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Saints Progmames for Sale


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I'm selling many of my Saints Progs as I really don't want them to end up is a Skip when I'm gone! Sadly, nobody in the family wants them and I would hate them to be dumped.


The group I'm involved with hold a BBQ every year and the proceeds go to charity. This year, the Wessex Heartbeat is the chosen charity. Any money raised will go to there. Need any info of the progs, please ask. Offers invited, please.

email is norms.comps@gmail.com

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  • 1 year later...

Saints programmes for free if anyone wants them?


They are not very old but not recent but to tell you the truth i dont know exactly what dates they are from as

i havent really look into the box to deeply so its pot luck if they are any that anyone wants.


I live in Amesbury so anyone local or other wise is welcome to collect... PM if you are intersted

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