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im not. Just commenting on this particular subject and back the governments approach to this



Neither does anyone else


He's mentioned it an awful lot on here yet virtually no one has said it. If memory serves we have maybe two people who insinuated it on the entire thread.

im not. Just commenting on this particular subject and back the governments approach to this



Neither does anyone else


So why have you bothered to paste and copy so many links to wrongdoing by a minority of migrants? They have been daily recently.

He's mentioned it an awful lot on here yet virtually no one has said it. If memory serves we have maybe two people who insinuated it on the entire thread.


I was just asking a question that might help you in your response, which I am still waiting for by the way. And while we are at it can you please provide me with evidence of all the things that I have made up to support my arguments? Many thanks.

Sorry, no. How about that large pointy arrow over your head that reads "TW AT!" ?


If I were you Lets B, I would sue the charm school. I assume you are the same Lets B who appears on Sotonians? You have the same delightful way about you.

I was just asking a question that might help you in your response, which I am still waiting for by the way. And while we are at it can you please provide me with evidence of all the things that I have made up to support my arguments? Many thanks.


What response? I replied on the previous page.

Posted (edited)
I was just asking a question that might help you in your response, which I am still waiting for by the way. And while we are at it can you please provide me with evidence of all the things that I have made up to support my arguments? Many thanks.


OK here we go then. I warn you this could take a while:


So what do we do. Kill all Muslims? Good plan.


No one said that.


How do all peace talks start? You set up a peace process and you follow it through. It isn't going to happen over night but if all you do is kill all you are going to get is death.


No one said all you do is kill.


You say that the moral high ground is facile? Why so? Isnt it better to want to find peaceful solutions to conflict? All we seem to be doing is driving more people into radicalisation and providing the fuel for more massacres of the innocent. I don't see where I have said everyone is prejudiced. I just don't see how the constant fight fire with fire policy is actually making things any better. I did have a problem with Batman's picture of nasty Muslims in need of a drone attack, granted. What is wrong in wanting to encourage a peace process? Why take the **** when clearly what we are doing is just creating more bloodbaths? Of course I don't think I am the first one to think of it. If you remember, and if not ask your mate Hypo, I said before that all if not most armed conflicts end with a dialogue. I said wouldn't it be good if, for a change, that started sooner rather than later so we have fewer of what happened last night. I also mentioned that I didn't think it helped when certain newspapers crow about us blowing people (Muslim Extremists) to pieces. All it does is make a bad situation worse. Just my opinions on an internet forum. If you feel my comments warrant a put down or a **** take sobeit. Perhaps you agree with Hypo who seems top think that the only good Jihadist is a dead Jihadist. Again, IMHO, if that is to be our policy this bloodshed is going to continue for years.


Not sure what you mean by that but sounds like you are putting words in mouth to support your argument.


What evidence do you have that they wont? It is just an assumption on your part. What is your solution? Are you still working on the kill them all theory?


I didn't say that.


I would love to find a solution to this conflict and somehow CBF thinks I can assume the mantle of a Henry Kissinger and come up with the goods on an Internet football forum. Wouldn't that be something? Islamic extremists will never bring the West to its knees. They will never turn every Infidel to Islam. If they don't know it now at some point the penny will drop. Unless we are happy to carry on butchering each other, at some point both sides are going to have to find a way to live together. What is the alternative? Seek to kill every last one of them whilst living with more and more nights like last night? Perhaps if they were all nicely grouped in one place then it might be doable, but it seems that many of them live amongst us so how do we find them all?


No one said seek to kill every last one of them in isolation.


I'll say this again though Whelk, why expect a bloke on a football forum to be able to solve this problem? Frankly I am sick to the back teeth of people on both sides of the divide getting killed and if people want to ridicule me for saying so they can knock themselves out.


No one was ridiculing you for saying that you are sick of killing on both sides.


I grew up through a large chunk of the Cold War. The Berlin Wall went up when I was 7 years old. Although I don't recall much about it at the time, as I grew up I thought it would be impossible that the wall would ever come down. Relations with the Russians changed and the wall came down. Ok, things with the Russians (well Putin) aren't so great anymore but things do change and there is no reason to believe that the people who are driving the Islamic extremists at the moment will not eventually soften, or if not them, those who follow them.

For those who find the bickering disrespectful to those who were killed or wounded last night you are right and I will do my best to stop now!


Pointless line you didn't stop at all.


One person on a football internet chat forum says that negotiation wont work so we don't bother?


Thousands of people offline have said the same thing, making out it was just one person to lessen the argument against you there.


