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Saints Web Definitely Not Official Second Referendum  

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Were you talking to me, Soggy? I run my own business, thanks. People like me are ruining the country? :lol: I'm one of those constituting a substantial percentage of the electorate holding similar views, so suck it up, that's democracy for you. I accept that because you would happily ignore the result of the referendum that you are not a democrat, so pardon me if I choose to denigrate the validity of your opinions on the subject. Apparently a Conservative Government led by Johnson would ruin the country, but presumably you don't think that a Labour Government under Corbyn would?


There should be enough there in that interview with a local pharmacist to ring alarm bells about the future of the NHS? :lol: Comedy Gold. The naive people are those who fail to realise that we have been royally shafted by the EEC/EU since we joined, but increasingly since we voted to leave. The future special relationship with the EU looks bleak indeed when we become a major competitor to them right on their own doorstep.


You crease me up with your Guardian indoctrinated claptrap. :lol:


What is comedy gold is the way you take one small part of a programme to denigrate it rather than deal with the message of the programme as a whole. Probably because you can’t defend the indefensible. This has nothing to do with The Guardian. This is to do with the future of the NHS. Perhaps you should put your prejudices to one side and look at the situation objectively.

Were you talking to me, Soggy? I run my own business, thanks. People like me are ruining the country? :lol: I'm one of those constituting a substantial percentage of the electorate holding similar views, so suck it up, that's democracy for you. I accept that because you would happily ignore the result of the referendum that you are not a democrat, so pardon me if I choose to denigrate the validity of your opinions on the subject. Apparently a Conservative Government led by Johnson would ruin the country, but presumably you don't think that a Labour Government under Corbyn would?


There should be enough there in that interview with a local pharmacist to ring alarm bells about the future of the NHS? :lol: Comedy Gold. The naive people are those who fail to realise that we have been royally shafted by the EEC/EU since we joined, but increasingly since we voted to leave. The future special relationship with the EU looks bleak indeed when we become a major competitor to them right on their own doorstep.


You crease me up with your Guardian indoctrinated claptrap. :lol:


Didn’t you used to be a benefits officer Les?


I hope you run your business better than your performances on this thread pal.

Yes I did work for the Guardian (for 22 years and very proud of it) but I wasn’t a journalist. It wasn’t and still isn’t owned by rich businessmen (it is owned by a trust) with right wing agendas and is still our only independent national newspaper. It doesn’t support any political party although it is liberal with a small l. I am not against capitalism but capitalism for the benefit of all. I don’t believe any of us believe in the trickle down theory any more. There is something seriously wrong when a country with the 5th largest economy has a percentage of its population that has to rely on food banks. For 8 years I saw at first hand what the Tories enforced austerity measures did to the Criminal Justice System. It comes as no surprise that violent crime and sexual offences have increased as the chance of seeing police out and about nowadays. I could go on and on about how our society is becoming more and more fragmented thanks to Tory policies but I guess you won’t see it as their fault.
The Guardian is no longer a Liberal paper, it backed Corbyn at the last election. My neighbour is a Guardian journalist btw. Criminals have no fear of law and that is not just down to cuts. It is the liberal laws that allow them freedom to put 2 fingers up at society. The victim is too often pushed aside for the feelings of the perpetrator. I dont want flogging but in the country there are gangs of thieves who go around stealing from sheds garages and homes with not a thought or worry of being prosecuted.

Stop worrying about the superrich as I say they are mobile and can give their tax to other countries who will delighted to have it. Everyone of them will buy stuff from our tradesmen , builders etc etc and so they are putting money into our society as well as large sums of tax. Dont get on the bandwagon of envy, good luck to them and I wish I was a billionaire id buy a couple of defenders for Saints.

No cost to "re-nationalise" the Train Operating Companies if you want to do that. Nationalisation could take place on a gradual basis as each existing rail franchise comes up for renewal - this would lower the financial cost of a transfer of ownership.


GM - dont necessarily disagree with what you say but most franchises are based on 7-10 year terms, albeit with the prospect of break clauses.

