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But this is interesting, from a Jewish socialist group (you know, the ones you right wingers, throughout history have automatically associated socialism with):




Not half as interesting as a Jewish socialist group that's actually affiliated to the Labour party.




In their words:


We view Zionism as the national liberation movement of the Jewish people. Its aim is to promote "a secure, progressive, just and successful State of Israel" and believe in a two state solution.


Again, this doesn't compute with Corbynist conspiro-planks.


And you might ask yourself how long you can sweep Corbynism's Jew-hating under the carpet. If you're really interested in defeating the Conservatives and rendering Labour electable, I suggest you might want to actually confront a loon so close to Corbyn effectively saying that the Hitler of Mein Kampf was some kind of pragmatic politician - as if of course everyone knows those damned Jews are the problem so wouldn't be nice to chuck them out of the country humanely.


Your insinuations of a Tory plot rather bizarrely ignore that it was Livingstone himself who volunteered more evidence of his frankly crackpot views - I highly doubt he'd have done the Tories' bidding.


Livingstone should now slope off, and if he wishes to pursue his bizarre, Labour-wrecking agenda he should form a new party. Perhaps called, after his new bestie, the Naz Party.

Posted (edited)
Not half as interesting as a Jewish socialist group that's actually affiliated to the Labour party.




In their words:




Again, this doesn't compute with Corbynist conspiro-planks.


And you might ask yourself how long you can sweep Corbynism's Jew-hating under the carpet. If you're really interested in defeating the Conservatives and rendering Labour electable, I suggest you might want to actually confront a loon so close to Corbyn effectively saying that the Hitler of Mein Kampf was some kind of pragmatic politician - as if of course everyone knows those damned Jews are the problem so wouldn't be nice to chuck them out of the country humanely.


Your insinuations of a Tory plot rather bizarrely ignore that it was Livingstone himself who volunteered more evidence of his frankly crackpot views - I highly doubt he'd have done the Tories' bidding.


Livingstone should now slope off, and if he wishes to pursue his bizarre, Labour-wrecking agenda he should form a new party. Perhaps called, after his new bestie, the Naz Party.


The question I would ask of the affiliated Jewish socialist party is who are they affiliated to, the likes of Lord Sugar and the blue labourites? Because this seems more internal (with the conservative party cheering wildly) The polls also don't seem to suggest Corbyn and his gang aren't "wrecking" Labour though.


Also, I've just read that website; it's the mouthpiece of the Israeli government.

Edited by Hockey_saint
The question I would ask of the affiliated Jewish socialist party is who are they affiliated to, the likes of Lord Sugar and the blue labourites? Because this seems more internal (with the conservative party cheering wildly) The polls also don't seem to suggest Corbyn and his gang aren't "wrecking" Labour though.


Also, I've just read that website; it's the mouthpiece of the Israeli government.


The answers to your questions are that the Jewish Labour Movement is obviously not associated with Lord Sugar (careful with your stereotypes!) because Sugar is not a member of the Labour party. I think you're also confusing Blue Labourism with Blairism. They are absolutely not the same. The architect of Blue Labour, Maurice Glasman, was a close ally of Ed Miliband. It's also utter nonsense to describe the JLM as a "mouthpiece of the Israeli government". I'd be curious to know why you think a longstanding socialist organisation would endorse Netanyahu.


The Jewish Labour Movement has been with the affiliated with the Labour party since 1920 - that is, for almost a hundred years and for almost three decades before the creation of the Jewish state itself. It is also affiliated with Havoda (the Labour party in Israel) and, please note, the World Labour Zionist Organisation. It has a long and proud history of Labour party activism.


So if you want to have fun driving Corbynists bonkers, just remind them - or educate them - that Zionism is not restricted as an ideology to the rabid settler movement or political extremists like Netanyahu. The reason it infuriates Corbynists is because they are suddenly revealed as the exact mirror image of right wing racist scumbags - left wing racist scumbags, if you will. Chuck in their propensity to indulge in conspiracy theories and you have a complete set for the Posturing Left Bigot.


