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Saints Web Definitely Not Official Second Referendum  

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  1. 1. Saints Web Definitely Not Official Second Referendum

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Posted (edited)
Is that not a contradiction?


You also mention that geography matters but go on to say that Germany exports 'sh1t loads' to India! Germany to India = 6748km. UK to America = 6826km so not entirely what your point is?


Where's the contradiction?


Relative to its size, the UK exports much more to the EU than the US exports to the EU -evidence that geography matters.


By sh1tloads, I meant German exports to China/India relative to UK exports to China/India -evidence Germany produces stuff that others want, though its also a reflection of sector/industry mix.

Edited by shurlock
What are you dribbling on about you dopey old fool? There are two main reasons why people don't vote; 1. Apathy or 2. There is nothing on offer they want to vote for. Being scared is not a reason - unless you live in Baghdad.
Well you weren't apathetic about the EU vote because you posted incessantly about It, mainly droning on about how horrible Goldman Sachs are.


And it was a simple binary choice but granted in reality you had three choices: Leave, Remain or sh it yourself and stay home and bottle out of actually voting.


I think I can just about remember your selection.

Imo the most likely scenario is the worst one- corbyn gets in, concedes to everything and then "leaves" the EU whilst staying in customs union and the single market whilst having no voting rights and paying 50 billion for nothing. All whilst racking up debts.


.....or not as the case may be. It's not Corbyn you need to worry about!

Exactly. I would describe it as accepting the inevitable, confident in the prospects which won't be changed by a meaningless impact assessment. We already had that from Osborne and the Bank of England and I'm struggling to notice the 500,000 additional unemployed and the inevitable recession the Leave vote was going to cause.:rolleyes:


Once again... we haven't left yet. Mind you the real terms drop in wages over last few years clearly hasn't been stopped by the the leave vote.


no hard border in the Irish Sea or on land on the island of Ireland.

citizen rights are protected across the UK and the EU

DUP happy.

May Happy

Junker happy

no hard border in the Irish Sea or on land on the island of Ireland.

citizen rights are protected across the UK and the EU

DUP happy.

May Happy

Junker happy


Jihadists boo hoo :frown:


Let's take back control of our borders except that border which obviously we don't want to control at all perish the thought how could anyone have even thought that.


I wonder how many more billions May has promised to Arlene Foster? Absolutely no way she'd have agreed to it without it being worth her while in the form of a massive ****ing bribe.


How can we be leaving the customs union when we'll have a border free entry into an EU country :lol::lol: what is it, an imaginary one or something?


I'm delighted they'll be no hard border, but the "getting our country back" loons will be livid.


Actually reading the document, I came across this statement regarding trade:


“In the absence of agreed solutions, the United Kingdom will maintain full alignment with those rules of the internal market and the customs union.”


So does that mean if we can't strike a deal, we are bound by the single market and customs union but have no say in any amendments?

Actually reading the document, I came across this statement regarding trade:


“In the absence of agreed solutions, the United Kingdom will maintain full alignment with those rules of the internal market and the customs union.”


So does that mean if we can't strike a deal, we are bound by the single market and customs union but have no say in any amendments?


Looks like it. And any deal struck is likely to include 'full alignment' too, given the fact there's no other way around the border problem in Ireland.


'Full alignment' seems to effectively mean full membership of the single market and the customs union, without, of course, any real say on decisions relating to them.


Such is the tangled wreckage created by the fantasies of Brexit.

Posted (edited)
Actually reading the document, I came across this statement regarding trade:


“In the absence of agreed solutions, the United Kingdom will maintain full alignment with those rules of the internal market and the customs union.”


So does that mean if we can't strike a deal, we are bound by the single market and customs union but have no say in any amendments?


Its a ticking time bomb.


No doubt, the Brexiteers will claim that a system of electronic tracking and tracing of goods is sufficient to prevent a hard border; but that seems another fantasy and ultimately the EU will have a veto in deciding whether such solutions are adequate.


As a matter of logic, a frictionless border between NI and RoI -as it exists today- can only be secured within the customs union and single market and must apply to all sectors, not just sectors such as agriculture which are at the heart of NI trade with RoI. After all, with a sector-specific deal, you'll still need border checks to assess whether or not the transported good falls under the covered sector.