However there may be the possibility of legal challenges so with these prospects in mind returning the railway system to public ownership is likely to take time as you admit.

There is also the complication of compensation payouts to acquire rolling stock from the TOC's although I guess a deal may be possible with the leasing companies who generally own the hardware.

Nonetheless there would be a cost.

Didn’t you used to be a benefits officer Les?


I hope you run your business better than your performances on this thread pal.


I understand that there has been a recent report that concludes that narcissists like you are generally happy with themselves. Of course they are. Happiness goes hand in hand with smugness and arrogance, doesn't it?

No, I don’t think that a Labour Government would ruin the country. They certainly cannot do any worse than Cameron, May and Johnson. Still with the rabid right wing press on your side you could well end up foisting Johnson on us for another 5 years. Dear God! Have you notice how little notice your media of choice have made of Johnson’s failed promise to take us out of the EU by 31st October? If it had been Corbyn who failed do spectacularly he would be vilified on the front of the Sun, Express,Mail, Telegraph and Times. All we get with Johnson is news of another failed attempt to get a decision in Parliament with no criticism whatsoever. The Sun even manage to get another pop at putting a chicken picture of Corbyn on the front page. Why no poss take of Johnson not actually being dead in a ditch? Far funnier and far more relevant.


And yes, I believe that any who voted for Johnson as PM and who votes him back is is guilty of ruining this country. It is called freedom of speech. Suck it up.



Corbyn demanded an election on no fewer than 35 occasions. Now when he has been offered one three times, he doesn't want one after all. Corbynated Chicken. Frit.

We are heading down the same road as the US in terms of unaffordable health care. You and Wes really need to spend more time in your local surgeries or A & E wards.The socialists that you appear to have such sustain for want to improve the NHS for the benefit of our society, not to boosts profits even more for US pharma companies.


This article is a laugh:

NHS staff smoking habits cost the health service more than £200m a year in cigarette breaks, sick days and treatment, a report on the £1bn a year avoidable cost of tobacco dependency has found. There are more than 73,000 smokers among the 1.2 million NHS employees in England and the lost working hours from their combined smoking breaks add up to £99m a year, the Royal College of Physicians’ tobacco advisory group has said. Though smoking breaks are discouraged in the NHS, the report estimates smokers have an additional 10 minutes of breaks per day. Smokers also had 56 per cent more sick days, amounting to £101m in NHS costs, and cost £6m in treating staff with preventable diseases caused by tobacco. In total, the RCP panel said, this amounts to £2,800 per staff smoker.

NHS? It's becoming a f***ing joke and has nothing to do with Trump or Brexit and a lot to do with smokers and obese patients clogging up the system. Still, I'm sure Herbert will be on in a minute to provide figures for the tax benefits of tobacco.

I don’t expect companies not to make a profit. The issue here (clearly) is the NHS’s ability to negotiate best prices once sucked into a trade deal with the US. Surely as a red blooded dyed in the wool capitalist you can see that this will not be good for the NHS and for the UK as a whole? Potentially the money we save on membership to the EU could all go to the pharma giants in the US. Good for the UK? I don’t think so. We are heading down the same road as the US in terms of unaffordable health care. You and Wes really need to spend more time in your local surgeries or A & E wards.The socialists that you appear to have such sustain for want to improve the NHS for the benefit of our society, not to boosts profits even more for US pharma companies.

You obviously didn't read the Guardian article I referred to, from Mon 26 Nov 2018. Here is an extract, pops, which refers specifically to the drug featured in the "documentary":

