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Saints 0 Newcastle 0 - Post Match

St Chalet

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Ironically before kick off the players were on their shooting practice routine and more or less all the players hit the back of the net in impressive fashion, even Shane Long!!


It was as though they had all been put on intensive training midweek.


Come the game the efforts were rank especially Gabbiadini's long range shanks and the less said about Long chance the better.


Think the character in the Monopoly costume could have done better

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Hard to blame Hughes for that, should have won comfortably but our finishing and composure in the last third was shockingly bad. Having said that Newcastle were a mess and we failed to put them to the sword. I’m not convinced any manager would get much out of that squad but it is getting close to the point where we might as well roll the dice.


If they have someone decent lined up and ready to go they might as well sack him. I doubt that is the case though with the clowns who run our club.

I can blame him for starting with Austin up front instead of Gabbi. Which was a big reason why our finishing and composure in the last third was shockingly bad. Gabbi may be out of form, but at least he has movement, and has shown recent glimpses of improvement in his cameo appearances, which is more than can be said of the over-the-hill carthorse. Thanks for the goals in the past Charlie, but it's time to go out to pasture (for a while at least).

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My first league game back at St Mary’s since giving up my ST after the Puel season, won’t be rushing back. Drab football, **** atmosphere, handing out clappers for **** sake. Who the **** would want to buy a half and half scarf of that rubbish, roll on the championship.


We are staring relegation in the face and I don’t see a saviour on the horizon.

Cardiff, Huddersfield and Newcastle? As someone said before, when the wolf is chasing you, you don't have to out run it. You just have to out run (three) fat kids.

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i heard from someone in the back room staff that the players are given sundays off, none of warmdowns etc. He also never goes and shows his face at the youth or young teams sessions. They feel he is a dinosaur in that respect.

there is a problem that if he uses the young players and the results get worse then it reflects on him


I can believe what you say Nick, their poor fitness is showing in first touch, shooting, and making and moving into space. It’s all so ploddy

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That was pretty predictable again... and a really worrying sign that we couldn’t beat a very poor Newcastle team. Today was the first time I’ve started to lose confidence in Hughes. To this point I’ve believed that it simply was due to having a very poor squad to work with and the problems were purely down to extremely poor player additions. But today Hughes got his tactics Terribly wrong. Elyounoussi Is very average and offers nothing, no trickery no pace and today some very poor decision making. I think we are carrying him at present. He should have been subbed a lot earlier and redmond put back to his normal position with Bertrand.

Atmosphere is depressing at st marys. Club seems in a right mess and a stay away owner who isn’t interested in taking the club forward. He’s being fed by two complete bellends in reed and Krueger who still seem to getting a very easy ride.

Just depressing and no idea what has to happen to change things.

Bournemouth seem light years ahead of us.

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Disappointing, yet again. Agree that Austin shouldn't have started - he did little. I would rather have had Gabbiadini, Armstrong or Ward-Prowse.


Long's miss was the criminal moment. And Stephens was so close to the JWP feeekick.


Positives. Against an ordinary attack, defence looks ok. I think we gave an excellent keeper, but as he did nothing today, hard to judge.


We missed Hojbjerg. His passing would have made a difference.


Forget 442. 4231 with the 3 really looking to support the 1.


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Twenty-two shots - nil goals, perhaps the manager can't be held accountable ... but it's week after week... and he can be accountable for the continued perseverance with Austin who has the mobility and finesse of a carthorse.. and Shame Long... why ?




Taxi for Hughes

Firing squad at dawn for both Les, and Wilson, for their continued inept recruitment

Mr Gao, please sell us to someone with ambition and drive


None of which will happen of course.

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Such a huge lack of quality in this team, made worse by such a poor mix of people. I really dislike this team more than any other. Such an unlikable load of dross. Time to start again, it’s gone on too long for us to turn ourselves round now.


I was hoping most of them would f^ck off in the summer, but the problem is that most are so poor no other bast^rd will buy them... we couldn't even give Forster away by paying a large% of his wages. Nice one Les, cretin.

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I will leave this quote here from one of the first teams parents....


'training is like a holiday camp compared to where he has come from'


I know the issues stem further up the line, but i am sure a half decent manager can get results from this bunch of players we have?!

Has to be Ings


No doubt Liverpool is full-on with their training


I remember Simon Jordan (over the summer) talking about Hughes and his sidekicks and said they are a very poor trio. He also mentioned that it was well know in football circles that their training regimes were pretty loose/slack..