Anything less, however efficient, will mean the return of some form of border - thus Norway which is in the EEA and has harmonised regulation does not have frictionless trade with Sweden since it is not in the customs union, meaning that rules of origin compliance need to be checked; Switzerland is in a similar boat with its borders. Note both Norway and Switzerland are in the Schengen area of passport-free travel.


While some compromises may emerge, its hard to see EU and especially RoI accepting a solution that strays too far beyond current arrangements given the sensitivity of the issue. And whatever applies to NI will be imposed on the rest of the UK per today's report.


This issue will come back to haunt negotiations. Its the long grass for now.

Edited by shurlock
and yet, we are still leaving.


Yep - full sovereignty, including control over borders with existing levels of access to the single market.


Can't wait.


Still there are so many people who have no idea what brexit is really about.


Many leave voters have been conned and used, behind it there is a right wing capitalist international elite who have engineered us into leaving so that they can install a low wage, low level of public services, low tax for the rich elite and big business, economy into the UK. Similar to Asian countries but many people who voted to leave have not yet realised this.


Look up the book co authored by the Tory MP Pritti Patel 'Britannia Unchained' look at the reviews this is one from Amazon:-

'I have worked around the globe and I read this book with mounting. disquiet , amongst all the rhetoric about "hardwork and self reliance" was a core of the worst sort of libertarian the one that only wants Liberty for their own at the expense of their fellow citizens, this book has a recipe for an economy more redolent of a third world dictatorship or the eponymous "banana republic" Than the United Kingdom.


It is at best economically illiterate and at worst fascistic in its outlook with very little to say that is positive and gives a very bleak picture of the life they would offer in Britain under their demagogic regime.


This is one more:-

'The only good thing about this book is that it exposes to the British working class and the left-wing brexiter (Lexiter) the confidence trick that is Brexit. The true motivation of the elite Brexiter (Kwarteng, Raab, Patel, Gove, Fox, Leadsome) is to deregulate the economy.


They believe in absolute dog eat dog capitalism with practically no protection for the worker or the consumer, or, for that matter, the environment. If you know nothing of economics and know nothing of the drawbacks of trying to run complex systems from simplistic models, you might get taken in by this book. Hence the health warning: This book does not contain any useful information on how to run countries in the 21st century'.

Its a ticking time bomb.


No doubt, the Brexiteers will claim that a system of electronic tracking and tracing of goods is sufficient to prevent a hard border; but that seems another fantasy and ultimately the EU will have a veto in deciding whether such solutions are adequate.


As a matter of logic, a frictionless border between NI and RoI -as it exists today- can only be secured within the customs union and single market and must apply to all sectors, not just sectors such as agriculture which are at the heart of NI trade with RoI. After all, with a sector-specific deal, you'll still need border checks to assess whether or not the transported good falls under the covered sector.


Anything less, however efficient, will mean the return of some form of border - thus Norway which is in the EEA and has harmonised regulation does not have frictionless trade with Sweden since it is not in the customs union, meaning that rules of origin compliance need to be checked; Switzerland is in a similar boat with its borders. Note both Norway and Switzerland are in the Schengen area of passport-free travel.


While some compromises may emerge, its hard to see EU and especially RoI accepting a solution that strays too far beyond current arrangements given the sensitivity of the issue. And whatever applies to NI will be imposed on the rest of the UK per today's report.


This issue will come back to haunt negotiations. Its the long grass for now.

fantastic though, as we have an easy route to send our products into Europe...oh 2 sea crossings
Still there are so many people who have no idea what brexit is really about.


Many leave voters have been conned and used, behind it there is a right wing capitalist international elite who have engineered us into leaving so that they can install a low wage, low level of public services, low tax for the rich elite and big business, economy into the UK. Similar to Asian countries but many people who voted to leave have not yet realised this.


Look up the book co authored by the Tory MP Pritti Patel 'Britannia Unchained' look at the reviews this is one from Amazon:-

'I have worked around the globe and I read this book with mounting. disquiet , amongst all the rhetoric about "hardwork and self reliance" was a core of the worst sort of libertarian the one that only wants Liberty for their own at the expense of their fellow citizens, this book has a recipe for an economy more redolent of a third world dictatorship or the eponymous "banana republic" Than the United Kingdom.


