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Out sung again


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A wall of silence from the 2700 Saints fans yesterday. Incredibly frustrating when we were on top (if not performing brilliantly), and some real vocal support could have made a difference.


Other than Midtjylland at home, I make that every single game this season that we have been out sung by the opposition and, like yesterday, that hasn't been because the opposition fans are particularly loud.


It seems over the last couple of seasons that while numbers travelling have gone up, the amount of chanting has gone well down. Not great at home either, and Man Utd fans will embarrass us next Sunday (as per).


What can be done about it?

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A wall of silence from the 2700 Saints fans yesterday. Incredibly frustrating when we were on top (if not performing brilliantly), and some real vocal support could have made a difference.


Other than Midtjylland at home, I make that every single game this season that we have been out sung by the opposition and, like yesterday, that hasn't been because the opposition fans are particularly loud.


It seems over the last couple of seasons that while numbers travelling have gone up, the amount of chanting has gone well down. Not great at home either, and Man Utd fans will embarrass us next Sunday (as per).


What can be done about it?



Get relegated.

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Coming back up through the divisions we had more songs that are no longer appropriate, it's been whittled down to 2 or 3 tedious chants now, none more so than the droning much overdone slow OWTS. No blood and guts to lift the team, we've "only got one song".


I end up moaning every week, our 'support' is genuinely w*nk now. Not sure what can be done about it but the whole make-up of the type of people in our away ends has changed from League One/Championship days.

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I think the sales criteria doesn't always help (not saying it is wrong as I don't have an answer). Due to the daft we are likely to sell out most games the tickets are staggered based on loyalty meaning difficult to buy tickets next to pals always. Not the only reason it's flat but doesn't help

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Seems vocal support has minimal impact on performance even with home advantage. If you want to influence the game, concentrate on the ref. Managers do it, players do it. Put refs under pressure and we might just influence a few key decisions.



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I end up moaning every week, our 'support' is genuinely w*nk now. Not sure what can be done about it but the whole make-up of the type of people in our away ends has changed from League One/Championship days.


Seem to be fewer chavs now, f'sure.


Also, what on earth was the steel drum, reggae nonsense at the start? Odd.

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If you look around at an away game, there's only ever around half the people singing along, most just aren't fussed about making an atmosphere. Also doesn't help that all our songs are fairly short and OWTS always fades out after being sped up. Would be good if we could get OWTS going for a while like itchen north do.

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A wall of silence from the 2700 Saints fans yesterday. Incredibly frustrating when we were on top (if not performing brilliantly), and some real vocal support could have made a difference.


Other than Midtjylland at home, I make that every single game this season that we have been out sung by the opposition and, like yesterday, that hasn't been because the opposition fans are particularly loud.


It seems over the last couple of seasons that while numbers travelling have gone up, the amount of chanting has gone well down. Not great at home either, and Man Utd fans will embarrass us next Sunday (as per).


What can be done about it?[/quote Loads of singing yesterday ! You must be deaf .

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Funny that people take the p*ss out of Leicester for the clappers but their support is much louder even if they didn't have that. Brilliant fans. By the way.. thought we outsung the Norwich fans at sms. Not an achievement though.


I would never want clappers or a drum. Noise for noise sake.


Atmosphere is made by people making a bit of noise to get behind their team. It's not complicated or in need of fads.

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It's getting worse every season. Twice this season I have been told to quieten down by a supporter. It all comes down to ticket pricing, less and less working class people can afford to go. People more likely to drink, and make a day of things. It's why most teams support is on a downward spiral. Doesn't make anyone less of a supporter but will affect the Atmosphere.

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I find it interesting how there is always so much whinging about the lack of singing, and yet if all of the people doing the whinging were at the game, why didn't you do anything about it? Nobody has exclusivity on being allowed to start songs. People seem to want to complain about other fans more than they want to support the team themselves at times.


Perfect example in Denmark, handful of ****ed-up lads next to me, spent the ENTIRE 90 minutes slagging off everyone else, singing "our support is ****ing ****", and yet if they'd started a single proper song everyone would have joined in. As it was, all they (rightly, IMO) got was a volley of abuse.

