CHAPEL END CHARLIE Posted 10 January, 2016 Posted 10 January, 2016 This guy just has to be worth his own thread don't you think? I'll set the ball rolling with this effort: He may become rather less amusing of course should our American cousins decide to elect him as their next POTUS ...
martyg1950 Posted 11 January, 2016 Posted 11 January, 2016 (edited) There are a couple of Yanks that I discuss things with online fairly regularly. I'd previously regarded both as normal and non extreme people. So imagine my surprise when I asked both of them what they thought about Trumps pronouncements and they responded along the lines of 'well he's the only one who talks any real sense atm' I wonder if in a land where our 'right wing' would be considered dangerous lefties and liberal is a term of derision, he's their equivalent of UKIP ? Edited 11 January, 2016 by martyg1950 spelling
sadoldgit Posted 11 January, 2016 Posted 11 January, 2016 Didn't he used to be the singer in A Flock of Seagulls?
Hatch Posted 11 January, 2016 Posted 11 January, 2016 Didn't he used to be the singer in A Flock of Seagulls? Not sure, but his snooker playing son has a stupid hair cut as well so definitely related.
Saint in Paradise Posted 15 January, 2016 Posted 15 January, 2016 Just pray that the disgusting woman called hillary clinton doesn't get elected although she has massive support from the freeloaders. I also suspect she will be pardoned by B.O. just before he leaves office. According to some I know in the U.S. a normal person would be in deep s*it by now but... well you can guess the rest.
buctootim Posted 16 January, 2016 Posted 16 January, 2016 Just pray that the disgusting woman called hillary clinton doesn't get elected although she has massive support from the freeloaders Oh dear. You should vote for Trump
BlakeySFC Posted 16 January, 2016 Posted 16 January, 2016 Any Trump supporters just remind me of the Redneck's from South Park.
hypochondriac Posted 16 January, 2016 Posted 16 January, 2016 He's into the semis. I can't see him losing to Bingham but stranger things have happened.
Picard Posted 16 January, 2016 Posted 16 January, 2016 Oh dear. You should vote for Trump Would you vote for Hillary?
BlakeySFC Posted 17 January, 2016 Posted 17 January, 2016 Anyone is better than Trump, literally ANYONE, he's Hitler Jr. and anyone that even considers voting for his fascist policy's is, quite frankly, a moron. My pick would be Bernie Sanders, but as he's unlikely to get the Dem nomination It'll have to be Hillary, she's a bit of a wet tissue but ANYONE is better than Trump-Hitler.
Saint in Paradise Posted 18 January, 2016 Posted 18 January, 2016 The Lefts Endgame Hits the Wall By Dan Gorski If there is such thing as a hockey stick graph, it charts the disappearance of freedom, opportunity, prosperity and hope of the American middle class during the last 50 years. In 2008 Americans sleepwalked to the polls and elected a man who by his history, family, friends and even his own words left little doubt that his mission was to destroy everything that America has traditionally stood for. We entered the steep part of the graph. The slow motion suicide that America has been committing since the mid 1960s is no longer slow motion. In 2012 with Republican help they did it again. He has been remarkably successful and, astonishingly, it was a bi-partisan effort. Honesty, intelligence and common sense seem to have completely fled the field and are nowhere to be seen. Nothing being said or done by the so-called leaders and opinion makers computes with what we see going on right before our eyes. With fresh blood still on the floor in Paris, the three stooges, Obama, Kerry and Al Gore tell us that global warming is the greatest threat mankind has ever faced. We see millions of ignorant, unskilled, inassimilable people from dysfunctional third world societies flooding our country. They are here to do the jobs Americans wont do, reply our betters when asked. We are tempted to believe that the reason Americans wont do those jobs is because they are sitting home watching TV, drinking beer and smoking pot on the 50% or so of our income that somehow disappears from our paychecks every month. We shell out thousands of dollars a year for schools with lavish facilities, administrators who knock down six figure salaries, athletic budgets running in the millions, yet produce graduates who would make the average medieval English villein look erudite. The high profile behavior of the Lords of the tech world gets more cracked every day; the thinking of these great shapers of millennial opinion would fit right in to Orwells 1984, or maybe Frankenstein. We sit dumbfounded while supposedly serious people discuss whether or not a man should be woman of the year. We watch our military turn into a downsized, feminized, homosexualized, transgendered social experiment while China and Russia sharpen their bayonets. Islam happily tells us that they will cut all our heads off when they get here and our President helps them get here. All