Livingstone is a beacon for PLBs. So is Corbyn. Livingstone 'minimises' his taxes by running his appearance and speech fees through a personal 'services' company, and a good proportion of those fees are from organisations like Press TV, the Iranian, virulently anti-Jewish state propaganda organ. Corbyn is a fan of speaking to Russia Today, the state propaganda organ of Vladimir Putin - who is currently killing far more Middle Eastern Arabs than were killed during the recent war in Gaza. Corbynist PLBs love Putin, and fondly quote Russia Today (or RT) as gospel.


PLBs won't take kindly to your calling their racist scumbaggery out. That doesn't alter the fact that the vast majority of Jews in Israel - and a very large proportion of Jews elsewhere - are Zionist in their belief in the right to exist of the Jewish state. So to be anti-Zionist is to be to all intents and purposes anti-Jewish.


People campaigning for change should go the opposite way to the racist scumbags among the Corbynists. They should embrace Zionism - reclaim it more loudly from the settlers and rabid right-wing politicians.


You can do that by joining organisations like the New Israel Fund which fights for equal rights - religious, civil and political - for all Israeli citizens regardless of religious identity. Or there's the Alliance for Middle East Peace, a joint Israeli/Palestinian campaigning group. Both organisations recognise the basic Zionist tenet of the right of Israel to exist. And both are highly active in constructing a peaceful path in Israel and Palestine, via versions of the two-step solution.


Compare and contrast the Corbynists' embrace of the Islamist fanatics in Hamas (Corbynists will never allow themselves to condemn Hamas's indiscriminate and deliberately provocative rockets), and their platform-sharing with Holocaust deniers and supports of Islamist violence.


So give it a go - and tell the PLBs and conspiro-planks among the Corbynists to go **** themselves. John Mann them.

Posted (edited)



I think he's right. I also think this is nothing more than the Blairites feeble attempt to oust Corbyn. It does seem the people making the issue of this are usually conservative voters or would be any way..I mean come on (and I did mention I'm technically Jewish right?) a Tory London Mayoral candidate called Goldsmith who's currently losing out to a muslim candidate and this happens? coincidence? I think not.


Also, Lord Sugar is nothing but a scummy mouthpiece who should hand back his title as he clearly doesn't understand what Labour are about.

Edited by Hockey_saint


I think he's right. I also think this is nothing more than the Blairites feeble attempt to oust Corbyn. It does seem the people making the issue of this are usually conservative voters or would be any way..I mean come on (and I did mention I'm technically Jewish right?) a Tory London Mayoral candidate called Goldsmith who's currently losing out to a muslim candidate and this happens? coincidence? I think not.


Also, Lord Sugar is nothing but a scummy mouthpiece who should hand back his title as he clearly doesn't understand what Labour are about.


I'm afraid I have no idea why you're so fixated on Alan Sugar. He's not a member of the Labour party and he has no relationship with the Labour-affiliated Jewish Labour Movement.


As for your/Livingstone's conspiracy theory that it's a Blairist/Tory plot to discredit Corbyn, would those Blair-Tories include John McDonnell, who said today he "wished Ken Livingstone would have apologised for the offence he's caused"? Would they include Isaac Herzog, the leader of the Israeli Labour Party, who said he was "appalled and outraged" by Livingstone's and other Jew-hating Corbynist comments, and who described Livingstone himself as "beyond hope of redemption"?


I know Livingstone - and presumably you - likes to make a distinction between the honourable cause of opposing Zionism and the hate crime of Jew-bashing, but there's really no such clear-cut distinction. David Aaronovitch in The Times today gives a neat summary history of "Anti-Zionism". It began in the early 1950s with Stalin, whose paranoid fantasies included one that Jews in the Soviet Bloc were "hijacking communism". The charge of anti-Zionism - that is, of being Jewish - was enough to earn a death sentence. This idea of "anti-Zionists" being Jewish plotters against the revolution (sound familiar?) was taken up in Britain by a Trotskyist cult known as the WRP. The WRP was financed by oppressive Arab regimes, including Gaddafi. With this Arab backing, the WRP started an argument that radiated out into other fringe leftist groupings in the UK, that Zionism was somehow associated with Nazism, and that therefore the Zionist state, as a fascist state, should be destroyed. Those views are now essentially mainstream within the Corbynist hierarchy.


The absurd lengths to which Corbynists adopt this argument is illustrated by a story in The New Statesman this week about Corbyn's top press advisor Suemas Milne. Milne is so enamoured of the cause that after a trip to Lebanon in the 1980s he returned to Britain "wearing a Mao jacket and talking with a fake Palestinian accent."


