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One wonders just how many "Sotonians" are actually Sotonians. I'd think that over half of the posters on these forums actually aren't. Now Saintsweb well that's about Saints but a Sotonian is a very precise thing, ie someone from Southampton, I mean you don't get so many Old Tauntonians who went to St Annes now do you.


I wonder how many Freemasons are actually stone masons and how many of the Grand Order of Water buffaloes were actually Water Buffaloes rather than cartoon cavemen. ;)


Sounds like you're wasting your time wondering about things of no great importance then....:rolleyes::rolleyes:


I honestly don't know if this is a whoosh moment or not! :?

Although one of the mods on here is, shall we say over zealous and sensitive, having strops like teenage girls when someone says something he doesn't like, it's better than it used to be. I remember the days when infractions were dished out like confetti. The best reason being for 'stupid or pointless comments' you could make a case for 90% of the stuff on here falling under that category.


The greatest infraction of all time was when I got one for 'stamping on people's dreams' by saying we would never be a regular champions league club, whilst we were in league one! :lol:

This will never be surpassed; a truly wonderful and incredible infraction. It should have had a lifetime term, never to expire, just so that everyone could always share in the the posterity. Whenever I hear the word "infraction" I will always think first of that.

Dunno what the problem is. Us expats are so far away from any action or tales in the pub that unless we had a mate with a mate at or around the club we never got any snippets or links.

In the past year there hasn't been any great actual "discussions" on TSW because the team have been playing so well and we've all been enjoying the ride. The only valid comments we can ever give are in match threads (because we have been able to watch the game on TV) or stating our position on Stadium Expansion, strength of the sides in Cup Competitions etc.


That is not going to change, even though it gets really boring when the same people keep shouting down any opinion that isn't theirs. The only time we're going to have any inputs is when we wake up 3 hours ahead of you lot and see a scoop in the press, but then Saint Armstrong has robots or whatever doing that 24x7 anyway.


There is actually NOTHING football related to talk about for people who don't need to say the same thing 10 times a day. We need a keeper, right back, Djurkic or a replacement to cover Tadic and probably replacements for Cyne & Morgan. But we don't need to keep saying that PLUS we don't know asmuch as the geniuses on TSW who have THE opinion on every footballer who ever played/plays the game. I trust Les & his team to be doing their research more than a poster on here (where was Juanmi's name on Redslo's list of strikers btw? ;)


There is nothing much to talk about until noon today. And you certainly could not make a light hearted comment about Saints on the main forum on here "as it's football innit"

The two sites aren't competing, they are complementary. Hopefully both will bring more fans into the realm of forums so we can actually hear some NEW opinions rather than the regular cut & paste BS


Ramadan Kareem everyone


Good post.

Posted (edited)
Good post.


Why not tell some of the gloating smug users over on the other site that they aren't competing. You have back slappers saying what an Unbelievable forum they have after a month! And people analysing posts from the muppet show and the lounge for goodness sake :lol:

Edited by hypochondriac
Why not tell some of the gloating smug users over on the other site that they aren't competing. You have back slappers saying what an Unbelievable forum they have after a month! And people analysing posts from the muppet show and the lounge for goodness sake :lol:


People may say some unpleasant things about you, Hypo, but I do think it's really nice that you care.

Why not tell some of the gloating smug users over on the other site that they aren't competing. You have back slappers saying what an Unbelievable forum they have after a month! And people analysing posts from the muppet show and the lounge for goodness sake :lol:


Get over it you big f*cking baby.

Why not tell some of the gloating smug users over on the other site that they aren't competing. You have back slappers saying what an Unbelievable forum they have after a month! And people analysing posts from the muppet show and the lounge for goodness sake [emoji38]

It's okay, it can still get interesting.


Emperor Pap starting to lose it now, he's writing his greatest forum contributor award acceptance speech. He turned the lounge around he did. (Does slow handed clap).


And he's used the phrase "running with a crew" to describe people posting on a forum. Arf.


And a "bullying PM clique" whatever the hell that is. I hope he means me. Because I've had about 30 PMs in nigh on a decade on this forum, and Saintlee/LifeLongSaint during the Paul Allen years account for about half of them. I've actually sent far less than that, as SOGGY and SaintRichmond and other assorted tw ats can testify after they've PMed me whiny ass sh it with no reply.


