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Bournemouth vs Ipswich


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Neither side look good enough to stay up. Burnley are miles better than either and struggling. Whatever, the top three of the Championship will for sure be bottom three all season and ensure that Saints stay up next year come what may.


Newly promoted teams are allowed to buy new players in the summer and January. The 2011/12 Championship promotion winning Saints side wasn't good enough to stay up, but we signed players.

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Newly promoted teams are allowed to buy new players in the summer and January. The 2011/12 Championship promotion winning Saints side wasn't good enough to stay up, but we signed players.


According to transfermarkt, Burnley only spent about 11 million pounds this season. http://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/fc-burnley/transfers/verein/1132/saison_id/2014


Leicester only spent around 20 million pounds, nearly half of it on Andrej Kramaric in January. http://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/leicester-city/transfers/verein/1003/saison_id/2014


QPR, on the other hand, spent over 40 million pounds but clearly not on the right players. http://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/queens-park-rangers/transfers/verein/1039/saison_id/2014


I think the critical element is the willingness of ownership to spend, the ability of management to spend wisely, and the existence of players on the newly promoted club that were ready to play at the Premier League level. We were lucky enough to have 7 premier league caliber players already on our roster when we were promoted. (Shaw, Fonte, Cork, Schneiderlin, Puncheon, Lallana, and Lambert). Our ownership was willing to spend 35 million and not much of it was wasted. (Even Ramirez was helpful during our first season.) Given FFP and the limits imposed by other circumstances (stadium size, for example) Bournemouth will have difficulty doing as well. Very likely they will not have 30 million to spend this summer.

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Bialkowski had a great game in goal for Ipswich...I found myself wishing he was still at Saints as a deputy for Fraser!


Yes. I wish he was our back up rather than Kelvin for the last 8 games. Paid a high price for that game where a tame shot managed to elude him into the net....was it against Arsenal?

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Not sure he ever played for us against any Premiership side. He made several howlers against Blackpool in our Championship promotion season.



another was in a game (forgotten which) he hung a brightly-coloured towel in the back of the net, and the opposition's striker hit it directly when he scored.


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another was in a game (forgotten which) he hung a brightly-coloured towel in the back of the net, and the opposition's striker hit it directly when he scored.



In subsequent games did he hang it way off to the outside of the goal?

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Be great if they go up!


Agreed. My family settled in Bournemouth 12 years ago after my Dad left the Army and they've always been my 'second team'. It's been great to watch their progress over the last few years.


It will be interesting to have a couple of games next season with a bit of added local spice - nothing like THE Derby ofcourse but a local Derby nonetheless.

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If they don't get automatic they won't come up in the playoffs imo , Not that I'm bothered couldn't care less if they came up , pokey little ground and fans that try to start a rivalry every time we play them!

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