Edited by Batman
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i heard from someone in the back room staff that the players are given sundays off, none of warmdowns etc. He also never goes and shows his face at the youth or young teams sessions. They feel he is a dinosaur in that respect.

there is a problem that if he uses the young players and the results get worse then it reflects on him


I am shocked if this is true regarding the warmdowns / cooling downs and Sundays off. I work in sports and have worked with semi professional athletes and it’s basics to have a cooling down after a game and recovery training the day after. It’s those days fitness of the players is checked and recovery is enhanced through stretching, dry needling, massaging, hypervolt etc.

If the club are ignoring these things it’s very worrying and injuries will be coming soon.

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Romeu and Austin are so bad it hurts.


One of our only strengths we have is Redmond and Bertrand together down the left, so of course Hughes splits them up.


Elyounossi baffles me, what are his strengths meant to be?

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I will leave this quote here from one of the first teams parents....


'training is like a holiday camp compared to where he has come from'


I know the issues stem further up the line, but i am sure a half decent manager can get results from this bunch of players we have?!


Obviously Ings. The difference in him from first few games to now is stark. Slowly dragging him down to our level.

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I am shocked if this is true regarding the warmdowns / cooling downs and Sundays off. I work in sports and have worked with semi professional athletes and it’s basics to have a cooling down after a game and recovery training the day after. It’s those days fitness of the players is checked and recovery is enhanced through stretching, dry needling, massaging, hypervolt etc.

If the club are ignoring these things it’s very worrying and injuries will be coming soon.

In the 'A day with Danny Ings' video the club published during the week, Ings said that he often has a load of mates around his gaff on a Saturday evening to wind down after a game and then looks forward to a 'massive roast' at a local pub on the Sunday. Did strike me as not being the best post match routine when I watched it.
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Thought it was amusing that some of our lot were clapping the anti-Mike Ashley chants; yet there was not a peep about our own ownership.


Says it all, fanbase, squad, management, board and owner don’t give a toss. Needs new ownership and spark, no point wasting time at St Mary’s until that happens. Protests won’t matter, best impact is stay away from home games, attend away games only in numbers and loud support as Coventry fans have. Leave home games for the corporate bootlickers.

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what a waste of a Saturday afternoon , they dont play as a team , no one ready to receive the ball , they don t close down together so individuals waste energy , theres no speed of thought, even the half time lacks excitment , bring back Kenzie , at least there would be something to look at when facing the pitch!

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Such a huge lack of quality in this team, made worse by such a poor mix of people. I really dislike this team more than any other. Such an unlikable load of dross. Time to start again, it’s gone on too long for us to turn ourselves round now.


I can't stand any of them, massive bunch of w*nkers, putting in no effort, trained by w*nkers and owned by w*nkers.

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The rot set in when Cortese left he had a plan and a vision now we have neither. We were lucky to get Koeman and have the remenants of a haf decent squad that was performing well enough to encourage talent to still come here after Poch left. However since Koeman left the lack of a vision and a plan have become clear and obvious to all. Koeman saw it and so did Puel.


We are quick to sell anyone half decent and we keep the dead wood this policy has but one outcome.

We are no longer a club that attracts good youth and we are not prepared to pay for proven quality again this leads only one way

Why on earth would anyone half decent want to join this lot now?

It is not the managers it is the deep malaise that is slowly rotting the club from top down.

A new broom is required urgently throughout the club no sticky tape and plaster solutions will now suffice the rot is now too deep!


People singing the tune I was whistling three years ago. The signs were there and those who highlighted them were vilified and ridiculed.

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Has to be Ings


No doubt Liverpool is full-on with their training


I remember Simon Jordan (over the summer) talking about Hughes and his sidekicks and said they are a very poor trio. He also mentioned that it was well know in football circles that their training regimes were pretty loose/slack..


Bring back Gordon Strachan I say. At least the fans will be on board with him and he won't take any sh!t from these primadonna players.

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Well just watched match of the day and I thought we were all over them and a lot of the comments on here were very harsh.


Ok, it’s frustrating we are not winning but they seem to be flowing well.


Sack the manager...no, not yet I feel the open play was very good. The strikers have to take their portion of the blame.


Newcastle....terrible team from what I saw.

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2 bang average sides. We should have nicked it, but our finishing/ final ball is woeful. We’re slightly better and stronger than last season, but not by much.