NHS replaces highest-spend drug with £300m cheaper alternative

Purchase of ‘biosimilar’ version of adalimumab, used to treat a range of conditions, may free up funds for more nurses. The NHS is set to make a record-breaking saving after reaching deals with manufacturers on low-cost “biosimilar” versions of its most expensive drug, according to the health service’s chief executive in England. The deal should save hospitals £300m, which equates to roughly three-quarters of the amount they currently spend, Simon Stevens will announce on Monday. The saving is the result of the introduction of drugs almost identical to adalimumab, which is prescribed to more than 46,000 patients to treat conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and psoriasis. Adalimumab was previously available only under the brand name Humira, but its exclusive patent recently expired, allowing the NHS to accept bids from companies who make biosimilar versions. The new drugs should be available to patients from December. “Harnessing the power of competition between drug companies, NHS England has now freed up hundreds of millions of pounds of savings to reinvest in patient care,” said Stevens. “This is another example of how the smarter approach to biosimilar medicines in the UK and Europe gives patients and taxpayers a much better deal than they get in the United States.” He added that the money – the biggest saving in NHS history from a single drug negotiation – would be spent on 11,700 more community nurses or 19,800 more breast cancer treatments for patients.

Channel 4 - Fake News


For me, I don't like the idea of an election (I don't get to vote anyway and don't think I should, as I don't pay taxes there). It would divide an opposition that has managed to unite several parties with different ideologies who just want to stop BJ doing the wrong thing for his own agenda (I don't get the impression he cares about Brexit or the British people at all, this is just about his own ego and making a mark on history, which makes him similar to many political leaders). I guess this is why the conservatives want the election, to get rid of the united front that is keeping them in check, which is of course also the reason the opposition don't want it, because they only have power while they are working together to check the government.


However, after a while, when the country is frustrated with both leadership and opposition, it feels like they have to have an election.

What is comedy gold is the way you take one small part of a programme to denigrate it rather than deal with the message of the programme as a whole. Probably because you can’t defend the indefensible. This has nothing to do with The Guardian. This is to do with the future of the NHS. Perhaps you should put your prejudices to one side and look at the situation objectively.


Crash and burn for soggy:




  1. Get rid of the traitors in the party - done
  2. Replace sheep in wolves clothing with loyal Conservatives - done
  3. Unify the party - done
  4. Go to the EU with a freedom charter - done
  5. Taunt a divided Marxist dominated Labour, joke of a party during the run up - done
  6. Call an election -done
  7. Message: The People vs Parliament - done
  8. Arrange a deal with Nigel - ongoing
  9. Win a substantial majority - odds-on
  10. Watch Corbyn, Labour and the EU project sink without a trace - odds on


Like I said, playing a blinder.


Woody Johnson, the US ambassador to the UK;


Asked if healthcare would be part of the deal, he told the BBC's Andrew Marr Show: "I think probably the entire economy, in a trade deal all things that are traded will be on the table."



  1. Get rid of the traitors in the party - done
  2. Replace sheep in wolves clothing with loyal Conservatives - done
  3. Unify the party - done
  4. Go to the EU with a freedom charter - done
  5. Taunt a divided Marxist dominated Labour, joke of a party during the run up - done
  6. Call an election -done
  7. Message: The People vs Parliament - done
  8. Arrange a deal with Nigel - ongoing
  9. Win a substantial majority - odds-on
  10. Watch Corbyn, Labour and the EU project sink without a trace - odds on


Like I said, playing a blinder.

One day, you might get a prediction correct, but your track record is not impressive.



  1. Get rid of the traitors in the party - done
  2. Replace sheep in wolves clothing with loyal Conservatives - done
  3. Unify the party - done
  4. Go to the EU with a freedom charter - done
  5. Taunt a divided Marxist dominated Labour, joke of a party during the run up - done
  6. Call an election -done
  7. Message: The People vs Parliament - done
  8. Arrange a deal with Nigel - ongoing
  9. Win a substantial majority - odds-on
  10. Watch Corbyn, Labour and the EU project sink without a trace - odds on


Like I said, playing a blinder.


Getting Brexit Done by 31st October - fail


Dead in a ditch if he doesn’t - fail

Crash and burn for soggy:


If you believe that you really haven’t been paying attention John. I think you’ll find the Americans (that will be the people with the upper hand in the negotiations) have very different ideas.

Posted (edited)


  1. Get rid of the traitors in the party - done
  2. Replace sheep in wolves clothing with loyal Conservatives - done
  3. Unify the party - done
  4. Go to the EU with a freedom charter - done
  5. Taunt a divided Marxist dominated Labour, joke of a party during the run up - done
  6. Call an election -done
  7. Message: The People vs Parliament - done
  8. Arrange a deal with Nigel - ongoing
  9. Win a substantial majority - odds-on
  10. Watch Corbyn, Labour and the EU project sink without a trace - odds on


Like I said, playing a blinder.


