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Salisbury Vs Millwall at The Dell Fa Cup 1979, anyone remember?

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I remember going up into the Chocolate boxes when a load of what were obviously Millwall fans came onto the Milton Road terrace and started laying into the Salisbury fans. Also after the game the Millwall fans went into town and it kicked off with all the Southampton casuals who used to hang around in the precinct. I'm sure this was also one of the occasions when it went off in the old Warrens pub before the game. I miss the atmosphere of games in the 70's but not the violence.


Went to this game, Christ knows why. The score was 2-1 to Millwall, but me and my mate left the ground convinced it was 3-1, can only assume that a goal was disallowed due to an infringement on the centre spot.

  scally said:
I remember going up into the Chocolate boxes when a load of what were obviously Millwall fans came onto the Milton Road terrace and started laying into the Salisbury fans. Also after the game the Millwall fans went into town and it kicked off with all the Southampton casuals who used to hang around in the precinct. I'm sure this was also one of the occasions when it went off in the old Warrens pub before the game. I miss the atmosphere of games in the 70's but not the violence.


Casuals in 79? Certainly went off in the warrens tho! Funnily enough I was speaking to a couple of the regulars a week or two ago and this subject came up. Let's just say they have a few fond memories of that day.


This was the day that gave the authorities the green light to shut down the Warrens. Saints were away to Ipswich so the pub (which did have a bit of a reputation!) wouldn't have been as busy as normal but still home to some of Southampton's more edgier types in for their usual Saturday session. Amazingly, despite Millwall having probably the biggest hooligan following in the country, a big mob of them were somehow allowed to walk up unnoticed from the train station straight to this notorious watering hole and the obvious soon followed. They were again allowed to make it back up as far as the precinct after the game too but the Police mostly kept 2 moody mobs apart. The Warrens was closed down soon after.


I did go to the game, watching from the back of the 'big' bit of the Milton but didn't see any Millwall in there and, to be honest, can't remember a lot about the game itself, but i do recall it was 'kin cold!


I was shopping in town that day with a mate and a really hot Italian girl on a student exchange visit.

It certainly was a bit edgy in The Precinct area so moved over to Debenhams and must have been in there when it all kicked off in and outside The Warrens.


An absolute picture of carnage .... bar stools, broken windows, broken snooker cue and glasses littered the area in front of the pub. A real life Western Bar Room Brawl!!!ern

Whilst in Debs we saw a right dodgy group of geezers walking in and moved away from the area the were heading.

It was only after they went by we saw that it was The Jam and a group of burly minders who were in town later that night or next day!!


We left town way before final whistle but even then there were little pockets of lads out looking for a scrap. We had to try and convince the poor petrified girl that this wasn't a normal Saturday in town!!

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