It is at best economically illiterate and at worst fascistic in its outlook with very little to say that is positive and gives a very bleak picture of the life they would offer in Britain under their demagogic regime.


This is one more:-

'The only good thing about this book is that it exposes to the British working class and the left-wing brexiter (Lexiter) the confidence trick that is Brexit. The true motivation of the elite Brexiter (Kwarteng, Raab, Patel, Gove, Fox, Leadsome) is to deregulate the economy.


They believe in absolute dog eat dog capitalism with practically no protection for the worker or the consumer, or, for that matter, the environment. If you know nothing of economics and know nothing of the drawbacks of trying to run complex systems from simplistic models, you might get taken in by this book. Hence the health warning: This book does not contain any useful information on how to run countries in the 21st century'.


Your post may well contain valid critiques of the individuals mentioned but to claim Brexit is some libertarian conspiracy is idiotic and precisely the kind of responsibility-shirking, blinkered and cowardly approach that tried to sweep mounting issues under the carpet rather than address them in the first place.


I see the schlerotic EU signed a free trade deal with Japan - giving them by far the most trade deals compared with US, China and India, or indeed the UK with none.


Still brave New Britain is fighting fit for the world of opportunity that awaits us.


isn't odd that just as the deal is reached , that the EU announce that other countries are now complaining, and puts it in doubt. Seems to me they want to push us to WTO tariffs

isn't odd that just as the deal is reached , that the EU announce that other countries are now complaining, and puts it in doubt. Seems to me they want to push us to WTO tariffs


Why would they want that?


Their ideal is Norway , they’d get our money, zero tariffs, and impose rules on us.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

David Davis doesn't think he needs to be clever to negotiate Brexit or to know that much, just be calm. I think I can see where the problem is...




No, he's perfect. As the final wording of the deal made clear, what's ultimately going on is a negotiated loss of national status. That is best done with a preening idiot, because making things worse is one thing idiots are guaranteed to do well.

Your post may well contain valid critiques of the individuals mentioned but to claim Brexit is some libertarian conspiracy is idiotic and precisely the kind of responsibility-shirking, blinkered and cowardly approach that tried to sweep mounting issues under the carpet rather than address them in the first place.


I totally agree that the concerns of the people that voted for Brexit should be addressed but most could have been addressed by the UK government if it had not been obsessed by Austerity scapegoating the poor the vulnerable and migrants.


It appears Brexit is going to make most people poorer less healthy and less safe but the most wealthy richer

I totally agree that the concerns of the people that voted for Brexit should be addressed but most could have been addressed by the UK government if it had not been obsessed by Austerity scapegoating the poor the vulnerable and migrants.

An attempt was made, prior to the referendum, to address the concerns of many of the voters, by David Cameron on a visit to Brussels. It is worth reading the news report at the time, here. For those interested, the detailed result of Cameron's failed negotiations are shown in the final text here. The EU totally failed to meet any aspirations Cameron had of presenting an acceptable agreement to those concerned voters, prior to the referendum. I'll give you one extract from the EU conclusions in the document, regarding migration, that alarmed many in this country.


We need to get back to a situation where all Members of the Schengen area apply fully the Schengen Borders Code and refuse entry at external borders to third-country nationals who do not satisfy the entry conditions or who have not made an asylum application despite having had the opportunity to do so, while taking into account the specificities of maritime borders, including by implementing the EU-Turkey agenda;(19th February, 2016)


The "EU-Turkey agenda" referred to a grubby deal signed with Turkey in an attempt to solve the migrant crisis. Fast forward two years and we can see the effectiveness of the EU deal makers, having sovereignty over our borders:


A controversial deal allowing the EU to ship migrants back to Turkey has stemmed the flow of people reaching Europe by sea. But it has done very little to actually return them to Turkey. The EU-Turkey deal was signed in March 2016; a month later, arrivals to Greece dropped by a staggering 90%. Though the flow of migrants decreased, the deal didn’t stop irregular migration completely. From April 2016 till now, 45,972 migrants crossed over to Greece. Since the deal was implemented, just 1,896 migrants have been returned to Turkey, according to a recent report by EU. In other words, just 4% of migrants who crossed over to Greece since the deal was signed have been returned. The deal sees Turkey receive up to €6 billion ($6.8 billion) in aid, visa-free travel to Europe for Turkish citizens, and renewed EU membership talks in return for Turkey agreeing to take back those who cross over to Greece. The EU supreme court recently ruled that Syrian refugees unwilling to return to Turkey could be sent back by force.


