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Feel free to list any views of mine you consider to be right wing. If you are unable to do so then kindly pipe down.


Sorry dear, just giving you my opinion. Others have already posted more detail. I'll pipe up when I want to, thanks, but you really aren't worth the effort chasing around the board pointing out your reactionary views and attitudes whenever they appear.


Thanks for the avatar info sadoldgit. I tend to ignore all the alt-right crap, as they mostly seem to be pretty sad specimens and deeply unattractive on every level.


I just love the buttons that are pushed to get Trump demonised. Children separated from parents shock-horror. Yet, I'm looking closely at the press and since the Independent published, back in 2017, this article regarding the record number of children in the UK being placed in care, I don't see much for the UK to feel superior about. So, there are about 65 children separated from their law breaking parents, daily, in the Southern states of the US. The UK beats that, with 90 children being placed in care, every day. The reasons for this are often down to poverty, homelessness and substance abuse.

I'm trying to think of a scapegoat, but the hard truth is that these children in the US, are placed in this position by their parents, not Donald Trump. Still, it's easier to blame a government, with accompanying tragic news footage. Saves a foreign government like Mexico taking the responsibility for the poverty and homelessness their citizens face (and plenty of substance abuse, no doubt). It also helps score cheap political points, rather than face up to the social issues, namely parental responsibility, that lead to these terrible and tragic situations. I would never suggest that Mexico may be creating this situation on the back of threatened trade tariffs, but it makes you think.

Let's tidy up our own backyard before we start lecturing the US. Our social services are in crisis and we should fix them first, before Theresa May starts lecturing people again, like a third-rate headmistress.


Our social services are in crisis and we should fix them first, before Theresa May starts lecturing people again, like a third-rate headmistress.

See, you can make sensible points.

Posted (edited)
I just love the buttons that are pushed to get Trump demonised. Children separated from parents shock-horror. Yet, I'm looking closely at the press and since the Independent published, back in 2017, this article regarding the record number of children in the UK being placed in care, I don't see much for the UK to feel superior about. So, there are about 65 children separated from their law breaking parents, daily, in the Southern states of the US. The UK beats that, with 90 children being placed in care, every day. The reasons for this are often down to poverty, homelessness and substance abuse.

I'm trying to think of a scapegoat, but the hard truth is that these children in the US, are placed in this position by their parents, not Donald Trump. Still, it's easier to blame a government, with accompanying tragic news footage. Saves a foreign government like Mexico taking the responsibility for the poverty and homelessness their citizens face (and plenty of substance abuse, no doubt). It also helps score cheap political points, rather than face up to the social issues, namely parental responsibility, that lead to these terrible and tragic situations. I would never suggest that Mexico may be creating this situation on the back of threatened trade tariffs, but it makes you think.

Let's tidy up our own backyard before we start lecturing the US. Our social services are in crisis and we should fix them first, before Theresa May starts lecturing people again, like a third-rate headmistress.


Ridiculously different situations.


One case involves protecting the welfare of children because the parents are not fit to take care of them; the other doesn't.

Edited by shurlock
You also have an axe to grind my strange little mollusc. Is it possible to “bandy about” too freely when people post in support of it? I have an issue with people who pretend to be what they are not. You have an issue with that. Perhaps you should also get over yourself and speak out against people who support the likes of Yaxley-Lennon? Unless of course you think they have a point? As for your comment about Katie Hopkins, how old are you?


There is the principle of free speech


‘unless of course you think......’ yeah well done for uncovering my neo-nazi sympathies


Younger than you you old git. She’s your girlfriend


Of course there is s principle of free speech, but this is not about that. It is about pretending to be one thing while being something else. As I have said before, there are some posters on here who have clear far right views and express them. As much as I disagree with those views at least you know what you are dealing with and can challenge them. With this particular poster that isn’t the case and he pretends to be one thing when he is something else. I have an axe to grind with him because he spent a lot of time following me around on here slagging me off and calling me a liar. It is good to see that so many other posters now see him for what he is and his latest attempt to label me a liar over the use of the Pepe Le Frog meme by the alt-right is easily disproved by 30 seconds on google. Perhaps he will now stop pretending, have the courage of his convictions and say what he really thinks? Still, as Verbal points out, individual spats are boring and I am happy to let others pick up from here as hypo should never get a free pass. Support for extremists be they left or right should always be challenged Whelk, wouldn’t you agree? As for Ms Hopkins, I would rather stick pins in my eyes.