I don't think it has anything to do with being racist, probably more to do with the number of people who follow a religion that they have every right to follow. Islam is no more or less a violent religion than Christianity.


Nice soundbite but what criteria are you using here? Sounds like you could be dressing something subjective up as a fact to try to support your argument.


So you really believe that all Muslims are gun toting suicide bombers?


The person you were replying to never said that.


A hell of a lot? There is some heavy stuff written in the Bible too and you cant tell me that the Catholics and Protestants have spent a lifetime turning the other cheek. It is how some people decide to interpret what is written and clearly the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful and law abiding people.


No one said they did.


Indeed, but apparently they are all plotting to kill us. Seriously, WTF?


No one said that.


They do though. Many Muslims come out and speak against the extremist factions. Many have helped the victims of terrorist attacks. The recent beach attack saw a wall of young Muslim men protecting the holiday makers from the gunman. Do you really believe that peaceful followers of Islam are not horrified by these killings too?


No one said they weren't.


Have you been following this thread?


(in response to someone saying that no one said that all Muslims are plotting to kill us) No one said it.


Yes, Islam is peaceful until the fanatics move in, and you can say exactly the same for every religion under the sun, including Christianity. And that is the point. We are talking about extremists here, not the small minority who use religion for their own agenda.


This suggests to me that you are saying that Islam has a similar extremism problem at the moment to Christianity. This is clearly untrue.


But it is not bonkers is it? Christians have been killing each other for centuries and are still doing it as I type. To try and make out that Christians are somehow a more peaceful folk than Islamists just flies in the face of history and all available evidence.


(in response to someone saying that Islam and Christianity do not currently have the same problem with violence) No one said that.


If you have read this thread you will see that I am not making this up. Apparently all Muslims must kill the Infidels, it is written in their book! For a start that it just an interpretation that has been used by extreme factions. Secondly go and look in the Bible and you can find plenty of examples of extremism. Finally, if this was the case, this country would be in a state of civil war. Amazingly, most Muslims here don't seem to want to kill us and go about peaceful lives every day.


Stating the obvious. No one was arguing otherwise.


Why are you laughing Caped Crusader? You believe that all those who follow Islam are threats too?


No one said that.


What am I making up? We are talking about religions and what those religions supposedly preach, It has been said on this thread that Muslims are a threat because part of their Holy Book says that they must kill non believers. To say that Muslims are more dangerous than any other religions is a nonsense. What is happening now is down to a number of extremist factions. That is not all of Islam just as the "Troubles" in Northern Island was all Christians. If what you say is true why do we have so many peaceful Muslim communities in the West, why aren't they all on the streets killing and maiming. We are talking about a small % of people who are using a religion as a front.


A lot wrong here. We were talking about Islam having a bigger problem with violence at the moment than Christianity. One poster mentioned Islam and their holy book, no one was denying that their aren't a lot of peaceful Muslims in the West, no one said that many of them do not kill and maim people.

Edited by hypochondriac
there aren't enough emoticons in the world for that. Sorry but once again you have made up stuff and made yourself look silly as you did on the last thread. You would have thought you had learnt by now. No one has denied that Christianity has had a violence problem in the past. Loads of people said that Islam has a violence problem now. You either didn't understand that or chose to ignore it.


As I said, no one was denying that Christianity had a violence problem historically. You claimed I missed the point...


I'm not going over this again after this buy you claimed that people were suggesting we put all gay people in ghettos and were calling people nazis when no one ever said that. That was just one example, they were an awful lot on there.


Here is another post from me highlighting other times you have invented things to support your argument.


I said that Christianity was no more or less a violent religion than Islam and was told I was bonkers because of what is written in their Holy Book. Apparently those who follow Islam are supposed to kill all of us non believers.


One poster said this. Lets not pretend it's a commonly held view on here to try to boost your argument.


But it is written in their Holy Book and if they follow that book religiously does it not follow that they all pose a threat? That seems to be his point.


The point of one poster and I believe you have inferred quite a lot from his comment there. As you said it's interpretation. In fact guan points out this discrepancy here:


Having read posts 320 + 326, i don't see any evidence that anyone has said that "they are all plotting to kill us". What he does say is that he disagrees with your view that Christianity is just as bloody as Islam (I'd disagree with Griffo, certainly in terms of historical campaigns). But you should probably stop saying that someone has said something that they haven't.


We were talking about one religion being violent. Many are violent at times and you don't have to look as far back as the middle ages to find Christians behaving savagely. It isn't exclusive to Muslims.


No one said it was.