Here's the consequences of this policy:




I wouldn't trust the EU to run a tombola and as the above demonstrates, it's not the UK government or voters that are to blame for Brexit, but the EU's continued inability to address the aspirations and concerns of EU citizens. These wire tapping crooks are happier to give a totalitarian, human-rights abusing dictator like Erdoğan what he wanted, than Cameron and the British voters the square root of f*** all.


Think about it. The EU give Turkey €6 billion ($6.8 billion) in aid, visa-free travel to Europe for Turkish citizens and meanwhile the UK agree to pay the EU €50 billion and are told that even after we pay this sum we may not get a free trade deal. All I say is let's get the hell out of Dodge City, as soon as possible, preferably paying nothing.

Here's the consequences of this policy:




Only a racist scumbag - and the Daily Express, your undeclared source - would connect terrorist attacks to migration with an 'equals' sign. And why did you/The Express omit UK stats? Too inconvenient even for your flimsy argument? Or stats for Italy and Greece, which has borne the brunt of the migration crisis?


The rest of your post is ignorant waffle desperately in search of a point - all that emerges from it is a woozy sentiment of blind hatred, mindlessly undermining its own point about dictators by accidentally mimicking dictatorial rhetoric about evil Other in the world.

Only a racist scumbag - and the Daily Express, your undeclared source - would connect terrorist attacks to migration with an 'equals' sign.


Here's a quote from another racist scumbag :lol: Faiez Serraj, quoted in that racist rag, the Times, that connects uncontrolled migration with the risk of terrorism:


Europe will be increasingly at risk from terrorists posing as migrants unless western capitals help Libya to stem the numbers crossing the Mediterranean, the country’s prime minister has told The Times. Faiez Serraj, head of the United Nations-backed unity government based in Tripoli, warned that would-be terrorists were among the tens of thousands of people able to pass unvetted into his country across its open southern borders. “When migrants reach Europe, they will move freely. If, God forbid, there are terrorist elements among the migrants, a result of any incident will affect all of the EU,” he said. His comments, which follow last week’s terrorist attacks in Spain that police have linked to radical groups in north Africa, come as Libya and Italy send an SOS to the rest of Europe over the migrant crisis.


Still, carry on with the abuse. It just destroys any argument you are making.


Best Regards,


Racist scumbag

Only a racist scumbag - and the Daily Express, your undeclared source - would connect terrorist attacks to migration with an 'equals' sign. And why did you/The Express omit UK stats? Too inconvenient even for your flimsy argument? Or stats for Italy and Greece, which has borne the brunt of the migration crisis?


The rest of your post is ignorant waffle desperately in search of a point - all that emerges from it is a woozy sentiment of blind hatred, mindlessly undermining its own point about dictators by accidentally mimicking dictatorial rhetoric about evil Other in the world.


The thing is, it’s idiots like you, who screamed “Racist” every time someone brought up legitimate concerns over mass immigration, that played a big part in encouraging the vote for Brexit. People rightly have worries and don’t like being called racist so when some out-of-touch London Labour arsehole talks down their nose to them they are not going to win their vote.


If you are going to continue to cry like a big baby over the referendum result and point the finger it may be worth looking in the mirror first.

The thing is, it’s idiots like you, who screamed “Racist” every time someone brought up legitimate concerns over mass immigration, that played a big part in encouraging the vote for Brexit. People rightly have worries and don’t like being called racist so when some out-of-touch London Labour arsehole talks down their nose to them they are not going to win their vote.


If you are going to continue to cry like a big baby over the referendum result and point the finger it may be worth looking in the mirror first.


Great post



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

The thing is, it’s idiots like you, who screamed “Racist” every time someone brought up legitimate concerns over mass immigration, that played a big part in encouraging the vote for Brexit. People rightly have worries and don’t like being called racist so when some out-of-touch London Labour arsehole talks down their nose to them they are not going to win their vote.


If you are going to continue to cry like a big baby over the referendum result and point the finger it may be worth looking in the mirror first.


Cue the other incoherent babbler (and the dog-whistle Pony). Why don't you cut out the mindless rage and address the point I made. You might then (I doubt it, but there's always a chance) say something intelligible.


