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  Ponty said:
Surely only the operators at Heathrow, maybe a few airlines and possibly the local hoteliers WOULD have an agenda on this. Why does everyone with differing opinions around here get accused of having an agenda?


Of course, I meant POLITICAL agenda - since I'm often accused of using said agenda to colour my views on everything.


Which I don't.


Why would anyone's political agenda be a factor even? What, only a rabid right-winger could possibly see the benefit in a 3rd runway? Only someone who cared deeply enough about the planet to waste their vote on a virtually non-entitive Green party would oppose it? Only a Socialist would perceive it as a threat? There is no political agenda which covers this scenario, of that I'm certain.

  Ponty said:
Surely only the operators at Heathrow, maybe a few airlines and possibly the local hoteliers WOULD have an agenda on this. Why does everyone with differing opinions around here get accused of having an agenda?


Is it because it sounds clevererer to say someone has an 'agenda'.


Which reminds me, I didn't get one for tomorrow's meeting. Should I be happy or annoyed about that?

  Weston Super Saint said:
Is it because it sounds clevererer to say someone has an 'agenda'.


Which reminds me, I didn't get one for tomorrow's meeting. Should I be happy or annoyed about that?

I often get a copy of the agenda after the meeting's taken place. Helpful.

  Ponty said:
Why would anyone's political agenda be a factor even? What, only a rabid right-winger could possibly see the benefit in a 3rd runway? Only someone who cared deeply enough about the planet to waste their vote on a virtually non-entitive Green party would oppose it? Only a Socialist would perceive it as a threat? There is no political agenda which covers this scenario, of that I'm certain.


I beg to differ. It's my view that politics colour everyones' judgements, even if they don't think of it that way.


Every time anyone makes a conscious decision or adopts a particular stance about a situation, s/he is making a political decision (with a small p). You could also call it a moral decision, a religious decision etc.


There are many issues not covered by Political agendae that could be considered to be covered by political agendae.

  bridge too far said:
I beg to differ. It's my view that politics colour everyones' judgements, even if they don't think of it that way.


Every time anyone makes a conscious decision or adopts a particular stance about a situation, s/he is making a political decision (with a small p). You could also call it a moral decision, a religious decision etc.


There are many issues not covered by Political agendae that could be considered to be covered by political agendae.


I beg to differ my dear on this, I don't give a toss about politics or religion and any decision I make is based purely on if I think it is the right decision for me!

  Ponty said:
They're as hard to swallow as that post of yours.


I've just realised - 'Ponty' isn't short for 'Pontefract' at all, is it?




1. administer a pontifical office


2. talk in a dogmatic and pompous manner; e.g. "The new

professor always pontificates"



:D :D but in a friendly way, of course, and recognising the pot, kettle, black irony too.

  Jillyanne said:
I beg to differ my dear on this, I don't give a toss about politics or religion and any decision I make is based purely on if I think it is the right decision for me!


Then it's political, Jill, but not Political.


How do you decide what's 'right'?


When are they going to start building those flying cars? Tomorrows World were quite certain that every home would have one by now.


As for a 3rd runway,why not.I'm a pilot. f*ck the economic and environmental impact.


Can't believe because of planning laws construction would not start till 2015 and new runway would open 2019 but if the Tories win the next election they have now said they would scrap the project.

I also see that the airport says it can now service around 20% less cities than its rivals because of the lack of expansion i was surprised it was that high.


I've said it before and its still the case, for a Govt that claimed to be leading the world in tackling climate change, agreeing to the third runway is a back-down, neigh, betrayal, of seismic proportions.


We deserve to be the laughing stock of the planet (and quite a few moons/deathstars). We've just surrendered all our moral high-ground, the next time we ask India and China to comply to emmission targets I hope they tell us to go phuq ourselves.

  OLYMPIC said:
Can't believe because of planning laws construction would not start till 2015 and new runway would open 2019 but if the Tories win the next election they have now said they would scrap the project.


I was about to comment on the likelihood of this actually happening. If, as appears likely, the Conservatives win the next election, they'll just cancel it anyway. So a lot of fuss about nothing really.

  warsash saint said:
Boris' idea of scrapping Heathrow & building a new airport in the Thames estuary sounds the most logical. Flights can come in straight in over the sea meaning less disruption, noise & polution.

The problem with the Thames Estuary site, as far as I can tell, is that a) you'd only be able to take off and land at the east end of the runway as the west end would then get in the way of flight paths from the other London airports, and b) the environmental issues in terms of endangered species etc are far greater in that location than they are on the proposed site of T6/R3 at Heathrow.

  stevegrant said:
Oh, and here's a rather amusing article which sums up the hypocrisy of the likes of Emma Thompson and Alastair McGowan pleading "green" issues...




