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    • Biden
    • Trump

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A longish but very interesting article below, don't be fooled by the title though :lol:


Everyone Is Smart Except Trump


That’s why they all are billionaires and all got elected president.

It really is quite simple. Everyone is smart except Donald J. Trump. That’s why they all are billionaires and all got elected President. Only Trump does not know what he is doing.

Only Trump does not know how to negotiate with Vladimir Putin. Anderson Cooper knows how to stand up to Putin. The whole crowd at MSNBC does. All the journalists do.


They could not stand up to Matt Lauer at NBC. They could not stand up to Charlie Rose at CBS. They could not stand up to Mark Halperin at NBC. Nor up to Leon Wieseltier at

the New Republic, nor Jann Wenner at Rolling Stone, nor Michael Oreskes at NPR, at the New York Times, or at the Associated Press. But — oh, wow! — can they ever stand up

to Putin! Only Trump is incapable of negotiating with the Russian tyrant.


Remember the four years when Anderson Cooper was President of the United States? And before that — when the entire Washington Post editorial staff jointly were elected to be

President? Remember? Neither do I.


The Seedier Media never have negotiated life and death, not corporate life and death, and not human life and death. They think they know how to negotiate, but they do not know how.

They go to a college, are told by peers that they are smart, get some good grades, proceed to a graduate degree in journalism, and get hired as analysts. Now they are experts, ready

to take on Putin and the Iranian Ayatollahs at age 30.



Posted (edited)
More white college graduates voted for Trump than Clinton.
One, that doesn't disprove my point that a candidate's "base" is not, obviously, every single person that voted for them.


Two, not sure why you using "white" as a qualifier in a mixed race country like the US is.


Thirdly, just a cursory look shows that across the "college educated vs not" divide, more voted for Clinton by a significant margin.


Linked, quoted.






In the 2016 election, a wide gap in presidential preferences emerged between those with and without a college degree. College graduates backed Clinton by a 9-point margin (52%-43%), while those without a college degree backed Trump 52%-44%. This is by far the widest gap in support among college graduates and non-college graduates in exit polls dating back to 1980. For example, in 2012, there was hardly any difference between the two groups: College graduates backed Obama over Romney by 50%-48%, and those without a college degree also supported Obama 51%-47%.





Any chance you will ever post anything that isn't horsesh it?

Edited by CB Fry
Two, not sure why you using "white" as a qualifier in a mixed race country like the US is.


Any chance you will ever post anything that isn't horsesh !t?


The, "more white college educated men voted for Trump than Clinton" horsesh !t that I posted was in response to the post below, not to you .


Last post of the day from me, that GM weirdo doesn't need any more of my time anyway:


BUT just look at the stat's, his base are primarily white men that are not College educated. They aren't prepared to investigate if he lies to them, keeps his promises etc. All they care about is his talking points, ie bringing archaic coal industry jobs back to the rustbelt and keeping "rapist" immigrants out that end up as gangbangers or stealing their jobs, that he is a good christian that will abolish abortions, that he will allow them to keep their guns (semi auto/ bump stocks/ no background checks etc) and punish the "liberal elite" who are framed as the enemy of the points discussed.


Here's the source for my horsesh !t.


education among whites by sex


[TABLE=class: exit-poll__table, width: 374]


[TH=class: exit-poll__cell--header exit-poll__cell--answer, align: left][/TH]

[TH=class: exit-poll__cell--header, align: center]clinton[/TH]

[TH=class: exit-poll__cell--header, align: center]trump[/TH]

[TH=class: exit-poll__cell--header, align: center]other/no answer[/TH]



[TD=class: exit-poll__cell exit-poll__cell--answer]white college-grad women


[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]51%[/TD]

[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]44%[/TD]

[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]5%[/TD]



[TD=class: exit-poll__cell exit-poll__cell--answer]white non-college women


[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]34%[/TD]

[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]61%[/TD]

[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]5%[/TD]



[TD=class: exit-poll__cell exit-poll__cell--answer]white college-grad men


[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]39%[/TD]

[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]53%[/TD]

[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]8%[/TD]



[TD=class: exit-poll__cell exit-poll__cell--answer]white non-college men


[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]23%[/TD]

[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]71%[/TD]

[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]6%[/TD]



[TD=class: exit-poll__cell exit-poll__cell--answer]non-whites


[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]74%[/TD]

[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]21%[/TD]

[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]5%[/TD]



24558 respondents



Plenty of other data supports this, but you would rather try to suggest I'm a racist and insult me. If I was you, I would read the posts better, before clicking "Submit reply". It would prevent you looking like a complete tool...