Freedom Charter :lol:


Johnson folded quicker than a cheap suit and basically went back to the EU’s original deal - elements of which he, May and the ERG declared they could never accept.


I think you’re the only person to whom even the broken clock adage doesn’t apply.

Edited by shurlock
You obviously didn't read the Guardian article I referred to, from Mon 26 Nov 2018. Here is an extract, pops, which refers specifically to the drug featured in the "documentary":


Channel 4 - Fake News


So you are saying that the Americans aren’t really interested in increasing their drugs prices to the UK (I believe they call it currently “freeloading”)? Funny that no one in the trade delegation in the US wanted to talk about it. Fake news? You sound just like Trump.

Posted (edited)
Turkeys voting for Christmas.


Do you not think Corbyn will be PM the day after the election? Be it in form of a coalition or an outright Labour win?


Serious question

Edited by Batman
These people could earn 10 times what they do in Parliament if they went into proper jobs - you don't become an MP for the money as they don't earn good wages.


Name one single MP that would earn 10 times their parliamentary salary in a 'proper job' - and the job they would do to earn it!

Do you not think Corbyn will be PM the day after the election? Be it in form of a coalition or an outright Labour win?


Serious question


Given that this election is going to be all about Brexit, I have no idea how it will end up.


It’s hard to see anything good coming from this general election.


We’re either going to be a hard brexit on the back of Corbyn’s unpopularity, a Corbyn government on the back of the Brexit deal’s unpopularity or a hung parliament meaning we’ve completely wasted a month and a half of the extension.


The Tories will probably win but it all depends on how the public react to the Brexit deal or the threat of the likely no deal Brexit. The deal is going to be analysed in detail and ripped apart during the campaign, if the public don’t want the UK broken up or risk Northern Irish blowing each other up again they have to vote for someone other than the Conservatives.

It’s hard to see anything good coming from this general election. We’re either going to be a hard brexit on the back of Corbyn’s unpopularity, a Corbyn government on the back of the Brexit deal’s unpopularity or a hung parliament meaning we’ve completely wasted a month and a half of the extension


Sad but true

It’s hard to see anything good coming from this general election.


We’re either going to be a hard brexit on the back of Corbyn’s unpopularity, a Corbyn government on the back of the Brexit deal’s unpopularity or a hung parliament meaning we’ve completely wasted a month and a half of the extension.


The Tories will probably win but it all depends on how the public react to the Brexit deal or the threat of the likely no deal Brexit. The deal is going to be analysed in detail and ripped apart during the campaign, if the public don’t want the UK broken up or risk Northern Irish blowing each other up again they have to vote for someone other than the Conservatives.

A no deal brexit no longer exists. It will be Johnson's brexit deal or no brexit at all.
Who has woken up Guided Missile and Wes? They have suddenly got verbal diarrhoea.


It must be half term at Pompey Poly.


I think they dispense with formalities like reading week.


Great thing about an election is the fake Tories booted out of the party are facing oblivion. That is the ones that have the balls to stand, Hedi Allen the latest to bottle it. No more Bercow, Soubry, Rudd, Hammond, Allen, Rory the ego, Grieve, Boles, Letwin. **** me it’s like when Marcus came along and cleared out Wotte & the useless players.


Going to be a great Xmas....



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

A no deal brexit no longer exists. It will be Johnson's brexit deal or no brexit at all.


We’re crashing out next December barring an extension. Johnson’s “deal” really is a misnomer as it only deals with a small subset of issues governing the UK’s trade relationship with the EU.