Where the "anti-Zionism" of the Corbynist left meets the Jew-hating of the fascist right is in Livingstone's comments and quotations. The book he cites, Lenni Brenner's "Zionism in the Age of Dictators", is regarded by historians who specialise in the period as hate-filled garbage. That's if they've heard of it at all - so far is it outside the academic mainstream. According to the historian Thomas Weber, Brenner's book "is mostly celebrated either by the extreme left or the neo-Nazi right."


The idea in particular that "Hitler was a Zionist" flies in the face of so many basic facts, not least of which is the passing of the so-called Nuremberg laws in 1935, which implemented Hitler's racial theories and, most importantly rendered all Jews in Germany stateless. Those laws were passed ten years after the publication of Mein Kampf - hardly a text of pragmatic or interdenominational tolerance ("...the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew.")


So much for Livingstone's "pragmatic" Hitler "before he went mad".


One fantasy let loose by Livingstone's remarks is that the Jews needn't have set up a homeland in Palestine - it was merely "one of many options". This argument is drawn directly from Nazi propaganda in the 1930s. It led to plans to ship Jews en masse to Madagascar. Other plans included shipping them to Uganda. I've read one or two Corbynist dimwits arguing that there's nothing in Zionism itself that actually claims that the Jewish homeland had to be in Palestine - just that it had to be "somewhere". This is weirdly stupid, but sinisterly echoes the Nazis' Jews-to-Madagascar plan.


To be clear, the word "Zion" is a direct reference, in Hebrew, to Jerusalem. Zionism is and always has been about the establishment of a Jewish homeland in the historic land of Israel. Zionism manifested itself in some of the great socialist experiments of the mid-20th century, in the form of the kibbutz movement. Left-Zionism continues in strength to this day, and opposes (obviously) the settler movement, the far-right Netanyahu wing and all destinations even further to the Israeli right.


Zionism is upheld by almost all Jews in Israel. It is also a core belief among the majority of the world's Jewry. So to be "anti-Zionist" is to all intents and purposes to be "anti-Jewish". But the Corbynist variant of Jew-hating goes one step further by adopting the arguments of the Stalinist purges to demean and condemn Jews. This is the virus that is inextricably linked to Corbynism. It can't be excised from Corbynism but it is an essential part of it.


You choose whether you want to be a part of that.


So you don't...at all....find the timing of this all a little "iffy"? What Livingston said, whilst factually, in a lot of ways, correct (in that the Nazis did indeed actively seek to transport the Jewish people to Palestine for a time), his timing was awful. it also depends, do you believe the treatment of the Palestinians is justified and correct?


I mean, I could argue that clearly you are a stereotypical right-wing football fan who'll believe any nonsense that the right wing media spout but then that'd be as easy as spouting nonsense like "these corbyistas" and stuff like that when, in honesty, most of them are just fed up with the left aping the right wing conservative party...whilst obviously forgetting that Rupert Murdoch owns a fair number of them and are never going to be impartial but buy their nonsense by the shedload.


But, I personally like the UN's definition of Zionism (quite obviously very different to actually just being Jewish....as most people would know):


You're aware that the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution that designated Zionism as "a form of racism and racial discrimination". The resolution was repealed in 1991 by replacing Resolution 3379 with United Nations General Assembly Resolution 46/86. Within the context of the Arab–Israeli conflict, but Zionism is viewed by critics as a system that fosters apartheid and racism.


Does that sound particulaly like "just being Jewish" to you or does it explicitly imply that to be Jewish, you have to be racist? No, I'm sorry, the two are very different things.


Sounds more like propaganda to me...but carry on using it to your own ends.

So you don't...at all....find the timing of this all a little "iffy"? What Livingston said, whilst factually, in a lot of ways, correct (in that the Nazis did indeed actively seek to transport the Jewish people to Palestine for a time), his timing was awful. it also depends, do you believe the treatment of the Palestinians is justified and correct?


I mean, I could argue that clearly you are a stereotypical right-wing football fan who'll believe any nonsense that the right wing media spout but then that'd be as easy as spouting nonsense like "these corbyistas" and stuff like that when, in honesty, most of them are just fed up with the left aping the right wing conservative party...whilst obviously forgetting that Rupert Murdoch owns a fair number of them and are never going to be impartial but buy their nonsense by the shedload.