I've never wanted PMs from anyone and have never initiated a single PM conversation with anyone on this forum. Never.


But PM clique me up. Clique me right up.

It's okay, it can still get interesting.


Emperor Pap starting to lose it now, he's writing his greatest forum contributor award acceptance speech. He turned the lounge around he did. (Does slow handed clap).


And he's used the phrase "running with a crew" to describe people posting on a forum. Arf.


And a "bullying PM clique" whatever the hell that is. I hope he means me. Because I've had about 30 PMs in nigh on a decade on this forum, and Saintlee/LifeLongSaint during the Paul Allen years account for about half of them. I've actually sent far less than that, as SOGGY and SaintRichmond and other assorted tw ats can testify after they've PMed me whiny ass sh it with no reply.


I've never wanted PMs from anyone and have never initiated a single PM conversation with anyone on this forum. Never.


But PM clique me up. Clique me right up.


That's just what someone who is in a pm clique would say. You have a pm...

Why not tell some of the gloating smug users over on the other site that they aren't competing. You have back slappers saying what an Unbelievable forum they have after a month! And people analysing posts from the muppet show and the lounge for goodness sake :lol:


A tad obsessed, aren't you? Darn right weird.


Now I know why I only read the football part of either forum. (And yes, I know reading this thread contradicts that but I just clinked on a link to get here out of curiosity. And I only read about 40 posts here before jumping to the end.)

Posted (edited)
It's okay, it can still get interesting.


Emperor Pap starting to lose it now, he's writing his greatest forum contributor award acceptance speech. He turned the lounge around he did. (Does slow handed clap).


And he's used the phrase "running with a crew" to describe people posting on a forum. Arf.


And a "bullying PM clique" whatever the hell that is. I hope he means me. Because I've had about 30 PMs in nigh on a decade on this forum, and Saintlee/LifeLongSaint during the Paul Allen years account for about half of them. I've actually sent far less than that, as SOGGY and SaintRichmond and other assorted tw ats can testify after they've PMed me whiny ass sh it with no reply.


I've never wanted PMs from anyone and have never initiated a single PM conversation with anyone on this forum. Never.


But PM clique me up. Clique me right up.


You really are a strange individual. You and your like are one of the reasons people stop posting or leave.

Edited by sadoldgit
You really are a strange individual. You and your like or one of the reasons people stop posting or leave.


Your post is two sentences and one non-sequitur, Git. It is Fry's edgy oddness that people like and admire (not so much the more mainstream stuff about which you complain though, truth be told).


I don't know how many times I have to say this: WE DON"T DO NICE.

Your post is two sentences and one non-sequitur, Git. It is Fry's edgy oddness that people like and admire (not so much the more mainstream stuff about which you complain though, truth be told).


I don't know how many times I have to say this: WE DON"T DO NICE.


That is a shame Verbal. It doesn't have to be nice but it also doesn't have to be nasty. We are all supposed to share a common interest but the way some of the posters on here treat others you would think they are members of ISIS. I would also take issue with you about Fry. Some might like his style but there are plenty who just think he is a jumped up t*sser with an over inflated opinion of himself.

Your post is two sentences and one non-sequitur, Git. It is Fry's edgy oddness that people like and admire (not so much the more mainstream stuff about which you complain though, truth be told).


I don't know how many times I have to say this: WE DON"T DO NICE.


You've left a 'some' out somewhere.

You really are a strange individual. You and your like or one of the reasons people stop posting or leave.

I do love a "None of the good posters post on here any more and you can see why" statement. Top work.

I do love a "None of the good posters post on here any more and you can see why" statement. Top work.


To be fair, the main reason I rarely post any more is due to CB Fry. A most unpleasant individual.


Some of you will say his work is successfully completed mind...

To be fair, the main reason I rarely post any more is due to CB Fry. A most unpleasant individual.


Some of you will say his work is successfully completed mind...


:lol: come on now Jeff. I thought you had a stronger backbone than that. All cb Fry does is point out wheb someone has made a tool of themselves on here. It's not hos fault that that happens all the time.

:lol: come on now Jeff. I thought you had a stronger backbone than that. All cb Fry does is point out wheb someone has made a tool of themselves on here. It's not hos fault that that happens all the time.