The, "more white college educated men voted for Trump than Clinton" horsesh !t that I posted was in response to the post below, not to you .




Here's the source for my horsesh !t.


education among whites by sex


[TABLE=class: exit-poll__table, width: 374]


[TH=class: exit-poll__cell--header exit-poll__cell--answer, align: left][/TH]

[TH=class: exit-poll__cell--header, align: center]clinton[/TH]

[TH=class: exit-poll__cell--header, align: center]trump[/TH]

[TH=class: exit-poll__cell--header, align: center]other/no answer[/TH]



[TD=class: exit-poll__cell exit-poll__cell--answer]white college-grad women


[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]51%[/TD]

[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]44%[/TD]

[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]5%[/TD]



[TD=class: exit-poll__cell exit-poll__cell--answer]white non-college women


[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]34%[/TD]

[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]61%[/TD]

[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]5%[/TD]



[TD=class: exit-poll__cell exit-poll__cell--answer]white college-grad men


[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]39%[/TD]

[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]53%[/TD]

[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]8%[/TD]



[TD=class: exit-poll__cell exit-poll__cell--answer]white non-college men


[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]23%[/TD]

[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]71%[/TD]

[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]6%[/TD]



[TD=class: exit-poll__cell exit-poll__cell--answer]non-whites


[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]74%[/TD]

[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]21%[/TD]

[TD=class: exit-poll__cell, align: center]5%[/TD]



24558 respondents



Plenty of other data supports this, but you would rather try to suggest I'm a racist and insult me. If I was you, I would read the posts better, before clicking "Submit reply". It would prevent you looking like a complete tool...


You're a careful reader, so carefully read the post I quoted from you which was a direct reply from you to me.


Go back. Read carefully. There it is. Not a reply to anyone else. To me. That's kinda why I thought you were replying to me because it was a reply to me. I read it real careful, like.


And I've carefully read my post and I'm struggling to see where I've suggested you are a racist. But I've read you carefully and I am seeing someone desperate to deny something they haven't even been accused of in the first place. How strange. Anything else you want to deny being? I am absolutely delighted to put on the record that I don't think you're racist at all.


Lastly. You write horsesh it, that's all I've said.


The link between college education and propensity to vote for Clinton is huge, undeniable, unavoidable.


Read this carefully you old definitely not a racist person.



You're a careful reader, so carefully read the post I quoted from you which was a direct reply from you to me.

Lastly. You write horsesh it, that's all I've said.

The link between college education and propensity to vote for Clinton is huge, undeniable, unavoidable.

My reply to you, which is apparently horsesh !t

More white college graduates voted for Trump than Clinton.

As Mark Twain said "Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.". I won't make the same mistake again...


My reply to you, which is apparently horsesh !t


As Mark Twain said "Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.". I won't make the same mistake again...

Carefully read this. As I said you write horsesh it.




And as Ernest Hemingway once said "Guided Missile is a complete bellend."


Hopefully, our useless government will read this excellent article in today's Sunday Times by Irwin Stelzer regarding Drunker's recent begging trip to the US.


For Juncker, the deal met his principal objective — satisfying the demand of his paymaster, German chancellor Angela Merkel, that he persuade the American leader who has bullied and insulted her not to fire his biggest gun, aimed directly at her economy — impose swingeing tariffs (perhaps of 25%) on Germany’s auto sector, which employs more than 800,000 workers, and earned €423bn (£376bn) last year, a substantial portion from the sale of 494,000 virtually duty-free vehicles to America. Those tariffs will not be imposed if the negotiations succeed in converting the truce to a permanent peace.


