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A bit of a strange disclaimer I have to admit


I would have thought it was quite obvious Duncan. SaintsWeb don't want Rupert and Co thinking that the website has manipulated its members, and that it came from one genuine fan which gained verbal support. It is something the Amin and Mods have had a little chat about before sticking the thread. It's only so Rupert can't point the finger - which I'm sure he will do in any case.


Great letter Beatle Saint. Wilde has let us down badly and this is his last chance to salvage anything from this mess. From speaking to the few STs I know that are left, all of them have had a gutful of this regime and will not be renewing. Judging by the dreadful atmosphere yesterday, they will be in a majority.


I cannot see the club even shifting 1000-2500 STs next season without wholesale changes and we all know that means meltdown. The fans will rally round - the Sheff Utd game showed that - but they will no longer prop up this regime.


Yesterday was the pits - even allowing for the lack of experience on the pitch, there was no fight or effort on it from Saints but sadly plenty in the Northam, which I do not condone.


A great letter - but events have moved on now beyond letters and emails. It now has to get nasty. It is the only reaction these drones running SFC will understand. It has happened at other clubs across Europe and it will have to happen here if you want a satisfactory conclusion to this dire state of affairs.

I would have thought it was quite obvious Duncan. SaintsWeb don't want Rupert and Co thinking that the website has manipulated its members, and that it came from one genuine fan which gained verbal support. It is something the Amin and Mods have had a little chat about before sticking the thread. It's only so Rupert can't point the finger - which I'm sure he will do in any case.


I wonder if Rupert will ring me up and call me an arsehole many times like he did with Duncan ?


Thanks mods for making it a Sticky.....and i understand fully the thinking behind the dis-claimer......even though I haven't actually written anything that is libelous or untrue for that matter.

I wonder if Rupert will ring me up and call me an arsehole many times like he did with Duncan ?


Thanks mods for making it a Sticky.....and i understand fully the thinking behind the dis-claimer......even though I haven't actually written anything that is libelous or untrue for that matter.


As Benitez would say, "we're talking about FACTS!" ;)

I would have thought it was quite obvious Duncan. SaintsWeb don't want Rupert and Co thinking that the website has manipulated its members, and that it came from one genuine fan which gained verbal support. It is something the Amin and Mods have had a little chat about before sticking the thread. It's only so Rupert can't point the finger - which I'm sure he will do in any case.


What even the Ugandan military dictator Idi still has a say from beyond the grave......I wont appeal any infractions if that is the case:)

I wonder if Rupert will ring me up and call me an arsehole many times like he did with Duncan ?


Thanks mods for making it a Sticky.....and i understand fully the thinking behind the dis-claimer......even though I haven't actually written anything that is libelous or untrue for that matter.

Yes I know, it's not the content that's the issue, but by making a thread "sticky", it often implies it as "official" or "having the backing" of the forum admins/mods/saintsweb. It was merely put there as a reminder, not really to our members, but to those who don't regularly read the forum who might think that this is the forum/saintsweb official line.

Yes I know, it's not the content that's the issue, but by making a thread "sticky", it often implies it as "official" or "having the backing" of the forum admins/mods/saintsweb. It was merely put there as a reminder, not really to our members, but to those who don't regularly read the forum who might think that this is the forum/saintsweb official line.


Completely understand, no problem.


As a member of various forums that are saints related would you mind me posting elsewhere? Christ this letter sums up to a T exactly how I and thousands feel. I could post it on a few other sites if you permit.


Great letter BeatleSaint - summing up the feelings of the vast majority of Saints fans.


Or course Wilde will not reply. Even if he wanted to, he'd have to hand it in to Rupert to get permission to do so...


A brilliant letter.



People make no mistake this time the protests need to be taken to a level never ever seen at SFC, EVERYBODY Do you care about this club enough to get off your backside and contribute time and energy into ridding this club of the evil that runs it? We need to get together and agree action plans on how to shame Wilde and Lowe out of this club FOR GOOD!!! we will never get everybody to agree on what to do, but we should be able to muster up significant numbers to protest in and out of the ground we also need new ideas, things that have never been done before, some things that will catch the imagination and get us good media coverage. Get your thinking heads on folks. How about a creating the worlds longest banner with LOWE & WILDE OUT NOW on it that thousands of saints fans could dangle from the itchen bridge before a league game or could we hold a Lowe & Wilde out prossession in cars and lorries along the main routes through southampton, We could do it on a saturday morning b4 a home game It could l start at Redbridge and go through southampton right through Bitterne and across to Bursledon where we could all meet up and have a short Lowe & Wilde out rally on the Bursledon Market site??? before everybody goes off to St Marys to watch the game. Can you imagine hundreds of vehicles decked out in red and white with Lowe & Wilde out banners on them travelling right through the city from one end to the other? Think about it!

