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Is your new shtick simply to follow me around the board, either replying to my posts or to posts about me? It's odd because up until a couple of weeks ago I didn't have clue who you were. Maybe you do it for attention?


Given how personal you always get with other posters, I'm quite enjoying JB turning the tables on you.


(See Whelk, that wasn't so nice!)



Please. Keep regaling us with quotes from your political heroine.


They mean so much. Why wouldn't we listen to a woman that had no problem with paedos in her government, and tried five times, against advice, to get Jimmy Savile knighted? (she succeeded in the end).


See, the problem with this quote, and I suspect many others, is that its self-justifying tosh served up by an evil c**t, who as it goes, was so compromised herself that she was surrounded by child rapists and did nowt about it.


I think you learn a lot more about what people are "really" like by seeing what they would post on an internet forum, thinking they can get away with it, than by how they would act in public in real life. If somebody seems unpleasant on here, I think it's fair to assume that they probably are quite unpleasant, despite how they might act in front of others.

I think you learn a lot more about what people are "really" like by seeing what they would post on an internet forum, thinking they can get away with it, than by how they would act in public in real life. If somebody seems unpleasant on here, I think it's fair to assume that they probably are quite unpleasant, despite how they might act in front of others.


The nice people are winning!

I think you learn a lot more about what people are "really" like by seeing what they would post on an internet forum, thinking they can get away with it, than by how they would act in public in real life. If somebody seems unpleasant on here, I think it's fair to assume that they probably are quite unpleasant, despite how they might act in front of others.


More likely they realise that calling someone an idiot on here is in no way the same as saying it to someone you have a real relationship with offline.

I think you learn a lot more about what people are "really" like by seeing what they would post on an internet forum, thinking they can get away with it, than by how they would act in public in real life. If somebody seems unpleasant on here, I think it's fair to assume that they probably are quite unpleasant, despite how they might act in front of others.


I think it's the opposite in all honesty.

More likely they realise that calling someone an idiot on here is in no way the same as saying it to someone you have a real relationship with offline.


Exactly, that fits with what I said. Whereas in the outside world you would filter your comments and hold back, meaning we wouldn't see the whole truth about you, on here you will just let the unpleasantness flow out freely. What comes out on here, without the same filters, tells us a lot more.


I see you've managed to get your follicles under a bit of control since I last spoke to you!!


I'm great - back in Amsterdam after a few years travelling; life good with you? You disappeared from here for a while? Full of kids nowadays...!!


I think that forums do strip away a certain amount of social conventions; but, on the other hand, most, like this one, do impose rules by which posters have to abide. Failure to do so can result in a complete ban, which, I suppose could be argued, is a harsher punishment than can be inflicted in the 'real' world. Also, there is a certain amount of 'self-policing', by which I mean, posters rounding on people they deem to be out of order.


Therefore, I think the question as to whether or not someone's 'true' nature is revealed more clearly on either a forum or the 'real' world is a complex one.

I think that forums do strip away a certain amount of social conventions; but, on the other hand, most, like this one, do impose rules by which posters have to abide. Failure to do so can result in a complete ban, which, I suppose could be argued, is a harsher punishment than can be inflicted in the 'real' world. Also, there is a certain amount of 'self-policing', by which I mean, posters rounding on people they deem to be out of order.


Therefore, I think the question as to whether or not someone's 'true' nature is revealed more clearly on either a forum or the 'real' world is a complex one.


More tribal and primitive on here really.


Never knew your devotion went this far, trousers.


What she did on record was bad enough. What we know now is even worse.


One Thatcher quote is unfortunate. Two more on top is f**king clueless. Just like Thatcher, you're willing to look the other way.

I think it's the opposite in all honesty.


I think it's highly likely posters on here have a more complex and complimentary take on you than you give them credit for Jeff.

Would you say the same for yourself?


I don't know, I wouldn't want to presume it. Only one way to find out....Do you have a more complex and complimentary take on me than I give you credit for?

I see you've managed to get your follicles under a bit of control since I last spoke to you!!


I'm great - back in Amsterdam after a few years travelling; life good with you? You disappeared from here for a while? Full of kids nowadays...!!


Yep, those new hedge trimmers I purchased are amazing !


Had a thing called work to do but I've got that under control so I'm back :D

I'd like to think I'm the same on here as I am in real life. I don't take myself too seriously, can take banter as well as dish it out, am a kind person but have terrible rage when I'm driving !!


I always have an image of you as the Skate version of West Ham Lass, who used to get her norks out on the internet every time the Hammers won.


Confucious he say, if you are a **** in real life you will probably come across as a **** on Saintsweb. :)


I think we could ask the same question about how people behave in a football ground as part of a crowd.


I'm fairly sensible on the street but if Kevin Friend denies us one more blatant penalty I will go effing mental at him.

And that would be an interesting video - see a film of yourself at a game and see how many times it makes you wince....


So I guess your forum persona could also be your SMS persona, respected businessmen in the week, looney on matchdays - though the abuse chucked out on here at times would get you banned if you tried it at a game!


It can be nice on occasions to hide behind a user name, I could do without clients reading my posts - but you still have to accept responsibility for what you say so it's not a licence to abuse.

I'm not sure I've ever fully ripped into anyone on here (Ho apart), I just keep a black book of those who've had a pop at me.... :)


The best use of the anonymity for me is meeting some infamous semi-celeb people at events and thinking, god, if only he knew the stuff that the mad fuc£er RB has written about him!

But the tip I would give any newcomer is, think before you type, then think again - the late night pretentious drunken rant about hankie waving, player exodus, never going again or manager sacking looks less like a good idea when dug up a few months later, even if you are hiding behind a user name.


People who assume they are 'nice' are often just insincere irritants.


Being polite and civil to avoid conflict does not equate to being a good person.

I always have an image of you as the Skate version of West Ham Lass, who used to get her norks out on the internet every time the Hammers won.


Nope, just at football matches..........

People who assume they are 'nice' are often just insincere irritants.


Being polite and civil to avoid conflict does not equate to being a good person.


I don't avoid conflict on here. I just don't go looking for it with every post. Or generate fake conflict by being offensive to people.


Quit trolling, Whelk.

So then stop. Be nice - it's much more rewarding.


TBH age probably makes me less tolerant but do you assume I am not nice from my posts?


I have quite a responsible job managing more than 80 staff. I coudlnt be doing that successfully without being aware of behaviours and rewards.......and being nice at times!

I don't avoid conflict on here. I just don't go looking for it with every post. Or generate fake conflict by being offensive to people.


Quit trolling, Whelk.


Hey who was saying that that was you? I should become a therapist.

Hey who was saying that that was you? I should become a therapist.


You bugger. I was just about to post the obvious response to your original post, then saw you'd edited it before I could hit the post button!

I'm at work, so I can't follow your link. But given how much you respond to my posts, I think you really do like me, but you're just not emotionally mature enough to admit it. :)


He's going to start throwing stuff at you and tripping you up soon...

TBH age probably makes me less tolerant but do you assume I am not nice from my posts?


I have quite a responsible job managing more than 80 staff. I coudlnt be doing that successfully without being aware of behaviours and rewards.......and being nice at times!


I just take you as you come Whelk...

But you're leaving your man, KRG, out to dry...I suppose loyalty is more of a 'man' thing ;)


I don't care if you accuse me of judging you - I just like you better when you're funny!! ;)

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