For Trump, the victory was greater than even he imagined it might be. He has been arguing that tariffs are merely a tactic in the trade war, his way of persuading the trading partners who have been taking unfair advantage of America to come to the bargaining table. Which the EU has done, proving that Trump is not a mad protectionist but a champion of freer, fairer trade that will benefit American workers, farmers and businesses. In return for agreeing to attempt to resolve all steel and aluminium tariff issues, and related retaliations, here’s what Trump got:


● The parties will work towards zero tariffs and removal of all trade barriers for non-auto industrial goods, the fate of autos to be decided at a later date.


● The EU will “almost immediately” increase its purchases of soybeans. Soybean farmers have been hit hard by China’s decision to aim its retaliation for US tariffs squarely at them, in a so-far-failed effort to shake their support for Trump in key states. Trump countered by resuscitating a Depression-era statute allowing him to dole out $12bn to farmers, no congressional approval needed; and now has further proof to offer farmers that he “has their backs”.


● The EU will import “massive” amounts of American LNG, a bonanza for US natural gas producers that at the same time diversifies Europe’s energy supplies, diluting the power over Europe’s supplies that Nord Stream 2, the planned pipeline from Russia to Germany, will put at Putin’s disposal — a “horrible” project, Trump told a miffed Merkel.


● The US and the EU will work together to reform the World Trade Organisation, which Trump has been accused of planning to wreck.


● Most important, the EU and US will combine their forces — 50% of global GDP — to end the theft of intellectual property, forced technology transfers, industrial subsidies to state-owned enterprises, and use of excess capacity to drive global prices below cost.


Unfortunately for Trump’s critics, try as they might, they cannot interpret this as anything other than a victory for his belligerent tactics. It is said around Washington that if the president walked across the Potomac his critics would say the feat proves Trump can’t swim.
Posted (edited)

The FT's take on the 'deal' gives a different slant;


"In a victory for Mr Juncker, it puts further tariffs — including Mr Trump’s threatened 20 per cent levy on auto imports— on hold while talks proceed. Yet it is unclear what the US president gets out of it other than a short-term political win at a time when he is under fire over his trade policies at home.*"




Edited by badgerx16

Well after yesterday, I can't decide if it will be paying off a porn star and Playboy model and breaking campaign finance law or Collusion with a foreign power (Russia) to alter the democratic process of the election or obstruction of justice that will bring an end to Trump's presidency.


My guess at the moment will be the obstruction of justice, caused by the campaign finance violation. Everyone else will go down for Russia.

  • 4 weeks later...

I don't think I've heard a better, more eloquent takedown of one of Trump's key racist talking points - NFL players 'taking the knee'. Peto O'Rourke is going to go far - something of Robert Kennedy about him.





So Manafort has entered a plea bargain and is cooperating with Mueller in the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. But as far as the White House are concerned, this has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Trump's victory. Uh-uhh, no sir. Not connected at all. Nothing to see here. Move along.




So Stormy has published her memories including the Trump hook up... bit of a hit on Trump's ego I should imagine


Trump’s bodyguard invites Daniels to dinner, which turns out to be an invitation to Trump’s penthouse, she writes, in a description of alleged events that Daniels has disclosed previously but which in the book are rendered with new and lurid detail.


She describes Trump’s penis as “smaller than average” but “not freakishly small”.


“He knows he has an unusual penis,” Daniels writes. “It has a huge mushroom head. Like a toadstool …


“I lay there, annoyed that I was getting ****ed by a guy with Yeti pubes and a **** like the mushroom character in Mario Kart …


“It may have been the least impressive sex I’d ever had, but clearly, he didn’t share that opinion.”





  • 3 weeks later...
The trump stuff is just hysteria. He wi most likely lose to a democrat in 2 years and will be forgotten. Its hardly ushering in a new age of facism.


He's just made a lifetime appointment that will determine American legal decisions for most likely a couple of decades, if not longer. The supreme court is the most powerful of the three branches of American government, able to overrule the president and congress.


