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Let's put it different way.


Locksy. We're negotiating a more Centrist political position for you. I want you to be more Blairite, but you want to stay commun... Sorry corbynite.


Do you stay and negotiate and resolve to be Brownite? Or do you walk away with your hammer and sickle?


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Posted (edited)

May's Brexit negotiating technique is "If you don't give me what I want I'll walk out in front of a bus". Trouble with that is the only two responses are 'no you wont' or 'good'.

Edited by buctootim
Let's put it different way.


Locksy. We're negotiating a more Centrist political position for you. I want you to be more Blairite, but you want to stay commun... Sorry corbynite.


Do you stay and negotiate and resolve to be Brownite? Or do you walk away with your hammer and sickle?


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Again I don't have a clue what you're talking about. Post by post you prove that you're a bit dim.


You do bring one benefit to this thread, however: I've come to the realisation I miss Les. He was a towering intellect compared to you.



Then only let us have trade if we have complete open borders if we pay 450m a week and give up Gibraltar.


No deal would be better than that, as that is a bad deal.


Sorry, but this is gibberish. Did you mean the opposite of what you've written here?


Either way, it's beside the point. If we on a football message board can work out that May is either stupid or utterly devoid of any leverage in the negotiations, I'm pretty sure that EU trade negotiators know the score.


It's like the scene in Blazing Saddles...you know the one.


And as if May couldn't look any more useless: she's not only run a campaign so bad it's made Jeremy Corbyn look competent; she's managed to say precisely not one word yet about Trump's withdrawal from the Paris agreement.


There's been a flurry of statements and urgent consultations this evening, with France, Germany and Italy saying they will spearhead the EU's pursuit of the Paris accord's key objectives; The Chinese and Russians have made strong statements criticising the decision. And Merkel has been on the phone to Trump to tell him what an idiot he is.


From May, absolutely nada - and you can guess why. Spineless.



From May, absolutely nada - and you can guess why. Spineless.


Perhaps she thinks it's great that having promised to do so during the election , he stuck to his promise



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Will this do?






Had to laugh at the Tory on the radio this morning saying if your local care home has no money you should organise a charity marathon not ask for more funding.

Why can't she debate in front of the entire nation?


The entire nation? Lol, did you see the viewing figures.


Why can't pious lefties like Linekar & Geldoff pay their taxes?



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The entire nation? Lol, did you see the viewing figures.


Why can't pious lefties like Linekar & Geldoff pay their taxes?



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Come on, bet you're a fan of akala. Brillo (pmsl) seemed to warm to him.

Posted (edited)

It's nonsense to say we have no leverage.


The fact that the EU won't (apparently) countenance negotiating future relationship terms until they've secured an agreement over the "divorce" bill shows there is some leverage. If we walked away without paying anything beyond our last date of membership it would be a major cock-up for them.


What would certainly diminish our leverage considerably would be the knowledge that there was to be a further referendum to approve or reject the final deal (as per Farron's cack-brained / disingenuous suggestion).


There's a lot to legitimately criticise May for but sticking to a tough / slightly hyperbolic script in the preamble to negotiations is not one of them IMO. The bigger criticism is the complete waste of time being caused by this election. This should have happened promptly after the referendum result or not at all. We are just wasting time on the Article 50 clock.

Edited by benjii
Come on mate. Go back to my basic rules on negotiation. Go over them again. I was really hoping you would have got the hang of it by now, me old pedigree chum


I forgot, Baldrick, the next 12-18 months were going to see such a step-change in trade from the EU to the rest of the world that Brussels would be putty in hands of British negotiators. Not to mention that elections in Netherlands, France and Germany were going to bring eurosceptic populists to power and fatally erode support for the EU, making UK goodwill more important than ever. How's all that working out?



The bigger criticism is the complete waste of time being caused by this election. This should have happened promptly after the referendum result or not at all. We are just wasting time on the Article 50 clock.




Don't the EU negotiations start just 11 days after the election result? Will be a right cluster **** if it is a hung parliament.

It's nonsense to say we have no leverage.


The fact that the EU won't (apparently) countenance negotiating future relationship terms until they've secured an agreement over the "divorce" bill shows there is some leverage. If we walked away without paying anything beyond our last date of membership it would be a major cock-up for them.


What would certainly diminish our leverage considerably would be the knowledge that there was to be a further referendum to approve or reject the final deal (as per Farron's cack-brained / disingenuous suggestion).


There's a lot to legitimately criticise May for but sticking to a tough / slightly hyperbolic script in the preamble to negotiations is not one of them IMO. The bigger criticism is the complete waste of time being caused by this election. This should have happened promptly after the referendum result or not at all. We are just wasting time on the Article 50 clock.


Agree with all of that, good post.



No idea if that is true or not - but if it is its almost as if her campaign managers are trying to sabotage her. Either that or she is having a breakdown and cant hack the pressure


Absolutely unverifiable. But she's on BBC South tonight if that helps...


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Absolutely unverifiable. But she's on BBC South tonight if that helps...


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She's in York. And she's just turned down another request from Corbyn to have an actual debate instead of a solo grilling.

Tory's will win and win comfortably.......they will have at least a 50 seat majority.


50 seats has to be the very minimum given where she was a few weeks ago.

50 seats has to be the very minimum given where she was a few weeks ago.


they are the polls. They are all over the place depending on where you look


What is it with lefties. Fist question in QT tonight."Why won't you debate & answer questions" ". I'd have answered " I'm here on question time debating with voters , The clue is in the title you **** wit "


She's started well imo



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Faltering a bit on public sector pay. Too rigid. Needs to be more empathetic. She can give it the "money tree" line but still act like she cares.

i think that woman needs to be on suicide watch


She is sh1t at explaining herself but don't think it has got that bad yet


May doing her usual, stumbling over her words and using generic sound bites to answer questions. She just repeats these stock phrases that are related to the subject area regardless of the detail of the question. Will be interested to see Corbyn later.

May doing her usual, stumbling over her words and using generic sound bites to answer questions. She just repeats these stock phrases that are related to the subject area regardless of the detail of the question. Will be interested to see Corbyn later.


it will be spend spend spend.....of course, it will sound great

It is just me who hates her teenage boy-breaking high/low voice?



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it will be spend spend spend.....of course, it will sound great


Invest, grow, tax. Invest, grow, tax.


Don't you know you have to speculate to accumulate?

it will be spend spend spend.....of course, it will sound great


Not necessarily a Labour voter but Corbyn does speak with a lot more conviction than May does.

Invest, grow, tax. Invest, grow, tax.


Don't you know you have to speculate to accumulate?

You forgot the bit about repaying the borrowing.


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Apparently this is currently at number 4 in the charts...



Look for the video online today, they got him on to talk about the song not being played and he said the BBC editor had asked him not to go too heavy on the Tories!

Classy 942db30813fa0c98422b2e01f15fcfe9.jpg


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