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What a daft conclusion to draw from such a tiny data sample.


In 2 cities of over 8,000,000 people, there were 4 more murders in London in February and 1 more in March.


Diversity is our strength.


Any evidence to support the theory that the increase is down to inter-racial violence?

Diversity is our strength.


Humans killing other humans. who'd of thought it. Still, nice of you to attempt to make a racist issue out of it.


A teenage girl was shot dead in Tottenham on Monday night. In Walthamstow a teenage boy suffered gunshot wounds with another also taken to hospital with stab wounds. This isnt just happening in London, it happening all over the country and has been for ages. It would appear that Batman has only just realised, too busy looking out for crimes attributed to Muslims I guess. Still, it is heartening to see that even he is beginning to realise that you are more likely to be killed by one of your own (and by that I mean a British citizen) than an Islamic terrorist.


Okay, the floor is yours now hypo, time to come back with a pathetic jibe about the death of an innocent immigrant.

Posted (edited)
Humans killing other humans. who'd of thought it. Still, nice of you to attempt to make a racist issue out of it.


A teenage girl was shot dead in Tottenham on Monday night. In Walthamstow a teenage boy suffered gunshot wounds with another also taken to hospital with stab wounds. This isnt just happening in London, it happening all over the country and has been for ages. It would appear that Batman has only just realised, too busy looking out for crimes attributed to Muslims I guess. Still, it is heartening to see that even he is beginning to realise that you are more likely to be killed by one of your own (and by that I mean a British citizen) than an Islamic terrorist.


Okay, the floor is yours now hypo, time to come back with a pathetic jibe about the death of an innocent immigrant.


How does Maidstone or Bladestone as the yoof call it compare?

Edited by shurlock
Humans killing other humans. who'd of thought it. Still, nice of you to attempt to make a racist issue out of it.


A teenage girl was shot dead in Tottenham on Monday night. In Walthamstow a teenage boy suffered gunshot wounds with another also taken to hospital with stab wounds. This isnt just happening in London, it happening all over the country and has been for ages. It would appear that Batman has only just realised, too busy looking out for crimes attributed to Muslims I guess. Still, it is heartening to see that even he is beginning to realise that you are more likely to be killed by one of your own (and by that I mean a British citizen) than an Islamic terrorist.


Okay, the floor is yours now hypo, time to come back with a pathetic jibe about the death of an innocent immigrant.


Muslim crime? What the hell are you on about and why are you bringing religion into this?

Muslim crime? What the hell are you on about and why are you bringing religion into this?


Paranoid crusade. Crime not committed by Muslims disproves the collective consensus of forum mob that Muslims cause all violence and problems

Interesting (It was a genuine question BTW).


When I lived in Bristol, St Paul's was notorious for stabbings among the Somali gangs. Hopefully it's not on the rise.


Be careful not to get branded a racist by daring to suggest Somalis might consider life cheaper than your typical European.


No police presence clearly doesn’t help. Tory ideology to cut back on policing as all crime is solved digitally now innit.

Feel sorry fo the poor souls living in areas too scared to go out after dark. Mob rule untouched by any police presence according to locals.




We don’t know why deadly crime is rising in London, says government that cut 20,000 police


With London’s murder total reaching fifty for the year so far, the government that cut 20,000 police jobs has said it is baffled why serious crime is on the rise.


As the murder rate in London surpassing New York’s for the first time, the police have come under scrutiny for why they have been unable to keep the rate under control, despite having less money, fewer staff, and more bureaucracy to deal with.


“We are at a complete loss, we just don’t know why this is happening,” explained Policing Minister Nick Hurd, speaking for the government that has demanded a total of a billion pounds in savings from the police forces across the country.


“We don’t know why these criminals are doing what they’re doing, or how they are able to continue doing it with impunity,” he continued, seemingly oblivious to warnings from senior police officials over the last three years that this is the sort of thing that would happen if you cut police funding by 18% in real terms, which they did anyway.


“I think it’s disingenuous to link us cutting police funding, and crime going up. That’s the sort of political opportunism we’d expect from the left, but anyone with even a passing understanding of how evidence works would realise that giving the police less money just means they work harder – so if anything, the crime figures should be going down.”