I found this on a link from that link:




It did make me LOL and I was about to post it on the Defoe thread when I saw that it had been closed :(


Anybody who thought for a second that this wouln't be passed is retarded. The contracts had already been awarded and it was a done deal way before the project was bought into the public domain.


And more plus points..... they are going to open the hard shoulders on the M3 and M4 because of it.

  warsash saint said:
Boris' idea of scrapping Heathrow & building a new airport in the Thames estuary sounds the most logical. Flights can come in straight in over the sea meaning less disruption, noise & polution.


Not really. That completely ignores the planning considerations of Thames Estuary which will be more complex than a third runway because of added enviro issues such as areas of SSI and wading birds etc.


Also far more costly to develop suitable foundations and then build a whole new infrastructure. And would require significant extra ATM issues.

Posted (edited)
  Scummer said:
I was about to comment on the likelihood of this actually happening. If, as appears likely, the Conservatives win the next election, they'll just cancel it anyway. So a lot of fuss about nothing really.


If planning is underway it's difficult to halt it on party political reasons as that step has already been. Open to all sorts of legal challenges. Not sure Cameron and Boris have understood that.


Also you have to question some of the emotive comments being made in the press such as the following on the BBC:


'Greenpeace director John Sauven said: "If Gordon Brown thinks this is a green runway then he must be colour-blind. This package is designed to patch up a cabinet split and will do very little to reduce the huge environmental impact of an expanded Heathrow, which will now become the single biggest emitter of carbon-dioxide in the country." '


I'm pretty sure that Drax power station will remain in number one position as biggest emitter, given it burns 10,000 tonnes of coal each day!!!

Edited by TopGun
  warsash saint said:
Boris' idea of scrapping Heathrow & building a new airport in the Thames estuary sounds the most logical. Flights can come in straight in over the sea meaning less disruption, noise & polution.


But who would want to fly to London(Manston)? It's as farcical as London(Stansted).


In terms of distance, it is the same as Manchester (Liverpool) :D

Guest Dark Sotonic Mills
  wheels said:
But who would want to fly to London(Manston)? It's as farcical as London(Stansted).


In terms of distance, it is the same as Manchester (Liverpool) :D


Don't joke. Lydd is now calling itself London (Ashford) International Airport.

  Dark Sotonic Mills said:
Don't joke. Lydd is now calling itself London (Ashford) International Airport.


I know, unbelievable really.


How about Southampton (Bournemouth) Airport? :p

  wheels said:
I know, unbelievable really.


How about Southampton (Bournemouth) Airport? :p


SIAL - Eastleigh (Southampton) Airport !!!

Sounds much better IMO


Plane crashes into Hudson River in the US.


No reported deaths, but will provide good ammo for the tree huggers against the 3rd runway

  Dark Sotonic Mills said:
Don't joke. Lydd is now calling itself London (Ashford) International Airport.



There was a previous thread on this a while ago, but when we flew in to Frankfurt for the world cup, there were a fair few in our Hotel that had chosen the other Frankfurt airport.............located 130 miles outside Frankfurt :D

  Hatch said:
Plane crashes into Hudson River in the US.


No reported deaths, but will provide good ammo for the tree huggers against the 3rd runway


Surely the only thing the NY crash proves is that rivers make pretty crap runways.

  Hatch said:
Plane crashes into Hudson River in the US.


No reported deaths, but will provide good ammo for the tree huggers against the 3rd runway


Erm, I don't think anyone is against excessive air travel on the basis that planes crash sometimes.

Guest Dark Sotonic Mills
  Ponty said:
Surely the only thing the NY crash proves is that rivers make pretty crap runways.


So that's put paid to the Green Party's idea of using the Thames as the third runway.

  Thedelldays said:


listening to the radio and they are talking about this..


'fanatics' now called planes Climate Change Monsters and should never exists...





These people are mental. Part of me admires them for having such strong beliefs on anything, as I really haven't got that in me, but then again if you are going to be totally stupid about it then maybe it's not so good.

  Durleyfos said:
Some protesters smashed windows at the Dept. of Transport offices (or some other Government building)


Way to go, that'll help your cause.




That kind of thing really pees me off... confrontational action like this only serves to discredit any organisation behind it, and also, unfairly, gives an impression that all protesters or others who oppose the expansion are violent morons unable to argue their point in a constructive way.


It will also serve to widen any divide between sides and prevent discussion, and reinforce supporters views about the subject, because they think mroe poorly of the protesters' actions, and their (poorly communicated in this case) message becomes secondary.

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