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  Window Cleaner said:
Well not really, Boxing Day, Goodwill Day or St Stephen's day is only a holiday in mainly Anglo Saxon derived communities. They don't have it here in France or in Spain or Italy and I guess they'd consider themselves "Christian" in the main. It is not a religous holiday....:uhoh:Some sort of tradesmens' tipping day historically apparently.


Yes, it came about through the tradition of giving tradesmen a Christmas box on the day after Christmas.

  solentstars said:
i,m not religious and personally think its a lot of old pony but each to there own beliefs, but i celebrate Christmas and easter but believe it has nothing to do with a mythical guy called jesus christ and believe the traditions started when we were a pagan country. Long before the fourth century, and long before the Christian era itself, a festival was celebrated among the HEATHEN, at that precise time of the year, in honor oft the birth of the son of the Babylonian queen of heaven; and it may fairly be presumed that, in order to conciliate the heathen, and to swell the number of the nominal adherents of Christianity, the same festival was adopted by the Roman Church, giving it only the name of Christ. This tendency on the part of Christians to meet Paganism half-way was very early developed."

It is beyond doubt that Christmas was originally a pagan festival. The time of the year and the ceremonies with which it is still celebrated, prove its origin. and has for katie hopkins. she is a nasty loud mouth piece of shi t... apology to the shi t thow to be associated with the likes of her .



Be careful calling Jesus mythical! You wouldn't want to upset those who don't believe in Jesus but get very upset if you question Christianity in this country! ;) You could also add that the way we celebrate Christmas today is a relatively recent invention that came around in the Victorian times and has grown to a vast commercial enterprise ever since. So would you say that Christmas is less about celebrating the birth of the son of God in this country and more about having an excuse to party, giving the kids a bit of a charade to enjoy with the Nativity and winding down at the end of the year? That being the case, are we less of a Christian country as a result?

  sadoldgit said:
Be careful calling Jesus mythical! You wouldn't want to upset those who don't believe in Jesus but get very upset if you question Christianity in this country! ;) You could also add that the way we celebrate Christmas today is a relatively recent invention that came around in the Victorian times and has grown to a vast commercial enterprise ever since. So would you say that Christmas is less about celebrating the birth of the son of God in this country and more about having an excuse to party, giving the kids a bit of a charade to enjoy with the Nativity and winding down at the end of the year? That being the case, are we less of a Christian country as a result?


Reminds me of David Brent going away and looking up things on Dostoevsky and coming back with information later on. Good to see persecution complex is alive and well


I'll just lob this in here.




The conventional wisdom is that the mythical Jesus was spun in succeeding decades and centuries from an historical Jesus - a leader of a rebellious but decidedly unCorbynist sect (a Jesus who wouldn't cosy up to Putin, Stalin and Mao but genuinely sided with those Israelites on benefits). Some researchers have proposed the exact opposite - that the claim that there was an historical Jesus has been spun from myth.


Either way, the contemporaneous evidence for an historical Jesus is all but non-existent.


A slightly different case is made by many historians (including Tom Holland) for Mohammad - that there's some evidence that he was an historical figure, but that he did his good and otherwise works much closer to Jerusalem. There is no credible historical evidence, so this argument goes, that he ever went near Mecca or Medina.

Posted (edited)
  sadoldgit said:
Be careful calling Jesus mythical! You wouldn't want to upset those who don't believe in Jesus but get very upset if you question Christianity in this country! ;) You could also add that the way we celebrate Christmas today is a relatively recent invention that came around in the Victorian times and has grown to a vast commercial enterprise ever since. So would you say that Christmas is less about celebrating the birth of the son of God in this country and more about having an excuse to party, giving the kids a bit of a charade to enjoy with the Nativity and winding down at the end of the year? That being the case, are we less of a Christian country as a result?


And not so much questioning Christianity more your lack of understanding and your weak efforts to associate it with violence just as we recently saw in Paris.

Fear we are going round in circles with your inability to interpret posts.

Edited by whelk
  sadoldgit said:
Are you going to keep having a pop Whelk or are you going to engage in the debate? By the way, what I have gone away and looked up?


I have joined the evil gang - i noticed the change at a recent nativity i attended. Go get SOGGY

  whelk said:
I have joined the evil gang - i noticed the change at a recent nativity i attended. Go get SOGGY


You have indeed Whelk, Sadly I had misjudged you.

  whelk said:
And not so much questioning Christianity more your lack of understanding and your weak efforts to associate it with violence just as we recently saw in Paris.

Fear we are going round in circles with your inability to interpret posts.


