lost a loved one through the routine violence carried out on our streets by people of our own backgrounds.
It only took you about 3 years to get a fatal stabbing in Maidstone to make your point! It's the Wild West in Maidstone so it is.
How sad is it that when I saw that story on BBC news, my first thought was, 'this is going to start something on SaintsWeb.'


Just wait until there is a ISIS terrorist attack there. SOG will wisely opine that not all Muslims are terrorists and will find another non-Muslim attack and say look, see.

Just wait until there is a ISIS terrorist attack there. SOG will wisely opine that not all Muslims are terrorists and will find another non-Muslim attack and say look, see.
Soggy will be begging for a white supremacist attack in Maidstone. You can imagine him salivating as he rushes to the forum to castigate those awful racists.
How sad is it that when I saw that story on BBC news, my first thought was, 'this is going to start something on SaintsWeb.'


Why shouldn’t it. The regular stabbings and violence on the streets of our towns and cities is something to be concerned about isn’t it? These happen on almost a daily basis yet don’t cause the same attention as the occasional terrorist attacks. Funnily enough, I knew exactly who would respond to my post.

Just wait until there is a ISIS terrorist attack there. SOG will wisely opine that not all Muslims are terrorists and will find another non-Muslim attack and say look, see.


Perhaps, if some people shared the same level of moral outrage for all of the pointless murders on our streets, it wouldn’t be necessary? Or perhaps you should think a bit more about what is going on and comment on that?

Perhaps, if some people shared the same level of moral outrage for all of the pointless murders on our streets, it wouldn’t be necessary? Or perhaps you should think a bit more about what is going on and comment on that?


Thank goodness you're on here to spread your moral outrage around evenly. :lol:


It sounds like soggy is hoping to highjack this thread to go off on one again about how everyone is racist, doesn't care about any other attacks other than ones committed by Muslims etc etc. It's a topic he's returned to on a number of occasions over the last few years. Heres a reply or two about the same issue from last year:


My guess is that those threads would be short because everyone would just be agreeing that knife crimes and acid attacks by indigenous people is disgusting and that more should be done in partnership with local communities and police to tackle it. The difference with this topic is you get page after page of the same few people- mostly yourself to be fair- knocking down strawmen and making up arguments like "not all Muslims" "what about the Crusades?" "Christians are evil too" "Nazis are Christians and had Christian belt buckles" "Katie Hopkins compared herself to Christ so is definitely Christian" "Islam is a peaceful religion" "the Islamic religion is not dominated by individuals with regressive views" etc etc etc ad nauseum. It's no wonder this topic is a lengthy one when that sort of guff begs to be challenged. Add to that that people are quite stirred with emotion when it comes to bit terrorist incidents like London and Manchester and it's no wonder at all that these events and how our society treats them is widely discussed. I'd also be willing to bet that people would have a hell of a lot more to say if stabbers in London were being guided by an extremist ideology and explicitly stated they were stabbing people in the name of their god. If there were Christian rape gangs operating in the North or England and one of the primary reasons cited for their abuse was their faith then there would absolutely be a number of pages talking about it on here and rightly so.


124 pages and we've somehow managed to return to that post-apocalyptic hellhole that is Maidstone. At this point it's rather like a cross between Mad Max and the future world from the Terminator films such is the depravity committed in that town on an hourly basis. #prayforMaidstone.


Give me strength. What is with the reviving this thread with ‘some on here...’ as your perpetual line. You clearly don’t get it and so blinded in your want to be seen as the good guy with constant reference the bad guys (‘some on here’)

Which i can accept but why you keep coming back saying same stuff i do not know.


It's why I didn't bother going through it all again. He isn't interested in any answers or meaningful discussion, he just wants to virtue signal and makes himself feel superior to all the evil racists on here. Probably the most close minded individuals I've ever had the misfortune to have a discussion with on here which is saying something!


Hey SOG guess what? Everyone (maybe Sour Mash excepted) will condemn this nasty bastard.


Paul Moore jailed for Leicester hate crime car attack http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leicestershire-43553545

Strange, because I understood that global poverty is on the decrease year on year and that today is the easiest time in human history for a person to be on the planet. What to believe.


Both statements aren't incompatible.


My last post....


As a result of (mainly the US) Western foreign policy - wars broke out in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria...which has displaced hundreds of thousands of civilians. Look what incorporating 1.5 million refugees has done to Europe...


At some point in the future, large parts of the planet will be uninhabitable and drinking water will be scarce....causing mass migrations into the parts of the globe that are still habitable.....if helping 1.5M refugees has turned Europe right wing, imagine what will happen when 10x that will need help?!


Here's a conspiracy theory for you....Blacks and Asians are being dehumanised in the press (and by Trump and Bojo etc) - so that when resources are short, and wars, famine, disease break out....it will be easier for us to cut off those members of society that we have dehumanised in the previous decades..


This world is a mess

Perhaps, if some people shared the same level of moral outrage for all of the pointless murders on our streets, it wouldn’t be necessary? Or perhaps you should think a bit more about what is going on and comment on that?


I have commented in the past. I lay at a lot at the door of the govt and general moral decline in society and lack of willingness to provide services. I don’t have limits to condemn and condemning terrorist attacks doesn’t mean I am in favour of Maidstone stabbing believe it or not.


Statistically violent crime isn’t going through the roof either.

I have commented in the past. I lay at a lot at the door of the govt and general moral decline in society and lack of willingness to provide services. I don’t have limits to condemn and condemning terrorist attacks doesn’t mean I am in favour of Maidstone stabbing believe it or not.


Statistically violent crime isn’t going through the roof either.


I am not sure you are right about the statists relating to knife crime this year but my point was directed at others who take issue when you point out the disparity between one group of people committing serious crimes like murder and rape and another group. You would think it would be a no brainier but there are still those on here who seem to think that there are differences. I raised the issue about the Maidstone stabbing because some people on here thought it was hilarious when I posted about the indigenous violence in our town centres. I think one wag even pretended that I was liking Maidstone to Syria! You don’t have to look very far on social media to see where some people are coming from. We will see how much we are progressing as a society when criminal activity is not defined by the colour of the perpetrators skin or their religious beliefs.



Part and parcel of living in Maidstone it seems



I was reading someone’s post on a different forum the other day about why he no longer posted here. It was because you were still here and he couldn’t believe you had not been banned yet. You really are pathetic.

Perhaps you and Batman should get a room?
Nah I'm happy commenting on your usual insane ramblings thanks. There's also a post from a few months back where you mention how you blocked me. You weren't lying were you?
I was reading someone’s post on a different forum the other day about why he no longer posted here. It was because you were still here and he couldn’t believe you had not been banned yet. You really are pathetic.
Thank goodness you still post. Endless entertainment.
I was reading someone’s post on a different forum the other day about why he no longer posted here. It was because you were still here and he couldn’t believe you had not been banned yet. You really are pathetic.


Why would I be banned?

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