So that's the first ten pages done and as you can see, a hell of a lot of evidence of you making things up to support your argument. I'll do a few more pages later if I have time. Lets not pretend you don't do it though eh?

Posted (edited)

Yes I do have the time thanks. We seem to both have a lot of time on our hands don't we? The question isn't so much do I have the time but more can I be ars*d. As you have gone to so much trouble the least I can do is respond so I will in the hope that it will get you off my back once and for all ;) It could take a while but there are several where you seem never to have had a chat in a pub about issues of the day so I might, for the sake of brevity, refer to previous answers. Just so we are clear you are accusing me of making things up (or lying) and having no sense of religious affairs? You will excuse me if I don't go back to the source of every example as although I have time I don't have that much time. It would have been easier if the quotes had there reference numbers but I will do the best I can for you. Oh and I might use the word hyperbole so if you don't understand its use now might be a good time to acquaint yourself with the word and its use in a discussion.

Edited by sadoldgit
It is still a very small minority. The vast majority in a small poll (1000 out of 1.6 billion) came out against the attacks. We know that the terrorists have some sympathy amongst other Muslims so the chance of it being 100% was zilch. The figures in support of living by our rules were even higher but have been completely ignored. Why? Because some seem us to believe that all Muslims post a threat.


No one said that.


Worth reposting for those using stats to try and prove that we are at risk from all Muslims in this country.


No one was using stats to try and prove that we are at risk from all Muslims in this country. When you were asked for evidence of this claim you ignore it and then said you had already answered it. You hadn't and you still haven't.


You really are like a broken record Hypo. Once again you go off on one and completely miss the point. Oh and I am still waiting for your apology over the accusation of making something up.


That's pretty amusing considering the evidence above.


Why would I apologise? You've done it in two threads now. Show me one post where someone has used stats to show that all Muslims are a threat? Show me where someone has suggested we should kill all Muslims? Then I will apologise. Until then how about you stop making stuff up, it certainly doesn't help your argument.


You still haven't shown a post that suggests that.


I have explained that post already. I have never said that someone has used stats to show all Muslims are a threat. I have used stats to show that all Muslims are not a threat.


Erm nope.


If there are so many, knock yourself out. Lets have them if you really have nothing better to offer the discussion than yet another pointless point scoring post.


See above.


Okay you are very good at making accusations. Where are the blatant untruths and lies please? As for the "others" you mean you and your buddies CB Fry and Sour Mash?


See above.


It is in a post above


(in a post asking where someone has used stats to prove that all Muslims are a threat) no evidence of this post above exists.


And just for some balance...


Here you are boys, go to town #303 326 331 332 335 364 382 it will help if you read the posts around them for context.


Looked through all of them. None of them prove what you claim.


I don't make stuff up, it is just the way you chose to deflect bits of a debate you don't like. Here is one for you Sour Mush or Hypo, why did you jump all over me about lying about local women with 15 kids and didn't mention it when someone said the same about Muslim women having 15 kids? Eh?


Also my Grandmother was Christian and had eleven kids. Yep, no Muslim DNA there, who would have guessed?


You clearly do make stuff up, as evidenced by the posts above. I had nothing to do with the post above yet you claimed I did.


I am not desperately trying to do anything I have answered the questions. If you aren't happy with the answers that is your problem.


You were unable to show where these answers were.


I have explained it.


You were unable to show where you had explained this.


I can answer and I have answered. I have not lied and I have not made things up. This is what you do. You have done it to me before and I have seen you do it to others before. Do you really think that anyone else other than your little band of brothers gives a toss? Life is too short mate.


You were unable to provide those answers when asked. It's reasonable to assume these answers were invented since you were unable to show where they were.

Yes I do have the time thanks. We seem to both have a lot of time on our hands don't we? The question isn't so much do I have the time but more can I be ars*d. As you have gone to so much trouble the least I can do is respond so I will in the hope that it will get you off my back once and for all ;) It could take a while but there are several where you seem never to have had a chat in a pub about issues of the day so I might, for the sake of brevity, refer to previous answers. Just so we are clear you are accusing me of making things up (or lying) and having no sense of religious affairs? You will excuse me if I don't go back to the source of every example as although I have time I don't have that much time. It would have been easier if the quotes had there reference numbers but I will do the best I can for you. Oh and I might use the word hyperbole so if you don't understand its use now might be a good time to acquaint yourself with the word and its use in a discussion.


It's quite simple to see the posts, if you are on a PC you can click on the little arrow next to them. To make it easier I've just done the first 13 pages before I got bored. It's clear from the above list that you have invented things that people have said in order to try to support your argument.