Get over yourself. You clearly have a personal axe to grind and bandy around 'far right' much too freely. Have an original thought( perhaps a little more complex than 'war is bad') rather than sanctimony about not being a nasty far right supporter. You fancy Katie Hopkins
Indeed. Throwing serious slurs like 'far right' and insinuating I'm a neo nazi supporter is despicable and no actual posts are offered as evidence. It seems it is perfectly acceptable to assert these things without evidence. As you say, a clear personal axe to grind...

Isn’t that frog thing something to do with far right neo naZism? Or am I wrong? Wasn’t there an actual campaign to reclaim Pepe from the normies. Frogs hey.



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I just love the buttons that are pushed to get Trump demonised. Children separated from parents shock-horror. Yet, I'm looking closely at the press and since the Independent published, back in 2017, this article regarding the record number of children in the UK being placed in care, I don't see much for the UK to feel superior about. So, there are about 65 children separated from their law breaking parents, daily, in the Southern states of the US. The UK beats that, with 90 children being placed in care, every day. The reasons for this are often down to poverty, homelessness and substance abuse.

I'm trying to think of a scapegoat, but the hard truth is that these children in the US, are placed in this position by their parents, not Donald Trump. Still, it's easier to blame a government, with accompanying tragic news footage. Saves a foreign government like Mexico taking the responsibility for the poverty and homelessness their citizens face (and plenty of substance abuse, no doubt). It also helps score cheap political points, rather than face up to the social issues, namely parental responsibility, that lead to these terrible and tragic situations. I would never suggest that Mexico may be creating this situation on the back of threatened trade tariffs, but it makes you think.

Let's tidy up our own backyard before we start lecturing the US. Our social services are in crisis and we should fix them first, before Theresa May starts lecturing people again, like a third-rate headmistress.


Christ. Talk about triggered.

Isn’t that frog thing something to do with far right neo naZism? Or am I wrong? Wasn’t there an actual campaign to reclaim Pepe from the normies. Frogs hey.



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Pepe the frog was a well known meme appropriated by the far right in the US and adopted by similar groups in Europe shortly after. There was no campaign to reclaim it the original artist Matt Furie decided that he'd had enough of his creation being associated with political beliefs he found abhorrent and started to use copyright laws to stop it being used.


It has been added to the anti defamation league's list of hate symbols in the US and identified as a hate symbol for the far right/white nationalists.


Frankly anyone using it must know the history of it, even if they might like to pretend otherwise. It's a bit like using a swastika these days and claiming that you associate with Hinduism, you know f*cking well what it represents and you're using it totally knowingly.

Pepe the frog was a well known meme appropriated by the far right in the US and adopted by similar groups in Europe shortly after. There was no campaign to reclaim it the original artist Matt Furie decided that he'd had enough of his creation being associated with political beliefs he found abhorrent and started to use copyright laws to stop it being used.


It has been added to the anti defamation league's list of hate symbols in the US and identified as a hate symbol for the far right/white nationalists.


Frankly anyone using it must know the history of it, even if they might like to pretend otherwise. It's a bit like using a swastika these days and claiming that you associate with Hinduism, you know f*cking well what it represents and you're using it totally knowingly.



Pepe the frog has been used in a plethora of ways , occasionally as a racist symbol, occasionally as a non racist symbol, anti religious and pro religious.


As the Anti Defamation League concedes:


The Pepe the Frog character did not originally have racist or anti-Semitic connotations. Internet users appropriated the character and turned him into a meme, placing the frog in a variety of circumstances and saying many different things. Many variations of the meme became rather esoteric, resulting in the phenomenon of so-called "rare Pepes."


The majority of uses of Pepe the Frog have been, and continue to be, non-bigoted.


However, because so many Pepe the Frog memes are not bigoted in nature, it is important to examine use of the meme only in context. The mere fact of posting a Pepe meme does not mean that someone is racist or white supremacist.


So no, a picture of Pepe the frog is not in any way comparable with a swastika. I agree with the Anti Defamation League that racist Pepe pictures are a minority, that use of a Pepe picture is not evidence of racist or bigoted views and that it is important to assess the context.

I'm thinking of using this image of a popular youth movement as my avatar to demonstrate my support for scouting.



