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Saints Web Definitely Not Official Second Referendum  

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You're an idiot, as this article proves. It was Labour that stopped the deal.

Iain Duncan Smith, Liam Fox, Michael Gove, Sajid Javid, Boris Johnson, Andrea Leadsom and Jacob Rees-Mogg, amongst many other Conservatives, all voted for May's deal, the last time it was voted upon on March 29th.


Less with the insults mate - why's it always the Brexiteers who start with the insults?

How could it have been Labour that stopped the deal when 34 Tories voted against it? If they'd toed the party line , it would have passed easily.


Maths not your strong point?


Not all of them were Eurosceptics - IIRC that group included six tories who wanted a second referendum - the likes of Gieve and Greening (but also Jo Johnson who's now shilling for a no deal).


But the point remains: if the ERG and chums in the DUP had voted for the WA, we would have been out by now. And yes John's maths is terrible :lol:

Less with the insults mate - why's it always the Brexiteers who start with the insults?


It's because people who can't hold a reasoned and intelligent debate fall back on insults.

Posted (edited)
How could it have been Labour that stopped the deal when 34 Tories voted against it? If they'd toed the party line , it would have passed easily.


Maths not your strong point?


I'd say it was more Rees-Mogg and his cronies who stopped us leaving.

English obviously isn't your strong point and as far as Maths, how about 70% of Labour constituencies voted Leave help you to understand the point.

Next I'll explain the meaning of anti-Semitic and Marxist to you....

Edited by Guided Missile
English obviously isn't your strong point and as far as Maths, how about 70% of Labour constituencies voted Leave help to you understand the point.

Next I'll explain the meaning of anti-Semitic and Marxist to you....


You said that the Guardian article proved that Labour stopped the deal. How?


If all the Tories had voted for it, then it would have passed irrespective of what Labour did.

You're an idiot, as this article proves. It was Labour that stopped the deal.

Iain Duncan Smith, Liam Fox, Michael Gove, Sajid Javid, Boris Johnson, Andrea Leadsom and Jacob Rees-Mogg, amongst many other Conservatives, all voted for May's deal, the last time it was voted upon on March 29th.

How many times did BoJo and JRM vote against the WA? On the third vote they were all playing games knowing it would fail again.

Some people are claiming that if the executive (ie the cabinet) no confidences itself that would trigger a GE without a need for a 2/3 majority vote. No idea if that is legal or likely but if he goes down that road all of a sudden anybody but him starts to look preferable.


So we need a 2/3 (66.7%) majority for a General Election, but a simple majority over half (50.1%) wins Brexit in 2016? Hmm. :?


Come on, can't we debate like adults without hurling around the insults? Whitey Grandad will be disappointed at you all.


Oh, sorry, he's only triggered whenever anybody calls remainers remoaners.

Less with the insults mate - why's it always the Brexiteers who start with the insults?


Haha, you joke, but i got into a rather awkward altercation with (i can only assume) a passionate remain voter in the office kitchen yesterday. Never talked to them about politics in my life and I make it a point not to talk about politics in the office - it just isn't sensible in Bristol unless you are on the left wing side of the spectrum. This person probably know's I'm a traditional Tory voter and therefore assumed I was a no deal supporter, before proceeding to adopt a very patronising tone and querying why I am intelligent person who voted for leave (i neither confirmed or denied this to said person throughout the entire conversation), I then got talked at / lectured for a couple of minutes about about how Leave voters know nothing (and/or are racist etc.), and told that parliament should just ignore them.


It was all very odd up to this point and all I wanted to do was just avoid an argument in the office kitchen - as you do right? So I tried to just exit and go back to my desk and this person called after me some remark which was either, "you're a fascist", or "you're views are fascist" - which to me are the same thing either way.. But in summary, the whole thing was just utterly mental and a bit surreal.


It didn't really register or I would have said something, and I am still in disbelief that we've reached the point where this can happen in a workplace... People are losing all rational thought and ability to discuss opposing views with each other over Brexit (and politics in general) lately. People are just becoming more and more divided and reaching extremes on opposite sides. It does not bode well for the future the longer it goes on.

Less with the insults mate - why's it always the Brexiteers who start with the insults?

Have you got Shurlock on ignore or something?

He's always very friendly - he calls everyone 'pal' so not sure how you can take anything he says as an insult?


I know. I even respond to RedArmy's posts and make him feel welcome when virtually everyone else ignores him. Can't ask for more than that.

My prediction for today:


The government tables a short bill which sets aside the provisions of the FTPA to allow an election on a specific date. This bill would only require a simple majority to pass.


What now o wise one ?

What now o wise one ?


Don't forget:


Boris continues to play a blinder. Gets rid of the Lib Dem infestation in one day and calls a GE the next day. Follows that up with no deal and a pact with the Brexit party and Corbyn is toast and the Conservatives have a 50 seat majority. I love it...
Boris continues to play a blinder. Gets rid of the Lib Dem infestation in one day and calls a GE the next day. Follows that up with no deal and a pact with the Brexit party and Corbyn is toast and the Conservatives have a 50 seat majority. I love it...


