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Posted (edited)
Um post #37, I expressed my gladness about the overall situation. And then you went all off topic and foamy Daily Mail about anti semitism (and still are).
Oh right post number 37 was actually an acknowledgement that trump has done something positive. I must have misunderstood because I assumed it was just some opportunity to praise Steptoe. Good stuff. Edited by hypochondriac
WTF is that? Another "not alt-right at all" type frog picture thing that only incel types understand?
Which picture of a frog is the alt right one? Is it the Hitler one? The stalin one? Or the jesus one? What hidden alt right white nationalist message are they spelling out Johnnyboy? It's your responsibility to inform the world. 2f1c21c31c9df2da1cef4975d0905083.jpg515e5ff5f398d0bbc1ff501aaccc6237.jpg5ea7171f4961c2d108de400740753fd2.jpg
Posted (edited)

Then again, that trusted anti-hate group the Anti Defamation League has this to say on the matter:


"The mere fact of posting a Pepe meme does not mean that someone is racist or white supremacist."


"The majority of uses of Pepe the Frog have been, and continue to be, non-bigoted."


It's odd jonnyboy that you'd consider the frog an alt-right symbol when such a respected Jewish organisation is saying it isn't. But then I wouldn't expect someone who refuses to condemn anti semitism to be too keen on agreeing with Jews...

Edited by hypochondriac

Oh dear, any thread containing Guided Missile and hypochondriac is sure to follow an inevitable path.


Although to be honest, when I saw the OP I thought it was ironic, it was so far from reality. Trump, I'm afraid, is beyond satire.

Oh dear, any thread containing Guided Missile and hypochondriac is sure to follow an inevitable path.


Although to be honest, when I saw the OP I thought it was ironic, it was so far from reality. Trump, I'm afraid, is beyond satire.


He really can't help himself can he? He's oh so impartial.

He really can't help himself can he? He's oh so impartial.
It's the gandhi frog that'd the real insidious one isn't it. You tell them jonnyboy, seek out the truth of that evil trump and his Legion of frog loving racists. cc8e2c204aeeb947f8874236735d7ac9.jpg
Oh yes. Suggesting his meeting with Kim Jong Un is a good thing amounts to "support" in your crazy world. There's no shades of grey in soggy land.


Kim is an evil dictator, but if this meeting assists in securing less nuclear weapons in the world and less tensions on the Korean perninsula then I don't cere how it makes Trump look. Some people would prefer Trump had no sort of success at all simply because he is trump which just shows where their priorities lie. I can't understand a mindset that would prefer trump to fail in everything he does rather than hoping that he is successful because it would be a positive thing. No surprise that that's your mindset soggy because you'd prefer to feel smug and good about how morally superior you are compared to everyone else rather than achieve anything substantial.


I dont feel "smug and good about how morally superior" I am to every one else - just those, like you who either are extremists or support extremists. Following your ridiculous quote that "socialism is dangerous" you have gone on to support the likes of Trump, Yaxley-Lennon, Katie Hopkins, Rees-Mogg, Johnson etc. What do they have in common? Yes, they are all very right of centre so let's not pretend that you have any kind of balance here with anything left of centre. The reason we assume that your (strange) use of Pepe the Frog as your avatar has anything to do with anything other than the alt-right is based on your many, many posts slagging the left and supporting the (often) far right. You are a long busted flush.


As for this summit being a success and making the world a safer place? Really? Let's just see what actually happens apart from two extremists soaking up plenty of self publicity and not actually committing to anything concrete. Is that grey enough for you Pepe?


Exactly, let's just wait and see. Although imagine the uproar from the right wing press if it had been Obama, or even Corbyn, in Singapore promising to end sanctions, remove troops and legitimise Kim. There cries of apologist and socialist would be deafening.


I'm no fan of Trump, it's bizarre that he was even close to being elected yet alone made president. But credit should be given where it's due - it has to be good to hold talks with North Korea. Also ISIS have been taking a beating recently so I guess he should take some credit for that, though there are obviously many other influences in that region.


The problem is everyone is so obsessed with the left v right, red v blue ******** they refuse to give anyone for the 'other side' any credit. Hell would freeze over before any Labour nobhead congratulates Trump on anything, likewise as the post above says, if Corbyn had met Kim then there would be absolute uproar by the Tory idiots.

Posted (edited)
I dont feel "smug and good about how morally superior" I am to every one else - just those, like you who either are extremists or support extremists. Following your ridiculous quote that "socialism is dangerous" you have gone on to support the likes of Trump, Yaxley-Lennon, Katie Hopkins, Rees-Mogg, Johnson etc. What do they have in common? Yes, they are all very right of centre so let's not pretend that you have any kind of balance here with anything left of centre. The reason we assume that your (strange) use of Pepe the Frog as your avatar has anything to do with anything other than the alt-right is based on your many, many posts slagging the left and supporting the (often) far right. You are a long busted flush.


