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Bournemouth and Swansea will be the first premier league clubs to offer gender neutral title prefixes for those who identify as non binary. The prefix 'Mx'- pronounced Mix - will now be offered to all supporters who want to identify as neither male or female.


What are your thoughts on this? A progressive step and something we should be encouraging to make football more inclusive? Or a bizarre perversion of language to encourage the pretence that there is more than two genders? Or something in between? Should saints be pushing for this too?



Posted (edited)

Who gives a flying f**k


Perhaps fanboy OP can crack one off to his hysterical idol Jordan Peterson in the Lounge?


Doesn’t seem Saints-related.

Edited by shurlock
Posted (edited)
It doesn't affect me negatively in any way so who cares?


If Saints did it I would neither be bothered nor outraged.


Don’t you know it’s a form of Marxist sharia, a slippery slope to the gulags and the end of civilisation as we know it.


That’s what hysterical tarts like Hypo and his crazy gang think anyway.

Edited by shurlock

I for one think it's a wonderful idea. People who identify as outside the false parameters of gender perceived as "normal" by the unenlightened masses need support and encouragement, and what better environment to seek it than in an intelligent, thoughtful, non-tribal and non-judgemental setting like the fanbase of your average British football club? This move is to be applauded, and I trust it will get the response it so richly deserves.


I don't understand why someone couldn't just put whichever prefix corresponds to their own reproductive equipment and have done with it. I fail to see why you would need to identify or dis-identify with a specific gender when buying a football ticket.


On the other hand, I really don't give a sh*t.


I couldn't care less if a man wants to be seen as a woman or vice versa, but surely you should choose one gender or the other. Choosing not to have a gender at all sounds like a silly fad that would be best ignored.

I couldn't care less if a man wants to be seen as a woman or vice versa, but surely you should choose one gender or the other. Choosing not to have a gender at all sounds like a silly fad that would be best ignored.


You really sound like you could care less.

Sounds like you have a small-minded opinion, but you know it is small-minded and thus try to prefix said opinion with a disclaimer that actually does nothing.


See also: "I have black friends, but [insert racist comment here]"

What loos would they use?


I suppose that will be the next thing, gender neutral bogs where they will just sit on a urinal.


Honestly, it really is now "Stop the world, I want to get off".

You really sound like you could care less.

Sounds like you have a small-minded opinion, but you know it is small-minded and thus try to prefix said opinion with a disclaimer that actually does nothing.


See also: "I have black friends, but [insert racist comment here]"

No, honestly I'm fine with it. Want to choose a different gender from the one you were born with? Go ahead as far as I'm concerned.


No gender at all though? Now that's stretching it a bit.

I suppose that will be the next thing, gender neutral bogs where they will just sit on a urinal.


Honestly, it really is now "Stop the world, I want to get off".

If they make a third option for those who won't decide, then I'm joining them. The queues are bound to be shorter.


If someone maintains that they identify as female, will they let me, I mean them, into the breastfeeding area for a good gawk? I'm, er, asking for a friend.

Saints will be gutted they missed out on being the first to do this, they love a bit of virtue signaling.


I'm hoping we are waiting to be the first to have a gender neutral player.

You really sound like you could care less.

Sounds like you have a small-minded opinion, but you know it is small-minded and thus try to prefix said opinion with a disclaimer that actually does nothing.


See also: "I have black friends, but [insert racist comment here]"

What's small minded about questioning those who decide to identify as neither male nor female?
I for one think it's a wonderful idea. People who identify as outside the false parameters of gender perceived as "normal" by the unenlightened masses need support and encouragement, and what better environment to seek it than in an intelligent, thoughtful, non-tribal and non-judgemental setting like the fanbase of your average British football club? This move is to be applauded, and I trust it will get the response it so richly deserves.


Sarcasm at it's very best! Well done my friend, made me smile :)

Once again catering for the minority


What a load of absolute tripe


What is wrong with catering for a minority? If it is of benefit to them and has no impact on you, then why the need to shout it down?


Maybe they shouldn't bother with disabled access either. After all disabled fans are only a minority.

What is wrong with catering for a minority? If it is of benefit to them and has no impact on you, then why the need to shout it down?


Maybe they shouldn't bother with disabled access either. After all disabled fans are only a minority.

Personally I have no problem with being accommodating of others except when you get to the point of compelling speech, made up words and denying biology. Non binary people is an invention popularised over the last few years and used by people who want to feel special and gain points on the oppression scale. This contrasts with transgender people who are transitioning from one of the two genders to the other one and they absolutely deserve respect and understanding for what is an extremely difficult condition.