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Funny that people take the p*ss out of Leicester for the clappers but their support is much louder even if they didn't have that. Brilliant fans. By the way.. thought we outsung the Norwich fans at sms. Not an achievement though.


It's easy to sing when you're doing aswell as they are. See how much they sing when the luck starts going against them. Man Utd have the loudest fans in the country so hardly surprising that they'll out sing us next week.

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I find it interesting how there is always so much whinging about the lack of singing, and yet if all of the people doing the whinging were at the game, why didn't you do anything about it? Nobody has exclusivity on being allowed to start songs. People seem to want to complain about other fans more than they want to support the team themselves at times.


Perfect example in Denmark, handful of ****ed-up lads next to me, spent the ENTIRE 90 minutes slagging off everyone else, singing "our support is ****ing ****", and yet if they'd started a single proper song everyone would have joined in. As it was, all they (rightly, IMO) got was a volley of abuse.


There is a bit of a mix...obviously those guys in Denmark were amusing, having not started singing anything before starting to moan endlessly.


There do seem to be a view people trying to start songs, but there is less and less take up (even OWTS yesterday was a pile of crap more often than not). I'm not sure what the answer is, which is why I ended with a question, but some relevant points do seem to be reserved seats (which means singers can't gather together) and lack of decent songs to sing.


I would agree there are plenty of whingers that have never tried to start a song and then end up moaning. But it's not as easy as just to say "just start one, then"....because even the ones that are started seem to have fewer people joining in with them.


And to Gammon Cheeks: lol.

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A wall of silence from the 2700 Saints fans yesterday. Incredibly frustrating when we were on top (if not performing brilliantly), and some real vocal support could have made a difference.


Other than Midtjylland at home, I make that every single game this season that we have been out sung by the opposition and, like yesterday, that hasn't been because the opposition fans are particularly loud.


It seems over the last couple of seasons that while numbers travelling have gone up, the amount of chanting has gone well down. Not great at home either, and Man Utd fans will embarrass us next Sunday (as per).


What can be done about it?



Loads of singing yesterday ! You must be deaf .



Err. No he is not!!!

One of our group was sat in with home fans around halfway line. He said we were loud at the start of the game and when SRL went off.


The problem is...

1. We sing players songs, but they come and go. So we have to keep reinventing new ones. We should chant more about the club or the city.

2. Anyone who comes up with suggestions, songs or ideas on here, get shot down by the opinionated, vocal minority.

3. We have some saying... "If we had Ultras, or drums I will stop going". Your choice mate, but a few folks said the same at C.Palace. ...and is Selhurst now empty? Is Swansea Empty? Is Leicester empty?

4. Ffs... Slow the chants down. When the WBA drum started with "xxxxx, blue army"... Our numpties even tried to join in and succeeded in chanting faster than the drummer. Once again the songs faded to zilch as the numpties tried clapping at 100 mph.


Bungle was spot on. Our vocal support was and apart from Arnhem away, has been cringeworthy.


I am ashamed to say, MU will come down to SMS and show us how its done.



Any ULTRAS out there? Don't worry.... apparently the anti-anything-brigade won't turn up now, so dont be concerned what they say on here.




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Man Utd have the loudest fans in the country so hardly surprising that they'll out sing us next week.


A myth. They fit the "only sing when you're winning" category better than any other set of fans around, and will prove it next week. If we take the lead you'll be able to hear a pin drop in their end

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From listening on Solent saints sounded good and didn't get ousung yesterday


Strange really as that is the impression that I got too. The Radio Solent made reference to it several times. OWTS was loud and clear and not necessary for them to say that it was the Saints fans making all the noise. Particularly good was the reception that Lambert got when he was substituted when it was clearly our song for him that was audible and every word clearly heard.


It might be that the Solent commentary team were situated close to our fans of course, but if they weren't, then there doesn't seem to be any basis for complaint.

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Their away support is the best there is and has been for many years.


When they're winning.


I remember being at SMS when they won 3-2 (RVP hattrick) and their support was summed up very well that day. Ok to start, go behind and complete silence. Equalise. Go behind again. Complete silence. Win in stoppage time and are then very loud.