I guess the positives were 2 clean sheets in a row, Lamina played well & JWP actually did ok when he cane on. I don’t understand not starting Long. Yes he can’t score, but neither can Gabbi or Austin and if you’re going to play a non scoring CF I’d play one that causes issues and unsettles defenders. Austin is getting embarrassing now.





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2 bang average sides. We should have nicked it, but our finishing/ final ball is woeful. We’re slightly better and stronger than last season, but not by much.


I guess the positives were 2 clean sheets in a row, Lamina played well & JWP actually did ok when he cane on. I don’t understand not starting Long. Yes he can’t score, but neither can Gabbi or Austin and if you’re going to play a non scoring CF I’d play one that causes issues and unsettles defenders. Austin is getting embarrassing now.





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No, we are not. We are worse. After our opening 10 games last season, we had 13 points. This season, we have only 7. We haven't even scored a goal in any of our last 5 league games. We are much worse than last season.

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The launch of the Southampton Monopoly game was an appropriate metaphor for the club. You spend loads of money absolutely pointlessly, and all you end up with is the waterworks.


The only player to emerge with real credit from today is Lemina, who showed energy and effort throughout. It’s quite clear that the goodwill for Hughes among the wider fanbase has now expired, regardless of whether it’s entirely his fault that we are in the situation that we are in. I’m ambivalent about Hughes, but I’m now absolutely certain that Ross Wilson (who is demonstrably incompetent) and Les Reed (who is at best stale, at worst asleep on the job) have to lose their jobs before we have even the slightest chance of improving. I don’t think Krueger is at fault - he doesn’t interfere with football matters, although perhaps he should. Wilson and Reed’s transfers and appointments have absolutely wrecked this team, and we don’t owe them a living. Our best hope for this season is that there are three teams worse than us. As we approach just the second anniversary of the mighty Inter Milan being beaten at St Mary’s, what a sad, infuriating state of affairs.

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Poor game, very bad game, we controlled it yes, but like pretty much every other game, no end product, best chance of the game came from a player who cant be named for Cabbage face reasons, and another who now tops the charts on most shots with out a goal or hitting the target in the league, hats to off to him too, some record that, Mo was disappointing again, why do we keep playing 2 striker when only 1 is any good is beyond me, back line played well not that they had much to do as Newcastle was happy with a draw, Romeu and Lemina played well. JWP came on for his 10 - 20 min cameo and had a hand In the nice 50 yard pass to Cedric who then put it on a plate for long to miss, also put in a wonderful free kick form around 40 yards that Stephens was inches away from sticking in the back of the net, his first 2 corners was not very good, btu I guess he can be excused having just come on the pitch. After being on Itsbeautifuloutside forum too, I agree with this dude Patred





the stream on Saintsplayer, that is.


The football was predictable from the two worse teams in the PL.


Austins annual shoulder injury was his only contrbution. He'll be off till Xmas now. I'm sure he has a partime job at Harrods as Santa Clause

Ings huffed and puffed, but Thomas the tank engine has huffed and puffed better. But our partime Santa is more of an authority on toys than me.




Gabbiadini has excuse, he has only reached page 28 in his Italian to English book for beginners, goals will not appear till page 53.



Tis been a long time since Long has scored, a long long time...The commentator was right, Hughes would have done better to bring on our 'record signing defender' Vestagarrd and launched high balls up to him instead of trying to score through Long.


That's our 4 goalscorers for you..




Read more: http://itsbeautifuloutside.proboards.com/thread/23516/newcastle-match-thread?page=2#ixzz5VBCxdIIk """

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Terrible performance. Utter gash. Newcastle were there for the taking. Mo is a woeful signing, stands still when he should move, moves when he should stand still, no first touch, no pace, no footballing brain, an utter waste of a shirt. And the other creative wide man runs the ball out of play and has his hand up apologising in the first minute!! Austin still moves like he has his legs tied together and no-one - absolutely no-one in the side can pass the ball or find space when pressed. And corners bugger me - the 'Ward-Prowse wand' needs to be shoved up his @rse. Left arm in the air, floaty ball straight into the keepers arms nine times out of ten. Total turdery. It's a dreadful shambles from top to bottom and Hughes has to be on borrowed time if he can't sort it out. Sacking off Mo would be a good first step. Absolute sh1thouse team. Pathetic.

