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Saints 2 Leicester 2 Match Reaction

Mr X

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VVD has had almost 3 years of experience playing for Celtic and in Champions League.This has helped in adapting to the Premier League. I fear Clasie, like Memphas Depay at United and Eljero earlier, just aren't up to the pace, the physical game in the Premier League. I fear they are going to take a long time to integrate, if at all.

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VVD has had almost 3 years of experience playing for Celtic and in Champions League.This has helped in adapting to the Premier League. I fear Clasie, like Memphas Depay at United and Eljero earlier, just aren't up to the pace, the physical game in the Premier League. I fear they are going to take a long time to integrate, if at all.


As with earlier in this thread, I can't believe people are going to right Claise off after 30min when he has been out with injuries. He has barely played in the premier league and already he is Elia Mk II. This place is unbearable after a draw. Fanbase needs to get a grip, if we had won this game we would have been 5th, as it is we are doing pretty nicely given our start. We got a draw against one of the form sides of the division and 3 points at chelsea... Most fans would bite your hand off for 4points from those two games... But instead we are here laying into players because we can't understand that sometimes the whole team just have an off day or that the opposition were worth the point.

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As with earlier in this thread, I can't believe people are going to right Claise off after 30min when he has been out with injuries. He has barely played in the premier league and already he is Elia Mk II. This place is unbearable after a draw. Fanbase needs to get a grip, if we had won this game we would have been 5th, as it is we are doing pretty nicely given our start. We got a draw against one of the form sides of the division and 3 points at chelsea... Most fans would bite your hand off for 4points from those two games... But instead we are here laying into players because we can't understand that sometimes the whole team just have an off day or that the opposition were worth the point.

all because ART says he does not rate Clasie



I think you need to get a grip, mate

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There is a reason that Davis gets the nod before Gazzaniga and that is because he could do worse.

Then we need to get shot of both. I don't actually believe Gazza is currently any worse than KD, having seen him play a few u21 games. He is not great but he sure as hell can kick a ball.

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I don't see any comment on it, so perhaps it was a non-starter, but several in the Family centre including me, thought that Schmeichel had handled the ball outside of his area when he went to try and dispossess Mane who was going for a 50/50 ball on the edge of the area.


Apart from that, I concur with many of the opinions of others that we missed Davis when he went off, that Romeu might have been the better option than Rodrigues and that Clasie might well be a decent option for the future, but that match was too early for him.


We are too often in the habit of trying to pass the ball around the back and I've had enough of it, especially when it invites the other team forward onto our defence. When Leicester were pressing high with their tails up, it was crying out for balls over the top of the midfield, but there were hardly any. Mane had opportunities from two of them and might have scored from both the time he rounded Schmeichel and the time he attempted to lob him, but I can't recall any other opportunities from getting the ball over a packed midfield that they were dominating.


Full credit to Leicester though, who outfought and out thought us. What we also should have done though, was to learn to run the clock down when we are a goal up with just minutes to play.

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Apart from that, I concur with many of the opinions of others that we missed Davis when he went off, that Romeu might have been the better option than Rodrigues and that Clasie might well be a decent option for the future, but that match was too early for him.


One of our larger problems is that both Wanyama and Romeu are yellow card machines. I don't have a issue with "taking one for the team" but I have a big issue with some of the utterly stupid bookings both of them take all too often. We are on the verge of losing not just one of them to suspension but both of them, so I suspect that Ronald is trying to be very selective about putting Romeu out there. With hindsight, i think he might regret not putting him on for a tired-looking Wanyama who lost effectiveness the moment he was booked, and who never seemed to get over his first half knock.


We are too often in the habit of trying to pass the ball around the back and I've had enough of it, especially when it invites the other team forward onto our defence. When Leicester were pressing high with their tails up, it was crying out for balls over the top of the midfield, but there were hardly any.


The entire point of playing the ball around at the back is that it draws the opposition out. It normally serves us well and I hope we keep doing it, but not against sides playing like Leicester did in the second half. Our problem yesterday wasn't the generic concept of playing out from the back but failing to adjust when it was clear that playing the ball over the top was our best response to their pressing. Especially if Mané was the lethal outlet he's more than capable of being.


Mane had opportunities from two of them and might have scored from both the time he rounded Schmeichel and the time he attempted to lob him, but I can't recall any other opportunities from getting the ball over a packed midfield that they were dominating.


Unfortunately, Mané had one of his headless chicken days and some of his decision-making was ridiculous.

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Did you watch the game? I'm not sure KD reached the halfway line with any kick in the game? Your's might be a good Plan B but I spot a massive flaw ... KD should've kicked beyond their CB's ... I'm sure he'd have loved to!


Read it again, I said Pelle should have gone wide and Davis hit the ball over him and miss out their centre backs by hitting the ball wide not over them.