As for this summit being a success and making the world a safer place? Really? Let's just see what actually happens apart from two extremists soaking up plenty of self publicity and not actually committing to anything concrete. Is that grey enough for you Pepe?

Your "support" of all of those people amounts to not referring to them as neo nazis or fascists. You have no understanding that there is a wide spectrum between support and calling someone a fascist. It's why all of your arguments lack any nuance and you're mostly a joke figure on here.


Oh and I'm sure that your "wait and see" approach will turn into warm congratulations if this move does succeed in lowering tensions in the region? Of course you won't, you'd rather hack your own arm off than type anything positive about something that you feel doesn't fit your ideological position. Youre just as hopelessly biased as you believe others to be.

Edited by hypochondriac
Then again, that trusted anti-hate group the Anti Defamation League has this to say on the matter:


"The mere fact of posting a Pepe meme does not mean that someone is racist or white supremacist."


"The majority of uses of Pepe the Frog have been, and continue to be, non-bigoted."


It's odd jonnyboy that you'd consider the frog an alt-right symbol when such a respected Jewish organisation is saying it isn't. But then I wouldn't expect someone who refuses to condemn anti semitism to be too keen on agreeing with Jews...


You can't help yourself. Or maybe you just dont want to try. Pepe has been hijacked by the alt right relatively recently, a year or so. Pretty much around the time you adopted him as your avatar. The peaceful avatars predate that.


"Pepe the Frog cartoonist forces withdrawal of 'alt-right' children's book. Matt Furie, whose ‘peaceful frog-dude’ has been co-opted as a far-right meme, has stopped distribution of book that lawyers say espouses Islamophobia.

The cartoonist who created Pepe the Frog has taken legal action to force the author of a self-published children’s book that uses the character to espouse “racist, Islamophobic and hate-filled themes” to give all of his profits to a Muslim advocacy organisation.


Pepe, created by Matt Furie in the early 2000s as a “peaceful frog-dude” with the catchphrase “feels good man”, was adopted as a symbol by supporters of the US “alt-right” last year. He has since been , but Furie has been attempting to end the association, even in one comic strip and subsequently launching a Kickstarter to raise money to “save Pepe”


I'm no fan of Trump, it's bizarre that he was even close to being elected yet alone made president. But credit should be given where it's due - it has to be good to hold talks with North Korea. Also ISIS have been taking a beating recently so I guess he should take some credit for that, though there are obviously many other influences in that region.


The problem is everyone is so obsessed with the left v right, red v blue ******** they refuse to give anyone for the 'other side' any credit. Hell would freeze over before any Labour nobhead congratulates Trump on anything, likewise as the post above says, if Corbyn had met Kim then there would be absolute uproar by the Tory idiots.


This is especially for you, since you seem so ready to believe any old crap.


Hell would freeze over before any Labour nobhead congratulates Trump on anything


I am surprised Corbyn hasn't lavished praise upon Trump yet. I thought this 'talking to dictators' malarkey was straight out of the Corbyn textbook.

You can't help yourself. Or maybe you just dont want to try. Pepe has been hijacked by the alt right relatively recently, a year or so. Pretty much around the time you adopted him as your avatar. The peaceful avatars predate that.


"Pepe the Frog cartoonist forces withdrawal of 'alt-right' children's book. Matt Furie, whose ‘peaceful frog-dude’ has been co-opted as a far-right meme, has stopped distribution of book that lawyers say espouses Islamophobia.

The cartoonist who created Pepe the Frog has taken legal action to force the author of a self-published children’s book that uses the character to espouse “racist, Islamophobic and hate-filled themes” to give all of his profits to a Muslim advocacy organisation.


Pepe, created by Matt Furie in the early 2000s as a “peaceful frog-dude” with the catchphrase “feels good man”, was adopted as a symbol by supporters of the US “alt-right” last year. He has since been , but Furie has been attempting to end the association, even in one comic strip and subsequently launching a Kickstarter to raise money to “save Pepe”



If it helps you, just assume that my use of pepe is in total agreement with Matt Furie who clearly wants it to be seen as politically neutral. Thankfully a frog picture can have a multitude of different meanings to loads of different people. I stand with the southern poverty law Centre who recognise that those who use a cartoon frog as a hate symbol are in the minority.