So here's my point again.


The map graphic from the Express makes a false equation between terrorism in a select number of countries and migration, while ignoring the complete lack of terrorism in those countries most affected by the migration crisis, and in so doing is playing the race card - stirring up people prone to this kind of stuff into mindless rages.


If you have another view, put it, rather throwing a toddler's wobbly.

Cue the other incoherent babbler (and the dog-whistle Pony). Why don't you cut out the mindless rage and address the point I made. You might then (I doubt it, but there's always a chance) say something intelligible.


So here's my point again.


The map graphic from the Express makes a false equation between terrorism in a select number of countries and migration, while ignoring the complete lack of terrorism in those countries most affected by the migration crisis, and in so doing is playing the race card - stirring up people prone to this kind of stuff into mindless rages.


If you have another view, put it, rather throwing a toddler's wobbly.


Neither the diagram or the article it was taken from even mentions immigration you plum. Try leaning to read.

Try leaning to read.


Lean to read? You lean in order to read? No wonder your posts make no sense.


Besides, your tantrum should be directed not at me but at that Missile thingy! Lean to read his post, which I was reacting to (if you lean carefully, you'll see this), because he makes the connection absolutely explicit. And it surprises me not at all that he should use a graphic from an entirely different story to make a false equation between terrorism and the migration crisis.


So here's your chance - off you go. Talk to missile. I'll just sit here quietly and watch you make fools of yourselves.



So here's my point again.


The map graphic from the Express makes a false equation between terrorism in a select number of countries and migration, while ignoring the complete lack of terrorism in those countries most affected by the migration crisis, and in so doing is playing the race card - stirring up people prone to this kind of stuff into mindless rages.




Neither the diagram or the article it was taken from even mentions immigration you plum.




Besides, your tantrum should be directed not at me but at that Missile thingy! Lean to read his post, which I was reacting to (if you lean carefully, you'll see this), because he makes the connection absolutely explicit. And it surprises me not at all that he should use a graphic from an entirely different story to make a false equation between terrorism and the migration crisis.

I'll just sit here quietly and watch you make fools of yourselves.


I'm confused! Was it the map graphic and the daily Express who make the point or GM because your posts make it 'absolutely explicit' that it was both of them :rolleyes:


It's hard to put up a coherent argument against your mental posts whilst you are busy arguing with yourself!


Seems to me you are sitting there quietly AND making a fool of yourself ;)

Lean to read? You lean in order to read? No wonder your posts make no sense.


Besides, your tantrum should be directed not at me but at that Missile thingy! Lean to read his post, which I was reacting to (if you lean carefully, you'll see this), because he makes the connection absolutely explicit. And it surprises me not at all that he should use a graphic from an entirely different story to make a false equation between terrorism and the migration crisis.


So here's your chance - off you go. Talk to missile. I'll just sit here quietly and watch you make fools of yourselves.


Who's the fool? Lean to read this article and maybe you're lean to understand why one reason Britain voted to leave was the understandable concerns of citizens in this country about the EU's migration policy. A year after we voted to leave and lo and behold. Germany has become the terror hub of Europe.


On the surface, at least, Yamen Alahmad was a model refugee, a Syrian teenager apparently motivated only by the hope of starting a new life far from the hell of his homeland. Last week, however, Germany’s anti-terrorism police kicked in the door to the flat the state had granted him in the northern city of Schwerin. The officers had evidence that Alahmad was building a bomb. As if more evidence were needed of the terrorist threat facing Europe, the 19-year-old had arrived in Germany as an unaccompanied minor at the peak of the migrant crisis in 2015, becoming one of the country’s 1.6m registered asylum seekers. He was charged with terrorism. Over the internet he had ordered electronic and chemical materials used in bomb making and he had been in contact with a self-styled “soldier of the caliphate” or Isis. Intelligence sources have revealed to The Sunday Times that more than 9,000 suspected terrorist plots against European countries have been discovered in recent years. Many were foiled before the attackers reached Europe. But most of the recent cases are linked to the migration of late 2015, when Germany opened its borders to Syrian and other refugees to avoid a humanitarian emergency. Since then police have received more than 1,900 reliable tip-offs about terrorists among the refugee population. More than 70 investigations are under way, with authorities carrying out an average of three to four house searches a week.