this is too bizarre to even be called Kafkaesque, this is the twilight zone. It does not take an Ivy League degree to understand why all these calamities are descending on us. What is happening is living proof of the famous statement by Edmond Burke, The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Beltway Republicans and the toothless conservative punditry, who were supposed to defend us have always gone along to get along, rationalizing the left's objectives as only establishing benign and soft European socialism. They were whistling past the graveyard. This is not Sweden and the American left are not benign social democrats. These are the violent heirs of Lenin and Stalin and they are out for blood, ours. Their objective is the destruction of the middle class and the imposition of top down tyranny, it always has been. They will enlist Islamic terrorism, race war, class envy and any other deadly tool to achieve the destruction of hated Amerika. These nihilists care nothing about their people or their civilization, only their warped worldview. You need look no further than at our presidents mentors, the misbegotten, hate filled spawn of the 1960s anti-war movement who now run your government and your life. Code words such as populist, "southern," "redneck," "nativist" and "racist" all mean white Middle America and their culture -- the tough minded Scots-Irish traditions of honesty, hard work, honor, patriotism, and military ferocity. This is the left's nemesis, what they hate and fear the most. These characteristics that for 150 years powered the ascendency of America are being dangerously corroded by a toxic mix of white guilt, sex, drugs and rock and roll, welfare, and an education system that that actively suppresses knowledge, especially historical knowledge. All this crap has been dished out by the left with a purpose. If they can destroy your sense of historical place and nation, ethnicity, and yes, race, they have turned you into a rootless, apathetic slave. The feeling of hopelessness and powerlessness that afflicts white America is not an accident. Does the term Frankfurt School ring any bells? The left has used Americans inherent decency and incredible naivet regarding its motives, objectives and methods, to worm its way, unopposed, into our institutions, co-opting them one by one Federal bureaucracies, foundations, universities, NGOs, the corporate boardroom and now the military have succumbed to this fifth column. Our traditional culture is all that is left standing and the left has been tirelessly working to destroy it since the 1920s. They are damn close to getting it done. Middle America is awakening from its 50 year coma. The only thing missing is a leader who will bluntly point out the obvious, who can understand and channel the pent up rage, fear, and frustration that we are feeling after 50 years of being insulted, stolen from and now physically threatened. Up until now, by their control of all the media, the left has made us feel that we were isolated and alone. The new media is changing that. It is one of the ironies of history that Mr. Facebook, Mr. Google and Mr. Twitter and several others have created the instrument of their own destruction. You can apply Lenins statement that they will sell you the rope you will hang them with to describe their plight. Enter Donald Trump. Individuals have and always will change the course of things, unpredictably and suddenly Trump has consciously or unconsciously punched our red button. Trump is real and he is emotive. Wonkish analysis and reasoned debate do not fuel mass movements, emotion does; mass movements are like the periodic fires that tear through an old, rotting, bug infested forest and start a new cycle of vitality. This country is too far gone to resurrect any other way. It is time to awaken the sleeping giant and let the chips fall where they will. Trump has tossed the match into the powder keg. The genie is out of the bottle now and even if Trump falters there will be another to take his place. He or she will have to be irrevocably committed to turning this country inside out and not be squeamish about how it is done, starting at the school board and ending at the White House. If he or she ever utters the word compassion, it will be all over. We are so sick of that word it makes us want to throw up when we hear it. He or she had better not ever apologize for anything, anytime, anyhow. We dont care about anyones personal foibles, we have to win and dont particularly care about how its done. And there is another little matter of holding accountable those who inflicted this damage on us. They cannot be allowed to walk. The American Republic is in its endgame. Let the game begin. The dinosaur left, drunk with the success of conning America into twice electing an incompetent, Marxist stooge for President simply because was black, is totally surprised and is coming unhinged. They believed that traditional America was down and out. In their detached world of the beltway, green room and faculty