ecuk268 Posted 28 November, 2020 Posted 28 November, 2020 On 28/11/2020 at 19:20, scally said: No evidence but a lot of dodgy shit went on Expand You're contradicting yourself there. If there's no evidence, you're just speculating.
badgerx16 Posted 28 November, 2020 Posted 28 November, 2020 On 28/11/2020 at 20:05, ecuk268 said: You're contradicting yourself there. If there's no evidence, you're just speculating. Expand Or just making things up.
tajjuk Posted 28 November, 2020 Posted 28 November, 2020 On 28/11/2020 at 13:44, scally said: Maybe they've realised if you watch the msm all you'll get is fake news Expand I see I need to change my quote to millions of Americans and some clueless British people won't accept reality...............
scally Posted 28 November, 2020 Posted 28 November, 2020 (edited) On 28/11/2020 at 19:26, badgerx16 said: " Many examples making this claim feature a screenshot of a now-deleted tweet from a user named Mike Coudrey that reads “BREAKING: Wisconsin has more votes than people who are registered to vote. Total number of registered voters: 3,129,000. Total number of votes cast: 3,239,920. This is direct evidence of fraud.” ( here, archived here ) The Wisconsin Elections Commission has voter registration statistics available on its website (archived here ). The total number of registered voters in the state on Nov. 1, 2020 at 7 a.m. was 3,684,726. Reid Magney, Public Information Officer for the Wisconsin Elections Commission, told Reuters by phone that the claim is “pure disinformation” and confirmed the number of registered voters as 3,684,726." .............................................. CLAIM: Wisconsin has “3,129,000 registered voters,” but counted 3,239,920 votes. AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. According to the Wisconsin Elections Commission, the state had 3,684,726 active registered voters as of Nov. 1. As of Wednesday afternoon, there had been nearly 3.3 million ballots counted in the presidential race, according to The Associated Press. Come back home from Fantasy Island and accept reality, the only 'Dodgy Shit' is what Rudy Guiliani uses to dye his hair. Expand So in a state with 3,684,726registered voters 3.3 million of them actually voted, are you kidding me, what kind of percentage is that? Nothing to see here Edited 28 November, 2020 by scally
badgerx16 Posted 28 November, 2020 Posted 28 November, 2020 On 28/11/2020 at 21:29, scally said: So in a state with 3,684,726registered voters 3.3 million of them actually voted, are you kidding me, what kind of percentage is that? Nothing to see here Expand The real turnout numbers Wisconsin had more than 3.6 million registered voters heading into Election Day, and more than 3.2 million Wisconsinites voted in the presidential race. But those aren’t the numbers used to calculate turnout here. For starters, Wisconsin allows same-day voter registration, so that number of registered voters goes up throughout the day. In 2016, for example, 12.7% of voters registered on Election Day, according to the Wisconsin Elections Commission. Even more important, registered voters is the wrong figure entirely for calculating turnout. Voter turnout in a same-day registration state is based on the percentage of eligible voters who cast a ballot. So when you divide the number of votes cast in Wisconsin — 3,278,963 as of Nov. 5 — by the voting-age population in Wisconsin (4,536,293 as of 2019, according to the elections commission), you get a turnout rate of 72.3%.
badgerx16 Posted 28 November, 2020 Posted 28 November, 2020 (edited) On 28/11/2020 at 21:19, scally said: Expand Just plain wrong - under PA State law the Governor holds the power to certify the result and appoint the Electoral College candidates, and, in fact, this has already been done - 20 votes for Biden. Newsmax makes Fox News look like a left wing red top. Edited 28 November, 2020 by badgerx16
tajjuk Posted 28 November, 2020 Posted 28 November, 2020 That vid man, I fell like I lost brain cells reading the comments. It astounds me people can be this stupid, you have to fear for millions of Americans mental health when Biden gets sworn in.