Yep. Images of Hitler and scouting is entirely comparable to a cartoon frog image. Absolutely the same. I wonder if the Anti Defamation League would consider them comparable?
Yep. Images of Hitler and scouting is entirely comparable to a cartoon frog image. Absolutely the same. I wonder if the Anti Defamation League would consider them comparable?


Be honest, at least with yourself. If Pepe wasn't associated with the alt right you wouldn't have used it as your avatar. You could have chosen Kermit or Peppa Pig but didnt. I wonder why that is?


As Shurlock says, you just want to provoke a reaction whilst having a plausible deniability get out if the heat gets too much.

Be honest, at least with yourself. If Pepe wasn't associated with the alt right you wouldn't have used it as your avatar. You could have chosen Kermit or Peppa Pig but didnt. I wonder why that is?


As Shurlock says, you just want to provoke a reaction whilst having a plausible deniability get out if the heat gets too much.

I already explained why, I was quite up front about it. It exposed who wrre the type of reactionary posters who would scream about someone being a nazi based on no evidence other than someone using a cartoon frog picture. Suewhistle, soggy, jonnyboy it's all the usual people who shout "far right" or "white supremacist" first and then ask questions later- if at all.


And don't give me rubbish about the heat being too much. I think I can handle a few passive aggressive barbs from the likes of suewhistle or lies from soggy. I'm not sure that temperatures ever going to get above tepid.

Be honest, at least with yourself. If Pepe wasn't associated with the alt right you wouldn't have used it as your avatar. You could have chosen Kermit or Peppa Pig but didnt. I wonder why that is?


As Shurlock says, you just want to provoke a reaction whilst having a plausible deniability get out if the heat gets too much.


On second thoughts I going with this one, to celebrate my love of Angor Wat.



Enjoy getting a reaction. Personally I find it creepy. A bit like still trying to pull Andy Durman up on something he posted four years ago.
No more or less creepy than anything anyone posts on here. I still get posters pretending I had a fake second account from about five or six years ago as if that's some sort of hilarious jape. It's just posting on an Internet forum at the end of the day, hardly creepy.
Suewhistle, soggy, jonnyboy it's all the usual people..


Really? I can't say I've ever commented much on any of your threads. But I meant what I said when I commented that on seeing your name I tended to correctly predict to myself your point of view.

Perhaps you should wonder why that is?


I think I can handle a few passive aggressive barbs from the likes of suewhistle or lies from soggy. I'm not sure that temperatures ever going to get above tepid.


I'm sure you can. Actually that phrase, plausible deniability, by buctootim is one I have seen before when talking about the alt-right, and it struck me that it fits you to a T. Or as Shakespeare would have it "The lady doth protest too much, methinks".


Anyway, I hope you don't feel too passive aggressively offended if I hack off and leave you guys to debate the indefensible.

I already explained why, I was quite up front about it. It exposed who wrre the type of reactionary posters who would scream about someone being a nazi based on no evidence other than someone using a cartoon frog picture. Suewhistle, soggy, jonnyboy it's all the usual people who shout "far right" or "white supremacist" first and then ask questions later- if at all.


And don't give me rubbish about the heat being too much. I think I can handle a few passive aggressive barbs from the likes of suewhistle or lies from soggy. I'm not sure that temperatures ever going to get above tepid.


You are a busted flush hypo. I also find it interesting to hear that others thought you had a dual log in on here. Given your appearance on Sotonians too (which you deny) there is a pattern emerging here. Oh, and your posts have been picked up by way more than three of us.

You are a busted flush hypo. I also find it interesting to hear that others thought you had a dual log in on here. Given your appearance on Sotonians too (which you deny) there is a pattern emerging here. Oh, and your posts have been picked up by way more than three of us.
Hold on, I thought you were on your high horse and agreeing with verbal that you weren't replying anymore? You just can't help yourself with your obsession with me. Buzz off and annoy someone else soggy.

He definitely seems to get off on it. Very creepy.

I wonder if he's excitedly message his other mongboard buddy about who is going to post next and what they are going to say?

I see again no one posting about Trump. Quite typical of modern debate being all about identities


Quite. While Trump stoops to the lowest point yet in his presidency, the topic of concern on here is one poster's bloviating narcissism.


It seems Trump's immigrant wife Melania is intent on deepening the crisis with her 'I don't care' jacket, while Trump's sex object, his own daughter, continues to upload deeply insensitive happy-family images to Instagram.


What a time to be alive.