But, I personally like the UN's definition of Zionism (quite obviously very different to actually just being Jewish....as most people would know):


You're aware that the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution that designated Zionism as "a form of racism and racial discrimination". The resolution was repealed in 1991 by replacing Resolution 3379 with United Nations General Assembly Resolution 46/86. Within the context of the Arab–Israeli conflict, but Zionism is viewed by critics as a system that fosters apartheid and racism.


Does that sound particulaly like "just being Jewish" to you or does it explicitly imply that to be Jewish, you have to be racist? No, I'm sorry, the two are very different things.


Sounds more like propaganda to me...but carry on using it to your own ends.

If it's factually correct why do no historians agree with him apart from an American Marxist writer?

So why are Corbyn and Miliband friends then?


Ah, that old get-out - "But some of my best friends are..."


Actually Ken Livingstone has the antisemitic answer to this: in his view it's possible to hate every Jew in Israel but not every Jew elsewhere - and that means he's not a Jew hater.


It depends what you want. Do you want to attack injustices and abuses against Palestinians? Or do you want to virtue-signal your moral superiority about these injustices?


By labelling every violent act by Israel "Zionist" you're also labelling and alienating large numbers of Jews who hold to the Zionist ideal but who also oppose - and protest against - these acts. The Corbynist Jew-hating virtue signals do their own small part to perpetuate the violence, not address it.


So for the Corbynist hard-of-thinking grandstanders - why not condemn the act, drop the label, and build support among moderate Jews - almost all of whom support the Zionist goal - against violence directed at Palestinians?


Sadly it'll never happen for the simple reason that Corbynists revel in their Jew-hating and can't wait to spit out "Zionist" - or "Zio", a new favourite expression hurled at British Jews - at every opportunity that Netanyahu has given them. It also won't happen because Corbynism is yet another brand of left-sectarianism, dedicated to purity of thought rather than against effective action. (No wonder the discredited and appalling old UN resolution about Zionism = racism is dragged into this - the most divisive piece of virtue signalling).


And CB - that is a brilliant piece of writing from the Labour teacher. Game, set and match against the Corbynist conspiro-planks.

If it's factually correct why do no historians agree with him apart from an American Marxist writer?


He's factually correct in the sense that for all be it a short period, before the war, the Nazis did indeed seek to send the German Jews to Palestine.....That is a fact....for a very short period of time that is so it's the same with most of history, it can be stretched.

Ah, that old get-out - "But some of my best friends are..."


Actually Ken Livingstone has the antisemitic answer to this: in his view it's possible to hate every Jew in Israel but not every Jew elsewhere - and that means he's not a Jew hater.


It depends what you want. Do you want to attack injustices and abuses against Palestinians? Or do you want to virtue-signal your moral superiority about these injustices?


By labelling every violent act by Israel "Zionist" you're also labelling and alienating large numbers of Jews who hold to the Zionist ideal but who also oppose - and protest against - these acts. The Corbynist Jew-hating virtue signals do their own small part to perpetuate the violence, not address it.


So for the Corbynist hard-of-thinking grandstanders - why not condemn the act, drop the label, and build support among moderate Jews - almost all of whom support the Zionist goal - against violence directed at Palestinians?


Sadly it'll never happen for the simple reason that Corbynists revel in their Jew-hating and can't wait to spit out "Zionist" - or "Zio", a new favourite expression hurled at British Jews - at every opportunity that Netanyahu has given them. It also won't happen because Corbynism is yet another brand of left-sectarianism, dedicated to purity of thought rather than against effective action. (No wonder the discredited and appalling old UN resolution about Zionism = racism is dragged into this - the most divisive piece of virtue signalling).


And CB - that is a brilliant piece of writing from the Labour teacher. Game, set and match against the Corbynist conspiro-planks.

- I call BS on that one, but again, you are clearly a stereotypical right wing football fan.


Stereotyping though eh Verbal? "these Corbynist conspiro-planks" You are just as bad as they are. I do like the idea of the conservatives using anti-semitism to beat down the labour party, who come from a doctrine created by Karl Marx...kinda like Labour beating down the conservatives for slating elitist, democracy-hating uber rich white men.