Johnson's record is played 3, lost 3. Not what most people would call "a blinder." Clearly Pompey Poly graduates do see things differently from most people.


Bercow has overstepped the mark by some distance tonight. The egotistical little twerp is a hypocrite of the highest order, complaining of a constitutional outrage because Boris prorogued Parliament which was his right, when Bercow's action was the real constitutional outrage.

Bercow has overstepped the mark by some distance tonight. The egotistical little twerp is a hypocrite of the highest order, complaining of a constitutional outrage because Boris prorogued Parliament which was his right, when Bercow's action was the real constitutional outrage.

Boris and his advisors cooked up a secret plan to slide no-deal in by the side door, and it hasn't worked. The prorogation is a ruse, pure and simple, and it has been slapped down because the opposition parties have found common cause, and a way to work together. That is what can happen to a minority Government. Bercow isn't breaking the rules, he just fails to interpret them in a manner that suits those looking to bypass Parliamentary scrutiny and accountability, much like the filibustering currently underway in the House of Lords.

Dominic Cummings, a case of life imitating art?


Armando Ianucci has said that Parliament is currently far more 'off the wall' than any Thick Of It script he might produce.

Armando Ianucci has said that Parliament is currently far more 'off the wall' than any Thick Of It script he might produce.


Absolutely! To quote a famous saying, “You couldn’t make it up!”

Corbyn “We want a GE”

Boris “Let’s have a GE”

Corbyn “Nahhh”


Top trolling.


Whilst I have no time for Corbyn, he has taken Boris to the cleaners here. Boris hung himself with all of the 31 October do or die rubbish and will either have to crawl back to Brussels with either a viable plan and/or request an extension. No-one needed to be Einstein to spot this coming yet the giant buffoon didn’t.


The right wing press can wail all they want today but Corbyn is running the show, which is petrifying but true. My advice to you is to sort out a Norway deal, sort out a GE and you will beat him easily although you might need cooperation from a resurgent LDs. Then have a Kinnock style purge on Baker and co, and the Tory will be OK again. Expelling Churchill’s grandson isn’t the way to go.

Whilst I have no time for Corbyn, he has taken Boris to the cleaners here. Boris hung himself with all of the 31 October do or die rubbish and will either have to crawl back to Brussels with either a viable plan and/or request an extension. No-one needed to be Einstein to spot this coming yet the giant buffoon didn’t.


The right wing press can wail all they want today but Corbyn is running the show, which is petrifying but true. My advice to you is to sort out a Norway deal, sort out a GE and you will beat him easily although you might need cooperation from a resurgent LDs. Then have a Kinnock style purge on Baker and co, and the Tory will be OK again. Expelling Churchill’s grandson isn’t the way to go.

As I said, Boris and Co are playing a blinder. Dominic Cummings to-do list is:

  1. Get rid of the traitors in the party
  2. Replace sheep in wolves clothing with loyal Conservatives
  3. Unify the party
  4. Call an election
  5. Message: The People vs Parliament
  6. Arrange a deal with Nigel
  7. Taunt a divided Marxist dominated Labour, joke of a party during the run up
  8. Win a substantial majority
  9. Go to the EU with a freedom charter
  10. Watch Corbyn, Labour and the EU project sink without a trace

Winter is Coming

Boris and his advisors cooked up a secret plan to slide no-deal in by the side door, and it hasn't worked. The prorogation is a ruse, pure and simple, and it has been slapped down because the opposition parties have found common cause, and a way to work together. That is what can happen to a minority Government. Bercow isn't breaking the rules, he just fails to interpret them in a manner that suits those looking to bypass Parliamentary scrutiny and accountability, much like the filibustering currently underway in the House of Lords.


Bercow has committed a constitutional outrage, by riding roughshod over the the Queens' consent. It will serve the obnoxious little tw*t right if protocol is broken and the Conservatives put a candidate against him at the next GE. Also, I trust that his chances of a seat in the HOL are toast too.

As I said, Boris and Co are playing a blinder. Dominic Cummings to-do list is:

  1. Get rid of the traitors in the party
  2. Replace sheep in wolves clothing with loyal Conservatives
  3. Unify the party
  4. Call an election
  5. Message: The People vs Parliament
  6. Arrange a deal with Nigel
  7. Taunt a divided Marxist dominated Labour, joke of a party during the run up
  8. Win a substantial majority
  9. Go to the EU with a freedom charter
  10. Watch Corbyn, Labour and the EU project sink without a trace

Winter is Coming


How does he do #2 before #4?


and what the hell is a freedom charter?

Bercow has committed a constitutional outrage, by riding roughshod over the the Queens' consent. It will serve the obnoxious little tw*t right if protocol is broken and the Conservatives put a candidate against him at the next GE. Also, I trust that his chances of a seat in the HOL are toast too.


