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Genuine question.


Do we still own Jacksons Farm or has that gone as part of the `takeover?` If so, Mary Corbett won`t be happy.


Not sure what you mean by "we". 80% of the group was bought so 80% of whatever that included is owned by Gao and 20% by Kat.


I've not seen any reports of any land having been sold and I don't think there is any mention of any land sales in the last set of accounts.

Isn’t this now “small beer” given the ludicrous levels of TV money these days, in any case?


I`m sure you`re right but it`s part of what used to be `our` rich heritage. The land was given to SFC by the Corbett family so many years ago now that I`ve forgotten. I suppose that, as I once again witness a slide away from the parallel universe of the Premier League, it`s easy to allow the club`s long history to slide away with it. I`ll be 80 next year and still recall my first visit to The Dell in 1946 and as a former shareholder I guess I`m grimly hanging on not only to my loyalty to the club but also to its history and traditions. I know it`s a new world now......but sometimes I wish it were otherwise. Anyway, perhaps relegation will see us be able to compete in a competitive league and bring back a little more appreciation of just how important the club`s history is to so many people

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