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I'm currently completing my Sport Business Masters; my topic of research is attendance demand for league football.


Why in 2014/15 did the Premier League have an average seasonal attendance of 36,176 and League 2 only have 4,679? It's the same game right?


Please could you kindly fill in my short questionnaire, which is very easy to fill in, and help me explain what factors influence attendance.





Thanks in advance. Your help is greatly appreciated.



Jimmy Law


All done


I'm afraid ,out of my replies were 'not a factor' I go if and when I can, always have.


Only question I really struggled with was- are you more likely to watch a hom or away game on TV ? For us it's a case of watching what you are given. Maybe a ' doesn't matter' option could be added


Good luck bud, interested in the results when you get them

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