Edited by Kingsbridge Saint
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Terrible performance. Utter gash. Newcastle were there for the taking. Mo is a woeful signing, stands still when he should move, moves when he should stand still, no first touch, no pace, no footballing brain, an utter waste of a shirt. And the other creative wide man runs the ball out of play and has his hand up apologising in the first minute!! Austin still moves like he has his legs tied together and no-one - absolutely no-one in the side can pass the ball or find space when pressed. And corners bugger me - the 'Ward-Prowse wand' needs to be shoved up his @rse. Left arm in the air, floaty ball straight into the keepers arms nine times out of ten. Total turdery. It's a dreadful shambles from top to bottom and Hughes has to be on borrowed time if he can't sort it out. Sacking off Mo would be a good first step. Absolute sh1thouse team. Pathetic.


JWP made the only clear cut chance of the game that Stephens really should have put in the back of the net for the win, and he was only on 20 mins!! not to mention putting a 40 yard pass to Cedric who set up Long who like always screwed it up. his first couple of corners can be forgiven seeing as his first corner was his first proper touch of the ball apart from his sliding challenge in the first 20 secs of coming on.

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I have no idea if replacing Hughes would work or not... but I feel his persistence with Austin sums him up.


Worrying that this season is beginning to look like last, not sure if we will be so lucky this time.


man the Adkins, Poch, Koeman premier league days were good, miss them.

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Well just watched match of the day and I thought we were all over them and a lot of the comments on here were very harsh.


Ok, it’s frustrating we are not winning but they seem to be flowing well.


Sack the manager...no, not yet I feel the open play was very good. The strikers have to take their portion of the blame.


Newcastle....terrible team from what I saw.


Match of the Day highlights can be very misleading, did you see the whole game?

I was there and it honestly wouldn't have looked out of place in League 2, two utterly appalling teams, we were just slightly less appalling than they were.

You say the strikers have to take some blame and that is true, but it's the manager who keeps picking the same failing players week in week out.


The fact there are still four teams below us shows how garbage this league really is.

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JWP made the only clear cut chance of the game that Stephens really should have put in the back of the net for the win, and he was only on 20 mins!! not to mention putting a 40 yard pass to Cedric who set up Long who like always screwed it up. his first couple of corners can be forgiven seeing as his first corner was his first proper touch of the ball apart from his sliding challenge in the first 20 secs of coming on.


Talking s**t as usual.


It was not our only clearcut chance of the game. It’s debatable it was even clearcut. Either way we had as good as, if not better chances than that (Lemina’s shot that hit the post, Stephens header on the strike of HT, Moi’s pullback for Redmond, Long’s chance).


What 40 yard pass? JWP hit a long ball across the pitch that Kennedy picked up. He cleared to Atsu who was closed down and well tackled by Lemina. Lemina then linked with Gabbi and Cedric for Long’s chance. It was a different phase of play. A gentle reminder: a pass finds your player, not the opponent pal.


Maybe something’s been lost in translation: why don’t you write in your supposedly native tongue (I read French, though not Arabic) because in English you come across as a gibbering halfwit.

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Match of the Day highlights can be very misleading, did you see the whole game?

I was there and it honestly wouldn't have looked out of place in League 2, two utterly appalling teams, we were just slightly less appalling than they were.

You say the strikers have to take some blame and that is true, but it's the manager who keeps picking the same failing players week in week out.


The fact there are still four teams below us shows how garbage this league really is.

Have you ever watched a L2 game?


I was at the game too. Apart from commitment and determination in the final third, and composed finishing, we were ok.


Not brilliant, but not bad either.


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The only three games I have missed in league and cup this season have all finished 0-0! Blimey!


So am going on MOTD and catching up with family that were there. Looked like we had more than enough chances to win and ridiculous number of shots, albeit too few on target.


Only positive, which is a real one rather than a synthetic one I think, is that I said a few weeks back when we were regularly shipping 2 or 3 goals a match that we would get nowhere until we start chalking up clean sheets. We are doing that and am sure if this continues we will pick up points. Fine margins in football, Brighton have just won three games 1-0 on the spin.


I maintain that for a team that finished 17th with less than 40 points something like 12th is reasonable progress and I still think Hughes will achieve that this season. One thing that hasn’t been discussed much is that we have decent depth to our squad, in fact one of the problems is that there is not much difference between our first and second choice 11. Be interesting to see how some of the other mid table teams fare as the injuries and suspensions kick in during the winter. Wolves made their first change in any match yesterday for example!

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