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Posted (edited)
£172million is what we OVERSPENT on Foreign Aid last year by mistake - as sneaked out by the Government on Friday. That's enough to keep Port Talbot steel plant alive for six months


Why do the political classes still insist that we can afford to send nearly £1billion per month in aid to countries with space programmes and burgeoning middle classes whilst hard-working UK taxpayers struggle with the rising cost of living, face the likely prospect of never seeing a state pension and are burdened with the largest national debt in history?


Wasn't it Gandhi that, when visiting the slums of London before the war who suggested that Britain should consider treating it's own poor before interfering abroad? Does make you mad though. So as Whitey Grandad says, he doesn't want working taxpayers to pay for the weakest in society...surely this is worse? It's not even our society.


Also, before anyone harks in, this isn't against a left-wing opinion as, for example, the Labour party were totally against the EU until they realised it offered better worker's rights than what Thatcher was offering so believing it right and proper to help the poorest in our society (and not use the money we use to support them as a cash cow to fund rich people's tax cuts) as opposed to someone else's is perfectly acceptable.

Edited by Hockey_saint
£172million is what we OVERSPENT on Foreign Aid last year by mistake - as sneaked out by the Government on Friday. That's enough to keep Port Talbot steel plant alive for six months


Why do the political classes still insist that we can afford to send nearly £1billion per month in aid to countries with space programmes and burgeoning middle classes whilst hard-working UK taxpayers struggle with the rising cost of living, face the likely prospect of never seeing a state pension and are burdened with the largest national debt in history?


Foreign aid isn't about helping people, it's all about political influence. With this lot in charge, I'm surprised that we're not sending it to Saudi Arabia and China.

Foreign aid isn't about helping people, it's all about political influence. With this lot in charge, I'm surprised that we're not sending it to Saudi Arabia and China.


Are we not?

Quite, which is why the Conservatives and their multinational backers doubling the employment tribunal limit and introducing fees was a disgraceful thing to do, even if I've agreed with certain elements of their other policies. I'm sure you'll fully agree with me on this.

Er... no.


How do employment tribunals help the government? There were too many people making vexatious claims.

Wasn't it Gandhi that, when visiting the slums of London before the war who suggested that Britain should consider treating it's own poor before interfering abroad? Does make you mad though. So as Whitey Grandad says, he doesn't want working taxpayers to pay for the weakest in society...surely this is worse? It's not even our society.


Also, before anyone harks in, this isn't against a left-wing opinion as, for example, the Labour party were totally against the EU until they realised it offered better worker's rights than what Thatcher was offering so believing it right and proper to help the poorest in our society (and not use the money we use to support them as a cash cow to fund rich people's tax cuts) as opposed to someone else's is perfectly acceptable.

Don't misquote me when it isn't true.

I really don't understand which world you live in.


Where do you think the government gets its money from? I repeat, from the poor bloody workers.


Seems pretty clear to everyone with such a vacuous response there that it is true.

And India , that has a space program . We also send aid to countries that send aid to other countries


the fear is, a government getting absolutely slaughtered in the press/media for cutting and withdrawing foreign aid. The Guardian with the SNP/Labour/Lib dems/Greens would go full throttle into the Tory's if they did

the fear is, a government getting absolutely slaughtered in the press/media for cutting and withdrawing foreign aid. The Guardian with the SNP/Labour/Lib dems/Greens would go full throttle into the Tory's if they did


I hope they do. But to be fair, what would be gained out of it? IDS has already stated quite clearly, until he was stopped by his own backbenchers....(this doesn't make him innocent) that the chancellor wanted to use money to care for the weakest in society as a "cashcow" to fund tax cuts for the richest. So considering his attempted treatment of his own needy, why should this be any different? "austerity in a *caring* society" indeed. I think the problem is this country is far too gone with Thatcherism to return and that was my issue above "what about us workers who pay for it in our taxes!!!" total '80's greed is good attitude that's unfortunately common today

Posted (edited)

There will soon be a crisis with small businesses in this country. The government are hellbent on shrinking welfare and transferring the responsibility onto small businesses who they then demonise by accusing them of avarice. Schools and particularly nursery school have been hit terribly. Some schools have seen hundreds of thousands wiped from their funding due to the latest budget and have no option but to sack staff.


Nurseries have been treated disgracefully but the government have succeeded in framing it as "free childcare" with Sam Giymah criticising the sector for failing to work with him (ha!) when they've seen a drop in their funding in the majority of cases whilst being asked to provide higher wages across the board, new pension contributions, unchanged business rates and they are no longer able to subsidise all of this because their ability to charge what they like has been effectively removed by the government forcing 30 hours through (double what was previously offered.) Labour's proposals are even worse, with even higher wage increases to be pulled out of thin air. The choice is very simple to my mind- remove the 30 "free" hours PR and allow nurseries the ability to charge enough so that they can afford to pay their staff and everything else or fund the system properly.


I urge everyone to watch the video on here which explains it very well and maybe some people will understand better about why we will soon be facing a crisis with many nurseries likely to close in the near future:



Edited by hypochondriac
Er... no.


How do employment tribunals help the government? There were too many people making vexatious claims.


You were asking for workers to be helped so I pointed out a way in which they had been taken further from being able to potentially access redress from the small but persistent minority of illegal employment behaviour. You are right on one thing though, even if you've provided zero evidence that vexatious claims have decreased since the fees were introduced, that it hasn't helped the government but it has helped their wealthy donors, not the hard working SMEs and other engine rooms of the economy.


By the way, how's take up of that other ideological wheeze supposed to deregulate the labour market going? That's right, the Beecroft Review? Barely double figures took it up as both companies and employees knew it was garbage, that and it was designed by a loan shark.

  • 2 weeks later...
Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. "it's all those thick idiots who believe all that right wing stuff." heaven forbid that people weighed things up and made an intelligent choice that the labour party simply were not the party they wanted to lead the country (and they still aren't.) it's your attitude primarily that turns people off from the left.


Have you not seen that Donald Trump quote as to why if he ever run it would be as a Republican?

£12billion extra for GP services over the next five years. A good thing surely?

Isn't this part of the existing NHS budget? The allocation of funds seems to have been announced by the NHS not the government so it's not extra money for the NHS.


Always happy to see the NHS properly funded but this just an announcement by the NHS as to how they're spending some of their budget isn't it?

Isn't this part of the existing NHS budget? The allocation of funds seems to have been announced by the NHS not the government so it's not extra money for the NHS.


Always happy to see the NHS properly funded but this just an announcement by the NHS as to how they're spending some of their budget isn't it?


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