This is for Hypo, I suggest the rest of you ignore it unless you aren't easily bored. Hypos post at 01.08 #0

1. I didn't say anyone said that did I? I was using hyperbole.

2.When I suggested the peace would come about through negotiations I was told that it would never happen with IS. I stand by what I said. If all you do is kill all you get is death. Not sure how that fits in with making things up?

3.In an earlier exchange you were saying that the only way to deal with these terrorists (IS in particular) was to kill them as they would never negotiate. It seems a reasonable attempt to paraphrase what I thought you were saying. Dod you come back at the time and say that want what you were saying?

4.I took what you said from our earlier discussion that the only option we had was to fight them. Did I get that wrong?

5. Look at what I said before your highlighted segment. "What is the alternative?" I then go on to pose a possible response.

6.What was I being ridiculed for then because my position has been pretty much that from the begging of this thread?

7. It may have been pointless but I said I would do my best. What here have I been making up exactly?

8.And thousands of people have suggested negotiations and or sanctions. In what way am I making anything up here?

9. I don't understand your point. What have I made up exactly? Hadnt we established tat both religions have had their share of abhorrent behaviour over the years?

10. I cant be bothered to scroll all the way back to find this post but I am sure they would have responded if they felt the need. Hyperbole.

11. Clutching at straws again. The giveaway here is "you cant tell me." It is a device often used in discussions to help move things on.

12. Give me the post number and I shall respond as I cant recall the context. Thanks.

13. Again, probably hyperbole but if you give the post number I can give you a better response.

14. I guess when I answer the ones above it will cover this one?

15. What have I made up here? I am "suggesting" the problem is terrorists and not religions per se.

16.Post number please?

17. Stating the obvious is often used in discussions and I am sure you have done it yourself in order to make a point? What have I made up here?

18.Batman not able to respond for himself? I asked him a question. He could always reply no. Again it is a technique used in discussions in order to try and determine someone's position.


19. What have I made up here exactly?

It's quite simple to see the posts, if you are on a PC you can click on the little arrow next to them. To make it easier I've just done the first 13 pages before I got bored. It's clear from the above list that you have invented things that people have said in order to try to support your argument.


Thanks for the pointer. I will go back and check the posts that I haven't responded to yet. It might be clear to you Hypo but then you are a special kind of guy ;)

Thanks for the pointer. I will go back and check the posts that I haven't responded to yet. It might be clear to you Hypo but then you are a special kind of guy ;)


It was clear to a number of posters. Going back it's also clear that a lot of people pulled you up on it at the time.


Hypo responses part two. Your post timed 01.52 #0


1. Hyperbole

2. The stats had been presented in a way that was pejorative towards Mulsims. The poll was actually positive towards Muslims but that is not the way it was presented.

3.It might be amusing to you. The only evidence you have seems to stem from your apparent complete ignorance of how discussions often work.

4.The Sun used a poll to show Muslims in a bad light. The results were posted here. The reference to kill all Muslims came from an earlier use of hyberbole.

5. Erm. Yep.

6. Not doing very well so far pal.

7. See above.

8. It would if I could be bothered to go back and find it.

9. Fine, if that is what you think.

10. I didn't say it was you. I said it was either you are Soured Mash.

11. Not unable. I couldn't be bothered to humour you. Big difference.

12. See above.

13. See above. You can assume all you like but I am afraid that assumptions do not count as evidence.


So then, I know I am not very good at the internet malarkey but so far I would say that you haven't managed to show my ignorance of religious matters or that I constantly make things up.

It was clear to a number of posters. Going back it's also clear that a lot of people pulled you up on it at the time.


Name all of these posters please. Given the number of people who have viewed this thread I would say that you guys are in a small minority.


First batch of points from Hypo no 10.


I ask the leading question "So you believe that all Muslims are gun toting suicide bombers?"


Griffo replies "No, but a hell of a lot of them hold views similar. How can they not when it is written in their book?"


Shame you missed out the context Hypo.

It was clear to a number of posters. Going back it's also clear that a lot of people pulled you up on it at the time.


I will give you a hand...


Hypochondriac, CB Fry, Sour Mash, Batman. See a pattern yet? Oh and you can through Guan in there as he got upset when I called him on posting disrespectful pictures (I wasn't alone by the way, there were other complaints about that posting direct to the Mods).


Ok then:


1) Good to know that from now on when you state that something is untrue you will subsequently say you were exaggerating to make a point. I'm not sure what point you were trying to make there at any rate. No one was suggesting we kill all Muslims so it's a pointless thing to say.