I am surprised Corbyn hasn't lavished praise upon Trump yet. I thought this 'talking to dictators' malarkey was straight out of the Corbyn textbook.
I wonder what the reaction of corbynites would have been if Jezza had trotted off to meet dictator Kim. Really makes you think.
If it helps you, just assume that my use of pepe is in total agreement with Matt Furie who clearly wants it to be seen as politically neutral. Thankfully a frog picture can have a multitude of different meanings to loads of different people. I stand with the southern poverty law Centre who recognise that those who use a cartoon frog as a hate symbol are in the minority.


Whatever your political leanings -the jury is out- one thing is crystal clear: you're doing to get a rise which makes you bit of a bellend.

I am surprised Corbyn hasn't lavished praise upon Trump yet. I thought this 'talking to dictators' malarkey was straight out of the Corbyn textbook.


Thatcher & Pinochet

Blair & Gaddafi

Nixon & Mao

Thatcher & Shah of Iran

Rumsfeld & Saddam Hussein

etc., etc.

Whatever your political leanings -the jury is out- one thing is crystal clear: you're doing to get a rise which makes you bit of a bellend.


Quite, as with his previous avatar. Its like Glasgow, desperate for attention, any attention. Which is what makes it tragic.

If it helps you, just assume that my use of pepe is in total agreement with Matt Furie who clearly wants it to be seen as politically neutral. Thankfully a frog picture can have a multitude of different meanings to loads of different people. I stand with the southern poverty law Centre who recognise that those who use a cartoon frog as a hate symbol are in the minority.


The swastika is an ancient religious icon that was also appropriated by the far right. We pretty much know where people are coming from when they use it themselves nowadays. As far your political leanings, given that you constantly support far right extremists and alt-right agitators on here, the fact that you are using an image appropriated by the alt-right pretty much nails you to their cause.

The swastika is an ancient religious icon that was also appropriated by the far right. We pretty much know where people are coming from when they use it themselves nowadays. As far your political leanings, given that you constantly support far right extremists and alt-right agitators on here, the fact that you are using an image appropriated by the alt-right pretty much nails you to their cause.
I literally just said to my mate "watch soggy bring up the swastika" and you did! Hysterical! Change the record you are mind numbingly predictable.
Posted (edited)
Whatever your political leanings -the jury is out- one thing is crystal clear: you're doing to get a rise which makes you bit of a bellend.
I did it because of the predictably hysterical reaction it would provoke from the type of people that spend their days perpetually screaming about imagined fascists. Some even reside on here. The irony that some are still bringing it up and referring to it after I changed it weeks ago is completely lost on them. Soggy and jonnyboy can't stop referring to it so it's obviously got under their skin. I'm quite happy to be called a bell end for annoying those types of posters. If they can't cope with a frog cartoon character without spouting off about fascism then they've obviously lived a very sheltered life and have very little self control. Edited by hypochondriac
Posted (edited)
Quite, as with his previous avatar. Its like Glasgow, desperate for attention, any attention. Which is what makes it tragic.
I value diversity of thought. Without differences of opinion on here you'd just have the likes of soggy, verbal and moonraker huffing their own farts and circle jerking to guardian opinion pieces. If preventing that is considered attention seeking then I'm happy to be labelled one.


I don't agree with many new left or far left opinions but I'm happy to accept that those opinions are sincerely held. It's depressing the amount of people who cannot say the same about libertarian, liberalist or centre right opinions which are branded as hate speech or neo nazi by the usual posters and thus can be dismissed out of hand. As aintforever said earlier, how unfortunate that some are so close minded and tribal that they cannot even enter into a conversation containing ideas they disagree with without attacking the other poster with false accusations of nazism or fascism or suggesting they support an assortment of far right personalities.

Edited by hypochondriac
I literally just said to my mate "watch soggy bring up the swastika" and you did! Hysterical! Change the record you are mind numbingly predictable.


You talk to your mates about what you post on Saintsweb? Lol. Party on.

I think jihadi john shed a tear somewhere.


The New Yorker write-up is pretty funny.




It is - and it's all to easy. I can't believe that actual grown ups think Trump has done anything other than try to build condos on North Korean beaches and buff his own pumped up ego.


Here's a reedited version of something that's dangerously close to being beyond parody.


I literally just said to my mate "watch soggy bring up the swastika" and you did! Hysterical! Change the record you are mind numbingly predictable.


You have a mate? Singular I note. Do you wear matching Pepe t-shirts? Not for the first time you duck the issue and go off at an irrelevant tangent as a smokescreen. Just so as we are clear, you constantly support far right extremists and alt right mouthpieces on here. You use an avatar which has been appropriated by the alt right, clearly not ironically given your posting history. We can all see where you are coming from so why try and keep up the pretence?

