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Hats Off To The Three Lads On The 11.00am to London Waterloo

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Stood on the platform, I overheard their conversation.


They had already bought their train tickets, but they were going to use them and go to Leicester, show their respects, lay some flowers and then go onto some non league match (Or a non league cup match - they were arguing about which one).


Anyway, lovely to hear that sort of commitment and sentiment, that some of us (older ones) are struggling with these days.


No idea who you are / were, but was proud to be a Saints fan, listening to you.


I was there yesterday and it was very touching to feel the affection felt by Leicester people - not just football fans. A rarity amongst Chairmen, he loved the club and wasn't in it for any personal financial gain.


Nice to see tributes from lots of clubs.


Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk

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