lounge, they had assumed that anyone who would support Donald Trump was part of some marginal fringe group -- which to their horror turns out to be most of America, or at least the part that counts. Their playing the race card to squelch any inconvenient truth that intrudes into public consciousness is not working anymore. None of their slogans of the past apply anymore. They cant rail against the man because they are the man. They own this mess and no amount of lying by the incredible shrinking news media can hide it. They are looking more like Louis the XVI everyday. These are not your grandfather's Marxists'. These are not the deadly, self-sacrificing, true believers of Lenin's time. Joe Biden is not Leon Trotsky, Hillary Clinton is not Rosa Luxemburg. Time has taken its toll on their movement. It has evolved into a stinking mlange of government corruption and crony capitalism and self-interest. Their hatred of traditional America is unabated but they are old and soft and have not had a new idea in fifty years. Their entire political base is on the take and is bought and paid for with our money. Tenured, overweight, overaged, academic leftovers from the 60's and 70's. Taxpayer funded race hustlers, the professional grievance industry, and all the other assorted thugs, criminals and perverts we see on TV every night. The beer drinkers and pot smokers sitting home living on your back. The young inmates of our university system, a bunch of over educated, over indulged, overprotected, over medicated punks who will vanish like the morning fog at the first drop of sweat or first pang of fear. Self-aggrandizing celebrity and media air heads who equate a tight ass with intellect. This movement has no grassroots, unless it refers to what is being smoked. Other than environmental crap they have no ideological underpinning. They are simply the mother of all kleptocracies. Their soldiers will not march to the sound of cannon. They are ripe for a fall. They are as vulnerable as they are stupid and will be as inept at defending themselves as they are at running your life. We dont need an intellectual, a debater, a legislator or a compromiser. Legalistic niceties be damned. We want a man of action who will fix bayonets and lead us over the top. Dan Gorski is a Mining Executive, Veteran, and a Texan.
CHAPEL END CHARLIE Posted 18 January, 2016 Author Posted 18 January, 2016 Dan Gorski is a Mining Executive, Veteran, Texan ... and a fanatic. I really don't know for sure whether Saint In Paradise posted the above guff because he really believes a single word of it, or because he is seeking to illustrate for we innocents on this side of the Atlantic Ocean just how utterly poisonous political debate has become in the USA of late. If the latter is true then I must say he has succeed in that objective brilliantly. Whatever the motivations of some on here may be, when you find yourself reading opinions so very extreme that a manifestly moderate and humane politician, such as Barrack Obama for example, can now in all seriousness be depicted as some kind of ''marxist stooge'' intent on destroying everything that the USA stands for (which is less heathcare and more guns apparently) ... well a chap has to start to worry, not only for America's future but for ours too as it wields so much power over the rest of the world. Perhaps some kind person could explain to me where all this hatred springs from because in all the 'ruff & tumble' of political debate over here in our Parliament we have nothing truly comparable anymore. The impression I had as a distant observer of US politics is that, in the not so distant past, the USA's political scene was not such a brutal ''bear-pit'' as it has clearly become today. Although I am aware that this extreme reaction to Democratic Party Presidents goes back at least as far as Bill Clinton's presidency during the 1990's. In reality far from there being some sinister hard left conspiracy to destroy the nation, the USA doesn't even have a ''left wing'' as we over here in Europe would understand the term anyway. Indeed, it seems to me that President Obama might find a welcoming home in our, right-of-centre, Tory Party were he ever to abandon a country that seems to be increasingly riven with a degree of vitriol (almost exclusively from its far right it seems) that is far from healthy for any society methinks.
badgerx16 Posted 18 January, 2016 Posted 18 January, 2016 Dan Gorski is a fruitloop Perhaps SiP's post should be copied to the "What is wrong with America ? " thread. The US of A gives the impression that it is developing into an extremely bi-polar society.
buctootim Posted 18 January, 2016 Posted 18 January, 2016 Perhaps SiP's post should be copied to the "What is wrong with America ? " thread. The US of A gives the impression that it is developing into an extremely bi-polar society. It has been for a while unfortunately. There is much less middle ground / floating voters than in the UK. Politics seems to revolve around stopping the other party doing anything.