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Not sure playing the ball over the top, down the channels is anything but agricultural wishful thinking. Never mind that Leicester's fullbacks and covering midfielders (one a converted fullback) are no slouches.


Playing quickly through them to release the likes of Mané is another matter but our midfield was incapable of keeping the ball and the ball wasn't sticking to Pelle as it has done in other games.

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I thought we were lucky to get away with a draw. Once it went to 2-1 it was only going one way, I'm just glad they scored with such little time left.


Second half we had a collective nightmare with some very average performances . Fair play to Leicester , they were excellent second half . Mane trying to lob the keeper just about summed it up, I hope Ron dug him out and a few of the others. Felt a bit sorry for the back 4 because further up the pitch we didn't manage the game at all well. Tadic, hardly had a kick second half , Vic really poor , JWP back to his little boy lost routine, and Pelle had his worst 45 for a while.

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And the second goal would have been offside if not yoshida


If we are going to play him at full back then he needs to be drilled and practised in the role. The full back should pivot his position based on the centre halves and if the ball is on the other side of the pitch he should be just ahead of them and if the ball is his side then a few yards behind them. It was the same in the Man Utd game, he was dawdling around ball-watching and playing everybody onside. A specialist full back would position himself instinctively.

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Then we need to get shot of both. I don't actually believe Gazza is currently any worse than KD, having seen him play a few u21 games. He is not great but he sure as hell can kick a ball.


I agree. We don't have any real strength in depth in the gk dept.

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And the second goal would have been offside if not yoshida

straws, clutching, at...

It was marginal, down primarily to Kelv's awful kick.

A decent team would have been 3 or 4 ahead by this time, the number of chances our inept keeper/midfield/defence combo gifted them. Fortunately (for us) they were so bad at shooting, the only person having a hard time was the steward in the concourse between Blocks 43 & 44.

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And the second goal would have been offside if not yoshida

The officials were carp enough not to flag VVD so even if Maya had been standing in the other half they still wouldn't have flagged.

Get off the Guys back, there were bellends behind me blaming Yoshida for the bizarre back pass from Manė which nearly gave Vardy another free hit if he hadn't been surprised himself.

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Bizarre substitutions from Koeman, it has to be said. With Leicester building up a head of steam and playing a fast-paced pressing game, it was the worst possible time to throw on a midfielder who is completely lacking in match fitness. Clasie was way off the pace and don't think that experience will have done his confidence much good. Romeu had to be the better option in that situation to try and get back some control in midfield.


Credit to Leicester though - terrific performance from them in the 2nd half, although interesting that Ranieri gets credit for great subs at half time when it's baffling that he didn't pick Mahrez, by far their best player, from the start!

Edited by Saint Pete
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The officials were carp enough not to flag VVD so even if Maya had been standing in the other half they still wouldn't have flagged.

Get off the Guys back, there were bellends behind me blaming Yoshida for the bizarre back pass from Manė which nearly gave Vardy another free hit if he hadn't been surprised himself.


He was not the reason we lost the lead, but there were lots of little things wrong yesterday, and some not so little, and taken together they were enough to throw it away.

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Bizarre substitutions from Koeman, it has to be said. With Leicester building up a head of steam and playing a fast-paced pressing game, it was the worst possible time to throw on a midfielder who is completely lacking in match fitness. Clasie was way off the pace and don't think that experience will have done his confidence much good. Romeu had to be the better option in that situation to try and get back some control in midfield.


Credit to Leicester though - terrific performance from them in the 2nd half, although interesting that Ranieri gets credit for great subs at half time when it's baffling that he didn't pick Mahrez, by far their best player, from the start!


Completely agree on the Clasie/Romeu front, we locked the game down against Swansea by shoring up the DM position, I guess he felt 2 goals was enough of a buffer to get Clasie some low-risk game time. Leicester were excellent second half though, I looked at the clock the first time we had the ball on the floor in midfield without a Leicester player immediately closing down and it was Wanyama on about 70 minutes. Even with all that we somehow managed to get to 90 still in front due to some dodgy finishing on their part and with Mahrez and Dyer running us ragged.


As for Yoshida, any full back playing a striker onside when they can't get to the ball needs to take a long look at himself - though Kelvin's awful goal kick, low and directly to a Leicester player in 10 yards of space, didn't help us at all.

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Which says even less for the decision to give him another 4 year deal.


Utterly amazing really.


How? Gazzaniga is clearly one for the future, he's obviously not costing us as much to keep as another keeper would to sign, he might save us a fortune and if he doesn't work out he's at worst going to get sold to a Championship side which will recoup plenty of the cost. Fairly sure if Gazzaniga hadn't already had a dodgy experience against Leicester last season he'd have been the starter. And let's not forget we're debating third and fourth choice keepers here.