More than two-thirds of the 1.6m refugees in Germany are male and more than half arrived without any form of identification, according to official estimates. About 230,000 rejected asylum seekers have been marked for deportation, but the lack of documents makes it difficult for the authorities to remove them from the country. This poses a security threat for the rest of Europe, as migrants who reach Germany can move freely across the borderless Schengen zone. Thousands have disappeared without trace. Peter Altmaier, Germany’s refugee co-ordinator and acting finance minister, said the lack of information about people entering and leaving the European Union was part of the problem. He also admitted, however, that Germany had no oversight of its own migrant population. “No one knows exactly how many asylum seekers have left Germany and Europe without being registered,” Altmaier told the Bild newspaper. The authorities are overwhelmed. Monitoring a terrorist suspect requires about 30 officers. Officials say they do not have enough manpower.


One thing this "racist scumbag thingy" has leaned is that you, Sir, are an abusive poster who refuses to see both sides of an argument and should apologise to me. You've let this site down, you've let your fellow Saints fans down, but most of all, you've let yourself down.


I just hope you have leaned from this...

Posted (edited)

When you're in a hole, Jihadi John, stop digging. And dear god, don't start drinking in the morning, pal.


Having now realised in your yokel 'ampshire haze that your little diagram doesn't support the point you want to make, you've now changed tack.


But do explain how an article on Germany and Syrian and Libyan refugees escaping war has anything to do with EU freedom of movement or constraints on UK domestic policy? Sounds like you're trying to rekindle Farage's breaking point poster that even kippers disowned as morally indefensible. If that's not enough, you're also making the terror link - an association that provided much of the rationale for Trump's notorious travel ban (never mind much of the terrorism on your little diagram was homegrown).

Edited by shurlock
Who's the fool? Lean to read this article and maybe you're lean to understand why one reason Britain voted to leave was the understandable concerns of citizens in this country about the EU's migration policy. A year after we voted to leave and lo and behold. Germany has become the terror hub of Europe.


One thing this "racist scumbag thingy" has leaned is that you, Sir, are an abusive poster who refuses to see both sides of an argument and should apologise to me. You've let this site down, you've let your fellow Saints fans down, but most of all, you've let yourself down.


I just hope you have leaned from this...


You missed out the fact that I'm also a threat to world peace. Never mind. Here's my heartfelt apology: I'm sorry you've sided with racist scumbags, Jihadi John.


Here's a simple demonstration of logic. If the racist-scumbag Britain First tweets, and Trump retweets, provably false videos purporting to demonstrate a direct link between Muslims, the migration crisis and terrorism, then it might follow that anyone making the same equation is similarly scumbag-inclined. That suspicion increases if yet more deliberately misleading visuals are put up supposedly to show some link, which is nonetheless still false.


So by simple logic, you're a racist scumbag. It's not me calling you that; it's a fact. For which I am also sorry. Sorry.


On the other hand, if you DIDN'T intend to claim a direct link between Muslims, the migration crisis and terrorism then you're merely stupid. You should probably aim for this, just to be on the safe side.

So by simple logic, you're a racist scumbag. It's not me calling you that; it's a fact. For which I am also sorry. Sorry.


On the other hand, if you DIDN'T intend to claim a direct link between Muslims, the migration crisis and terrorism then you're merely stupid. You should probably aim for this, just to be on the safe side.

Please tell/show me, where I have ever used the term Muslim and I'll agree with you that I'm a racist scumbag. If not, apologise properly and I'll forgive you.

Posted (edited)
The majority of the Isil extremists who carried out the November 13th Paris attacks entered Europe while posing as migrants, Hungarian security officials have disclosed. Seven of the attackers, who killed 130 people and left more than 360 others injured, slipped through Hungary's borders while posing as migrants. It is understood that ten extremists in total were closely involved in planning and carrying out the massacre. A handful of them are also understood to have taken part in the Brussels attacks last March, which claimed 32 lives. According to Hungary's centre for counter-terrorism, the group of fanatics set up a "logistics hub" in the country in the summer of 2015 and began using the so-called Balkans route of eastern European countries to move fighters trained in Syria into Europe.

Extract from this well known racist scumbag rag :lol:

Edited by Guided Missile

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