A London policeman told us, “Look, it’s ****, we know the murder figures look bad – they are bad. But honestly, I don’t know what the government expects when we’ve got 3,000 fewer police out on the streets in the capital than we had when they came to power.


“Criminals aren’t as stupid as our politicians, unfortunately.”

2 more killed in London last night. 52 killed so far this year in the capital alone. Cue another diversity jibe by hypo.


should bring back stop and search along with other zero tolerance policies.

Dianne Abbot was guffing this morning saying stop and search would send the wrong message in dealing with this as it will show the MET as racist!


fair enough, let the feral youth wipe each other out then

should bring back stop and search along with other zero tolerance policies.

Dianne Abbot was guffing this morning saying stop and search would send the wrong message in dealing with this as it will show the MET as racist!


fair enough, let the feral youth wipe each other out then


That probably wouldn't have much effect now. According to David Lammy this morning street dealing is now old hat. People order via snapchat or other social media and the drugs are delivered by courier. The police need a whole new social media team (assuming they can deal with the encryption issue) and focus more on moped riders

should bring back stop and search along with other zero tolerance policies.

Dianne Abbot was guffing this morning saying stop and search would send the wrong message in dealing with this as it will show the MET as racist!


fair enough, let the feral youth wipe each other out then


To be fair an ex cop now working on youth projects in North London said pretty much the same on the radio this morning. Stop and search has a role but over do it and you just create resentment and miss trust in the communities you re targeting. He said community policing and projects involving the youth much more effective, the kids need to feel like the police are working for them not against them.


He directly blamed the Tory cuts, the police are losing trust and contacts within the community.

should bring back stop and search along with other zero tolerance policies.

Dianne Abbot was guffing this morning saying stop and search would send the wrong message in dealing with this as it will show the MET as racist!


fair enough, let the feral youth wipe each other out then

To be fair, Diane would be very experienced with how racists act.
should bring back stop and search along with other zero tolerance policies.

Dianne Abbot was guffing this morning saying stop and search would send the wrong message in dealing with this as it will show the MET as racist!


fair enough, let the feral youth wipe each other out then


I'd imagine Abbott is absolutely appalled by the 12,374 murders on the streets of London this week.

should bring back stop and search along with other zero tolerance policies.

Dianne Abbot was guffing this morning saying stop and search would send the wrong message in dealing with this as it will show the MET as racist!


fair enough, let the feral youth wipe each other out then


Thing is I had friends in the 80's who had Irish family, their surname was Irish and every time they went on a plane, they were stopped searched and questioned, they knew this was because of the troubles and they accepted it, they didn't see this as rascist.


The communities these guys come from in London need to understand, these crimes are predominantly black on black, what's the point in stopping equal number of white guys just so their feelings don't get hurt. What would they prefer, a few hurt feelings or more dead kids




Get some of these back on the beat.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Lol. Certainly would help wouldn't it. Definitely a case to be made that they have their priorities all wrong. If the main complaint is that there have been cuts then surely you would be looking to mitigate any damage from these cuts by focusing on priorities?
Thing is I had friends in the 80's who had Irish family, their surname was Irish and every time they went on a plane, they were stopped searched and questioned, they knew this was because of the troubles and they accepted it, they didn't see this as rascist.


The communities these guys come from in London need to understand, these crimes are predominantly black on black, what's the point in stopping equal number of white guys just so their feelings don't get hurt. What would they prefer, a few hurt feelings or more dead kids


There is no Irish race, just as there is no English race, those things are about nationality (and or politics).

To be fair Khan has warned the government about the damage the Tory cuts on will do to the Police in London:




Dunno if true but nick Ferrari claims there are more police in London today than compared to 5 years or so ago.


Whether cuts elsewhere are to blame I doubt we will ever know. London richer than countless nations, surely it could raise the required money it needs . Simplistic, I know


2 more stabbed this afternoon

Dunno if true but nick Ferrari claims there are more police in London today than compared to 5 years or so ago.