We are going round in circles Whelk but I would say that is more down to the fact that you don't seem bothered. If you were you would see that I have not tried to link the terrorist violence with Christianity. I have said that Islam doesn't have the monopoly on heinous acts. People of all religious persuasions are capable of and do carry out evil acts. Two very different things wouldn't you say and a bit of a no brainer. But you seem to struggle with the concept?


Also perhaps you would like to help me with my lack of understanding about Christianity? Am I wrong in thinking that Christmas is a religious festival in which Christians celebrate the birth of Christ?

  sadoldgit said:
You have indeed Whelk, Sadly I had misjudged you.


:lol: anyone who considers soggy a loon is part of the 'gang'. Join us whelk, you may be chided for a lack of heart but at least you'll have your sanity intact.

  sadoldgit said:
We are going round in circles Whelk but I would say that is more down to the fact that you don't seem bothered. If you were you would see that I have not tried to link the terrorist violence with Christianity. I have said that Islam doesn't have the monopoly on heinous acts. People of all religious persuasions are capable of and do carry out evil acts. Two very different things wouldn't you say and a bit of a no brainer. But you seem to struggle with the concept?


Also perhaps you would like to help me with my lack of understanding about Christianity? Am I wrong in thinking that Christmas is a religious festival in which Christians celebrate the birth of Christ?


Nope no one has struggled with that concept. Not a single person has challenged that very basic and very obvious point that you keep repeating for some reason.

  sadoldgit said:
We are going round in circles Whelk but I would say that is more down to the fact that you don't seem bothered. If you were you would see that I have not tried to link the terrorist violence with Christianity. I have said that Islam doesn't have the monopoly on heinous acts. People of all religious persuasions are capable of and do carry out evil acts. Two very different things wouldn't you say and a bit of a no brainer. But you seem to struggle with the concept?


Also perhaps you would like to help me with my lack of understanding about Christianity? Am I wrong in thinking that Christmas is a religious festival in which Christians celebrate the birth of Christ?


Christmas is a lot of things to loads of different people and celebrating it means different things to different people too. To some it is the expression of their Christian faith whilst for others it is an excuse to see their little ones dressed in cute costumes and a chance for some food, gifts and alcohol. I would have thought that was blindingly obvious but not to you apparently.


If this is not a sick hoax it is a disturbing development in terrorist tactics in Europe. Not sure why the Mail felt it necessary to add pictures of Swedes supporting refugees. Are they saying we are more at risk of terrorist activity by allowing in refugees? More so than bombing Syria?

  sadoldgit said:
We are going round in circles Whelk but I would say that is more down to the fact that you don't seem bothered. If you were you would see that I have not tried to link the terrorist violence with Christianity. I have said that Islam doesn't have the monopoly on heinous acts. People of all religious persuasions are capable of and do carry out evil acts. Two very different things wouldn't you say and a bit of a no brainer. But you seem to struggle with the concept?


Also perhaps you would like to help me with my lack of understanding about Christianity? Am I wrong in thinking that Christmas is a religious festival in which Christians celebrate the birth of Christ?

No one, but no one, is "struggling with that concept". It's a facile, pathetically obvious point that you are labouring and labouring like it is the greatest insight anyone has ever come to.


No one is struggling with it. No one.


Get it?


I wonder if you will ever grasp that.


SOG, I am struggling with this concept.


Do you think you could explain this concept to me so I could stop struggling with this concept?


Here is the concept I am struggling with:


  sadoldgit said:
. We get ourselves worked up over people wearing a black sheet with eye holes but aren't overly bothered by people wearing white sheets with eyes holes who have been quite happy to burn and hang people of a different race and who are still active today.


Or are you go to run away, yet again?

  CB Fry said:
SOG, I am struggling with this concept.


Do you think you could explain this concept to me so I could stop struggling with this concept?


Here is the concept I am struggling with:




Or are you go to run away, yet again?


Hey who likes war and thinks it great? I don't, why do you like it so much SOG?


He's right though. Regardless of whether SOG is inconsistent or wrong, seeing a bunch of grown men gather together to hound him for a laugh is pretty pathetic and unedifying.

  buctootim said:
He's right though. Regardless of whether SOG is inconsistent or wrong, seeing a bunch of grown men gather together to hound him for a laugh is pretty pathetic and unedifying.


Sure I have hurled more insults Hypo's way than anything to SOG but fact he has had a mare on this thread and keeps playing the victim card when ridiculed or mocked. Do people expect different from Saintsweb? Expecting a gentle CB Fry? A tender Hypo? SOG does handle himself with dignity though but he wants the debate and keeps reigniting this thread.

  buctootim said:
He's right though. Regardless of whether SOG is inconsistent or wrong, seeing a bunch of grown men gather together to hound him for a laugh is pretty pathetic and unedifying.