I see again no one posting about Trump. Quite typical of modern debate being all about identities


Because it would be so unusual for a thread to go off topic Whelk? Although in this case Trump and far right politics are not exactly a million miles apart are they? Back to Trump, where do you go with it? If someone made his presidency so far as a TV show people would say it was too far fetched. Every day when you turn on the TV it is another round of "pinch me, I must be dreaming." As Verbal pointed out, the latest episode revolves around Melania's jacket. Trump himself says the message is about not caring about "fake news" (for those who dont know, fake news is anything that Trump doesnt agree with). Some are now suggesting that she is sending a message to him about not caring! It went way beyond a bizarre soap opera a long time ago. I'm not sure what else there is to say other than the bloke is a complete moron and you have to wonder where people are coming from who support him.

Quite. While Trump stoops to the lowest point yet in his presidency, the topic of concern on here is one poster's bloviating narcissism.


It seems Trump's immigrant wife Melania is intent on deepening the crisis with her 'I don't care' jacket, while Trump's sex object, his own daughter, continues to upload deeply insensitive happy-family images to Instagram.


What a time to be alive.


I get annoyed when things like Melania’s coat seems to be the headline. All distraction and yes inappropriate but that’s all. There is so much more to focus on although I think I have fatigue now as seems to be able to get away with pretty much whatever he wants.

Because it would be so unusual for a thread to go off topic Whelk? Although in this case Trump and far right politics are not exactly a million miles apart are they? Back to Trump, where do you go with it? If someone made his presidency so far as a TV show people would say it was too far fetched. Every day when you turn on the TV it is another round of "pinch me, I must be dreaming." As Verbal pointed out, the latest episode revolves around Melania's jacket. Trump himself says the message is about not caring about "fake news" (for those who dont know, fake news is anything that Trump doesnt agree with). Some are now suggesting that she is sending a message to him about not caring! It went way beyond a bizarre soap opera a long time ago. I'm not sure what else there is to say other than the bloke is a complete moron and you have to wonder where people are coming from who support him.


There is going off topic as opposed to endless bickering. I am not holier than thou on that front but it does become tiresome.

I get annoyed when things like Melania’s coat seems to be the headline. All distraction and yes inappropriate but that’s all. There is so much more to focus on although I think I have fatigue now as seems to be able to get away with pretty much whatever he wants.


Corey Lewandowski's reaction to the 10 year old with Down's syndrome being detained was pretty scumbaggy.

Posted (edited)
Corey Lewandowski's reaction to the 10 year old with Down's syndrome being detained was pretty scumbaggy.


I missed that but just looked it up and unsurprisingly heartless although that is these fckers

Edited by whelk

Is the latest criticism of Trump and his migrant children policy a question of the principle or numbers. Canada do the same thing, albeit in far far fewer numbers, but I don’t recall much luvvie outrage over that. Personally I think 1 child separated from his family and locked up is too many, but Peter Fonda and the other virtual signallers clearly disagree.



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Trump is a weird mix of views. Obviously mainly 'right' but on tariffs and protectionism its the Republicans who are against him whilst his main supporters are Democrats.

Trump is a weird mix of views. Obviously mainly 'right' but on tariffs and protectionism its the Republicans who are against him whilst his main supporters are Democrats.


Wasn't he a Democrat previously ?



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Is the latest criticism of Trump and his migrant children policy a question of the principle or numbers. Canada do the same thing, albeit in far far fewer numbers, but I don’t recall much luvvie outrage over that. Personally I think 1 child separated from his family and locked up is too many, but Peter Fonda and the other virtual signallers clearly disagree.



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Do you always have to be such a cu_nt? Take a day off and just post your points as the valid issues you often make get lost in your peak gammon bluster.


This is from CNN but the WP article I want to post is behind a paywall but it's being carried by everyone except Fox. It would appear that kids are already lost in the system and the system doesn't know how to reunite families. https://edition.cnn.com/2018/06/20/politics/family-separation-reunification/index.html

Ridiculously different situations.


One case involves protecting the welfare of children because the parents are not fit to take care of them; the other doesn't.


Most of those refugees journey starts in Central America, the likes of Honduras and El Salvador where they face desperate lives rather than Mexico.

Do you always have to be such a cu_nt?


Perhaps you missed this bit in my post.