Les, be a good boy :lol:

Whilst I have no time for Corbyn, he has taken Boris to the cleaners here. Boris hung himself with all of the 31 October do or die rubbish and will either have to crawl back to Brussels with either a viable plan and/or request an extension. No-one needed to be Einstein to spot this coming yet the giant buffoon didn’t.


The right wing press can wail all they want today but Corbyn is running the show, which is petrifying but true. My advice to you is to sort out a Norway deal, sort out a GE and you will beat him easily although you might need cooperation from a resurgent LDs. Then have a Kinnock style purge on Baker and co, and the Tory will be OK again. Expelling Churchill’s grandson isn’t the way to go.


Boris has played a blinder, but a totally biased Speaker has gone against constitutional protocol to favour the remain side. Corbyn now looks like an idiot for constantly calling for a GE and now when he is asked to vote for one, he chickens out. As for the rest of your post, you really do have no idea, believing that the Tory Party should morph into the Lib Dumbs. As for the Churchill's grandson bit, I don't give a toss. The bloke voted with Labour to defeat his own government and it was made clear to him what the consequences would be. He is not standing in the forthcoming GE anyway. Speaking of prominent Parliamentarian's offspring, Wedgie Benn must be rolling over in his grave for what his son did.

Bercow has committed a constitutional outrage, by riding roughshod over the the Queens' consent. It will serve the obnoxious little tw*t right if protocol is broken and the Conservatives put a candidate against him at the next GE. Also, I trust that his chances of a seat in the HOL are toast too.

The Queen's consent is a bit of set dressing, as a constitutional monarch her actions are prescribed and immutable.

The Queen's consent is a bit of set dressing, as a constitutional monarch her actions are prescribed and immutable.


It might be dressing, but it allows the Prime Minister to scupper this sort of Parliamentary pantomime that has been brought about by the Remain lot.

Posted (edited)
Boris has played a blinder, but a totally biased Speaker has gone against constitutional protocol to favour the remain side. Corbyn now looks like an idiot for constantly calling for a GE and now when he is asked to vote for one, he chickens out. As for the rest of your post, you really do have no idea, believing that the Tory Party should morph into the Lib Dumbs. As for the Churchill's grandson bit, I don't give a toss. The bloke voted with Labour to defeat his own government and it was made clear to him what the consequences would be. He is not standing in the forthcoming GE anyway. Speaking of prominent Parliamentarian's offspring, Wedgie Benn must be rolling over in his grave for what his son did.


It’s Boris Johnson who’s running scared from the mess he’s created. Tory rebels were prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt and let him dangle the threat of no deal, however ludicrous, to secure a better deal but as soon as they discovered he wasn’t actually negotiating with the EU or bringing forward any new proposals all while limiting parliament’s ability to hold him to account, he rightly lost the vote.


It was a cynical ploy that they saw through (sad stooges like you can’t). Ken Clarke’s analysis is spot on. Had he been a bit more deft and less choreographed, perhaps, he might have pulled things off. Or indeed, heaven forbid, acted in good faith. But we are where we are. Now he should go and do his job instead of having a tantrum because others won’t take the bait. Tough titties pal.

Edited by shurlock
As I said, Boris and Co are playing a blinder. Dominic Cummings to-do list is:

  1. Get rid of the traitors in the party
  2. Replace sheep in wolves clothing with loyal Conservatives
  3. Unify the party
  4. Call an election
  5. Message: The People vs Parliament
  6. Arrange a deal with Nigel
  7. Taunt a divided Marxist dominated Labour, joke of a party during the run up
  8. Win a substantial majority
  9. Go to the EU with a freedom charter
  10. Watch Corbyn, Labour and the EU project sink without a trace

Winter is Coming

11. EU reject his fantasist proposals

12. Hard border for NI

13. Scots Nats win Indyref2

Corbyn now looks like an idiot for constantly calling for a GE and now when he is asked to vote for one, he chickens out.

Corbyn neatly sidestepped BoJo's "elephant trap". Once Parliament has been dissolved in advance of a GE, for instance set for Oct 15th, the PM is free to reset the date, for instance to Nov 14th, without anybody being able to prevent this, thus the GE would move to beyond Boris's no-deal deadline. Absolutely nobody trusts Boris to keep his word.

Corbyn neatly sidestepped BoJo's "elephant trap". Once Parliament has been dissolved in advance of a GE, for instance set for Oct 15th, the PM is free to reset the date, for instance to Nov 14th, without anybody being able to prevent this, thus the GE would move to beyond Boris's no-deal deadline. Absolutely nobody trusts Boris to keep his word.


“I need to keep no deal on the table to negotiate a better deal” all while not actually negotiating or making new proposals while he had the chance. Obviously he knows there’s no such thing as a better deal but as long as he can suspend and duck reality and pretend there’s one, thwarted only by parliament and Johnny Foreigner, chumps like Les and John will lap it up as to admit the alternative, that they’ve had their pants pulled down is too much for them.

“I need to keep no deal on the table to negotiate a better deal”


How does threatening to commit suicide win concessions from someone you are "negotiating" with ?

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