Particularly given the subject matter of this thread. Unedifying is the word.


Fair play SOG for not letting it get through to you. It would if it were me.

  Coxford_lou said:
Particularly given the subject matter of this thread. Unedifying is the word.


Fair play SOG for not letting it get through to you. It would if it were me.

Well, he's used this thread to flog his particular hobby horse of having a go at Christianity and harmless/anodyne British seasonal traditions and he consistently shows his contempt for the wider British public, with his assertion that "we" object to the hijab more than the KKK.


The thread pretty much unravelled and became unedifying once he got on his "what about the Christians, then" nonsense. Funnily enough "what about the Christians, then" not way up the agenda when the UN get together right now. The unedifying stuff has a source and he is it.


SOG gets his attempted little digs in to me and others as well, so let's not pretend he us some wide eyed victim. Now, a SOG attack is an assault on the scale of a towel falling on top of you when you open the airing cupboard door, but he tries to dish it out nonetheless.


Basically, if you don't want to get me going on here, don't spout vacuous platitudes which no one has disagreed with and claim them as a unique position only you hold, with the implication that others, ie me, don't understand that or disagree with it.


SOG is a forum expert at presenting the blindingly, pitifully obvious as his own groundbreaking thought. That's how to have my goat got and by jingo he's got my goat.


Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of a good old CBFry rant. I find your writing style pretty entertaining. And I like to read a badly thought through argument being picked apart. But that's enough to win the debate, without all the humiliation sh*t.


Letting anyone get your goat is a sign of failure ;)

  Coxford_lou said:
Particularly given the subject matter of this thread. Unedifying is the word.


Fair play SOG for not letting it get through to you. It would if it were me.


Hold on let's not pretend that SOG is some innocent party here. He has absolutely brought these reactions on himself and he continues to do so. If you're going to invent things and lie and then pretend you haven't then you're going to get called out on it. It looks like he's going to carry on ignoring it regardless so either he's too ignorant to realise how he has come across or he's on a wind up. Either way I don't think anything posters on here have done have affected him.

  Coxford_lou said:
Particularly given the subject matter of this thread. Unedifying is the word.


Fair play SOG for not letting it get through to you. It would if it were me.


It isn't the first time Lou and I just ignore Fry and his buddy now.

  whelk said:
Hey who likes war and thinks it great? I don't, why do you like it so much SOG?


Why do I like what so much Whelk? War? I think I have made it pretty clear what I think of violence.

  whelk said:
Sure I have hurled more insults Hypo's way than anything to SOG but fact he has had a mare on this thread and keeps playing the victim card when ridiculed or mocked. Do people expect different from Saintsweb? Expecting a gentle CB Fry? A tender Hypo? SOG does handle himself with dignity though but he wants the debate and keeps reigniting this thread.


Whelk, you say I play the victim card when ridiculed or mocked but you also say that you don't agree with bullying yet you have been quite happy to ignore my questions but feel free to make personal remarks about me. It should be possible to have a grown up discussion without it descending into the usual pathetic trade of insults but it never happens on here. Time and again it descends to the level of the playground and it is usually the same people involved in taking it there. As I have said before, this is not the Oxford Debating Society but just a football forum where a bunch of people come together for a chat about stuff. For some people it just seems like they just have to go that bit further. Perhaps they get some perverse pleasure out of it? Who knows, but it happens to others and it happens frequently. As for reigniting this thread, thread gets reignited all of the time don't they?

  buctootim said:
He's right though. Regardless of whether SOG is inconsistent or wrong, seeing a bunch of grown men gather together to hound him for a laugh is pretty pathetic and unedifying.


"Grown men" Tim? Now there is an assumption ;)

Posted (edited)
  sadoldgit said:
Whelk, you say I play the victim card when ridiculed or mocked but you also say that you don't agree with bullying yet you have been quite happy to ignore my questions but feel free to make personal remarks about me. It should be possible to have a grown up discussion without it descending into the usual pathetic trade of insults but it never happens on here. Time and again it descends to the level of the playground and it is usually the same people involved in taking it there. As I have said before, this is not the Oxford Debating Society but just a football forum where a bunch of people come together for a chat about stuff. For some people it just seems like they just have to go that bit further. Perhaps they get some perverse pleasure out of it? Who knows, but it happens to others and it happens frequently. As for reigniting this thread, thread gets reignited all of the time don't they?


Can anyone think of a contributor to this forum who is "quite happy to ignore questions"? I can.


And saying that "we", the British people, are bothered about the hijab but "not overly bothered" about the Ku Klux Klan is playground, pathetic debating that you are to gutless to explain despite being asked to several times now.