There's a reasonable chance that the next appointment will be something like Bader Ginsberg dying or standing down, meaning it will become an incredibly powerful 6-3 majority with little chance of being balanced any time in the near future. That will almost certainly mean a change in abortion laws, gay rights and more. Not fascism, but a very big deal.

Now that even Mike Godwin - he of Godwin's Law - says it's okay to compare some the actions and behaviour of the Trump regime with those of the Nazis, here's an interesting read for the historians among you...




Good read. It is scary that no matter how badly Trump behaves, the stronger his support base seems to get. There are clearly a great many Americans who buy into his philosophy. Watching some of them defending Brett K last week was troubling. No matter what the truth is about the alleged sexual abuse claims, he clearly lied with his interpretations from the year book and for that reason alone it is enough to cast doubt as to his suitability for his new job. The amount of women who support Trump is staggering, goodness knows why. As much as I would hate to see it, I can see The Donald getting a second term. God help us all.

Posted (edited)
He's just made a lifetime appointment that will determine American legal decisions for most likely a couple of decades, if not longer. The supreme court is the most powerful of the three branches of American government, able to overrule the president and congress.


There's a reasonable chance that the next appointment will be something like Bader Ginsberg dying or standing down, meaning it will become an incredibly powerful 6-3 majority with little chance of being balanced any time in the near future. That will almost certainly mean a change in abortion laws, gay rights and more. Not fascism, but a very big deal.

The same thing would have happened in the other direction had the Democrats been in power and it would also have happened if another Republican had won who wasn't Trump. That's the American system whether you agree with it or not but it's certainly not an issue that's unique to Trump being in power. Besides it was the Democrats who scrapped the fillibuster so you could argue they are at least partially responsible for the situation. That and running Hilary in the first place of course. I see no evidence that they are going to overturn Roe v Wade, maybe let's have that conversation when it actually happens. Edited by hypochondriac
Good read. It is scary that no matter how badly Trump behaves, the stronger his support base seems to get. There are clearly a great many Americans who buy into his philosophy. Watching some of them defending Brett K last week was troubling. No matter what the truth is about the alleged sexual abuse claims, he clearly lied with his interpretations from the year book and for that reason alone it is enough to cast doubt as to his suitability for his new job. The amount of women who support Trump is staggering, goodness knows why. As much as I would hate to see it, I can see The Donald getting a second term. God help us all.


Instead of bleating on and on about it on an internet forum where no one else gives a t*ss about what you think, why dont you do something constructive and bleat on and on about it in the USA and even outside the White House?

Instead of bleating on and on about it on an internet forum where no one else gives a t*ss about what you think, why dont you do something constructive and bleat on and on about it in the USA and even outside the White House?


Try being original Batman. I know it is hard for you but I believe that you can do it. It must be tough for you seeing an icon of yours getting so much flak but find your inner superhero.


And by the way, how do you know that I am not doing those things?

Try being original Batman. I know it is hard for you but I believe that you can do it. It must be tough for you seeing an icon of yours getting so much flak but find your inner superhero.


And by the way, how do you know that I am not doing those things?


you sir, are weird


What did Trump ever do for (the) us?


• Appointed Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh together with more than 75 other constitutionally sound federal judges, 30 of which are serving.

• Reinstated an expanded Mexico City Policy blocking foreign aid from being used for abortions.

• Cracked down on illegal immigration and “sanctuary cities.” As Attorney General Jeff Sessions put it: “The lawlessness, the abdication of the duty to enforce our laws, and the catch and release policies of the past are over.”

• Issued an order killing two federal regulations for every new one. In actuality, 16 were cut for every new one in his first year, saving billions.

• Engineered a historic tax cut that will save money for more than 80 percent of American households.

• Withdrew the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement, ending the threat of U.S. governance by international bureaucrats.

• Reversed onerous Obama environmental rules that gave the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ham-handed authority to destroy the coal industry and abrogate landowners’ rights.

• Kick-started America’s energy sector by curtailing regulations, facilitating the Keystone XL Pipeline and opening up vast federal areas to oil and gas exploration.

• Presided over an economic and stock market boom, lowered unemployment and brought manufacturing jobs back to America from overseas.