You have a mate? Singular I note. Do you wear matching Pepe t-shirts? Not for the first time you duck the issue and go off at an irrelevant tangent as a smokescreen. Just so as we are clear, you constantly support far right extremists and alt right mouthpieces on here. You use an avatar which has been appropriated by the alt right, clearly not ironically given your posting history. We can all see where you are coming from so why try and keep up the pretence?


I don't support far right extremists and alt right mouthpieces, you're a liar.

I don't support far right extremists and alt right mouthpieces, you're a liar.


Why don't you and sadoldgit give it a rest? You're both unimaginably (and unimaginatively) boring, and together you come off like the headline double-act from purgatory.

Why don't you and sadoldgit give it a rest? You're both unimaginably (and unimaginatively) boring, and together you come off like the headline double-act from purgatory.
Unfortunately I am compelled to respond to point out when soggy tells blatant lies about me. Sadly he does it a lot. Clearly his tactic is to continually repeat the same lies in the hope that the mud sticks.
I don't support far right extremists and alt right mouthpieces, you're a liar.


You have come out on this forum backing up people like Trump, Yaxley-Lennon, Katie Hopkins, Rees-Mogg and Johnson. You ignored Sour Mash’s clearly racist outpourings on the terrorist thread preferring instead to have a pop at people supporting law abiding Muslims and immigrants. You came out with the famous phrase “socialism is dangerous.” I don’t recall you ever posting in support of anything slightly left of centre. Oh yes, there was your other classic, “thank God my wife isn’t a Muslim.”


Plus of course the use of the alt-right avatar.


I rest my case.


As for you Verbal, still smarting over that Sotonians nonsense? If you had read my response you would have seen that I wasn’t supporting the original post and hit the like button for a completely different reason which I tried to explain to you in a pm. I think you had probably left at that point. Oh well...sorry if you think I am boring but I don’t think people like hypo should be left unchallenged. At least you know what you are getting with Sour Mash and he doesn’t pretend to be something he is not, unlike hypo. As you clearly are so much better at this and far more imaginative, I will leave it to you to carry the banner.

You have come out on this forum backing up people like Trump, Yaxley-Lennon, Katie Hopkins, Rees-Mogg and Johnson. You ignored Sour Mash’s clearly racist outpourings on the terrorist thread preferring instead to have a pop at people supporting law abiding Muslims and immigrants. You came out with the famous phrase “socialism is dangerous.” I don’t recall you ever posting in support of anything slightly left of centre. Oh yes, there was your other classic, “thank God my wife isn’t a Muslim.”


Plus of course the use of the alt-right avatar.


I rest my case.


As for you Verbal, still smarting over that Sotonians nonsense? If you had read my response you would have seen that I wasn’t supporting the original post and hit the like button for a completely different reason which I tried to explain to you in a pm. I think you had probably left at that point. Oh well...sorry if you think I am boring but I don’t think people like hypo should be left unchallenged. At least you know what you are getting with Sour Mash and he doesn’t pretend to be something he is not, unlike hypo. As you clearly are so much better at this and far more imaginative, I will leave it to you to carry the banner.


Don't forget the defence of alt-righters Richard Spencer and "intellectual mens' activist" Jordan Peterson.

You have come out on this forum backing up people like Trump, Yaxley-Lennon, Katie Hopkins, Rees-Mogg and Johnson. You ignored Sour Mash’s clearly racist outpourings on the terrorist thread preferring instead to have a pop at people supporting law abiding Muslims and immigrants. You came out with the famous phrase “socialism is dangerous.” I don’t recall you ever posting in support of anything slightly left of centre. Oh yes, there was your other classic, “thank God my wife isn’t a Muslim.”


Plus of course the use of the alt-right avatar.


I'd have to say that I couldn't have listed that detail, and indeed didn't know that was an alt-right avatar, but I have to say when I see some thread titles I immediately know that hypochondriac will post and the views he will espouse. It's uncanny! :-)


Claiming he's not right wing made me chuckle out loud.


I haven't supported any of those people, there's no such thing as an alt right avatar, I've never supported Richard Spencer in my life other than to say I don't think he should get punched in the face whilst walking down the road and it's moronic to equate support of Jordan Peterson with the alt right or any sort of identity politics nonsense for that matter. You're a liar.

I'd have to say that I couldn't have listed that detail, and indeed didn't know that was an alt-right avatar, but I have to say when I see some thread titles I immediately know that hypochondriac will post and the views he will espouse. It's uncanny! :-)


Claiming he's not right wing made me chuckle out loud.