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When you are 2 - 0 up you continue attacking.Don't think we did that.Just think,a win would have in fifth this morning!


We brought Romeu on against Swansea and completely shut the game down.


Can't say I'm too worried about it, Leicester just showed why they're where they are (in the second half), and also why they're not going to be there at the end of the season (in the first).

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How? Gazzaniga is clearly one for the future, he's obviously not costing us as much to keep as another keeper would to sign, he might save us a fortune and if he doesn't work out he's at worst going to get sold to a Championship side which will recoup plenty of the cost. Fairly sure if Gazzaniga hadn't already had a dodgy experience against Leicester last season he'd have been the starter. And let's not forget we're debating third and fourth choice keepers here.


Costs shouldnt be a factor, wouldnt break the bank to have a better backup keeper as your no2. Would be amazed if we made decisions because someone was cheap, given its costs points (which cost money) every year we have had Davis and Gazza as backup.


Third and fourth choice? Obviously second and third in reality. As they were last season.


Don't see why a game against Leicester last season makes any difference.


You wouldn't drop Mane if we play Sheff Utd in the FA Cup because he didnt play well against them before.


The coaches still don't think he is first team ready, which is a concern when the competition is a 39 year old Davis and Gazza is nearly 24!

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So nobody feels that it is worthwhile commenting on whether Schmeichel was outside his area when he tried to get to the ball before Mane?



To far away to see with my eye sight but as Mane's chances didn't even make it on to MOTD I figure there was nothing in it. I'm sure they would have shown it in the highlights if it was an obvious handball by the keeper?

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So nobody feels that it is worthwhile commenting on whether Schmeichel was outside his area when he tried to get to the ball before Mane?

Schmeichel got nowhere near it. Mane should have killed the game (see the highlights on the OS at 12.40)

By the way VvD's goal should have been disallowed. He was clearly offside when he hit the post and probably marginally offside when he actually scored. Big mistake by the officials which fortunately went our way.

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Schmeichel got nowhere near it. Mane should have killed the game (see the highlights on the OS at 12.40)

By the way VvD's goal should have been disallowed. He was clearly offside when he hit the post and probably marginally offside when he actually scored. Big mistake by the officials which fortunately went our way.


Way offside as it first hit the post and what happened just after is not relevant.


Manéwas very self-indulgent

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Without wishing to lament indefinitely, they've just showed the equalising goal on MNF, and the kick from Kelvin looks every bit as mental as it did at the time (even Neville commented). Crazy stuff.


The thing is Kelvin's kicking has never been great, he has been at the club along time, and the players and coaches see his kicking at every training session. Given this why did we not adjust our game plan accordingly for this match? Rather than going for the attempted long ball on to Pelle's head to play it short to VVD or Fonte (who can launch a big kick if that's what you want to do) to play out from the back more or knowing his kicking would barely reach the half way line get Romeu in the middle and get Pelle to drop deeper to try and win the aerial balls in midfield.

Edited by doddisalegend
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We have been really unlucky on the goalkeeping front.


I can't remember any other team having such a goalkeeping crisis which crosses over from season to season.


That said, we have the resources to attract a good back-up keeper. We should have learned from our 1st season but it seems like the mistake repeats itself again and again.

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We have been really unlucky on the goalkeeping front.


I can't remember any other team having such a goalkeeping crisis which crosses over from season to season.


That said, we have the resources to attract a good back-up keeper. We should have learned from our 1st season but it seems like the mistake repeats itself again and again.


It's not really down to luck. The GK position is so essential to any team and there will be injuries and suspensions throughout a season and for 4 years straight now we've failed to address something which has been very obvious. We haven't had too many crisis' from what I recall. Obviously Forster out for so long is a big blow be we've shown we can attract decent cover but having your back-up keeper coming in for the odd game or few shouldn't constitute a crisis unless the back-up you have is desperately poor.

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The thing is Kelvin's kicking has never bee great, he has been at the club along time, and the players and coaches see his kicking at every training session. Given this why did we not adjust our game plan accordingly for this match? Rather than going for the attempted long ball on to Pelle's head to play it short to VVD or Fonte (who can launch a big kick if that's what you want to do) to play out from the back more or knowing his kicking would barely reach the half way line get Romeu in the middle and get Pelle to drop deeper to try and win the aerial balls in midfield.


I rather suspect that Kelvin's woeful performance came as a bit of a surprise to everybody.

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I rather suspect that Kelvin's woeful performance came as a bit of a surprise to everybody.


I'm assuming that this is sarcasm.


Kelvin was one of the primary reasons we lost the lead and gave the ball straight back to the opposition so often throughout the game. Leicester (well done Ranieri) spotted that his kicking was woeful and in the second half instructed Dyer and Mahrez to cut off the short passes to both full backs whenever he had the ball whilst Vardy closed him down.