Labour is an anti-racist party to its core and has a long and proud history of standing against racism, including anti-semitism. I have campaigned against racism all my life and the Jewish community has been at the heart of the Labour Party and progressive politics in Britain for more than a hundred years.


We have taken decisive action over allegations of anti-semitism since I became leader, suspending all those involved from membership, and have set up an inquiry under Baroness Royall into reports of anti-semitism in the Oxford University Labour club and elsewhere.


I am now proposing to Labour’s National Executive Committee that it adopts a code of conduct on anti-semitism and other forms of racism, and establishing an inquiry into tackling anti-semitism and other forms of racism under the former director of Liberty Shami Chakrabarti.


There is no place for anti-semitism or any form of racism in the Labour Party, or anywhere in society, and we will make sure that our party is a welcoming home to members of all communities.

No bias there whatsoever. Personally I'd be more upset about Lenny Henry's performance.

Seeing as they get complaints from the right for being too left wing and complaints from the left for being too right wing its probably fair to either call the BBC pretty neutral or to accept that they know the majority of the UK is centrist.



Some helpful quote from the comments section under that video:


Zionism is all about world domination! It is clear that Israel wants to rule the world!


Zionists control governments through their control of the mass media and financial institutions and thus control of the p̶u̶p̶p̶e̶t̶s̶ politicians.


Rothschilds, who also own Israel, and many, many other world banks, and global corporations. Zionist, murdering, evil, overlords, that along with the Rockerfellers and their ilk, make up the 1% that own everything and everyone on the planet.


I've noticed that the Jews have exploited anti Muslim sentiment to bolster their own position. Their influence is becoming as vicious and demanding as it is in the USA. Enjoy world war three and the end of Europe as white homeland people.


Not being racist, but being a person living in Britain, it makes ALLOT of sense that the way of "Life" is thoroughly influenced by the greed of the Jew. (Greed is universal in all nationalities & is found within every human being, though greed & Dominion seem to be a corrupted ethnic trait commonly prevalent in Jewish peoples, & can be found to be factual all throughout history from Old Testament [ Genesis ] [ Exodus ] right up to the Capitalistic "high cultures" in 2016.)



Etc., etc. The Zionist=Dirty Jew label has well and truly stuck. The Corbynist cultists may not have invented it, but they play in the same same sandpit. In this, there is no difference between the extreme left and the neo-Nazi right. Hence Naz Shah's "transportation of Jews", or Oxford Corbynists hissing "Zio" at Jews, or Livingstone invoking Hitler "before he went mad" to justify Naz Shah's Jew-hating post. Again, etc., etc.


Gotta love The Big Question; the arguing going on there between Jewish people suggests to me that no one is going to win here. I do like the woman who defends here comment about Hitler by saying "It's ok, I'm jewish, I'd be on the trains too"...Well I've been to the Holocaust museum in DC and seen a child's brain (with my condition, Hydrocephalus) cut in half and experimented on so I assume that'd make it ok for me too then? because it doesn't.



This is a beautifully written piece.


It's subject is relevant here, but it's sentiment is apt for any number of threads where the myopic and idiotic weave half facts and aimless conjecture to create hateful conspiracies.


I know I'm wasting my time with the dins on here, but a good read anyway.


Din/Dinlo/w - Romany/gypsy word meaning slow, retarded, insane, stupid. CB Fry in double standard shocker. Hypo will be upset.

Posted (edited)
Din/Dinlo/w - Romany/gypsy word meaning slow, retarded, insane, stupid. CB Fry in double standard shocker. Hypo will be upset.


Er, no. You've got the double standards.

I'm quite happy to dish out a bit of abuse and always have been. Happy to receive it too.


It's you giving it the holier than thou act then mocking people because you think they're austic, yet more proof positive that you're a nasty piece of work.


I'm consistent all the way down the line - you're the shape shifting hypocrite sunshine. And, as said previously, a fu cking imbecile.

Edited by CB Fry


This is a beautifully written piece.


It's subject is relevant here, but it's sentiment is apt for any number of threads where the myopic and idiotic weave half facts and aimless conjecture to create hateful conspiracies.


I know I'm wasting my time with the dins on here, but a good read anyway.