badgerx16 Posted 28 November, 2020 Posted 28 November, 2020 (edited) On 28/11/2020 at 23:29, tajjuk said: That vid man, I fell like I lost brain cells reading the comments. It astounds me people can be this stupid, you have to fear for millions of Americans mental health when Biden gets sworn in. Expand I fear for the next Presidential election; last time we had Trump's claims about Hillary Clinton, then there's the current circus where because he didn't win it must be a fraud. How are his zealots going to act in 4 years time, after fermenting through the Biden Presidency. It's bad enough, though entirley expected, that Trump acts the way he does, but when educated, legally trained, experienced politicians back up his delusions, or at the least keep schtum when they know full well he is no more than a tantrum throwing baby, where does 'democracy' go next ? Edited 28 November, 2020 by badgerx16
tajjuk Posted 29 November, 2020 Posted 29 November, 2020 (edited) On 28/11/2020 at 23:44, badgerx16 said: I fear for the next Presidential election; last time we had Trump's claims about Hillary Clinton, then there's the current circus where because he didn't win it must be a fraud. How are his zealots going to act in 4 years time, after fermenting through the Biden Presidency. It's bad enough, though entirley expected, that Trump acts the way he does, but when educated, legally trained, experienced politicians back up his delusions, or at the least keep schtum when they know full well he is no more than a tantrum throwing baby, where does 'democracy' go next ? Expand Well that is biggest problem, the Republicans who have no backbone and no principles because they need the fanatical idiots to vote for them. They should have come out right from the start and stamped this down but very few have. It's going to be an interesting 4 years for the Republican party, there is a divide there similar to the democrats except the democrats divide is on policy you have centrist establishment and the progressives, but with the Republicans its this divide between regular normal conservatives and basically Trump fanatics, its not a disagreement over policy its normal conservative values but still believing in facts, the press etc. and then these fanatical idiots who only want to hear what they agree with and will attack anything they don't like. Like I said they have turned on Fox news because Fox is literally telling them the truth and they don't like it, they are calling them sell outs for not continuing to believe in the Trump cult. I fully expect Trump to try and run again, which is scary and its an important 4 years for democrats to not let the people down and go back to their old ways of being corporate light republicans, they need to stop fighting their progressive wing and embrace it, embrace the populist policies properly and they will dominate US politics for the next generation if they do it properly and the republicans are fighting trumpism. On a wider scale though Trump and to a little extent Brexit have been a sad erosion of democratic principles, belief in elections, freedom of the press, respect of facts and the truth, instead you have this very bitter tribalism with particular in the case of Trump this fanatical devotion to the cult of his personality and the rejection of everything really the US is supposed to stand for. These people don't believe anything but what they are told by their 'side' and that is scary because that is how totalitarian dictators get in. It just astounds me that many people voted for him and continue to believe these election fraud claims, not to mention these people think it fine for news outlets to be attacked and silenced, for political opponents to be locked up or kidnapped, that its fine to pander to white supremacist groups, that are fine with immigrants being locked up and forcibly removed from their parents etc. These last 4 years makes you understand how things like the Nazis happen, that a lot of humanity is just not very nice or good and are quite happy for horrible things to happen to others if they are not on their 'team'. Edited 29 November, 2020 by tajjuk 2
LVSaint Posted 29 November, 2020 Posted 29 November, 2020 The "well dodgy" thing about the 2020 election is that Trump got 10 million more votes than he did in 2016. This country is certifiable.
scally Posted 29 November, 2020 Posted 29 November, 2020 On 28/11/2020 at 22:28, badgerx16 said: Just plain wrong - under PA State law the Governor holds the power to certify the result and appoint the Electoral College candidates, and, in fact, this has already been done - 20 votes for Biden. Newsmax makes Fox News look like a left wing red top. Expand You're wrong, watch this video, I think it's from the 3 hour mark and you'll see why
whelk Posted 29 November, 2020 Posted 29 November, 2020 Giuliani is fcking comedy. Lost his marbles completely. Remember once having respect for him after 9/11. His legacy now is playing with his cock and having hair dye run down his face. He’d look a right old cunt with grey hair.
tajjuk Posted 29 November, 2020 Posted 29 November, 2020 On 29/11/2020 at 07:45, scally said: You're wrong, watch this video, I think it's from the 3 hour mark and you'll see why Expand Nope. In constitution the state legislator can't chose the electors, they can chose the manner the electors are chosen and they had to do this by 3rd of November. Also the Supreme Court has already ruled that the electors can't just decide to vote for the person who didn't win the state. They have lost every single law suit now, I think its up to 38, and basically they are getting laughed out of court and more importantly because it would be perjury, they are making no actual claims of election fraud in court, basically there is no case. In PA the courts said that a case was not made for even ONE SINGLE ballot to be illegal.