2) Yes but again no one said that ALL you should do is kill. That's an example of you creating things to fit your argument. As was pointed out at the time. the killing part was in tandem with other measures but we don't need to go through that again.


3) I said with IS in their current form you have to use aggression and force and then afterwards along with a coalition of Middle Eastern partners seek a peaceful resolution. I said it many times, it appears you are wilfully misrepresenting what I said.


4) Not sure what you mean by "kill them all." I stand by what I said in the previous answer.


5) A possible response from whom? Some imagined fascist from here that only you can see? That's why you get accused with arguing with yourself.


6) You were being ridiculed for making things up, posing answers to questions that you have said yourself that no one else has answered in that manner (see previous question) and taking an idealistic view on IS that many people found to be naive and unrealistic (and when you were asked for a workable alternative you said it wasn't for you to provide any answers.) It had nothing at all to do with a very obvious reaction that you a sick of killing on both sides, a view that everyone in the thread shares.


7) You didn't make anything up there I just used it to highlight how you frequently try to take the moral high ground without thinking things through (and then in this case just ignore it entirely).


8) You posed it as a question that suggested it was a single person on a message board who said it. Clearly that was not the case here so either you were ignorant of the fact that it is not just one individual saying it on a messageboard or you were doing it deliberately.


9) It was obvious at the time (and obvious now) that people were referring to the situation in the present day, no one was talking about the crusades or suggesting that Christianity has not had its share of past violence.


10) Again it's just a lie not hyperbole at all. What point are you trying to make here again?


11) You were arguing with yourself again and saying obvious things that no one disagreed with.


12) It's there.


13) it's there.


14) I doubt it.


15) So you don't think that Islam has a problem within its religion with extremists despite Imams and others saying that they do?


16) It's there.


17) You do it frequently. The suggestion from your post is that people were suggesting that most Muslims do want to kill us, otherwise why post it?


18) Of course he is but I was talking about falsehoods from the thread not just talking about the times you have made things up where I have been involved. Presumably you thought that is what he thought when everyone else could see that was not the case. Why do you keep posing these questions that no one thinks?


19) The implication of your statement is that someone is arguing that it is exclusive to Muslims. No one said it was so why state it?

Hypo responses part two. Your post timed 01.52 #0


1. Hyperbole

2. The stats had been presented in a way that was pejorative towards Mulsims. The poll was actually positive towards Muslims but that is not the way it was presented.

3.It might be amusing to you. The only evidence you have seems to stem from your apparent complete ignorance of how discussions often work.

4.The Sun used a poll to show Muslims in a bad light. The results were posted here. The reference to kill all Muslims came from an earlier use of hyberbole.

5. Erm. Yep.

6. Not doing very well so far pal.

7. See above.

8. It would if I could be bothered to go back and find it.

9. Fine, if that is what you think.

10. I didn't say it was you. I said it was either you are Soured Mash.

11. Not unable. I couldn't be bothered to humour you. Big difference.

12. See above.

13. See above. You can assume all you like but I am afraid that assumptions do not count as evidence.


So then, I know I am not very good at the internet malarkey but so far I would say that you haven't managed to show my ignorance of religious matters or that I constantly make things up.



1) So again falsehoods dressed up as something else in hindsight.

2) So where is the evidence of someone using stats to try and prove that we were at risk from ALL Muslims in this country? Where do the stats show what you claim?

3) Sadly not. It's clear to anyone with eyes and a computer.

4) Where is this post that shows that ALL Muslims are a threat? Even if the stats were presented as you claim and show a bias against Muslims, I have still found no evidence to show that someone was using stats to prove that we are at risk from all Muslims in this country. You have been unable to show this thus far.

5) You still haven't show any evidence for this.

6) See above.

7) See above.

8) well you were asked to find it at the time and you refused to do so. You still refuse to do so now. The conclusion that can be drawn here is that no such posts exists.

9) Unless you want to explain how any of those posts support what you have said?

10) Fair enough but seeing as you replied to Sour Mash in that post I would have thought it was obvious who you were talking to.

11) Well you haven't been able to prove that you can answer the question.

12) Still unable to show me any evidence for your claim.

13) Until you can provide evidence then you have clearly made up that posters were using stats to prove that all Muslims were a threat.

Name all of these posters please. Given the number of people who have viewed this thread I would say that you guys are in a small minority.


So are we assuming that everyone who has viewed this thread agrees with you now? Odd assumption.

I will give you a hand...


