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err right er rubbish er gimpy err


something for the weekend, has there ever been a worse show other than any t4 rubbish?? the bald chef who can't cook, lovejoy taling about himself, the bird who as hard as i try I can't fancy, the awkward interviews, it's just like whatever you were talking about.

err right er rubbish er gimpy err


something for the weekend, has there ever been a worse show other than any t4 rubbish?? the bald chef who can't cook ?, lovejoy taling about himself, left a while ago! the bird who as hard as i try i can't fancy, ok fair enough, the awkward interviews, it's just like whatever you were talking about.



  • 5 months later...

It's still the best thing on tele on a saturday morning. Given the choice of cooking shows, cartoons or top gear repeats, it has to be this every time.


Tip: lie in until 11am on saturday's, grab the last hour, it's got all the best bits in it (soccerette, skill school, crossbar challenge, road to rome etc). That's what I do at least.

err right er rubbish er gimpy err


something for the weekend, has there ever been a worse show other than any t4 rubbish?? the bald chef who can't cook, lovejoy taling about himself, the bird who as hard as i try I can't fancy, the awkward interviews, it's just like whatever you were talking about.




Soccer AM has thankfully got pretty funny again, the new fella succeeds where the other replacement didnt by trying NOT to be lovejoy (which is a good thing).

I'm really enjoying it again

Soccer AM has thankfully got pretty funny again, the new fella succeeds where the other replacement didnt by trying NOT to be lovejoy (which is a good thing).

I'm really enjoying it again


Andy Goldstein was doomed in the role ever since Ray Winstone went on there and swore at him for being a plastic Man Utd fan from London, Winstone really did get into a purple faced rage when he found out, it was fantastic!!!

Soccer AM has thankfully got pretty funny again, the new fella succeeds where the other replacement didnt by trying NOT to be lovejoy (which is a good thing).

I'm really enjoying it again

max rushden is awful....he is very bland..which results in helen chamberlain talking more and more...


the "characters" in the soccerette etc are what makes it funny etc..


andy goldstein is a very funny presenter, too much like lovejoy and was doomed to failure...

a bloke from the view just said 'f*ck'


I saw that, then followed it up later by dropping 'sh*te' on live TV too! Dumb scot! His accent was so thick and he seemed possibly intoxicated too that I would be surprised if anyone could understand him.


I only picked out a few words from what he was saying

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