• Rebuilt the nation’s military, destroyed ISIS and faced down North Korea’s “Rocket Man.”

• Issued an order enforcing First Amendment protections for religious liberty.

• Restored the freedom of military chaplains to espouse biblical morality, and essentially reversing Mr. Obama’s transgender military policy.

• Revoked the Education Department’s order that public schools allow gender-confused males access to girls’ restrooms and locker rooms.

• Cracked down on sex trafficking. President Trump signed a law allowing states to move against sex-ad Internet sites, and the Justice Department on April 6 seized and shut down Backpage.com, which carried ads for prostitution, including trafficked children.

• Overhauled the mismanaged Veterans Administration and giving veterans more health care choices.

• Replaced Obamacare incrementally, beginning with a repeal of the individual mandate.

• Imposed sanctions on Venezuela’s socialist dictatorship and revising Mr. Obama’s deals with communist Cuba.

• Recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and repairing damage that Mr. Obama did to the U.S.-Israel relationship.

• Worked with Central American nations to crack down on MS-13 gangs

What did Trump ever do for (the) us?


• Appointed Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh together with more than 75 other constitutionally sound federal judges, 30 of which are serving.

• Reinstated an expanded Mexico City Policy blocking foreign aid from being used for abortions.

• Cracked down on illegal immigration and “sanctuary cities.” As Attorney General Jeff Sessions put it: “The lawlessness, the abdication of the duty to enforce our laws, and the catch and release policies of the past are over.”

• Issued an order killing two federal regulations for every new one. In actuality, 16 were cut for every new one in his first year, saving billions.

• Engineered a historic tax cut that will save money for more than 80 percent of American households.

• Withdrew the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement, ending the threat of U.S. governance by international bureaucrats.

• Reversed onerous Obama environmental rules that gave the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ham-handed authority to destroy the coal industry and abrogate landowners’ rights.

• Kick-started America’s energy sector by curtailing regulations, facilitating the Keystone XL Pipeline and opening up vast federal areas to oil and gas exploration.

• Presided over an economic and stock market boom, lowered unemployment and brought manufacturing jobs back to America from overseas.

• Rebuilt the nation’s military, destroyed ISIS and faced down North Korea’s “Rocket Man.”

• Issued an order enforcing First Amendment protections for religious liberty.

• Restored the freedom of military chaplains to espouse biblical morality, and essentially reversing Mr. Obama’s transgender military policy.

• Revoked the Education Department’s order that public schools allow gender-confused males access to girls’ restrooms and locker rooms.

• Cracked down on sex trafficking. President Trump signed a law allowing states to move against sex-ad Internet sites, and the Justice Department on April 6 seized and shut down Backpage.com, which carried ads for prostitution, including trafficked children.

• Overhauled the mismanaged Veterans Administration and giving veterans more health care choices.

• Replaced Obamacare incrementally, beginning with a repeal of the individual mandate.

• Imposed sanctions on Venezuela’s socialist dictatorship and revising Mr. Obama’s deals with communist Cuba.

• Recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and repairing damage that Mr. Obama did to the U.S.-Israel relationship.

• Worked with Central American nations to crack down on MS-13 gangs


Let's pick just one - "Destroyed ISIS". So this has nothing to do with Iraqi, Syrian, Kurdish or Russian military involvement ? Or for that matter, all US commitments prior to his accession to the Presidency.


That is an extremely biased and rose-tinted list, presumably lifted from FOX news or a similar right wing orientated outlet. How about adding that he is the President that has polarised and divided opinion and elector confidence more than any of his predecessors.

What did Trump ever do for (the) us?


• Appointed Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh together with more than 75 other constitutionally sound federal judges, 30 of which are serving.

• Reinstated an expanded Mexico City Policy blocking foreign aid from being used for abortions.

• Cracked down on illegal immigration and “sanctuary cities.” As Attorney General Jeff Sessions put it: “The lawlessness, the abdication of the duty to enforce our laws, and the catch and release policies of the past are over.”

• Issued an order killing two federal regulations for every new one. In actuality, 16 were cut for every new one in his first year, saving billions.

