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There are probably quite a few older people who have been members of the Caravan Club for many years and could claim to be 'Travellers'


If a gang of geriatric caravan owners, complete with their dogs, cats and budgies, turned up en masse and parked their 4 x4's and caravans on green space throughout the UK (or Ireland!!), would the Police/Local Authorities be prepared to take such a tolerant view of their behaviour.


I doubt it.


As a society we are far too tolerant towards these law breaking/trespassing mainly Irish itinerants


I think we should sit down and chat with them to understand them more

and give them lots of free stuff to make sure they do not feel like they are being victimised and all that


I'm not sure what I should think about this one. Travellers generally don't like homosexuals in their communities so I should be against them, but then I remembers Muslims don't like gays either so I can't hate them for that reason. However they are white which means they're probably racist, but then again a lot of them aren't from English decent so that means I can't accuse the of this either. They are a minority group so I should embrace them and celebrate the contribution they've made to society, perhaps set up a traveller history month or music of traveller origins groups, when it comes to boxing and rearing dogs and horses these guys are second to none. I'd also like to encourage more travellers to get top jobs in business and industry as they are underrepresented in this fields. It's all dry confusing, as a fair minded, tolerant, left wing person can someone tell me what I should be thinking about this group of people?


We have a problem in Poole every summer. The biggest wind up is the local council have closed loads of public toilets , yet as soon as they turn up they're provided with portable loos. I know why they do it, because if they don't the animals **** everywhere, but it's still a wind up. My father in law is in his 90's and he reckons years ago they used to put them on Sandbanks. If they pitched up there now, the council would soon **** them off, but us plebs have to put up with them



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Only one of the three manifestos to feature Travellers is the Labour Manifesto

"We will end racism and discrimination against Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities, and protect the right to lead a nomadic way of life."


what that involves is anyone's guess.

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