A very good letter......


...and a complete waste of time.


But I hope the release was therapeutic for your good self..


A complete waste of a post alpine.

Posted (edited)
Good letter, disappointing disclaimer.


I may not be bright but even I am able to see why this disclaimer has been entered on the post. Lots complained when charged £5 for the right to membership of this site. Yet seem willing to wish the owners a legal case against the sneaky, arrogant, egotistical piece of s**t running our club into the ground.

I found it easier to read all of the posts and agree with the vast majority. It is probable that Lowe will totally ignore this letter. However it could bring a lot of supporters together if published because it sums up so many peoples views. Apart that is from wishing the man a very painful exit. The T**t is a complete fool and he will lose a lot more if he drives us into administration.

So well done Beatle and I have posted it on to the site used by me more often. This letter just has to be broadcast to a greater spectrum of support.

Just think 20,000 true supporters each pay £400 into a trust and we have an £8 million war chest.

Edited by SFC Forever
correcting an error
A bit of a strange disclaimer I have to admit



As far as Mr Wilde goes....the great hope of SFC failed twice to deliver the club back to the supporters, his statement originally and I quote roughly what he said at the time "We have got our club back" is the most derisive comment made.

As far as he is concerned there is nobody so blind as those that do not want to see, there is is nobody so deaf as those that do not want to hear.

Whatever Mr Wilde may say at any time now or in the future people will never believe him.

How sad for someone who could have done so much for our club, that now stands by and watches the demolition of our great club under the leadership of Lowe, Portaloo and the rest of the Dutch encumberants.

For once in your life be a man , stand up, be counted, unite with Crouch and get rid of Mr Lowe IMMEDIATELY, or forever be despised by ALL the fans of this club.

As far as Mr Wilde goes....the great hope of SFC failed twice to deliver the club back to the supporters, his statement originally and I quote roughly what he said at the time "We have got our club back" is the most derisive comment made.

As far as he is concerned there is nobody so blind as those that do not want to see, there is is nobody so deaf as those that do not want to hear.

Whatever Mr Wilde may say at any time now or in the future people will never believe him.

How sad for someone who could have done so much for our club, that now stands by and watches the demolition of our great club under the leadership of Lowe, Portaloo and the rest of the Dutch encumberants.

For once in your life be a man , stand up, be counted, unite with Crouch and get rid of Mr Lowe IMMEDIATELY, or forever be despised by ALL the fans of this club.



This is the strange thing at the mo. Michael Wilde has the key for to-day. Again..... So he has to live up to his original promise.


We need, instant quick fix, before it is too late and Weston Saint/Rons idea of a vision statement could be followed.



So Mr Wilde, BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE......yOU KNOW YOU HAVE MADE MISTAKES..WE ALL HAVE .......But you did not realise what Mr Lowe could do....You must see now what he is capable of and how you are being shunted exit stage left and ridiculed by his actions and his supporters loudly blaming you for all our current problems.



OVER TO YOU MRWilde short term fix is required now and some/many good people can come together to sort the long term problems....We must at least try.


Very well put, agree wholly with what was said and applaud the effort.


Why does adding my comment feel the same as when adding appreciation and condolences after the death of one of our great players?

not at all; I wanted beatlesaint to know his effort is appreciated, but wont change anything


Sadly, I agree that the letter won't change anything. Wilde and Lowe are firmly entrenched at SLH. But your letter was very economical in it's appreciation of an excellent letter, if that was your intention.


"Mary, our club is in serious danger of extinction under the current leadership - I will not stand by and let it die!"


Michael Wilde April 2008



Can i remind you of the last bit of that statement Mr Wilde. Now's the time to prove to us you "Will not stand by and let it die"

"Mary, our club is in serious danger of extinction under the current leadership - I will not stand by and let it die!"


Michael Wilde April 2008



Can i remind you of the last bit of that statement Mr Wilde. Now's the time to prove to us you "Will not stand by and let it die"


Exactly, the same individual now has a chance to redeem himself.




Who knows, you may be able to get rid of those remaining 15,000 'Saints Go Wilde' T-Shirts...


I'd buy one then....


I think that someone needs to write to Crouch as well, and plead with him to do something. I know that he would give up so much to do it, maybe a combination of letters to Wilde and Crouch to see if that would do any good. I was utterly appalled when I heard about Saturdays violence, and something needs to be done and soon.


We need an arbitrator to sit with the two guys and talk to them about unifying to get Lowe out.

Someone who has no existing connection with either camp, "an honest broker". It must be done before it is too late.

Perhaps a respected ex player Mick Channon? could arbitrate and then we would know who is really a supporter of the club and who is just along for the bumpy ride


I used to be so optimistic that it will all work out...

I don't even know what's best for the club any more. All I know is I don't like RL or MW.