Always the same with them. They sing when they're winning, and because they've had very good sides for a long time they have been winning quite a lot.


No different to the majority of away support in this country

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When they're winning.


I remember being at SMS when they won 3-2 (RVP hattrick) and their support was summed up very well that day. Ok to start, go behind and complete silence. Equalise. Go behind again. Complete silence. Win in stoppage time and are then very loud.


Always the same with them. They sing when they're winning, and because they've had very good sides for a long time they have been winning quite a lot


True, they have generally been supporting a winning side, but I can't agree their support is not that good. Home true, but not away!


Their range of songs are immense and they chant them for much longer than the few seconds our chants last.

Will see next w/e.

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We might have sounded louder than West Brom yesterday but that was more to do with them not singing than us making a lot of noise.


At least next week we can trot out the highly original "do you come from Manchester" routine to stop the Man Utd juggernaut of songs firmly in its tracks.

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This is a video of United fans while they were 4-0 down to MK Dons.



And I'm sure I could find you a video of Sunderland fans singing when 8 down against us. Or a video of our fans when getting thumped somewhere. Pretty ridiculous to take a freak one off game of that nature to generalise from.


You'll see it next weekend. They'll sing a bit whilst it's level, if they go behind they'll be silent, if they're in front they'll sing. Just like the support of 99% of clubs in this country. The same as Chelsea, Spurs, Villa, Everton etc etc. It's the nature of supporters in this country. Sing when you're winning. Just about every club is the same, so I find it strange why threads like these get started

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This is a video of United fans while they were 4-0 down to MK Dons.



Hmm. Great support but its largely been earned through having years upon years of success to brag about and enduring no real hardship as a football club. Barcelona have excellent support as well, as do Bayern Munich.


They're essentially just thoroughly spoiled. Nothing bad about that if your fans are from Manchester, but a ****tonne of them are of course, from absolutely nowhere near. They support United because they're the biggest, bestest and greatest club in the World(®)*


I sometimes like to confront United plastics by telling them that if I were to say that I were a Barcelona fan and I remember watching when 'we' beat United in the CL final 3-1, this would be no less ridiculous than the United fans from Woking saying the same thing regarding Man U.


It also gets my goat when their generic response to 'We support our local team' is 'you support your local ****', because that's precisely the point fans are making.


United are a big club and have had fortunes to spend largely because the of the absolute mass of glory-hunting ******s that abound on this planet who don't want to knuckle down and earn success at a local level, but instead, ride the coattails of those who've already earned it; and when United come out with chants like that which essentially defend precisely that attitude, it really does reek of hypocrisy when they criticise City for being the new beneficiaries of football's globalisation which is of course, owed to exactly the same thing.


This is why Manchester City are almost a second team to me now. Everyone else has to deal with supporting a local team who has a cap on what it can achieve, except for United who want to be the best and most successful club forever whilst saying that they deserve their higher spending power by pointing out that its all because they've been successful in the past (knowing full well that absolutely no-one can possibly challenge their repeatedly inherited 'footballing wealth and success').


This of course, can only really be challenged with the injection of endless trunks of money; the kind of which that City and Chelsea have brought into the league. And whilst it may have come from afar, its owed to precisely the same contemptible human trait of bandwagon-jumping, glory-hunting, fickle, smug-****ishness-that-needs-to claim-victory-for-something-that-has-nothing-to-do-with-them that United would be (and for a long time, were) more than happy to be the beneficiaries of if it favoured them.


A friend of mine in China sent our Whatsapp group a picture of five young men all in a row, all with 'Kun Aguero' on the back of their City shirts at a bar in Shanghai. United's fans from Reading, S****horpe, Plymouth, Cardiff and Bristol (that they're quite happy to embrace) are absolutely no different to the Chinese glory hunters.


So it looks like United will, delightfully, have to come to terms with the fact that they too will have a 'station' in football above which they cannot possibly hope to progress. Something that they would have no problem with whatsoever if it weren't for the fact that they probably won't be uncontested at the very top ever again.