What he doesn't realise is when he is being made to look a tool himself. Sometimes it's like taking candy from a baby, you shouldn't do it but you just can't help yourself.


The world would be a poorer place without his sort.

Posted (edited)
I do love a "None of the good posters post on here any more and you can see why" statement. Top work.


I didn't say "good" Kraken, I said "you and your like are one of the reasons people stop posting or leave." (not meaning you personally by the way!)

Edited by sadoldgit

You've got to admire the arrogance of Fry. Way too important to respond to PMs. Or is it the typical bully mentality? Can dish it out but can't take it?

Those people are wimps and the forum is better off without them.



“Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee.”

Posted (edited)
:lol: come on now Jeff. I thought you had a stronger backbone than that. All cb Fry does is point out wheb someone has made a tool of themselves on here. It's not hos fault that that happens all the time.


Have to agree to disagree on this Hypo.


To be fair, its not just CB Fry, there a number of these types of individuals on this forum, and spent their time just throwing out insults and lies about me. I always said that once my Ignore list was more than 5 deep, I'd cut back or join another forum. It seems that I've done both, although I am disappointed at not being able to ignore certain individuals on papsweb.

Edited by Unbelievable Jeff

Apparently I am a "tool."


The reason I am a "tool" is because I have posted certain things on an internet forum that mark me out by the "tool police" as being a "tool."


An example of one of these posts is where I said I thought that the Sainsbury's Xmas ad was in bad taste as I didn't think they should be using the Xmas truth in WW1 to sell groceries.


A recent example is where I started a post saying that I felt that we were a million miles away from CL football having just watched the final. Now I didn't think this was unreasonable given that, for the last couple of years there has been a lot of talk on here about us and CL football. I am not really bothered about CL football myself. I don't see it as the Holy Grail but I can see why clubs aspire to it. Having not watched any CL football for some time I sat through the Barcelona v Juve game. As someone on that thread said, watching that level of performance was a reality check for me in terms of where we currently are in terms of competing at that level. I said as much here and The Usual Suspects were straight on it with their usual childish remarks (it really is like being back in the school playground on here sometimes with the school bullies trying to make themselves look bigger by belittling others).


The more reasonable posters saw the thread for what it was and made reasonable comments and the school bullies did what they usually do. Nothing new there. It happens every day. For me though it is just getting so tiresome. I'm not just talking about me. I am just one of many who get jumped on. I even went on another site hoping that things would be different but they are turning up there too. There is no hiding place!


Like most I come on here to get the latest news about my football team, to read what people think about that news and to add to the discussion. I don't come on here to spend hours dealing with people with personality disorders and who clearly come on here to make themselves feel better by having a pop at others. But that is what happens. You get dragged down to their level before you know it. Like others I have some posters on ignore but you still end up seeing their posts in quotes. Like UJ I am of the opinion that when you start to get a lot of people on ignore is there any point in being here?


On a positive note it is good to see that there are others who don't appreciate the downside of this forum. Perhaps the groundswell will grow and things will change. I hope so. It is time us "tools" stood up to be counted!

Hmm. Might be worth resigning and going over to the other forum then rather than harping on about how bad this one is.


I see you are one of the most prolific posters over there Hypo!

Apparently I am a "tool."


The reason I am a "tool" is because I have posted certain things on an internet forum that mark me out by the "tool police" as being a "tool."


An example of one of these posts is where I said I thought that the Sainsbury's Xmas ad was in bad taste as I didn't think they should be using the Xmas truth in WW1 to sell groceries.


A recent example is where I started a post saying that I felt that we were a million miles away from CL football having just watched the final. Now I didn't think this was unreasonable given that, for the last couple of years there has been a lot of talk on here about us and CL football. I am not really bothered about CL football myself. I don't see it as the Holy Grail but I can see why clubs aspire to it. Having not watched any CL football for some time I sat through the Barcelona v Juve game. As someone on that thread said, watching that level of performance was a reality check for me in terms of where we currently are in terms of competing at that level. I said as much here and The Usual Suspects were straight on it with their usual childish remarks (it really is like being back in the school playground on here sometimes with the school bullies trying to make themselves look bigger by belittling others).