badgerx16 Posted 29 November, 2020 Posted 29 November, 2020 (edited) On 29/11/2020 at 07:45, scally said: You're wrong, watch this video, I think it's from the 3 hour mark and you'll see why Expand Firstly, no I am not. Secondly, anybody posting a Rudy Guiliani quote to support their case has already lost the debate, and probably the plot and their marbles, ( as has Rudy ). Edited 29 November, 2020 by badgerx16
badgerx16 Posted 29 November, 2020 Posted 29 November, 2020 (edited) On 29/11/2020 at 16:32, scally said: BOOM Expand Has your head exploded ? So, according to that, 5 soldiers were killed in a firefisght between Delta Force and the CIA in Frankfurt. Strange how none of the mainstream media have picked up on theis outbreak of civil war in the US military, especially the local German press. Edited 29 November, 2020 by badgerx16
Weston Super Saint Posted 29 November, 2020 Posted 29 November, 2020 On 29/11/2020 at 16:53, badgerx16 said: Has your head exploded ? So, according to that, 5 soldiers were killed in a firefisght between Delta Force and the CIA in Frankfurt. Strange how none of the mainstream media have picked up on theis outbreak of civil war in the US military, especially the local German press. Expand I don't think the CIA are military, which is probably why there hasn't been any reports of an outbreak of civil war in the US military...
badgerx16 Posted 29 November, 2020 Posted 29 November, 2020 On 29/11/2020 at 17:25, Weston Super Saint said: I don't think the CIA are military, which is probably why there hasn't been any reports of an outbreak of civil war in the US military... Expand No, but the theory is that the CIA facility is actually in the US Consulate in Frankfurt, and would therefore be guarded by US Marines.
scally Posted 29 November, 2020 Posted 29 November, 2020 (edited) How much more do you want, it's happening. Don't expect to hear anything in the msm. Watch the video Edited 29 November, 2020 by scally
badgerx16 Posted 29 November, 2020 Posted 29 November, 2020 On 29/11/2020 at 18:11, scally said: How much more do you want, it's happening. Don't expect to hear anything in the msm. Watch the video Expand If you keep digging you only make yourself look more and more unhinged.
scally Posted 29 November, 2020 Posted 29 November, 2020 On 29/11/2020 at 18:13, badgerx16 said: If you keep digging you only make yourself look more and more unhinged. Expand 🤣🤣 Unless you have evidence that all of these people and all the people who have given sworn affidavits are lying how can you even think that. People of the stature of Sydney Powell and Lin Wood would not be associated with this unless they believed that huge corruption had occurred in the US 2020 Presidential Election and they also had evidence to prove it 1
badgerx16 Posted 29 November, 2020 Posted 29 November, 2020 (edited) On 29/11/2020 at 19:19, scally said: 🤣🤣 Unless you have evidence that all of these people and all the people who have given sworn affidavits are lying how can you even think that. People of the stature of Sydney Powell and Lin Wood would not be associated with this unless they believed that huge corruption had occurred in the US 2020 Presidential Election and they also had evidence to prove it Expand She so much of a friutbat, even Rudy's team have distanced themselves from her. If there is any evidence of any form of fraud or corruption in the election, why have they failed to present any in the nearly 40 Court cases they have brought - and lost ? Edited 29 November, 2020 by badgerx16
jawillwill Posted 30 November, 2020 Posted 30 November, 2020 I see Papa Boupa Diop has died today. Very sad at such a young age - does feel that long ago that he was still playing.
jawillwill Posted 30 November, 2020 Posted 30 November, 2020 Sorry, just realised this isn't the Pompey Takeover Saga. This is nothing to do with Trump. 1
View From The Top Posted 30 November, 2020 Posted 30 November, 2020 On 29/11/2020 at 19:19, scally said: 🤣🤣 Unless you have evidence that all of these people and all the people who have given sworn affidavits are lying how can you even think that. People of the stature of Sydney Powell and Lin Wood would not be associated with this unless they believed that huge corruption had occurred in the US 2020 Presidential Election and they also had evidence to prove it Expand Then that evidence would have been used in court. It hasn't. Why? Because it doesn't exist. Not unless you include the star witness, who is the son of a former Cuban operative who knew a man who had debriefed a man about Chavez. Trump appointed judges have hoofed the cases out of court as they have no case. None.