Even with the ball in his hands he kept on rolling it out to Wanyama as if 1) he was Schneiderlin and 2) we were still in the Championship and under no pressure at all.


He's been a terrible goalkeeper and a massive weakness throughout his time at Saints. Happily enough we've had, throughout the good years in the lower leagues, a strong enough defence to protect him/a midfield that dominated possession and meant that he was never tested + an attack that could outscore the opposition even if we did concede.


Hopefully Koeman is dispassionate and objective enough not to have his observations clouded by sentiment and will have the nerve to replace old Kelv asap.

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It's not really down to luck. The GK position is so essential to any team and there will be injuries and suspensions throughout a season and for 4 years straight now we've failed to address something which has been very obvious. We haven't had too many crises from what I recall. Obviously Forster out for so long is a big blow be we've shown we can attract decent cover but having your back-up keeper coming in for the odd game or few shouldn't constitute a crises unless the back-up you have is desperately poor.


Maybe using crisis there is an overstatement, but I can't remember many teams having to play their 3 keepers in the league in the same season!

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True should have kept going but if that (Mane's lob) had gone in....


Then it would have been because Schmeichel overbalanced and fell over whilst backpeddling or something.


If Mane had got his lob absolutely perfectly on target, it still wouldn't have gone in as Schmeichel had gotten back well on time.


Truly one of the most asinine decisions I've ever seen on a football pitch.

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I'm assuming that this is sarcasm.


Kelvin was one of the primary reasons we lost the lead and gave the ball straight back to the opposition so often throughout the game. Leicester (well done Ranieri) spotted that his kicking was woeful and in the second half instructed Dyer and Mahrez to cut off the short passes to both full backs whenever he had the ball whilst Vardy closed him down.


Even with the ball in his hands he kept on rolling it out to Wanyama as if 1) he was Schneiderlin and 2) we were still in the Championship and under no pressure at all.


He's been a terrible goalkeeper and a massive weakness throughout his time at Saints. Happily enough we've had, throughout the good years in the lower leagues, a strong enough defence to protect him/a midfield that dominated possession and meant that he was never tested + an attack that could outscore the opposition even if we did concede.


Hopefully Koeman is dispassionate and objective enough not to have his observations clouded by sentiment and will have the nerve to replace old Kelv asap.


Not really sarcasm but I suspect that his 'performance' was a lot worse than the management might have expected. I agree, he was awful and when I saw that he was playing I was prepared for a couple of goals to go in down by his feet but not that he couldn't or wouldn't catch a ball that came within a few feet of him nor that he wouldn't be able to kick it beyond the halfway line. If he has been playing like that in training then putting him in the team was a disgrace. He was never the greatest of goalkeepers but last Saturday he looked as if he hadn't even touched a ball for a couple of years and had been brought in that morning from sitting in his back garden. I'm sure he wasn't this bad the last time that he played for us. When was that, by the way?


I have enough faith in Ron to be confident that he will address this situation as soon as it is practicable.

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Then it would have been because Schmeichel overbalanced and fell over whilst backpeddling or something.


If Mane had got his lob absolutely perfectly on target, it still wouldn't have gone in as Schmeichel had gotten back well on time.


Truly one of the most asinine decisions I've ever seen on a football pitch.


Yup, absolutely. He deserves a big bollocking for that, and also for the ridiculous back-pass when he tried to set up their centre-forward.

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Then it would have been because Schmeichel overbalanced and fell over whilst backpeddling or something.


If Mane had got his lob absolutely perfectly on target, it still wouldn't have gone in as Schmeichel had gotten back well on time.


Truly one of the most asinine decisions I've ever seen on a football pitch.


Schmeichel was nowhere near getting back to save the lob had it been on target. His Dad was closer to the goal line when famously Le Tiss lobbed him than his son was on Saturday. My vantage point was the Chapel/Kingsland corner, which provided a decent perspective of where Schmeichel was when the ball was struck and where he was when it went over him.

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Schmeichel was nowhere near getting back to save the lob had it been on target. His Dad was closer to the goal line when famously Le Tiss lobbed him than his son was on Saturday. My vantage point was the Chapel/Kingsland corner, which provided a decent perspective of where Schmeichel was when the ball was struck and where he was when it went over him.


He would have got it, it was nowhere near going in and Schmeichel got back to the line before the ball went over the bar.

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So it wasn't all Kelvin's fault then?



Of course it wasn't but people need a scapegoat and Kelvin is the easy target. They're was a whole load of under par performances across the team which Kelvin's kicking wasn't helping but certainly having Kelvin in goal wasn't the only reason we let a two goal lead slide.

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