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Knee jerk posts on facebook

Mr Biscuits

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Anyone sick and tired of seeing the fake bullsh£t posts on Facebook?


The 'xxxx is a child abusers share if you think they should be in prison'

'This baby has cancer Facebook will donate for every share'


Especially all the 'pick emotive picture, add agenda driven statement, share if you agree'



What happened to people? Why does no one question the truth of things anymore?

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This Facebook post made me laugh:


Be the first person ever on facebook to say you don't don't worship your * kids/dad/mum/grandma/wife/husband/aunt/uncle/cousin/niece/nephew/step son/step daughter/dog walker/post man/lolly pop granny/best friend by saying publicly you think they are ****wits and clueless ****s but you are stuck with them (unfortunately). Go on!

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There is some spam message going around about privacy settings at the mo. Some bullsh*t about, "I xxxxx hereby do not give permission for Facebook to distribute my photos blah blah blah... if you do not post this as your status ISIS paedophiles working in collaboration with greedy tax evading bankers will come and bum you in your sleep" or something.


The $1 for one like are the worst though. Like Facebook are sadistic enough to say, "well we could give $100,000 to fight povetry but we only have 20,000 likes so we wont."

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I don't really get any of these types of messages on facebook. I use the simple strategy of only being friends with actual friends and not desperately adding every **** I've ever met.


When I first signed up I pretty much added everyone I knew in my year at school. Then I grew to realise that most of them were infact a bunch of tools and eventually whittled it down to about 10.


Well yes, however you don't have any choice what said friends post.


I tend to 'unfollow' repeat offenders in the bullsh*t dept. This includes my cousins who I can't really delete but have no interest in the sh*te they post every day. One of them posts a continuing stream of, "this Chinaman skinned a dog alive and ate his legs whilst he was still barking, like if you think it's outrageous." The other is, "all men are such a bunch of tw*ts!" followed half an hour later by, "OMG I have the best bf ever!"

Edited by Lighthouse
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Tbh I tend to follow Lighthouses example - unfollow when it gets too much.


I don't send friend requests out to the whole world, just certain people. One guy managed to last a day before I couldn't stand it any longer.


I dunno, I guess I'm genuinely interested in what my friends are doing, just get annoyed occasionally at having to wade through mountains of endless sh!t to get to the interesting bits

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A personal favourite is the Britain First garbage with a picture of some forgotten war hero left on the street to be forgotten about. Of course, some pesky immigrants from Syria have been given his 5 bedroom detached house and it's an OUTRAGE!!

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More like ******book...


Let's fight cancer - if you don't pass this on it means you love cancer!

Plus all the racist scaremonger stories about made-up shops refusing to serve imaginary soldiers, or terrorists trying to get cricket banned, myths happily promoted by thousands of simpletons.

It's like Fox News and their campaign to tell America that Birmingham is under Islamic law and no one British is allowed in the city.


The most worrying aspect is the number of people out there who question nothing - and by endorsing stuff they just promote hate and ********, fueled by their own stupidity.


I firmly believe that the only way we can prevent this is by randomly passing between us a low-res stock image of a candle of hope.

I heard that one guy didn't pass it on and his genitals went bad and he died, another bloke did pass it on and he won the lottery, the very same day.

Do the right thing.

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I very rarely share anything on Facebook by request, and I never like, if 'like if you agree' is the request.


I have never seen any message that asks that the message be shared amongst all your friends that wasn't either a hoax or just the Facebook equivalent of a chain letter.


The thing today about privacy is laughable.


If only people would Google the subject matter before posting willy nilly.


I joined FB to keep in touch with old friends and colleagues, not to be lectured on politics, etc but as in life there are complete morons, so Facebook is naturally going to have morons

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Oh and I forgot to mention the heartfelt message to my parents/dog/cat/hamster etc (all long since deceased) telling them how much I miss them despite the fact that they don't read any more, on account of death preventing them from doing so.


I will in future be taking pictures of my bowl of porridge in the morning and posting that though

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I particularly enjoy the personal message of appreciation of a person telling them how wonderful they are posted in a public forum so all the other facebook users get to see how amazing they are too.