sadoldgit Posted 18 January, 2016 Posted 18 January, 2016 Just pray that the disgusting woman called hillary clinton doesn't get elected although she has massive support from the freeloaders. I also suspect she will be pardoned by B.O. just before he leaves office. According to some I know in the U.S. a normal person would be in deep s*it by now but... well you can guess the rest. Clinton or Trump? Hmmmmm
Batman Posted 19 January, 2016 Posted 19 January, 2016 utterly ridiculous that time was actually spent by MPs debating whether he should be banned as he is never going to be
hypochondriac Posted 19 January, 2016 Posted 19 January, 2016 I'm not surprised you would support his banning. Personally I think it's a positive thing that the majority of mp's recognised that we should never ban someone from a country simply because we strongly disagree with what he says. Even corbyn spoke about education and making him look silly through argument which is far far better than making him a martyr and banning him from the country.
sadoldgit Posted 19 January, 2016 Posted 19 January, 2016 (edited) Some 570,000 people have called for him to be banned from the UK. From August 2005 to March 2009 101 people we refused entry to the UK, many for "hate crimes." You could argue that Trump is guilty of a hate crime by calling for a whole religious faction to be banned from entering his country. The potential next President of the US of A has been branded by British MPs as a "buffoon, demagogue and wazzock." Not looking good for our "Special Relationship" if he gets elected. Edited 19 January, 2016 by sadoldgit sp
hypochondriac Posted 19 January, 2016 Posted 19 January, 2016 Some 570,000 people have called for him to be banned from the UK. From August 2005 to March 2009 101 people we refused entry to the UK, many for "hater crimes." You could argue that Trump is guilty of a hate crime by calling for a whole religious faction to be banned from entering his country. I disagree with your interpretation of hate crime. As for the numbers calling to have him banned, that's just another example of people jumping on the bandwagon and wanting to silence those who they disagree with rather than seeking to change minds or attitudes. The type of people who wanted to ban Tyson fury from sports personality for saying something stupid that they disagreed with. I strongly disagree with both of those people but I absolutely defend their right to say it.
Upwind Posted 19 January, 2016 Posted 19 January, 2016 Not looking good for our "Special Relationship" if he gets elected. Hey ho......... - think we would be able to manage?
hypochondriac Posted 19 January, 2016 Posted 19 January, 2016 Hey ho......... - think we would be able to manage? He won't be president so it doesn't matter.
Batman Posted 19 January, 2016 Posted 19 January, 2016 (edited) Some 570,000 people have called for him to be banned from the UK. From August 2005 to March 2009 101 people we refused entry to the UK, many for "hater crimes." You could argue that Trump is guilty of a hate crime by calling for a whole religious faction to be banned from entering his country. The potential next President of the US of A has been branded by British MPs as a "buffoon, demagogue and wazzock." Not looking good for our "Special Relationship" if he gets elected. it is odd. I reckon people who corbyn appeals to (the lefty porriage-knitting sandal wearing, studenty types) are more than likely to sign these petitions Something like NO ONE has been banned from the UK after returning from the middle east, killing our buddies by fighting for ISIS no such petition really exists about Saudi Royals in London after their dodgy dealings at home the list is endless but some idiot american says something contentious and WHAM!!! lets ban him Edited 19 January, 2016 by Batman
sadoldgit Posted 19 January, 2016 Posted 19 January, 2016 Clearly people who agree with his views will not want to ban him. I agree that many more should have been banned over the years. Actually I think it would be quite entertaining to have him here and see him perform at first hand. (What exactly is a "lefty porriage-knitting sandal wearing studenty type"? Your prose is almost Trumpesque)
sadoldgit Posted 19 January, 2016 Posted 19 January, 2016 Hey ho......... - think we would be able to manage? I don't know but Scotland might worry if he makes good on his threat to stop investing in deep fried Mars Bars or whatever it is he invests in there.