The children over here seem to be very well informed on issues concerning gender fluid, non binary etc. and the dozens of terms involved. I suppose that I’m fine with addressing people in a manner that makes them comfortable, but the nomenclature is simply beyond my capacity to remember.

Personally I have no problem with being accommodating of others except when you get to the point of compelling speech, made up words and denying biology. Non binary people is an invention popularised over the last few years and used by people who want to feel special and gain points on the oppression scale. This contrasts with transgender people who are transitioning from one of the two genders to the other one and they absolutely deserve respect and understanding for what is an extremely difficult condition.


Here's some science for you and anyone else believing it's as simple as two binary genders. It's a good read with background, case studies and a reminder that people are killed and kill themselves because others refuse to accept them.

What is wrong with catering for a minority? If it is of benefit to them and has no impact on you, then why the need to shout it down?


Maybe they shouldn't bother with disabled access either. After all disabled fans are only a minority.


Disabled people need special facilties ie wheelchair access, sanitary disposal etc. Gender neutral people are perfectly able to use the standard facilities of their choice.


This is just once again PC going to far.

Gender neutral people are perfectly able to use the standard facilities of their choice.


I'd dispute that - look at the debate around public toilets - but it's not quite the point with this measure. It's the equivalent or you or I being asked to choose between Mrs or Ms, when neither applies. It's a simple matter of politeness.

Personally I have no problem with being accommodating of others except when you get to the point of compelling speech, made up words and denying biology. Non binary people is an invention popularised over the last few years and used by people who want to feel special and gain points on the oppression scale. This contrasts with transgender people who are transitioning from one of the two genders to the other one and they absolutely deserve respect and understanding for what is an extremely difficult condition.


I love that your dislike for non-binary people has helped you express your approval of transgender people. I'm sure your disapproval of another minority will serve to help you embrace non-binary one day.

I love that your dislike for fictional people has helped you express your approval of transgender people. I'm sure your disapproval of another minority will serve to help you embrace invented genders one day.


I fixed it for you. Anyone who truly believes they are some third gender deserves sympathy and support to enable them to come to terms with their delusion, but the sad fact is that many are transtrenders who play make believe for attention.


Sufferers of gender dysphoria need understanding and compassion whilst they move from male to female and vice versa. If you speak to most of these poeple, they are equally frustrated with this trend of labelling yourself as xir, xim, Mx, x etc or any other invented label because it demeans their very real condition and turns it into a joke.

I fixed it for you. Anyone who truly believes they are some third gender deserves sympathy and support to enable them to come to terms with their delusion, but the sad fact is that many are transtrenders who play make believe for attention.


Did you read the article I linked to? Here's another one, if you like.

I'd dispute that - look at the debate around public toilets - but it's not quite the point with this measure. It's the equivalent or you or I being asked to choose between Mrs or Ms, when neither applies. It's a simple matter of politeness.
So where does it stop then? What if everyone were to decide that Mr and Mrs no longer applies and all want to be addressed by a different prefix? Would we all have to bring a handbook for every social interaction? You can't just arbitrarily decide that you want to be addressed by a random prefix because you've decided you aren't a man or a woman.
So where does it stop then? What if everyone were to decide that Mr and Mrs no longer applies and all want to be addressed by a different prefix? Would we all have to bring a handbook for every social interaction? You can't just arbitrarily decide that you want to be addressed by a random prefix because you've decided you aren't a man or a woman.


Yes you can. Refer to people in the way they choose, just like you do when you use their names. I'm Duncan and I'd like it if you called me that. If you can manage to navigate the hundreds of thousands of names in the world then you can manage a pronoun, of which there are far fewer.


It's good manners, simple as that.

Here's some science for you and anyone else believing it's as simple as two binary genders. It's a good read with background, case studies and a reminder that people are killed and kill themselves because others refuse to accept them.

The science in this article mainly deals with what most people call "intersex". This is a known condition which has a physical manifestation. I don't think that's what people are talking about here though.


There are also those for who there is no identifiable, scientific 'reason' for why they might want to be the opposite gender, but want to be nonetheless. This is most transgender people as far as I am aware. I think most people would agree that they should be allowed to dress, behave and "be" whoever they want and called by whatever pronouns they choose. Nobody should be attacked or bullied for their choices. Whether the nhs should pay for surgery in these cases and whether this should be encouraged as 'normal' in schools is debatable though in my opinion as the science is well behind...


You make it sound like science is clear about this. It isn't. The surface has only been scratched and has come up with very little. It has not been proven that a certain % of males are born with a female brain - that is unproven speculation. Show me the science which proves this. Your article does not. If someone chooses to be another gender, in so far as we know, it's usually just that - a choice, with no scientific explanation for it.

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