Both major parties are fractured by Brexit. The LibDems have had the balls to nail their colours to the mast of Remain but that will alienate the Brexiteers. The Brexit Party could take seats from Johnson where the Tory candidates are pro Europe. It’s hard to see how there will be a decisive outcome. I would prefer to see a second referendum where we get a choice of Johnson’s deal or remain. We can then have an election based on the domestic issues where we can focus on how to take the country forward post austerity. With Johnson looking to take the Tories further to the right the centerists should be looking to clean up. Sadly the LibDems don’t have a leader with enough political clout to make a difference. Vince Cable would have been better. I have a sinking feeling that Boris will sneak home with a small but workable majority and we will spend the next 5 years getting shafted by Trump.

Great thing about an election is the fake Tories booted out of the party are facing oblivion. That is the ones that have the balls to stand, Hedi Allen the latest to bottle it. No more Bercow, Soubry, Rudd, Hammond, Allen, Rory the ego, Grieve, Boles, Letwin. **** me it’s like when Marcus came along and cleared out Wotte & the useless players.


Going to be a great Xmas....


Heidi Allen wont be standing because of knobs who think destroying the centre ground and forcing people to choose between two entrenched and extreme tribes is the way to go.

Both major parties are fractured by Brexit. The LibDems have had the balls to nail their colours to the mast of Remain but that will alienate the Brexiteers. The Brexit Party could take seats from Johnson where the Tory candidates are pro Europe. It’s hard to see how there will be a decisive outcome. I would prefer to see a second referendum where we get a choice of Johnson’s deal or remain. We can then have an election based on the domestic issues where we can focus on how to take the country forward post austerity. With Johnson looking to take the Tories further to the right the centerists should be looking to clean up. Sadly the LibDems don’t have a leader with enough political clout to make a difference. Vince Cable would have been better. I have a sinking feeling that Boris will sneak home with a small but workable majority and we will spend the next 5 years getting shafted by Trump.


Why would a second referendum be a choice of Johnson's deal or remain? We've already voted to leave so surely it would be Johnson's deal or no deal?

Why would a second referendum be a choice of Johnson's deal or remain? We've already voted to leave so surely it would be Johnson's deal or no deal?


Bercause its the most popular option

Bercause its the most popular option
If that is the case you had better put a bet on the Liberals. I do suspect that the remainers would now get a majority but it would still be close.

Perhaps Boris is playing a blinder going to make the deal fail and so we flop back into the EU. He was afterall a remainer 6 months before the vote was announced

Great thing about an election is the fake Tories booted out of the party are facing oblivion. That is the ones that have the balls to stand, Hedi Allen the latest to bottle it. No more Bercow, Soubry, Rudd, Hammond, Allen, Rory the ego, Grieve, Boles, Letwin. **** me it’s like when Marcus came along and cleared out Wotte & the useless players.


Going to be a great Xmas....



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


You mean getting rid of all the Tories that would appeal to the floating voters that shy away from the extremists? The good thing is the more they get rid of the lesser objectionable members the less appeal they will have to rational people. Looking forward to seeing Tommy Yaxley-Lennon on his soap box supporting Johnson.

Posted (edited)
Name one single MP that would earn 10 times their parliamentary salary in a 'proper job' - and the job they would do to earn it!


I did say it was an exaggeration, but off the top of my head:


Sajid Javid - was MD of Deutsche Bank before becoming an MP.


Michael Gove - A good mate of Rupert Murdoch's after being an editor at The Times before moving into Politics. Bear in mind that George Osbourne currently earns over £1m per year as editor of the Evening Standard.


Jeremy Hunt - Made £30m from the sale of his Hotcourses company so would easily get a very highpaying job.


David Milliband - Earns £750k per year working for a charity.


Nick Clegg - Earning over £1m per year working for Facebook.


Would you like me to go on, or do you want to admit you're wrong? Many people on here wouldn't get out of bed for what MPs earn.

Edited by Unbelievable Jeff
I did say it was an exaggeration, but off the top of my head:


Sajid Javid - was MD of Deutsche Bank before becoming an MP. - Reputedly his salary was around £200k but topped up with 'bonuses', but he was a 'banker' and they're all evil aren't they?