As is your other playground tactic of fabricating the opinions of others and then debating against them. Or lying as it is more commonly known. Something you have done to several posters, repeatedly, over many threads.


Try not to belittle others by suggesting they are in the playground when you are debating from the sewer.

Edited by CB Fry
  Coxford_lou said:
I'm not.


It is good to know that there are still some posters on here that know where a line should be drawn but please don't get involved on my account. No doubt they will find another bone to chew on soon.

  sadoldgit said:
It is good to know that there are still some posters on here that know where a line should be drawn but please don't get involved on my account. No doubt they will find another bone to chew on soon.

I draw the line at consistently lying about other contributors to this forum, but that's something that is almost compulsion with you.


Still, you've absolutely mastered playing the victim card when anyone pulls you up on your compulsive lying as above, so well done you.


I had the misfortune to pick up a copy of the Mail on Sunday this morning whilst eating my breakfast in a transport café and there was an article in it which I didn't read but have just caught up with online. Here are some quotes from it. " Queens speech to be the most overtly Christian yet as monarchs Christmas message takes on a particular significance in the light of a year of ISIS-inspired attacks. Sources familiar with the broadcast say she will use her traditional speech to reflect on her personal faith as well as her belief in the continuing role of Christianity at the centre of British life, despite rising secularism. If people in this country gave greater heed to what the Queen says about the importance of Christianity in our personal as well as our national life, then we would be in a better place to confront it. The Queen will also be aware that Christians and others have faced unprecedented persecution over the last year in parts of the Middle East and could even face extinction."


I find that last sentence particularly interesting. Extinction?


I’m not sure what your question is implying, but it doesn’t seem that controversial to claim that Christian communities are being driven out of parts of the Middle East and Africa.


I’ve seen one authoritative report that claims that Christianity will be extinct in five years in Iraq unless there’s a dramatic turn of events. 120,000 Christians were forced out of Mosul and the surrounding areas when ISIS took over, and 100,000 were driven out of northern Nigeria as a result of Boko Haram’s murderous campaigns. Then there are other religious groups, like the Yazidis, whose beliefs include a form of Christianity, who have been systematically murdered, tortured and raped by ISIS. And a Greek-orthodox archbishop in Aleppo said earlier this year that his community faced imminent extinction.


In Pakistan, Christianity has always existed in the margins, for the simple reason that after Partition, the so-called ‘Untouchables’ adopted Christianity – so the religion has long been associated with the desperate poor. Now they are being targeted by Islamists with bombing campaigns and other forms of extreme harassment including the use of blasphemy laws - a kind of mob rule designed to hang anyone with differing religious views.


The Queen making a statement about all this won't change anything, but it does recognise a real crisis.


I suppose I was wondering whether the religion would become "extinct" because of persecution or "extinct" because the religion is quietly dying off, or a bit of both? I say dying off because in the same article there was also mention of the next coronation and whether that would be a Christian ceremony or a multi faith ceremony, or neither. We seem to be heading towards being a secular country, if we are not already. Is that down to the rise of multi faith communities or the decline of the Christian religion in this country?

  whelk said:


They're a danger to us all.


Mind you. A colleague recently called the police terror hotline after witnessing some very odd behaviour by some Muslims whilst walking his dog in a very white English area (wandering around a forest in religious gear carrying a rifle), he said they were utterly useless.

  holepuncture said:
They're a danger to us all.


Mind you. A colleague recently called the police terror hotline after witnessing some very odd behaviour by some Muslims whilst walking his dog in a very white English area (wandering around a forest in religious gear carrying a rifle), he said they were utterly useless.


People walking around in a forest carrying a rifle, hmmmm I wonder what they could have been up to?

  whelk said:


'Muslims "silent on terror."' Clearly not all of them if there have been around 300 community tip offs. Also, stating the obvious but it is not going to happen if people don't have any information to give up. Many of the friends and relatives of recent terrorists have said that they had no idea what they were involved in. If I were a terrorist the last thing I would do is to broadcast the fact to anyone not involved in my operations.

  sadoldgit said:
'Muslims "silent on terror."' Clearly not all of them if there have been around 300 community tip offs. Also, stating the obvious but it is not going to happen if people don't have any information to give up. Many of the friends and relatives of recent terrorists have said that they had no idea what they were involved in. If I were a terrorist the last thing I would do is to broadcast the fact to anyone not involved in my operations.


yet they do. that is part of the point of their aim

  sadoldgit said:
I see. So if you are planning to massacre people in Paris you go round telling all and sundry of your plans beforehand? Seriously?


they generally dont keep quiet

hence why our security services have generally kept us safe for over 10 years, despite hundreds of attempts.

some of the stories I have from my mate who works in the field you would clearly never ever believe (going from your posts on here)

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