aintforever Posted 19 January, 2016 Posted 19 January, 2016 Some 570,000 people have called for him to be banned from the UK. From August 2005 to March 2009 101 people we refused entry to the UK, many for "hater crimes." You could argue that Trump is guilty of a hate crime by calling for a whole religious faction to be banned from entering his country. The potential next President of the US of A has been branded by British MPs as a "buffoon, demagogue and wazzock." Not looking good for our "Special Relationship" if he gets elected. I'm sorry but whilst I don't agree with his views talking about an OTT response to a potential security threat cannot be classed as a hate crime. These internet poll things are not democracy, they interview one person on the radio who voted and they said they didn't even want him banned, just wanted the subject bringing up! They are just a magnet for weirdos and people who want to shout down everyone else with their extreme views.
hutch Posted 19 January, 2016 Posted 19 January, 2016 Some 570,000 people have called for him to be banned from the UK. From August 2005 to March 2009 101 people we refused entry to the UK, many for "hater crimes." You could argue that Trump is guilty of a hate crime by calling for a whole religious faction to be banned from entering his country. The potential next President of the US of A has been branded by British MPs as a "buffoon, demagogue and wazzock." Not looking good for our "Special Relationship" if he gets elected. You can make that 569,999 I signed up, but just to see if it was possible to vote from the Middle East using a false name and address and a random gmail account. It was. Now that's real democracy for you.
sadoldgit Posted 19 January, 2016 Posted 19 January, 2016 I'm sorry but whilst I don't agree with his views talking about an OTT response to a potential security threat cannot be classed as a hate crime. These internet poll things are not democracy, they interview one person on the radio who voted and they said they didn't even want him banned, just wanted the subject bringing up! They are just a magnet for weirdos and people who want to shout down everyone else with their extreme views. The problem is a bit wider than that. He isn't just for closing the border to Muslims.
hypochondriac Posted 19 January, 2016 Posted 19 January, 2016 The problem is a bit wider than that. He isn't just for closing the border to Muslims. What has he done that you would constitute as a hate crime?
sadoldgit Posted 19 January, 2016 Posted 19 January, 2016 You can make that 569,999 I signed up, but just to see if it was possible to vote from the Middle East using a false name and address and a random gmail account. It was. Now that's real democracy for you. Half a million bogus signatures?
buctootim Posted 19 January, 2016 Posted 19 January, 2016 You can make that 569,999 I signed up, but just to see if it was possible to vote from the Middle East using a false name and address and a random gmail account. It was. Now that's real democracy for you. So you're saying we shouldn't have the right to petition Parliament? or that every signature should be individually vetted before the debate?
hypochondriac Posted 19 January, 2016 Posted 19 January, 2016 So you're saying we shouldn't have the right to petition Parliament? or that every signature should be individually vetted before the debate? I think it's great that we can petition parliament. This particular petition is really stupid though.
hutch Posted 19 January, 2016 Posted 19 January, 2016 So you're saying we shouldn't have the right to petition Parliament? or that every signature should be individually vetted before the debate? Who's "we"?
buctootim Posted 19 January, 2016 Posted 19 January, 2016 The British people. Best to answer questions rather than avoid them.
buctootim Posted 19 January, 2016 Posted 19 January, 2016 I think it's great that we can petition parliament. This particular petition is really stupid though. It is, as I'm sure a lot of them are - but its much better to have the right than not. I'm glad he wasn't banned as it would have looked as though we followed an IS style ban on free speech. Hutch I suspect wants that right taken away if it can be shown that shock, horror, a petitioner could in theory not be British.
hutch Posted 19 January, 2016 Posted 19 January, 2016 The British people. Best to answer questions rather than avoid them. Did you read my post?
hypochondriac Posted 19 January, 2016 Posted 19 January, 2016 It is, as I'm sure a lot of them are - but its much better to have the right than not. I'm glad he wasn't banned as it would have looked as though we followed an IS style ban on free speech. Hutch I suspect wants that right taken away if it can be shown that shock, horror, a petitioner could in theory not be British. Good, we mostly agree then. I do think that these petitions have been devalued a fair bit by the Internet. Now any old student activist (or indeed random from Mexico) can click a button a "sign" the petition. Maybe some sort of safeguard such as putting address details or having to make a bigger show of commitment to the cause they are supposedly supporting would make things more accurate.
sadoldgit Posted 19 January, 2016 Posted 19 January, 2016 What has he done that you would constitute as a hate crime? First off I haven't accused Trump of committing a hate crime but if you google Trump and hate crime there is plenty to get your teeth into. Also I would say that threatening to refuse entry to the US of A to the second biggest religious group on the plant displays an element of discrimination that is quite high on the scale, wouldn't you?