Michael Gove - A good mate of Rupert Murdoch's after being an editor at The Times before moving into Politics. Bear in mind that George Osbourne currently earns over £1m per year as editor of the Evening Standard. - he was a bog standard journalist before he became an MP so doubtless earnt himself a payrise! Any future job is likely to be as a result of his 'connections'


Jeremy Hunt - Made £30m from the sale of his Hotcourses company so would easily get a very highpaying job. - To be fair, he personally made £14m in 2017 from the sale of hotcourses but that was because he kept 48% of the shares after stepping down as a director in 2009! Who's to say he contributed anything to that profit in the 8 years he wasn't there? Before that a number of failed businesses.


David Milliband - Earns £750k per year working for a charity. - Clearly only got that job due to his connections, before becoming an MP he was a no-mark researcher! Also, is it not scandalous that he takes an obscene amount of money from a charity?


Nick Clegg - Earning over £1m per year working for Facebook. - Can you convince anyone he didn't get that job due to who he knows? Before becoming an MP he was a speechwriter!


Would you like me to go on, or do you want to admit you're wrong? Many people on here wouldn't get out of bed for what MPs earn.


Please do carry on....


£80k basic salary plus expenses for pretty much everything they do is not a bad salary. I expect that there would be many on here who would be delighted to earn that kind of money.

Heidi Allen wont be standing because of knobs who think destroying the centre ground and forcing people to choose between two entrenched and extreme tribes is the way to go.


Duckie probably thinks women shouldn't be in Parliament anyway. ( Other than Maggie T of course, who he probably thinks had bigger balls than most of her Cabinet ).

Nick Clegg - Earning over £1m per year working for Facebook. - Can you convince anyone he didn't get that job due to who he knows? Before becoming an MP he was a speechwriter!.

Before becoming an MP Clegg was an MEP, and prior to that worked for the EU, particularly as a policy advisor and the head of their negotiating team at the WTO.

Bercause its the most popular option


What you really mean, is that is the most popular option of you remoaner losers. The poor undemocratic sops who want another referendum before the first one has even been enacted.

What you really mean, is that is the most popular option of you remoaner losers. The poor undemocratic sops who want another referendum before the first one has even been enacted.


They want another referendum when they don't respect the result of the first one, you couldn't make it up

What you really mean, is that is the most popular option of you remoaner losers. The poor undemocratic sops who want another referendum before the first one has even been enacted.


It’s the logical way forward given that no one Knew of the details of what they were voting for in 2016?

What you really mean, is that is the most popular option of you remoaner losers. The poor undemocratic sops who want another referendum before the first one has even been enacted.


No it’s the most popular option.

Heidi Allen wont be standing because of knobs who think destroying the centre ground and forcing people to choose between two entrenched and extreme tribes is the way to go.


She won’t be standing because she’ll get hammered. Stop trying to make out these charlatans are somehow principled. She’s been in more parties than Gazza the past 6 months.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Posted (edited)
Please do carry on....


£80k basic salary plus expenses for pretty much everything they do is not a bad salary. I expect that there would be many on here who would be delighted to earn that kind of money.


I never said they didn't get jobs because of their connections you utter berk - that was one of the points I was making. As I said, they can make 10 times their salary of they went into proper jobs. I have proved that above, and now I have time to actually look into it I can come up with some more if you'd like? There are tons out there.


So much fail, so much of the time.


BTW, where have I said bankers are evil?

Edited by Unbelievable Jeff
What you really mean, is that is the most popular option of you remoaner losers. The poor undemocratic sops who want another referendum before the first one has even been enacted.


If you are so sure that the majority are still with you, what are you afraid of?

She won’t be standing because she’ll get hammered. Stop trying to make out these charlatans are somehow principled. She’s been in more parties than Gazza the past 6 months.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Of course she is principled, that is why she left the right wing infested Tory Party. She has been driven out by people like you.

If that is the case you had better put a bet on the Liberals. I do suspect that the remainers would now get a majority but it would still be close.

Perhaps Boris is playing a blinder going to make the deal fail and so we flop back into the EU. He was afterall a remainer 6 months before the vote was announced


He’s still a remainer now FFS. Makes the whole act even more laughable, and all the numpties fell for it.

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