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They should be ok, because all the stuff Back Henry Street said about the Oyston bros was definitely true.*


* Not really, just trolling stevegrant!


What's the worst that can happen tho, football forum's are Limited Company yeah? So even if they lose, worse that happens is they have to wind the forum down. No chance of BHS's stevegrant losing his house or nothing, is there? Or is there? Either way Oystons is **** and you can quote me on that :thumbup:

I'm more amazed that the bloke who runs the Blackpool forum has made more than a million posts.


:scared: In 3 years? What is the maths on that, I make it 1000 posts per day, that can't be right, can it?


913 posts per day - based on three full years of 365 days and exactly 1 million posts.


That would be 38 posts per hour - based on 24 hours per day...


That's dedicated nutjobbery that not even trousers could compete with!




Not sure what they hope to acheive, but this is getting linked around several Championship club discussion boards.


Mind you, some of the publicly made comments are also to be found on certain walls of the school that KOKO's sons attended.


( Living and working in Blackpool, in an office with several ST holders, and fomerly working at Bloomfield Road, I have a passing interest in proceedings ).

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