Just over two years ago I made a smug and confident prediction that City and Chelsea would win at least 8 of the next 10 Premier League titles. Something I've been reminding United fans of ever since. Looks like that prediction is down to 6 of the next 8 and very probably 5 of the next 7. I'll be very interested to see how they cope with my being proven right.


*Yes, I realise that most of the away fans who get to the front of the queue for tickets are indeed Mancs.

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My take on it is that Saints fans have never been hugely proactive in terms of vocal support. We tend to rely on the team to give us something to get excited about, rather than vice versa.


Some people will doubtless quote Newcastle at home in 1995 when we scored 3 in the last 5 minutes after the tannoy announcement for the Archers to sit down, and 1 or 2 others from over the years. But in general we are "sing when we're winning" types.


Thought our support was poor yesterday. But the game didn't help.

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Only time I heard our lot was when Lambert went off.


Guess they didn't see him harassing the referee to award a penalty for the Targett incident.


Clearly the actions of a player both keen and confident of taking a penalty. Can't help thinking some of our players would try looking the other way if we were awarded one judging by the way they want to stroke it towards the keeper. JWP , for all his other limitations, has probably taken our most convincing penalty since Lambert left, and he's probably behind Tadic and Rodriguez in the order..

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Possible reasons:


1. Less player songs as fewer fans favourites in the squad versus the Adkins/Poch days.


2. Bit of a funny season in that we seem likely to be worse than last year but in no danger of relegation. Just a bit flat allround?


Just about sums it up for me.


We've yet to firm up our new cult heroes as we had in L1, suspect VVD will become one.


As for yesterday, something on the pitch to get enthusiastic about would have helped.

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A wall of silence from the 2700 Saints fans yesterday. Incredibly frustrating when we were on top (if not performing brilliantly), and some real vocal support could have made a difference.


Other than Midtjylland at home, I make that every single game this season that we have been out sung by the opposition and, like yesterday, that hasn't been because the opposition fans are particularly loud.


It seems over the last couple of seasons that while numbers travelling have gone up, the amount of chanting has gone well down. Not great at home either, and Man Utd fans will embarrass us next Sunday (as per).


What can be done about it?


Utter krap. Sorry.


For the first 20 minutes of the coverage of the game here on BeIn Sports something went wrong with the Commentary, In fact we were expecting it to be in Arabic and then boom it was in English.


In those first 20 minutes the ONLY sound coming from the TV were our fans singing.


I have no idea where you were sat, or how TV had put their microphones but the support was as good as ever at an Away game.


Our fans sang all game, we heard it even once we had commentary, and the SRL stuff was commented on as being "unusual and impressive"


Apologies for popping on and stating some facts. you can now go back to being the moaning forum.

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I watched the game on Sky Sports 1 and out supporters were loud and clear for most of the game. I cannot accept criticism of the away supporters when they do a magnificent job and the players constantly make reference to how much it helps their morale. I reckon the guy who posted this thread must have lost his sense of hearing due to an overindulgence of alcohol.


Disgusted, like often, how the likes of Saint Charlie jumped on the topic bandwagon instead of showing some support for our away fans who do a magnificent job every away game.

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A wall of silence from the 2700 Saints fans yesterday. Incredibly frustrating when we were on top (if not performing brilliantly), and some real vocal support could have made a difference.


Other than Midtjylland at home, I make that every single game this season that we have been out sung by the opposition and, like yesterday, that hasn't been because the opposition fans are particularly loud.


It seems over the last couple of seasons that while numbers travelling have gone up, the amount of chanting has gone well down. Not great at home either, and Man Utd fans will embarrass us next Sunday (as per).


What can be done about it?


Somebody starting up the Woolston Ferry song like they did at Arnhem away - totally brilliant!!

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At the start of the game on Fox Sports the only fans you could hear was ours... Unsure if TV has the mics in the right spot or what but the fans came over nice and clear.



Only time I heard our lot was when Lambert went off.


Guess they didn't see him harassing the referee to award a penalty for the Targett incident.



Was it him the actually grabbed the Ref ? I could be wrong but it looked like someone actually grabbed him and I thought that was a big no-no

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