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Heal Well Florin


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How long's he out for then?

I know some people regard him as a flop but I think he was a shrewd signing. Put in tremendous performances away to Arsenal and particularly United, coming on for Toby after 16 minutes and all of us fearing the worst before having Rooney in his back pocket. £7million might seem a lot and a bit of a waste but for a CB who you can trust to stand in up against anyone it might not be that much after all.

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Bad news, hope he recovers well and as soon as possible.


Replacing Toby is now becoming a crisis.


Is running out of milk also a crisis? Still have plenty of time left in the transfer window and probably have several targets lined up.


Should be able to sign a permanent cb and a loan in that time (I'd want Zouma on loan)

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A "crisis" would be starting the season without any CHs but by my count we still have 5 who could play there. Still there are always some who will make a mountain out of a molehill. Apparently we were looking to bring in one anyway and RK says maybe that will be two now so perhaps one on loan? Not quite meltdown material just yet.

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I think probably one centre back would suffice with Stephens, McCarthy and Turnbull starting to feature in and around the first team. I suspect a late signing from Celtic but we'll see.


Sad news for Florin and it sounds a nasty injury. Let's hope he makes a full and speedy recovery. Best of luck mate....

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Bad news, hope he recovers well and as soon as possible.


Replacing Toby is now becoming a crisis.


This is a crisis. A large crisis. In fact, if you got a moment, it's a twelve-story crisis with a magnificent entrance hall, carpeting throughout, 24-hour portage, and an enormous sign on the roof, saying 'This Is a Large Crisis'

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The 4th choice CB will play quite a number of games over the season, especially if we play in Europe.


Remember when Hooiveld was fourth choice and we lost pretty much every time he played?


If Koeman thinks Stephens is good enough to play PL matches in a key position and not be targeted as a weak link then brilliant, great to have another young player in the team.


But if he thinks he isn't ready for that then we need two CBs.

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This is a crisis. A large crisis. In fact, if you got a moment, it's a twelve-story crisis with a magnificent entrance hall, carpeting throughout, 24-hour portage, and an enormous sign on the roof, saying 'This Is a Large Crisis'



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The 4th choice CB will play quite a number of games over the season, especially if we play in Europe.


Remember when Hooiveld was fourth choice and we lost pretty much every time he played?


If Koeman thinks Stephens is good enough to play PL matches in a key position and not be targeted as a weak link then brilliant, great to have another young player in the team.


But if he thinks he isn't ready for that then we need two CBs.


Yep, all the headcount b*llocks from SOG doesnt hide the fact we are lacking quality in that department.


I wasnt convinced by Stephens or Turnbull when I saw them against Leipzig.

Edited by alpine_saint
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Bad news, hope he recovers well and as soon as possible.


Replacing Toby is now becoming a crisis.


A "crisis" would be starting the season without any CHs but by my count we still have 5 who could play there. Still there are always some who will make a mountain out of a molehill. Apparently we were looking to bring in one anyway and RK says maybe that will be two now so perhaps one on loan? Not quite meltdown material just yet.


Not sure if that was intentional in your reply to alpine_saint ..... but I see what you did there :toppa:

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He had a mixed first season with us and was a bit inconsistent in his performances. But he has the makings of a good defender and I can see him hopefully following a similar path to Yoshida, who similarly was unreliable at first but in time grew in confidence. This injury is obviously a bigsetback but at 26, time should still be on his side.

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