Hypochondriac, CB Fry, Sour Mash, Batman. See a pattern yet? Oh and you can through Guan in there as he got upset when I called him on posting disrespectful pictures (I wasn't alone by the way, there were other complaints about that posting direct to the Mods).


An awful lot of people have questioned your reasoning and the content of your posts in this thread alone. You forgot whelk, Window Cleaner, Griffo, Orange, Verbal Kint and Lighthouse. Probably more but I didn't look too hard.

So are we assuming that everyone who has viewed this thread agrees with you now? Odd assumption.


Why? People only seem to post if they have a problem with something. I am sure we will hear if you have more support though.

An awful lot of people have questioned your reasoning and the content of your posts in this thread alone. You forgot whelk, Window Cleaner, Griffo, Orange, Verbal Kint and Lighthouse. Probably more but I didn't look too hard.


An awful lot? They cant have been that bothered because they didn't hang around too long. Griffo has clearly got an agenda. I really don't know what Whelk was on about half the time.

I would ask you, if these people don't have an issue with Muslims, why have a problem with someone who clearly doesn't have a problem with Muslims?

1) So again falsehoods dressed up as something else in hindsight.

2) So where is the evidence of someone using stats to try and prove that we were at risk from ALL Muslims in this country? Where do the stats show what you claim?

3) Sadly not. It's clear to anyone with eyes and a computer.

4) Where is this post that shows that ALL Muslims are a threat? Even if the stats were presented as you claim and show a bias against Muslims, I have still found no evidence to show that someone was using stats to prove that we are at risk from all Muslims in this country. You have been unable to show this thus far.

5) You still haven't show any evidence for this.

6) See above.

7) See above.

8) well you were asked to find it at the time and you refused to do so. You still refuse to do so now. The conclusion that can be drawn here is that no such posts exists.

9) Unless you want to explain how any of those posts support what you have said?

10) Fair enough but seeing as you replied to Sour Mash in that post I would have thought it was obvious who you were talking to.

11) Well you haven't been able to prove that you can answer the question.

12) Still unable to show me any evidence for your claim.

13) Until you can provide evidence then you have clearly made up that posters were using stats to prove that all Muslims were a threat.


A little word in your ear Hypo. I am not on trial here. This is just an internet football forum. If you chose to see me in a certain light that is your prerogative. For the sake of your own sanity, I would suggest that you ignore my posts in future. I am worried about you. This obsession isn't normal.

A little word in your ear Hypo. I am not on trial here. This is just an internet football forum. If you chose to see me in a certain light that is your prerogative. For the sake of your own sanity, I would suggest that you ignore my posts in future. I am worried about you. This obsession isn't normal.


You asked me to show you the evidence, I provide the evidence and you then accuse me of obsession. The very definition of running away with your fingers in your ears which I am sure you have been accused of before.

An awful lot? They cant have been that bothered because they didn't hang around too long. Griffo has clearly got an agenda. I really don't know what Whelk was on about half the time.

I would ask you, if these people don't have an issue with Muslims, why have a problem with someone who clearly doesn't have a problem with Muslims?


They were most likely ground down by what you posted. They disagreed with you and many accused you of fabricating stuff as I have. It's quite clear why people have a problem with your posts, the evidence is in all the posts you have written in this thread. If you can't see it despite me dredging half of them up and spelling it out for you then there is no hope.

You asked me to show you the evidence, I provide the evidence and you then accuse me of obsession. The very definition of running away with your fingers in your ears which I am sure you have been accused of before.


I was accused of running away by your buddy CB Fry but not with my fingers in my ears. It was rather odd as I hadn't gone anywhere. I asked for evidence because I thought I might be able to stop all of this but I was clearly wrong. You just go on and on and on. Don't you ever get fed up with it? I am seriously concerned about what you get out of this odd behaviour?

They were most likely ground down by what you posted. They disagreed with you and many accused you of fabricating stuff as I have. It's quite clear why people have a problem with your posts, the evidence is in all the posts you have written in this thread. If you can't see it despite me dredging half of them up and spelling it out for you then there is no hope.


Many, how many exactly? I suspect some of them just jumped on the Hypo bandwagon. Certainly Guan did. No there is no hope because you only see what you want to see. You also conveniently do not answer questions you don't want to answer. You just keep on with this obsession of yours. Really. You need to leave it now. It is not healthy.

Many, how many exactly? I suspect some of them just jumped on the Hypo bandwagon. Certainly Guan did. No there is no hope because you only see what you want to see. You also conveniently do not answer questions you don't want to answer. You just keep on with this obsession of yours. Really. You need to leave it now. It is not healthy.