Feel free to list any views of mine you consider to be right wing. If you are unable to do so then kindly pipe down.
Don't forget the defence of alt-righters Richard Spencer and "intellectual mens' activist" Jordan Peterson.


Don’t imagine your bright enough to listen to Peterson. But will be quick to label though eh. Can’t cope with any subtleties and can only pigeon hole nasty little right wingers.

Don’t imagine your bright enough to listen to Peterson. But will be quick to label though eh. Can’t cope with any subtleties and can only pigeon hole nasty little right wingers.




Not that here is much a place for reasoned debate but thought of appreciating this despicable person who is to becoming more vile by the day.

Used to never understand why some had so much anger toward US but now is a different case altogether. Shameful and morally losing their way. Scary how many lies this cnt can tell and has highest approval ratings ever amongst republicans.

Not that here is much a place for reasoned debate but thought of appreciating this despicable person who is to becoming more vile by the day.

Used to never understand why some had so much anger toward US but now is a different case altogether. Shameful and morally losing their way. Scary how many lies this cnt can tell and has highest approval ratings ever amongst republicans.




The anti-Nostradamus strikes again. Shouldn't the swivel-headed OP have predicted that his hero would eventually stoop as low as to start traumatising and jailing children as a matter of government policy? Still, he can redeem himself with some new predictions for 2018: what follows after Mueller's investigation and the mid-terms?


I'll grant Jihadi John one thing. Trump is unique. He doesn't want to be. He wants to join the large club of authoritarian strongmen. He's actually a new political excrescence: the authoritarian weakman.


With his limited powers, confined to issuing executive orders and random pardons, alienating allies and gleefully snuggling up to torturer-murderers (Duterte, Kim, Putin) he rails against the very thing he can't be: a dictator, free of any constraints - especially prosecutorial investigations and courtroom rulings against his wildest actions.


Poor Trump.

I'd have to say that I couldn't have listed that detail, and indeed didn't know that was an alt-right avatar, but I have to say when I see some thread titles I immediately know that hypochondriac will post and the views he will espouse. It's uncanny! :-)


Claiming he's not right wing made me chuckle out loud.


It was appropriated by the white supremacists and neo Nazis in America Sue. Pepe's creator is apparently suing right wing media platform InfoWars for copyright infringement as he is not happy that his little frog character is being used by the alt-right. Hypo knows all of this of course and his claim that it is not being used as a symbol by far right groups is nonsense (or as he would say, "a lie"). Both in this thread and in the thread about terrorism he has come out in support of various right wing agitators and mouthpieces. The posts are there in black and white. He is of course entitled to his own views, but to pretend that he doesn't favour the far right is not born out in his posting history and the fact that he rushes to the defence of any far right pronouncers when they are called out on here. Yes, even Donald Bloody Trump! As you say, to pretend that he is anything other than he portrays himself on here is chuckleworthy. I was told once that you could always judge someone by the company they keep. Anyone speaking up for the likes of Trump and Yaxley-Lennon (and even that deeply unpleasant "tells it as it is" media whore Katie Hopkins) clearly has sympathies far right of centre.

It was appropriated by the white supremacists and neo Nazis in America Sue. Pepe's creator is apparently suing right wing media platform InfoWars for copyright infringement as he is not happy that his little frog character is being used by the alt-right. Hypo knows all of this of course and his claim that it is not being used as a symbol by far right groups is nonsense (or as he would say, "a lie"). Both in this thread and in the thread about terrorism he has come out in support of various right wing agitators and mouthpieces. The posts are there in black and white. He is of course entitled to his own views, but to pretend that he doesn't favour the far right is not born out in his posting history and the fact that he rushes to the defence of any far right pronouncers when they are called out on here. Yes, even Donald Bloody Trump! As you say, to pretend that he is anything other than he portrays himself on here is chuckleworthy. I was told once that you could always judge someone by the company they keep. Anyone speaking up for the likes of Trump and Yaxley-Lennon (and even that deeply unpleasant "tells it as it is" media whore Katie Hopkins) clearly has sympathies far right of centre.


Get over yourself. You clearly have a personal axe to grind and bandy around 'far right' much too freely. Have an original thought( perhaps a little more complex than 'war is bad') rather than sanctimony about not being a nasty far right supporter. You fancy Katie Hopkins


You also have an axe to grind my strange little mollusc. Is it possible to “bandy about” too freely when people post in support of it? I have an issue with people who pretend to be what they are not. You have an issue with that. Perhaps you should also get over yourself and speak out against people who support the likes of Yaxley-Lennon? Unless of course you think they have a point? As for your comment about Katie Hopkins, how old are you?

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