• Engineered a historic tax cut that will save money for more than 80 percent of American households.

• Withdrew the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement, ending the threat of U.S. governance by international bureaucrats.

• Reversed onerous Obama environmental rules that gave the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ham-handed authority to destroy the coal industry and abrogate landowners’ rights.

• Kick-started America’s energy sector by curtailing regulations, facilitating the Keystone XL Pipeline and opening up vast federal areas to oil and gas exploration.

• Presided over an economic and stock market boom, lowered unemployment and brought manufacturing jobs back to America from overseas.

• Rebuilt the nation’s military, destroyed ISIS and faced down North Korea’s “Rocket Man.”

• Issued an order enforcing First Amendment protections for religious liberty.

• Restored the freedom of military chaplains to espouse biblical morality, and essentially reversing Mr. Obama’s transgender military policy.

• Revoked the Education Department’s order that public schools allow gender-confused males access to girls’ restrooms and locker rooms.

• Cracked down on sex trafficking. President Trump signed a law allowing states to move against sex-ad Internet sites, and the Justice Department on April 6 seized and shut down Backpage.com, which carried ads for prostitution, including trafficked children.

• Overhauled the mismanaged Veterans Administration and giving veterans more health care choices.

• Replaced Obamacare incrementally, beginning with a repeal of the individual mandate.

• Imposed sanctions on Venezuela’s socialist dictatorship and revising Mr. Obama’s deals with communist Cuba.

• Recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and repairing damage that Mr. Obama did to the U.S.-Israel relationship.

• Worked with Central American nations to crack down on MS-13 gangs


Frightening isn't it.


What did Trump ever do for (the) us?


• Appointed Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh together with more than 75 other constitutionally sound federal judges, 30 of which are serving.

• Reinstated an expanded Mexico City Policy blocking foreign aid from being used for abortions.

• Cracked down on illegal immigration and “sanctuary cities.” As Attorney General Jeff Sessions put it: “The lawlessness, the abdication of the duty to enforce our laws, and the catch and release policies of the past are over.”

• Issued an order killing two federal regulations for every new one. In actuality, 16 were cut for every new one in his first year, saving billions.

• Engineered a historic tax cut that will save money for more than 80 percent of American households.

• Withdrew the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement, ending the threat of U.S. governance by international bureaucrats.

• Reversed onerous Obama environmental rules that gave the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ham-handed authority to destroy the coal industry and abrogate landowners’ rights.

• Kick-started America’s energy sector by curtailing regulations, facilitating the Keystone XL Pipeline and opening up vast federal areas to oil and gas exploration.

• Presided over an economic and stock market boom, lowered unemployment and brought manufacturing jobs back to America from overseas.

• Rebuilt the nation’s military, destroyed ISIS and faced down North Korea’s “Rocket Man.”

• Issued an order enforcing First Amendment protections for religious liberty.

• Restored the freedom of military chaplains to espouse biblical morality, and essentially reversing Mr. Obama’s transgender military policy.

• Revoked the Education Department’s order that public schools allow gender-confused males access to girls’ restrooms and locker rooms.

• Cracked down on sex trafficking. President Trump signed a law allowing states to move against sex-ad Internet sites, and the Justice Department on April 6 seized and shut down Backpage.com, which carried ads for prostitution, including trafficked children.

• Overhauled the mismanaged Veterans Administration and giving veterans more health care choices.

• Replaced Obamacare incrementally, beginning with a repeal of the individual mandate.

• Imposed sanctions on Venezuela’s socialist dictatorship and revising Mr. Obama’s deals with communist Cuba.

• Recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and repairing damage that Mr. Obama did to the U.S.-Israel relationship.

• Worked with Central American nations to crack down on MS-13 gangs


Weird how you often pretend that what you post on here are your thoughts - when in fact you've simply lifted extremist guff in order to make you look... well, what exactly?


So as for the above, I'll simply ask: are you now or have you ever been a Moonie?

Let's pick just one - "Destroyed ISIS". So this has nothing to do with Iraqi, Syrian, Kurdish or Russian military involvement ? Or for that matter, all US commitments prior to his accession to the Presidency.