So you're accusing Guan of jumping on a bandwagon rather than having independently arrived at the conclusion that you were making things up? It figures you would think that rather than think that a number of people considered you a liar. I think the last few posts from me have proven that I'm not running away from answering question unlike yourself. I'll reply to who I like thanks, running away hasn't stopped you from being held to account, neither has asking for proof or claiming to put me on ignore so I'm not sure why you think your new tactic of questioning my sanity is going to work either. You keep making up things that people have said and I'll continue to point it out.

An awful lot? They cant have been that bothered because they didn't hang around too long. Griffo has clearly got an agenda. I really don't know what Whelk was on about half the time.

I would ask you, if these people don't have an issue with Muslims, why have a problem with someone who clearly doesn't have a problem with Muslims?


At least half the time you did. I don't think anything I posted has been confusing but don't put me in the right wingers. I am very much the sensible voice of reason;-)


Pretty much the only thing that Batman, Sour Mash, Whelk, Hypo, Guan and all the others listed have in common is that we all agree that SOG more often than not talks utter rubbish, often fabricates the opinions of others, likes a fib or two and makes ridiculous sweeping statements based on strawman positions constructed in his own head. He's often found merrily arguing heartily against positions that absolutely no one on the forum has ever said. Also has a stunning ability to run away from questions he doesn't like.


But, in the world of people to point and laugh at on this forum, he is solid, solid gold.

Posted (edited)

It's all just made up and the silent majority agree with soggy. We know that's true because only the people who disagree post things and besides, anyone who does disagree is all part of the same clique of people that have got together and decided to think the same things. Everyone knows that.

Edited by hypochondriac


That is appalling, an asylum worker murdered by a 15 year old migrant. 15. Perhaps only the police and military should be able to supervise these people as civilians are at an ever increasing and unacceptable level of risk?


This is our future ladies and gentlemen.


Look out for each other.

Pretty much the only thing that Batman, Sour Mash, Whelk, Hypo, Guan and all the others listed have in common is that we all agree that SOG more often than not talks utter rubbish, often fabricates the opinions of others, likes a fib or two and makes ridiculous sweeping statements based on strawman positions constructed in his own head. He's often found merrily arguing heartily against positions that absolutely no one on the forum has ever said. Also has a stunning ability to run away from questions he doesn't like.


But, in the world of people to point and laugh at on this forum, he is solid, solid gold.


Whatever. I would rather be me than you CB. You are a very sad, deluded and self important individual. If anyone who I respected on here criticised me then I would worry.

It's all just made up and the silent majority agree with soggy. We know that's true because only the people who disagree post things and besides, anyone who does disagree is all part of the same clique of people that have got together and decided to think the same things. Everyone knows that.


Continue to have a pop Hypo. I notice you still haven't answered my questions but then you only come on here to have a dig at people don't you? You really are no better than CB Fry.

Continue to have a pop Hypo. I notice you still haven't answered my questions but then you only come on here to have a dig at people don't you? You really are no better than CB Fry.


If I haven't answered any questions of yours then it will be because I haven't seen them or you have missed my reply. Unlike you I don't run away or pretend I have already answered something.


Worrying confirmation of what has been speculated for some time, and the migrant crisis is being used to mask the arrival of terrorists in Europe




And the fact that that most of the arrivals are most likely economic migrants, not Asylum seekers - how many threats have snuck in with them?




(You can open links in incognito mode if you have gone over your free article limit)

Whatever. I would rather be me than you CB. You are a very sad, deluded and self important individual. If anyone who I respected on here criticised me then I would worry.

I make comments about your behaviour on this forum, which is there for all to see.


You make broad sweeping statements about me, a person you don't know from Adam.


Sums you up very nicely.


Keep lying, keep hiding from questions you don't like.

Worrying confirmation of what has been speculated for some time, and the migrant crisis is being used to mask the arrival of terrorists in Europe




And the fact that that most of the arrivals are most likely economic migrants, not Asylum seekers - how many threats have snuck in with them?




(You can open links in incognito mode if you have gone over your free article limit)

remember the outrage towards May when last summer, she claimed many yomping across Europe would not be genuine asylum seekers.

The usual lot shouted her down and compared her to hitler and such like


then we have the wanna-be PM demanding we just let them all in

If I haven't answered any questions of yours then it will be because I haven't seen them or you have missed my reply. Unlike you I don't run away or pretend I have already answered something.


It is like being back in the playground with you Hypo. You really need to grow up. Again, you seem to be copying the guy you to emulate. Run away from a computer screen? LOL.