The comment about supporters spamming everyone withWikipedia page for Haarvara agreement. Our own Johnnyboy was at first saying was unaware and interesting and in the next breath posting said Wikipedia page.

Din/Dinlo/w - Romany/gypsy word meaning slow, retarded, insane, stupid. CB Fry in double standard shocker. Hypo will be upset.


Getting a little obsessed old boy

Getting a little obsessed old boy


Not really obsessed Whelk, just want to redress the balance. Mr Fry seems to have a big issue with others mentioning mental health issues but feels free to do so himself at any opportunity.

Not really obsessed Whelk, just want to redress the balance. Mr Fry seems to have a big issue with others mentioning mental health issues but feels free to do so himself at any opportunity.


It's just you. No one else. Just you. We've been over this multiple times. We all know you have no problem mocking people who you think are autistic because you're a hateful hypocritical sh ithouse.

The comment about supporters spamming everyone withWikipedia page for Haarvara agreement. Our own Johnnyboy was at first saying was unaware and interesting and in the next breath posting said Wikipedia page.


Um, first you are getting your usernames mixed up. Second there was a gap of about the time it takes to read and digest said Wikipedia page.


Well done on uncovering myself as part of some wicked, hateful leftist conspiracy taking over Saintsweb forum threads. Lol.

Um, first you are getting your usernames mixed up. Second there was a gap of about the time it takes to read and digest said Wikipedia page.


Well done on uncovering myself as part of some wicked, hateful leftist conspiracy taking over Saintsweb forum threads. Lol.


Yes your clever Wikipedia page proved Hitler was a Zionist. Conclusive. Them the facts.


I see Len McClusky hit the nail on the head when he said he finds it disgusting that elements of the press and the conservative party who backed fascism and the Nazi party in the '30s against the Labour party who fought on the cobbles of Cable street against it and are now in some perverse manner being accused of antisemitism.


The exact quote is as follows:


""It's disgraceful that a Conservative Party and the rightwing press, The Times, The Telegraph, The Daily Mail, the very people who supported elements of the establishment and the aristocracy in the 30's and supported Hitler while the progressive left were out on the cobbled stones of Cable Street, fighting against Moseley's Blackshirts and where we in the Labour Party and the left have a magnificent history of challenging anti-semitism and racism, which is why we attracted huge numbers of the Jewish community to our Party. And now we're being preached to by the cynics who say nothing about Zac Goldsmith's and Lynton Crosby's despicable racist campaign against Sadiq Khan."

It's just you. No one else. Just you. We've been over this multiple times. We all know you have no problem mocking people who you think are autistic because you're a hateful hypocritical sh ithouse.


Box of frogs. Swivel eyes. Dinlow. Need I go on? You are a grade A hypocrite.


Mocking people? Who are these people? I asked Hypo if he had a couple of conditions but feel free to show where I mocked him. Also feel free to show where I have "mocked" other people who I think are autistic. The wonderful and superior CB Fry gets it wrong again.

Yes your clever Wikipedia page proved Hitler was a Zionist. Conclusive. Them the facts.


No but I'd never heard of this agreement that was signed with the Nazis. As I said, "interesting."


Foreign Office, November 2nd,1917

Dear Lord Rothschild,

I have much pleasure in conveying to you on behalf of His Majesty's Government the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations, which has been submitted to and approved by the Cabinet:

"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

I should be grateful if you would bring this Declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

Yours sincerely,

Arthur James Balfour


I see Corbyn's trying to take attention away from the Hitler arguments by being pictured amongst a back drop of communist flags and Stalin portraits ...


It's certainly a tactic, probably not a good tactic, but still a tactic none the less.


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

Foreign Office, November 2nd,1917

Dear Lord Rothschild,

I have much pleasure in conveying to you on behalf of His Majesty's Government the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations, which has been submitted to and approved by the Cabinet:

"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

I should be grateful if you would bring this Declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

Yours sincerely,

Arthur James Balfour


I think you should consider the context of that as anyone who's seen Laurence of Arabia will tell you, whilst it was a good thing (the Balfour agreement) in general, in that it basically allowed Canada, New Zealand and Australia to eventually become nations in themselves, we'd already signed and pledged to honour an agreement to set up an Arab Palestine so you could say that this is pretty much Arthur Balfour and the British government's fault anyhow.