Thanks for that, I am not sure if they are showing off, but to see this lowers my opinion of them.


Typing your own message is understandable I guess but then there are the lazy copy paste stock image type.


Please I do not need to fetch up my dinner because you like someone. But then these types of people generally will also break up on social media so we get to revel in the mud slinging which can be entertaining. And the point scoring which is generally both parties racking up increasingly negative scores.

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Fair point, however it is a good way of keeping in contact with old school friends. (One of which said contacts got me laid this weekend so all is well with the world)


Email, text message, phone call [remember them?], meeting down the pub / at footy / somewhere else - all good ways of keeping in contact with old friends. This way you get to speak to all the ones you like and don't have to listen to / read all their pointless diatribes when you really can't be bothered...


After all, that is how we used to keep in touch with people before facebook was around....

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Email, text message, phone call [remember them?], meeting down the pub / at footy / somewhere else - all good ways of keeping in contact with old friends. This way you get to speak to all the ones you like and don't have to listen to / read all their pointless diatribes when you really can't be bothered...


After all, that is how we used to keep in touch with people before facebook was around....



Facebook (and Twitter) are just a pain, really want to delete my accounts, however; I tend to use Facebook for messaging friends rather than texts and it IS good for arranging group meetings and events. So until something else is mainstream that is good for events, then Facebook works.


I do also like the car crash viewing and having something to moan about with bad grammar, stupid shared things and ridiculous unfounded statements, complete with a picture to 'prove it'.


Generally I used LinkedIn a lot for work as that's a social media platform that is actually helpful. But I've noticed this ridiculous behaviour creeping on there too so I've started removing connections who do this.

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Email, text message, phone call [remember them?], meeting down the pub / at footy / somewhere else - all good ways of keeping in contact with old friends. This way you get to speak to all the ones you like and don't have to listen to / read all their pointless diatribes when you really can't be bothered...


After all, that is how we used to keep in touch with people before facebook was around....


My old man was in the army which meant I got slung into a private school which means that my old school friends live far and wide. Plus I've moved round a bit myself so family aren't close by either. We each live a different life, for me Facebook is a great method of staying in touch and seeing the people I want to stay in touch with.

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My old man was in the army which meant I got slung into a private school which means that my old school friends live far and wide. Plus I've moved round a bit myself so family aren't close by either. We each live a different life, for me Facebook is a great method of staying in touch and seeing the people I want to stay in touch with.


Absolutely, as an ex serviceman, Facebook has been fantastic for helping us organise ex Service reunions for some of my old ships and bases. We've done Hong Kong reunions, Falkands Veteran reunions and all sorts. Very useful for that kind of stuff, but very often I hark back to the days when you had to configure your own internet connections manually, typing in IP addresses and subnet stuff. This meant that only people of a relatively high IQ could get online, then AOL came along and spoiled it with automatic set ups and it was spoiled for ever by halfwits

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The most worrying aspect is the number of people out there who question nothing - and by endorsing stuff they just promote hate and ********, fueled by their own stupidity.


Yep, it appears that a large number of people I went to school with fall into this category. Only last week I had to delete yet another old school friend after he got upset when I pointed out to him that the image he posted about illegal immigrants receiving 5 times as much in benefits as OAPs is completely untrue. The use of the word 'illegal' should really be enough of a clue for most people to think "hang on a minute", but when people's political and social beliefs are already geared towards a particular way of thinking, I find that inconvenient things like facts are often met with anger and aggression. Whilst I acknowledge that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, it's fair to state that if you are going to go on a public forum such as Facebook and express an opinion that is based on outright lies, then don't be surprised when people stand up and challenge it.


"Do you have the guts to share this?" is a common phrase seen on these posts. It doesn't take guts, it takes a special blend of stupidity and a pre-existing prejudice to believe everything you read on the internet and willingly pass it on. They obviously didn't do a very good job of teaching critical thinking at my old school.

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I was one of the early users of Facebook I think. Back then, you needed an email address with a higher education suffix to register (.ac.uk, for example).


It was a social network, not a dumping ground for the empty minds of the great unwashed.


I no longer use it. If I was single I would though, for accessing flange.

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