“Personally I think 1 child separated from his family and locked up is too many”



So I’m just curious how Trudeau has the balls to criticise US policy, when he’s government does the exact same thing. You may think asking that question is being a Cu_nt, that’s up to you, I couldn’t really care less. Seeing has I’ve yet to see any criticism of the Canadian Government, I can only conclude that some Trump’s critics are only critical of the numbers, rather than the policy. If The US separated the same number of kids Canada does, what that make it ok ?





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Do you always have to be such a cu_nt?


Good question, although a bit over-polite.


The truth - such a difficult concept for the far right - is that children have been separated from parents on the Canadian border, but (1) it's not Canadian government policy to do so; (2) the numbers have been falling for the last three years; and (3) the numbers are tiny compared to Trump's child-snatching aggression.



Posted (edited)
Good question, although a bit over-polite.


The truth - such a difficult concept for the far right - is that children have been separated from parents on the Canadian border, but (1) it's not Canadian government policy to do so; (2) the numbers have been falling for the last three years; and (3) the numbers are tiny compared to Trump's child-snatching aggression.




So the truth is exactly what I stated, Canada do separate children from their parents. You seem to imply that it’s ok provided the numbers are less than the US.


Personally, I’m against it in principle regardless of numbers. I’ve no doubt there’s dozens of other countries that do it as well. Wrong, right, or right until it reaches a certain number, what’s your position?



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Edited by Lord Duckhunter
Don’t imagine your bright enough to listen to Peterson. But will be quick to label though eh. Can’t cope with any subtleties and can only pigeon hole nasty little right wingers.



I'm trying to think of a scapegoat, but the hard truth is that these children in the US, are placed in this position by their parents, not Donald Trump. Still, it's easier to blame a government, with accompanying tragic news footage. Saves a foreign government like Mexico taking the responsibility for the poverty and homelessness their citizens face (and plenty of substance abuse, no doubt).


Seems like I was on the money, proved by this story:


Migrant families separation poster girl not taken from mum

The image stoked outrage over the Trump administration's policy

A little girl who became the public face of US migrant family separations was not taken away from her mother at the US border, says her father. Mr Valera said his daughter and her mother, Sandra Sanchez, have been detained together in the border town of McAllen as Ms Sanchez sought asylum. Honduran Deputy Foreign Minister Nelly Jerez verified Mr Valera's version of events to Reuters.


Carlos Ruiz, the Border Patrol agent who stopped Ms Sanchez and her daughter, said the mother was asked to set the child down so she could be searched. "The kid immediately started crying as she set her down," said Mr Ruiz. "I personally went up to the mother and asked her, 'Are you doing OK? Is the kid OK?' "And she said, 'Yes. She's tired and thirsty. It's 11 o'clock at night.'"


The little girl is two-year-old Yanela Denise, according to the Daily Mail newspaper. Mr Valera said Ms Sanchez and their daughter had left the Honduran city of Puerto Cortes without telling him or the couple's three other children


....and the liberal, gullible fools on here just lapped it up....

Posted (edited)

Time and its fake cover:





Total b0ll0x as it turns out:


Correction: The original version of this story misstated what happened to the girl in the photo after she taken from the scene. The girl was not carried away screaming by U.S. Border Patrol agents; her mother picked her up and the two were taken away together.


Edited by Guided Missile
Official Correction from Time Magazine
From what I have heard he speaks a lot of sense but everything has to be polarised. So now it seems if you agree with him you must be alt right. No one can deny he isn’t a v intelligent person but sense ego maybe getting out of control seeming to have such a following,


Peterson: the stupid person's clever person.

Posted (edited)



Disappointed Johnny that you didn’t pick up on the misplaced apostrophe - although at least it wasn’t incorrectly ‘your’

Edited by whelk
I see again no one posting about Trump. Quite typical of modern debate being all about identities



There’s not much to appreciate from the Trump administration but I do support the withdrawal from the UN Human Rights Council which is a complete farce.

Seems like I was on the money, proved by this story:




....and the liberal, gullible fools on here just lapped it up....


Jihadi John - how were you the on the money?


There is literally no connection between your first sentence - that separated children were being put into this position by their parents and the subsequent story that the separated poster girl was not in fact taken from her parents. You weren't questioning that these incidents were happening - only who was ultimately responsible for them. So wrong again :lol:


More importantly, now you've changed your position, do you think all these stories are made up? No children have been separated from their parents?


After your mini-meltdown about social services, this is closer to the scumbag JJ we've all come to know. Maybe the parents and children are crystal meth mules for the cartels?

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