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Or is this person just being utterly stupid? Having said that I am afraid to say that weirdo attitudes like this persons seem

to be spreading faster that the Black Death did in the Middle Ages.I also feel that carp like this is just as deadly as the

Black Death was towards humanity.


A so-called Australian sexuality expert has been ridiculed after saying parents should ask for their baby's permission before

changing their nappy.


Deanne Carson was being interviewed by ABC News when she said teaching a "culture of consent" should begin from birth.


She said to tell babies, "I'm going to change your nappy now - is that okay?" and then wait for a response.


"Of course a baby's not going to respond, 'Yes mum, that's awesome - I'd love to have my nappy changed.' But if you leave

a space and wait for body language and wait to make eye contact, then you're letting that child know that their response matters."







It's way too late by then. The consent process should begin at conception, with each individual sperm and egg agreeing to undergo insemination. Only then can we call the birth truly consensual.

Sorry, clicked on here by mistake. Was hoping to catch up on the Pompey Takeover Saga and it took me a while to realise it wasn't.


I assumed it was going to be a thread looking in to the psychological reasons we keep conceding vital goals in stoppage time, that had for some reason been moved to the lounge due to veering badly off topic. Disappointed.

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