Fan The Flames Posted 30 November, 2020 Posted 30 November, 2020 On 29/11/2020 at 19:19, scally said: 🤣🤣 Unless you have evidence that all of these people and all the people who have given sworn affidavits are lying how can you even think that. People of the stature of Sydney Powell and Lin Wood would not be associated with this unless they believed that huge corruption had occurred in the US 2020 Presidential Election and they also had evidence to prove it Expand This is what they are after, enough gullible people to spread doubt on the election result, to delegitimise the government and energise the base right the way through to the next election.
aintforever Posted 30 November, 2020 Posted 30 November, 2020 This is a good write-up of the whole shit-show: Trump was, in the telling of one close adviser, like “Mad King George, muttering, ‘I won. I won. I won.’ ”
badgerx16 Posted 30 November, 2020 Posted 30 November, 2020 Arizona signed off and certified for Biden.
badgerx16 Posted 30 November, 2020 Posted 30 November, 2020 (edited) On 30/11/2020 at 22:06, scally said: Here's some more for you boys Expand Why have they not yet taken you back to the secure hospital ? Here's a debunking of a variation on the Kraken server raid myth; Edited 30 November, 2020 by badgerx16
badgerx16 Posted 1 December, 2020 Posted 1 December, 2020 On 30/11/2020 at 19:55, badgerx16 said: Arizona signed off and certified for Biden. Expand Wisconsin follows suit.
Fan The Flames Posted 1 December, 2020 Posted 1 December, 2020 On 30/11/2020 at 22:06, scally said: Here's some more for you boys Expand You can't take a bloke wearing pyjamas and a revolver holster on TV seriously.
badgerx16 Posted 1 December, 2020 Posted 1 December, 2020 Joe DiGenova, one of Trump's "World Class legal team", says that Chris Krebs should be "drawn and quartered, taken out at dawn and shot", for saying that the election was fair and secure, with no evidence of tampering or fraud.
tajjuk Posted 1 December, 2020 Posted 1 December, 2020 On 30/11/2020 at 22:06, scally said: Here's some more for you boys Expand Not only is this of the highest level of stupidity but how pathetic the guy is doing a radio show sat there with two guns under his arms, like how insecure and pathetic do you have to be.
Lighthouse Posted 1 December, 2020 Posted 1 December, 2020 This thread is starting to resemble a debate with a creationist or flat Earther, who can only hold the view they do by complete and total denial of facts and reason. I’m not sure why you’re bothering to respond but crack on.
whelk Posted 1 December, 2020 Posted 1 December, 2020 The fat fuck has hardly been in the news lately. Have we finally grown tired of his rants?
View From The Top Posted 1 December, 2020 Posted 1 December, 2020 Now they're calling for a military takeover. Proper democracy that is.
View From The Top Posted 1 December, 2020 Posted 1 December, 2020 It looks like Chavez has gotten to Barr too. Amazing what a long dead man has managed to achieve in this election.
Sheaf Saint Posted 1 December, 2020 Posted 1 December, 2020 On 29/11/2020 at 21:05, badgerx16 said: She so much of a friutbat, even Rudy's team have distanced themselves from her. If there is any evidence of any form of fraud or corruption in the election, why have they failed to present any in the nearly 40 Court cases they have brought - and lost ? Expand
badgerx16 Posted 1 December, 2020 Posted 1 December, 2020 (edited) People, pay attention; whatever Sidney Powell is smoking, stay well away from it. It definitely fries your brain. Edited 1 December, 2020 by badgerx16
LGTL Posted 1 December, 2020 Posted 1 December, 2020 (edited) This reaction from Trump has made the election result even funnier. Snowflake. Edited 1 December, 2020 by LGTL
View From The Top Posted 2 December, 2020 Posted 2 December, 2020 Just a lawyer on the Trump team calling for martial law.
badgerx16 Posted 2 December, 2020 Posted 2 December, 2020 Every losing candidate in all future US elections, from President down to Town Dog Warden, has their response to their defeat mapped out.
View From The Top Posted 2 December, 2020 Posted 2 December, 2020 Just an ex-general who Trump pardoned calling for martial law. Nothing to see here.
badgerx16 Posted 2 December, 2020 Posted 2 December, 2020 On 02/12/2020 at 09:58, View From The Top said: Just an ex-general who Trump pardoned calling for martial law. Nothing to see here. Expand With his Presidential pardon he has immunity from all future federal prosecutions.
Picard Posted 2 December, 2020 Posted 2 December, 2020 Probably wasn't the best strategy to tell Orange Hitler that as soon as he's out of office he's going to be prosecuted and put in prison for the rest of his life. His supporters aren't promised much better either. How would you expect a mad dictator to react?
Mystic Force Posted 2 December, 2020 Posted 2 December, 2020 Well they are in the process of finalizing administrative rules that will allow firing squads for death penalty (because they are worried about the availability of chemicals for lethal injection) . I wonder what the statute penalties for treason currently are?
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