That is an extremely biased and rose-tinted list, presumably lifted from FOX news or a similar right wing orientated outlet. How about adding that he is the President that has polarised and divided opinion and elector confidence more than any of his predecessors.

Tbf though I don't think with Hilary in charge the US would have been any less polarised or divided.
Tbf though I don't think with Hilary in charge the US would have been any less polarised or divided.


Yep especially as the Republicans in Congress are far extreme and partisan than the Democrats.

Tbf though I don't think with Hilary in charge the US would have been any less polarised or divided.


This is because, as a supporter of the alt-right, you are blinkered as to what an odious man Trump is. Anyone who challenges the liberals can't be all bad, eh? The reason that the US is so polarised and divided comes down to Trump, his Presidency and the way that he plays into the hands of the unhinged far right. There will always be a division between the Republicans and Democrats. Thing is Trump is taking great delight in making that chasm wider. But carry on pretending that he is not the problem.

This is because, as a supporter of the alt-right, you are blinkered as to what an odious man Trump is. Anyone who challenges the liberals can't be all bad, eh? The reason that the US is so polarised and divided comes down to Trump, his Presidency and the way that he plays into the hands of the unhinged far right. There will always be a division between the Republicans and Democrats. Thing is Trump is taking great delight in making that chasm wider. But carry on pretending that he is not the problem.



Yep especially as the Republicans in Congress are far extreme and partisan than the Democrats.
I've seen some pretty extreme stuff coming out of the democrat side in the past few weeks. I accept that Republicans seem to have more of the share of crazies though. The point is America would be just as polarised no matter which candidate had won. It's a bit of a strange country.
Tbf though I don't think with Hilary in charge the US would have been any less polarised or divided.


The #Metoo movement would be in a permanent state of confusion, desperately trying to gloss over the First mans chick history.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Posted (edited)
The #Metoo movement would be in a permanent state of confusion, desperately trying to gloss over the First mans chick history.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Indeed. Absolute insane hypocrisy with her comments about Christine Ford considering what she had to see about her husband's accusers. I think just as many if nitot more Americans would have been sickened by her winning the presidancy as Trump which is why she lost. Edited by hypochondriac
I think just as many if nitot more Americans would have been sickened by her winning the presidancy as Trump which is why she lost.


Hillary Clinton was a bad candidate, and wouldn't have been pick of the month with the rabid Republican right. But to suggest any equivalence - or worse - with Trump takes numptiness to a new level.

Posted (edited)
Hillary Clinton was a bad candidate, and wouldn't have been pick of the month with the rabid Republican right. But to suggest any equivalence - or worse - with Trump takes numptiness to a new level.
And yet millions of Americans preferred Trump to Hilary. I haven't suggested an equivalence by the way, I'm saying that millions of Americans compared them and found Trump to be the preferred candidate which clearly shows you what sort of esteem she was held in by them. I think Bernie would have beaten Trump easily which show what a huge mistake the Democrats made. So have they done some self reflection since that loss and tried to change some things? Or have they blamed people who voted for Trump and doubled down on the hysteria? I think we all know the answer which is why there will be just as much strife and division in America if the Democrats win the midterms and the next presidential race. Edited by hypochondriac

What’s trump done that’s so bad? Apart from the rhetoric I mean, what has he actually done that is bad? Seems to me he is doing pretty well?

Posted (edited)
And yet millions of Americans preferred Trump to Hilary. I haven't suggested an equivalence by the way, I'm saying that millions of Americans compared them and found Trump to be the preferred candidate which clearly shows you what sort of esteem she was held in by them. I think Bernie would have beaten Trump easily which show what a huge mistake the Democrats made. So have they done some self reflection since that loss and tried to change some things? Or have they blamed people who voted for Trump and doubled down on the hysteria? I think we all know the answer which is why there will be just as much strife and division in America if the Democrats win the midterms and the next presidential race.
And here's a tweet today highlighting pew research that underlines this point. So actually the research shows that it is the Democrats that have become more extreme over time and not the Republicans.




Edited by hypochondriac

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