Batman Posted 19 January, 2016 Posted 19 January, 2016 First off I haven't accused Trump of committing a hate crime but if you google Trump and hate crime there is plenty to get your teeth into. Also I would say that threatening to refuse entry to the US of A to the second biggest religious group on the plant displays an element of discrimination that is quite high on the scale, wouldn't you? we should sit down and talk to him...ffs
hypochondriac Posted 19 January, 2016 Posted 19 January, 2016 First off I haven't accused Trump of committing a hate crime but if you google Trump and hate crime there is plenty to get your teeth into. Also I would say that threatening to refuse entry to the US of A to the second biggest religious group on the plant displays an element of discrimination that is quite high on the scale, wouldn't you? You said you "could argue" that he is guilty of hate crime. Presumably you have some sort of idea of what this argument would look like? Clearly he has done something that you believe in the eyes of some people constitutes a hate crime. What has he done that you believe people could argue was a hate crime? The second part of your post could very well be seen as discriminatory but that isn't what you were talking about initially and discrimination on its own is not a hate crime.
LVSaint Posted 19 January, 2016 Posted 19 January, 2016 Trump is loving this.....more media attention for his campaign....more so if he is invited over for an argument. LOL. Just what he wants. Everyone with more than two brain cells knows he's a cock but this will only seek to add numbers to his fanbase over here.
CHAPEL END CHARLIE Posted 20 January, 2016 Author Posted 20 January, 2016 (edited) I see today that the heavyweight political force known as Sarah Palin has come out (surprise surprise) and given her considered support to the Trumpster in his Presidential campaign. This is kind of like discovering that Hitler was a big fan of Jack the Ripper ... Edited 20 January, 2016 by CHAPEL END CHARLIE
sadoldgit Posted 20 January, 2016 Posted 20 January, 2016 we should sit down and talk to him...ffs Or take him out with a drone....ffs
sadoldgit Posted 20 January, 2016 Posted 20 January, 2016 You said you "could argue" that he is guilty of hate crime. Presumably you have some sort of idea of what this argument would look like? Clearly he has done something that you believe in the eyes of some people constitutes a hate crime. What has he done that you believe people could argue was a hate crime? The second part of your post could very well be seen as discriminatory but that isn't what you were talking about initially and discrimination on its own is not a hate crime. Once again I am not accusing him of hate crime. I said you could argue, not that I was. Yes I do have an idea of what that argument would look like as I am sure you would do if you googled as I suggested. It appears he feels the same about Latinos as he does Muslims. If you want more information I suggest you seek out the half a million people who signed the petition seeking to ban him from the UK.
sadoldgit Posted 20 January, 2016 Posted 20 January, 2016 This from the CAB, just for you Hypo:- When is a hate incident also a hate crime? Any criminal offence can be a hate crime if it was carried out because of hostility or prejudice based on disability, race, religion, transgender identity or sexual orientation. Examples of hate crimes: assaults, criminal damage, harassment, murder, sexual assault, theft, fraud, burglary, hate mail, causing harassment, alarm or distress.
hypochondriac Posted 20 January, 2016 Posted 20 January, 2016 This from the CAB, just for you Hypo:- When is a hate incident also a hate crime? Any criminal offence can be a hate crime if it was carried out because of hostility or prejudice based on disability, race, religion, transgender identity or sexual orientation. Examples of hate crimes: assaults, criminal damage, harassment, murder, sexual assault, theft, fraud, burglary, hate mail, causing harassment, alarm or distress. Well with that definition you could Make virtually any crime a hate crime. That's a nonsense and I'm certainly glad we aren't looking to ban someone from Britain by using such a loose and flimsy definition
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