Don't have a problem with the manager, he had the chance and took it as anyone in his position would. Feel bad for him really.

We need an arbitrator to sit with the two guys and talk to them about unifying to get Lowe out.

Someone who has no existing connection with either camp, "an honest broker". It must be done before it is too late.

Perhaps a respected ex player Mick Channon? could arbitrate and then we would know who is really a supporter of the club and who is just along for the bumpy ride


This is a road that i feel would bear fruits.

This is a road that i feel would bear fruits.


Someone MUST have some connections with either one, someone who has conversed with either before, whether by letter or face to face. GM for example, lol!


I know he's a ****, but this is for the good of the club, can we get Nick Illingsworth involved?


What a detailed and honest letter from the heart.


I agree with all you have stated and think this should also go to the Echo and indeed to the top papers and raise the profile of the death to Southampton football club.


Being at the game on Saturday really hit home that this once great club is in the worst state I have ever seen and being run by people who just to not have a heart to our beloved clubs future. We need to all do the same protests again next home match and contimue with the outcry against Lowe and Wilde. Unless supporters take things into our own hands and keep the pressure on the board nothing will change and we will see our club die before our very eyes. Supporters need to watch the game and all get round to the corpoarte are and vent their frustration and mush as possible. It time for us Supporters to make the stance and enough is enough and we will not take this anymore .


"Save our Club"

Hmmm a new Poster - Ruperts PR company are working fast this time ; )


Or possibly one of the ST holders pushed too far???


If so, welcome to the madhouse. Here's where you create change.


Keeping your club alive costs.

And here is where you start paying.


(Gratuitous 'Fame' reference but loved that JLC prog at Xmas).


fantatsic idea, I am sure we would all do this if this was set up correctly. this needs to be done using a web site where we go in and register that we will be there. As for the biggest banner again lets use the web site and pay money for the banner. I would support any initative to get poison out of our club. Just need some suportes with the know how to set up.


Save our Club......

Unfortunately not yet' date=' he was away from his postbox on a prior engagement.[/quote']


Well, when he gets the letter, let's hope he doesn't get half way through it then walk out of the room and do something else....


Well said that is brilliantly put hopefully he reads this through and bucks his idea's up and sort our club and the chairman of the PLC out once and for all i hope you have managed to put this letter out and about so Mr Wilde and My Lowe have to read it!


Well Said once again.

Well said that is brilliantly put hopefully he reads this through and bucks his idea's up and sort our club and the chairman of the PLC out once and for all i hope you have managed to put this letter out and about so Mr Wilde and My Lowe have to read it!


Well Said once again.


Freud would have a field day :rolleyes:


Can I just say i have no problems with people sending this letter or posting to whatever site they want to.


Carry on. Although its my opinion and how i feel if it speaks for many Saints fans then that is brilliant.


I dont expect an answer (only posted it today) but obviously if one comes back I will let you all know. My mate wrote to him before Christmas and he got a reply, its said **** all but he did respond

An excellent message that outlines the problems but suggests no solution...


If Rupert goes and no one invests, we will be worse off. Its painful.


Any ideas?


If Rupert stays, we'll be worse off anyway.


It's painful....investment is a LONG way away, regardless of who is in charge.

An excellent message that outlines the problems but suggests no solution...


If Rupert goes and no one invests, we will be worse off. Its painful.


Any ideas?


Blinkers on, eyes front!


Have you still got your £50 betting slip with Saints to win the league?


Funny, I don;t remember you being so against Lowe when he returned WITHOUT any further investment. Change for changes sake wasn;t it?


Funny how some can be so hypocritical and deluded at the same time.

Posted (edited)

Just a thought but someone like David Armstrong and Big Mac would surely know how to use this letter to advantage. They both love this club and listening to David over the last few weeks he is hurting just like us. With their contacts and others in the same position is it not possible to have our true feelings aired prominantly.

I actually noticed in the sun a short article by Steven Howard which was directed directly at Lowe. Our plight is getting noticed and our position must reach the media as quickly as possible.

If something is organised I am starting to believe we could draw a lot of publicity to our cause. What we really need is a unity amongst all Saints fans. Being the largest site we have, this one should be able to take the lead. The word of "a happening" could be spread very easily by all members of this and other sites simpl by copying the details and handing the copies out. 15500 average gates. 2000 members from this and other sites copy details 12 times and we have enough copies for a completely full ground. This is just an idea and you may laugh but it would be cheap and no one person would be footing a big bill.

Edited by SFC Forever
Blinkers on, eyes front!




Funny how some can be so hypocritical and deluded at the same time.


I think you'll find most of Le Goddard's posts are pretty meaningless!


Good letter though BeatleSaint. Shame it seems too late for our club. We all knew it would happen but quietly hoped not.

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