Whether cuts elsewhere are to blame I doubt we will ever know. London richer than countless nations, surely it could raise the required money it needs . Simplistic, I know


2 more stabbed this afternoon


Yeah like there are more nurses, doctors, teachers. Record Nhs spending etc, These cuts are just getting rid of unwanted cardboard and all in people’s heads. Life’s just too good for everyone they just don’t realise it and need to look at the stats.

Posted (edited)
To be fair Khan has warned the government about the damage the Tory cuts on will do to the Police in London:



To be fair to Khan he did say he'd do everything in his power to reduce stop and search.





Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Edited by Lord Duckhunter
Yeah like there are more nurses, doctors, teachers. Record Nhs spending etc, These cuts are just getting rid of unwanted cardboard and all in people’s heads. Life’s just too good for everyone they just don’t realise it and need to look at the stats.


You'll be voting for an anti-austerity politician next :scared:

Posted (edited)
Humans killing other humans. who'd of thought it. Still, nice of you to attempt to make a racist issue out of it.


A teenage girl was shot dead in Tottenham on Monday night. In Walthamstow a teenage boy suffered gunshot wounds with another also taken to hospital with stab wounds. This isnt just happening in London, it happening all over the country and has been for ages. It would appear that Batman has only just realised, too busy looking out for crimes attributed to Muslims I guess. Still, it is heartening to see that even he is beginning to realise that you are more likely to be killed by one of your own (and by that I mean a British citizen) than an Islamic terrorist.


Okay, the floor is yours now hypo, time to come back with a pathetic jibe about the death of an innocent immigrant.


Not just London, happening all over the country including Tottenham and Walthamstow which are...erm...nowhere near London...right.

I am loath to bring race into this as well, I am all for diversity and inclusive immigration but as I was reading more and more articles this year about shootings and stabbings what struck me was that only one or two of the names were traditionally British...only one or two of the faces were white...the BBC has written a piece on the victims so far this year, take a look at the ethnic demographics and then try and tell me race isn't a factor in what's happening.


Regardless of the motivations behind this I think we can all agree that things are slowly spiralling out of control and drastic action needs to be taken to wipe out this organised level of violent/drug related crime. Pulling 890 of those 900 officers dedicated to investigating hate crime would be a good start.

Edited by Saint_clark
Posted (edited)
Humans killing other humans. who'd of thought it. Still, nice of you to attempt to make a racist issue out of it.


A teenage girl was shot dead in Tottenham on Monday night. In Walthamstow a teenage boy suffered gunshot wounds with another also taken to hospital with stab wounds. This isnt just happening in London, it happening all over the country and has been for ages. It would appear that Batman has only just realised, too busy looking out for crimes attributed to Muslims I guess. Still, it is heartening to see that even he is beginning to realise that you are more likely to be killed by one of your own (and by that I mean a British citizen) than an Islamic terrorist.


Okay, the floor is yours now hypo, time to come back with a pathetic jibe about the death of an innocent immigrant.

Who brought race into anything? Not me. Seems you're the one obsessed by it...


Superb response from Saint Clark above, which I'm guessing will get short shrift from yourself despite being entirely true. Go on, tell us again about war torn Maidstone and those Christian rape gangs. Anything, anything to distract and to avoid discussing the actual problems and the solutions because it conflicts so wildly with your blinkered world view.

Edited by hypochondriac
Not just London, happening all over the country including Tottenham and Walthamstow which are...erm...nowhere near London...right.

I am loath to bring race into this as well, I am all for diversity and inclusive immigration but as I was reading more and more articles this year about shootings and stabbings what struck me was that only one or two of the names were traditionally British...only one or two of the faces were white...the BBC has written a piece on the victims so far this year, take a look at the ethnic demographics and then try and tell me race isn't a factor in what's happening.


Regardless of the motivations behind this I think we can all agree that things are slowly spiralling out of control and drastic action needs to be taken to wipe out this organised level of violent/drug related crime. Pulling 890 of those 900 officers dedicated to investigating hate crime would be a good start.


Almost as good a start as reinstating the 20000 police officers the Tories have cut.