Posted (edited)
I make comments about your behaviour on this forum, which is there for all to see.


You make broad sweeping statements about me, a person you don't know from Adam.


Sums you up very nicely.


Keep lying, keep hiding from questions you don't like.


I know you well enough C B Fry. Not only have I had to put up with your behaviour here and on other threads but several other posters have been at the end of your attempts to belittle them. It has been going on for years. I am surprised you haven't been banned. People have certainly been banned for a lot less. Keep lying? You and Hypo make a cute couple. I notice that you let the obvious racists alone. I would have thought that they would have been an obvious target for a man of your standing and integrity? But no, you go after a moderate. Why is that? You are just another playground bully.


By the way, you accused me of running away yet you do not answer your PMs. Isnt that avoidance or "running away" in C B fry and Hypo parlance? Oh, and I have taken both you and Hypo off of my ignore list, so how is that "running away?"

Edited by sadoldgit
Posted (edited)
It is like being back in the playground with you Hypo. You really need to grow up. Again, you seem to be copying the guy you to emulate. Run away from a computer screen? LOL.


No copying needed. Since day one you have been asked to substantiate some of your outlandish claims and you were unable to do so. Your tactic then became not answering the questions, pretending you had answered them, ignoring the people asking you questions, claiming to put those people on ignore, questioning the sanity of those asking you questions, pretending that those asking you questions are all part of some coordinated attack against you, pretended that people have just jumped on the bandwagon to have a go at you, claiming you were just exaggerating to make a point etc etc. It has the appearance of "running away" because you done all you can to avoid them.


What you've done consistently is write some ill informed opinion, people will ask you for details and argue against your position, you will claim it's not for you to provide the answers just pose the questions and then argue with them up until the time that they make a point that you can't or won't answer. You then ignore that point and jump to the next ill informed opinion. It's unlikely but anyone who is bothered enough to read this thread in its entirety (and the homosexual footballers one before it.) will come to that same conclusion.

Edited by hypochondriac

Outlandish claims? That most Muslims are peaceful? That not all migrants are rapists? Not answering questions? As far as I can recall there was only one in question that I said I had answered and you don't agree. So what? If I ignored anyone it is because they were on my ignore list. That is what is for. Ignoring people you cant be bothered with anymore. I had you and CB Fry and a couple of others on ignore. Okay? You are no longer on ignore as I hoped that we might move beyond the childishness, but apparently not. I don't know if there was a co ordinated attack on me or not, but at times it felt like it because you and your buddy seemed to post at the same time. Exagerating to make a point is called hyperbole. Go look at it. It happens all the time but apparently not in Hypoworld. I have not done all I can to avoid them. I answered you questions the other day. I wish I hadn't bothered frankly because you are not worth the effort. Again, I answered an earlier question early and I really cant be bothered to spend tiome going back to find it. This is just an internet chat forum. I am not on trial. Get it?


If you think my opinion is ill informed (peaceful Muslims and migrants?) then of course people have a right to put there own opinions forward. That isn't the same as having a dig is it? Again you keep saying points I cant or wont answer. What points exactly? You accuse me of making things up but you have made up some kind of Hypo version of me that doesn't actually exist. Interesting that you raise the homosexual thread. I wondered when you would do that. I misquoted you and apologised twice but you would not accept my apology. A simple mistake but you went off on one and clearly are still upset. You accuse me of not answering questions but that is what you do. Tell me, do you have OCD, serious question?


Tell you what Hypo. This is boring the cr*p out of me and Im sure it is boring for everyone else too. I will let you have the last say if that makes you feel better then let us both put each other on ignore and carry on our lives in blissful ignorance of each other. Deal?

Tell you what Hypo. This is boring the cr*p out of me and Im sure it is boring for everyone else too. I will let you have the last say if that makes you feel better then let us both put each other on ignore and carry on our lives in blissful ignorance of each other. Deal?


I won't be putting anyone on ignore. As I already said to you, I'll continue to call you out on your falsehoods and hold you to account when you post rubbish. That won't change regardless of how many times you demean yourself by suggesting I have a mental illness or pretending you've put me on ignore. But keep on pretending that the reason you are being laughed at is for saying that most Muslims are peaceful and not rapists, if you say it enough times you might get someone else to believe you.


So you are not prepared to answer my question but you have a go at me for supposedly not answering your questions? Perhaps you should change your name from Hypochondriac to Hypocrite? You really do seem to be obsessive. Maybe people do laugh at me. What do you think that people think of you?

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