The more reasonable posters saw the thread for what it was and made reasonable comments and the school bullies did what they usually do. Nothing new there. It happens every day. For me though it is just getting so tiresome. I'm not just talking about me. I am just one of many who get jumped on. I even went on another site hoping that things would be different but they are turning up there too. There is no hiding place!


Like most I come on here to get the latest news about my football team, to read what people think about that news and to add to the discussion. I don't come on here to spend hours dealing with people with personality disorders and who clearly come on here to make themselves feel better by having a pop at others. But that is what happens. You get dragged down to their level before you know it. Like others I have some posters on ignore but you still end up seeing their posts in quotes. Like UJ I am of the opinion that when you start to get a lot of people on ignore is there any point in being here?


On a positive note it is good to see that there are others who don't appreciate the downside of this forum. Perhaps the groundswell will grow and things will change. I hope so. It is time us "tools" stood up to be counted!


That must have taken you a long time to write. It must have really got to you...

Apparently I am a "tool."


The reason I am a "tool" is because I have posted certain things on an internet forum that mark me out by the "tool police" as being a "tool."


An example of one of these posts is where I said I thought that the Sainsbury's Xmas ad was in bad taste as I didn't think they should be using the Xmas truth in WW1 to sell groceries.


A recent example is where I started a post saying that I felt that we were a million miles away from CL football having just watched the final. Now I didn't think this was unreasonable given that, for the last couple of years there has been a lot of talk on here about us and CL football. I am not really bothered about CL football myself. I don't see it as the Holy Grail but I can see why clubs aspire to it. Having not watched any CL football for some time I sat through the Barcelona v Juve game. As someone on that thread said, watching that level of performance was a reality check for me in terms of where we currently are in terms of competing at that level. I said as much here and The Usual Suspects were straight on it with their usual childish remarks (it really is like being back in the school playground on here sometimes with the school bullies trying to make themselves look bigger by belittling others).


The more reasonable posters saw the thread for what it was and made reasonable comments and the school bullies did what they usually do. Nothing new there. It happens every day. For me though it is just getting so tiresome. I'm not just talking about me. I am just one of many who get jumped on. I even went on another site hoping that things would be different but they are turning up there too. There is no hiding place!


Like most I come on here to get the latest news about my football team, to read what people think about that news and to add to the discussion. I don't come on here to spend hours dealing with people with personality disorders and who clearly come on here to make themselves feel better by having a pop at others. But that is what happens. You get dragged down to their level before you know it. Like others I have some posters on ignore but you still end up seeing their posts in quotes. Like UJ I am of the opinion that when you start to get a lot of people on ignore is there any point in being here?


On a positive note it is good to see that there are others who don't appreciate the downside of this forum. Perhaps the groundswell will grow and things will change. I hope so. It is time us "tools" stood up to be counted!


You said we were a million miles away from WINNING the UCL as if it was some amazing revelation to us all and you got, rightly, mocked for it.


Some weak willed folk on here. Take this advice from our colonial cousins.

Posted (edited)
You said we were a million miles away from WINNING the UCL as if it was some amazing revelation to us all and you got, rightly, mocked for it.


Some weak willed folk on here. Take this advice from our colonial cousins.


What I actually said was "Watching the final last night it occurred to me just how far we are away from the quality needed to be anywhere near winning the trophy".


Not exactly the same is it but then when should accuracy get in the way of a good forum kicking?

Edited by sadoldgit
What I actually said was "Watching the final last night it occurred to me just how far we are away from the quality needed to be anywhere near winning the trophy.


Not exactly the same is it but then when should accuracy get in the way of a good forum kicking?


And yet still you go on about it! It sounds like it has done you seem real psychological harm. I would have a little break from the forum if I were you.

No not really. I am more concerned about the people who need to go out of their way to find something to rail against, bless them.


I would worry more about your deep seated need to scurry to other forums to wail that the nasty posters on here were mean to you and then writing paragraphs justifying yourself to faceless posters who most likely just sit and chuckle at the effort you have gone to for something so meaningless.

I would worry more about your deep seated need to scurry to other forums to wail that the nasty posters on here were mean to you and then writing paragraphs justifying yourself to faceless posters who most likely just sit and chuckle at the effort you have gone to for something so meaningless.


Now now, Hypo, I'm sure you've got enough patients already without looking for more ;)

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