Not just London, happening all over the country including Tottenham and Walthamstow which are...erm...nowhere near London...right.

I am loath to bring race into this as well, I am all for diversity and inclusive immigration but as I was reading more and more articles this year about shootings and stabbings what struck me was that only one or two of the names were traditionally British...only one or two of the faces were white...the BBC has written a piece on the victims so far this year, take a look at the ethnic demographics and then try and tell me race isn't a factor in what's happening.


Regardless of the motivations behind this I think we can all agree that things are slowly spiralling out of control and drastic action needs to be taken to wipe out this organised level of violent/drug related crime. Pulling 890 of those 900 officers dedicated to investigating hate crime would be a good start.


So its not the musos anymore, the blacks are the problem (who happen to lag on most economic opportunity/social mobility indicators)..

So its not the musos anymore, the blacks are the problem (who happen to lag on most economic opportunity/social mobility indicators)..
It's a very complex issue and much too simplistic to just label it as simply a black issue. As you say, social factors play a part and economic issues among others but to absolve individuals of all responsibility because they happen to be black or because of something idiotic like systemic racism is simply wrong. You need to address a number of different problems but I do happen to think that the met have their priorities grossly out of whack when they announce things like the amount of resources they have policing imaginary hate speech or "online violence" whilst we see this rise in actual crimes.

On a much smaller less significant scale and obviously less serious, at least to date, there has been a surge in street violence here in Bath, not murders, but unprovoked violence. The perpetrators caught to date do not match any of the above racial/ethnic profiles. The City no longer has Police Station! I think it is reasonable to conclude that reductions to police numbers and the resultant changes in operational tactics must be contributing to the increased violence, indeed increased crime overall. There has also been a reduction in other services designed to divert young people away from, shall we say, bad influences and behavior. Anyone who refuses to acknowledge that the massive budget cuts over 8 years of austerity are not a significant causation of this worrying trend is either a little dim or far to tied to their politically ideology to see it.


Copied from Facebook, in response to a report in The Metro where Amber Rudd tries to claim that it could be the fault of social media...


Oh **** off, Elmer Fudd. You're out of your area and you have not the first clue what you're talking about.

20,000 police jobs cut, and senior officers saying they've lost control of the streets. Let's start with that.

I did a lot of work with local community groups in South London about ten years ago, including hosting a symposium on knife crime. It's always been a problem, but if you take the risk of arrest and imprisonment out of the equation, the brakes are off.

As for the crime itself, talking to former gang members who were now trying to stop other kids going down the same route, I came to the conclusion that such violence was a function of despair, a lack of hope for success within a system that marks people down as second-class citizens from birth. So they create their own systems and hierarchies where prestige and success are won by the only means open to them.

Next, it's no coincidence that most of the kids who rioted in London in 2011, when interviewed afterwards, all complained about losing their ESA. Take away hope and the means to live from energetic and aspiring youth, and yes, they'll get angry and violent. It's not an excuse, it doesn't make it the right response, but that's what happens in the real world.

The playing field is NOT level, and success is won much, much harder for inner city kids from ethnic minorities.

Now they're making university education more inaccessible for them.

The middle and upper class white people from affluent backgrounds who make up our laughable excuse for a government have no idea of the problems people face, it's entirely alien to their experience, and yet they are responsible for DELIBERATELY exacerbating the conditions that cause the violence in the first place- and for which they will then deny all responsibility, preferring instead to blame the victims for their poor choices. And yes, when a 16 year old is lying in a pool of blood on the street, they ARE a victim of a social problem. And because that problem is a function of our society, it can only really be addressed by changing the way our society functions.

It burns me up when I see young lives full of potential getting wasted like this, merely to satisfy the vanity and greed of gargoyles like bloody Amber Rudd.

In 2010 there was 1 police officer to 442 people in the UK. Now there is about 1:550 - almost a 25% difference.


serious question, what about London?

Posted (edited)
serious question, what about London?


I don't know. I had a quick look and found national stats but nothing for London specifically. Probably out there if you hunt. There is this table, but its old. I imagine the reductions have continued in line with national trends



Edited by buctootim

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