I see Corbyn's trying to take attention away from the Hitler arguments by being pictured amongst a back drop of communist flags and Stalin portraits ...


It's certainly a tactic, probably not a good tactic, but still a tactic none the less.


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk


Ah, the old "we're fighting communism" argument that right wingers use to justify themselves....Ian Douglas Smith did that during the Bush war. (although he did once or twice let slip his actual thoughts).

Ah, the old "we're fighting communism" argument that right wingers use to justify themselves....Ian Douglas Smith did that during the Bush war. (although he did once or twice let slip his actual thoughts).


We're not fighting communism.... Who's left to fight? With Cuba starting to embrace a sensible way of doing things there's only a few countries left to gain sanity.

We're not fighting communism.... Who's left to fight? With Cuba starting to embrace a sensible way of doing things there's only a few countries left to gain sanity.


Well, like communism, unions have pretty much been muzzled.....So what are you afraid of?


By "sensible" I suppose you mean privatising everything and making everything much more expensive? I mean, communism was an ideal, an ideal that most "sensible" people, you'd assume would understand and get behind but I suppose it never really panned out that way since nutcases always seemed to take over the asylum but really it does confuse me, if what you say is true, why is the mention of communism always gets mentioned in a "red under the bed" kinda way, they're dying out, can't hurt your profits anymore...or is it that you just need an opposite view point in capitalism to beat down?

Box of frogs. Swivel eyes. Dinlow. Need I go on? You are a grade A hypocrite.


Mocking people? Who are these people? I asked Hypo if he had a couple of conditions but feel free to show where I mocked him. Also feel free to show where I have "mocked" other people who I think are autistic. The wonderful and superior CB Fry gets it wrong again.


Not hypocritical at all, as I said in my previous post we have gone over this multiple, multiple times. You're just spectactularly thick that's all.


You want to accuse people of being autistic multiple times to score forum points you lose the opportunity to be offended by the phrase "box of frogs" you total fu cking imbecile.


Yes, sorry everyone, not on topic but SOG is a moron and always worth mentioning it.


Corbyn has been crystal clear in being against antisemitism, not sure why people think it's his fault that a few nobheads in Labour have been talking ******.


I can see why many on the left despise Israel though, their treatment of Palestinians has bordered on inhuman, plus their links to the USA is also going to be a factor.

Corbyn has been crystal clear in being against antisemitism, not sure why people think it's his fault that a few nobheads in Labour have been talking ******.


I can see why many on the left despise Israel though, their treatment of Palestinians has bordered on inhuman, plus their links to the USA is also going to be a factor.


I think to everyone knows except die hard right-wingers that Labour owe a hell of a lot to people of the Jewish faith and frankly, it's kinda disgusting that the conservatives and right wing elements are trying to use hatred of that very group of people to discredit Labour. I suppose the lefties could try to smear the right with hatred of non-democratic, self-serving, empire-loving, black-shirt-praising, animal hunting, toffee-nosed scumbags but then....that's what everyone should be doing.


Best thing for the Labour Party would be that this sorry episode leads to Corbyn resigning or getting the boot.


Then, maybe, there can be some real Opposition taking this odious Government to task.

I see Len McClusky hit the nail on the head when he said he finds it disgusting that elements of the press and the conservative party who backed fascism and the Nazi party in the '30s against the Labour party who fought on the cobbles of Cable street against it and are now in some perverse manner being accused of antisemitism.


The exact quote is as follows:


""It's disgraceful that a Conservative Party and the rightwing press, The Times, The Telegraph, The Daily Mail, the very people who supported elements of the establishment and the aristocracy in the 30's and supported Hitler while the progressive left were out on the cobbled stones of Cable Street, fighting against Moseley's Blackshirts and where we in the Labour Party and the left have a magnificent history of challenging anti-semitism and racism, which is why we attracted huge numbers of the Jewish community to our Party. And now we're being preached to by the cynics who say nothing about Zac Goldsmith's and Lynton Crosby's despicable racist campaign against Sadiq Khan."


I'd think that most of those involved in the 30s are dead now. McClusky, in my opinion, is not a friend of the working man. Before I get accused of being a rabid right-winger, I've voted Labour all my life, and been a Union member for over 20 years.

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